Addresses issue where telemetry data couldn't be uploaded using UTC because of networking environments that prevent access to the necessary CRL servers.
Addresses issue where telemetry data couldn't be uploaded using UTC because of networking environments that prevent access to the necessary CRL servers.
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ive seen people talking online about how windows is trying to add an AI to windows, i dont know if its true or not but i had a funny idea: your on windows with AI in it, you try to install malwarebytes the AI says "im sorry sir but that progam bypasses my security, all you need is me and windows firewall"
Hahaha, this is pretty funny. There are a lot of people with mild autism who need their gaymes but dislike the spying. Now it will be harder for them to keep using Windows.
2018 is the Year of the OpenBSD Desktop.
Hardened GNU/Hurd with Gentoo/Slackware level customization and OpenBSD filesystem when.
My fucking sides
Top Kek.
I laughed out loud when I read this.
Hey now, don't laugh. It has only taken 35 years for the HURD to reach a barely-functional and incomplete alpha state. I'm sure in another 35 years, they'll be ready for 1.0, then in another 20 years, tops, they'll be able to implement a solid security model that will merit the name Hardened GNU/Hurd. The year 2073 is just around the corner!
illumos ZFS or bust
OP, why the fuck were you reading Windows patch notes to begin with?
To be that edgy athiest, it's like what they say about the bible. Easiest way to prevent yourself submitting to MicroSoft is to read all the shit they blatently admit to doing.
sounds like a pitiful existence tbh
Windows master race suck it Linux LUsers
Why do you think i'm on Holla Forums
I can't tip hard enough at this
fug i'm retarded
cant wait to share my porn with them
But Windows 10 already does uninstall random programs it doesn't like when it is updated, doesn't it.
amazing bugfix, freetards btfo
Windows has the best dev tools tho. You gotta propagate them before Microsoft eats it.
Top fucking kek, Pajeet.
cucked again
they just like round up thousands of indian children and make them eat nothing but beans and milk so they fart, and then they make them fart into pressurized jars so they can capture the gas and then they take these pressurized fart jars back to america so they can open them up over specialized keyboards made in china, so the indian kid fart jar gas will waft over the keyboard and produce really shitty c++ code that windows uses for its operating system
Windows will "break" if you do that.