(((Studio Interference)))

Cool World would have been very different than what we know, and chances are that we will never see Bakshi's vision. Really makes you think.
What other examples of movies butchered by studio interference do you know, Holla Forums?


I'm just sad that we won't see the horror movie Bakshi envisioned. All because of (((their))) fault.

So, Son of Zorn is the script original for Crude World?

Knowing we'll never get something like this scene animated ever again makes me really sad.

Also, this is ultimate proof that 2D is superior to 3D.

The original concept sounds boring.

I only limit myself to Jessica Rabbit and Holli Would, user.

Nothing stops the man from doing a copycat version of his vision and do it again

Bakshi is a liar, blowhard, and piece of shit Christ killer. Go watch some of the commentary on the Ren and Stimpy DVDs to learn a little more about this fucking kike.


I know next to nothing about the man, I only care about the original concept. Elaborate, user.

This short "Malcom And Melvin" is bretty gud tbqh fam.

John Kthe guy that made Ren and Stimpy used to work for Bakshi. The fire chief character from Ren and Stimpy and a few of the incidents he caused are based on actual shit Bakshi did. Basically the guy is this huge piece of shit who lies about everything, steals other peoples ideas and work, blames every fuck up he makes on others, tries to physically intimidate or outright assualt any one that calls him on his bullshit, threatens to sue constantly, and is a lazy piece of shit kike. I have seen a few videos on youtube in the past when I was looking into him. Every animator I could find who admitted to working with him says he pulls the same shit all the time. It would not surprise me in the least if this is him pulling shit out of his ass to cover his involvement in Cool World.

I am on my phone and bandwidth is shit so I can't confirm, but I believe this is one of John K.'s rants.

The writers hated this Warner's design so much that you can hear they bitching about it in all the episodes

Pretty interesting indeed, wasn't aware of that. Also, these 2 short films for Hanna-Barbera in the mid '90s are supposed to be darker but H-N also heavily edited them and as a result, he disavows them.

I still think they're pretty cool, but it really makes you think.

I know this feel, for a lot of movies…

Get some taste.

A maisie thread is better than this.

Damn, I remember this.

Is it just me, or does John K's art style get worse and worse as the years go by?

I think he looked at the CalArts shit that is making money for people who are in essence propagandists and thought,
And kinda gave up. Ripping friends was essential the edge of the plateau for him. His online stuff was innovative. He was able to write to all ages. He developed a unique style influenced by reimaging old styles. He has a kind of autistic respect for his craft. He is a socially maladusted Canadian slav basically. No use fighting with it he may as well pretend to work if they are going to pretend they are paying him.



This video is heaping praise on him. I don't think you get it really. Bakshi had to be nuts to get stuff like Fritz the Cat and Coonskin made, but they're innovative classics. You're going to have to point out specific examples of Bakshi being a liar, because I'm not buying it. He obviously had a lot of people trying to shut down his movies and went through a lot of shit.

Man I do not give a fuck. I was going somewhere with this shitposting and I got off the rails.

At least we have professional and focused shitposters who actually admit they are having fun

I genuinely enjoy it.

Anti 2D fags confirmed for being maisiefags. Some of you are probably cuck posters too.

Why is this webm so perfect?

Because you were never part of either /a/ or /wx/'s intensive encoding threads that went on for months ironing out optimal encoding for any given file size or format.

I hope you enjoy being a fucking casual.

Yes, nothing is better than enjoying things for free. Truly a bliss.

You feast on our table scraps. I have gigabytes of dankly encoded memes. The rarest of anikino, the most BLACKED bitches, the purest kino moments.

None of which you will ever see. I am autism, hear me roar.

>>/reddit/. We dont accept your kind.

Oh so you do know about our secret area of video quality. Let me assure you there is no Elitist Superstructure. The purpose of the nonexistent Elitist Superstructure is not to suppress an organization where sites whose owners believe in the eventual symbiosis between the various communities around the globe are its "members" (not "affiliates", as "affiliation" carries a connotation that some find unpleasant).

Why even live

t. >>>/a/

>>>Holla Forums
Back off fucko, this is weeb country.

