As it turns out, Tommy Wiseau is a genius and The Room is one of the greatest conservative/red-pilled movies ever made. According to Conservapedia,
As it turns out, Tommy Wiseau is a genius and The Room is one of the greatest conservative/red-pilled movies ever made. According to Conservapedia,
Oh hi Mark.
To be frank, Johnny should have shot Mark and Lisa instead of an heroing in front of people that ended up not caring.
I'm glad I found you guys so long ago now.
Old highschool me would see this as evidence that the 'right' must be mentally deficient.
It's more or less confirmed that Wiseau came to America as an illegal immigrant. Will Trump send him back?
Really? He doesn't look like a burrito eater to me.
He's from eastern europe or something.
That doesn't count.
An illegal is an illegal, is it not?
White people are not illegals Chaim.
I don't think Trump sees it that way. Meme as we may, Trump isn't actually a racist. He just wants the laws of his country to be properly enforced.
I'm sure he's french.
Wiseau isn't a real French name. He made it up.
All words are made up.
Ya but it was hilariously shit.
Then how come we can't create a language from scratch? Language is something god gave us. niggers tired making their own language, but could only do clicks n oogabooga cuz they're not godly
The letter W doesn't even really exist in French. Wiseau comes from Oiseau, meaning bird. Tommy chose that name after he got a job selling toy birds for some Cajun types when he first came to America.
Because no one knows how to code so the language becomes an unoptimized mess.
Contrary to popular belief, John McCarthy is not a god.
Honestly that seems about as good a way to get a name as any. Half of my family is named for the country they presumably originally came from before they emigrated to America. The other half is named after what was presumably their profession at some point.
If every illegal immigrant was Irish, I probably wouldn't care about them.
Isn't the protagonist a beta male?
If you guys like the Room I would suggest the Disaster Artist, written by the actor who plays Mark. He knew Tommy before he made the movie and his story is simultaneously fascinating, depressing, and hilarious.
Oh and the audiobook is great because he does a really good impression of Tommy.
That level of autistic kike mental gymnastics shouldn't be possible. I think Kek has opened a door to another dimension and it's full of halfchanners who bred with Redditors and now their offspring is blogging shit like this.
What a story mark.
That movie is fucking horrible, Johnny was obviously doped out throughout filming. Acting is horrible, cinematography is horrible, dialog is porn level horrible.
Sorry, can't blame Johnny's autism on the jews, that's entirely on him.
We hate "conservatives" here nigger. Fuck your slave morality
Pick one and only one.
(((Zamenhof))) tried with Esperanto. It never really caught on, though.
Fateful Findings is probably one of the most red-pilled movies ever made actually. It's about a guy who hacks the most secret corporate and government files. It really applies to what's going on these days.
I think the two most conservative movies I can think of are the original Red Dawn I crie evertiem and Tremors. Yes, Tremors.
Didn't a large chunk of the budget for the Room go into his shady black leather jacket "business"?
The movie had a negative impact for the actress that played Lisa as people have, over the last 13 years, laughed at the idea that so many people would lust over a dog faced whore.