I got to work on mastering the audio for Suicide Squad. Me and 16 other coworkers managed to compress nearly 90% of the film's audio down from over 43TB. Then WB executives and narcissistic producers stepped in and demanded reshoots. Nearly 30% of the footage we had mastered was now scrapped and being reshot to add a lighter tone that the new editors could work with. Fucked over just about everyone in post production and Dave Ayer.

Bullshit. Prove it.


Weebs and waifus would not exist if it wasn't for horny American animators like the Fleischer bros and Tex Avery creating characters like Betty Boop and Red Hot Riding Hood.

tell me more. this is intredasting.

It makes me wonder if mental illness is a prerequisite for making great art.



He wasn't good because a lot of people aped his style.


i do don't worry

Money and potential copyright lawsuits do.
If he handed over his original script it probably means the studio still owns it and will fuck his ass if he tries to do anything remotely similar to it.

There are people who don't enjoy shitposting?
Even on the rare occasion something makes me genuinely angry I can think it through for a second, stop being a mad faggot, and laugh about it.
I can't imagine being perpetually angry about a bunch of fags posting dumb shit on imageboards.

As a counterpoint, every post I read here pisses me off. (Including this one).

Yeah I was lying to piss you off and now I'm pissed off because you responded tbh.


Nuclear, is that you?

She was going to be the first Disney Princess with a nude scene

but then (((katzenberg))) stepped in and cut out anything he perceived to be inappropriate from the movie against the wishes of the animators

Aren't the Jews the ones who are usually promoting pedo-bait?

I like how to this very day (((Disney))) is adamant in pretending this one particular movie never happened.
Best princess

This one picture alone is a piece of art work. The movie is forgettable trash (which is extremely sad) but this one picture says a thousand words.

Pic in is from "Sword in the Stone" not "The Black Cauldron".

I agree though that the Princess Eilonwy is a qt.

It really wasn't the best movie to be honest. The pacing was weird, the voice acting was lackluster, and the main character was pretty unlikable. Best princess tho.

No thanks to a neurotic kike who just waltzed into the studio one day, and started editing the fuck out of the movie on his own.

From what we know I believe he only edited two scenes, though that could be wrong.

I honestly think this was more of a test film than anything trying to get the animators used to new animation techniques and technology at the time while producing something.

maybe he kept the film reels to himself

did you miss the part about lots of footage being cut out

the scene with the faeries used to make a lot more sense, but it was like 10 minutes long. It was trimmed to like nothing in the final movie

you have no free will or thoughts everything you think has been placed there by ((((others))) telling you how to think and feel and act

jews made the psychology, the papers, the news, the courts, the laws and chris hansen

Paramount had an animation division?

Shame, she is a qt.

What exactly are you getting at? I mean I'm not one of those moral fags who only finds girls attractive if they're above the (((age of consent))) but I find it hard to believe that the same (((people))) who promote degeneracy in every expect of our lives, would also be against such a scene.

>(((age of consent)))
Nice try, Chaim.

It wasn't just (((the producers))) that messed with the movie, although it's a very significant point, it was also Kim Basinger, who wanted it to be kid's film. (this was 3 years before her daughter was born, recent pic related).

Cool world was an amazing idea.

Though it's kinda funny how much he went out of his way to sabotage the film, telling animators to add whatever they'd like to the parts they were supposed to hand in, leading to all of the disjointed random doodling in the movie. Parts of it feel like an animation made by a chan.

and disney won't even acknowledge her existence

no merch, no dolls to cum on, etc


2D isn't 3D, you fag

She's too good for this world

what if anime was real?

Twin Peaks season 2.

Shitty movie but the soundtrack was quite good iirc.

Original concept sounds really weird and interesting but even if Bakshi had his way it probably would have been poorly-executed like a lot of his other movies.

maybe it's time to commission something

See, Western cartoons actually have some sex appeal.

*used to have

Isn't that shit where everyone copy and paste with their shit fetish?

It would be paradise!

You just stole this webm straight off of youtube lmaooo quit making shit up!


No shit you autistic chucklefuck? What clued you in? Was it the absolute shitposts I made to follow up on it? You spergler faggots need to stay on Holla Forumsmblr until your capable oc running with the BIG DAWGS

She was the original waifu of gaming.