This is glorious. But pretty sad too…Just listen to their teacher…it's marxist nonsense brainwashing 101….How was that made possible ? all universities/schools…are infiltrated , subverted….by liberal/marxist/feminist garbage.

Other urls found in this thread:


Any idea what school this is? which teacher?

Good for him, he can think critically. Now if only the same could be said of his peers.

someone should look into that.

a glimmer of hope for our future, gents. that's the type of bantz i'd expect here

that faggot teacher can't argue and starts getting loud and emotional but then tells the student "you're getting a little upset right now"

all signs point to semitism


I think we've got a bright future ahead of us, coupled with studies which show that the generation of kids nowadays which came after the massive cancer which are millenials are allegedly more conservative than even the generation which fought in WWII.

Transcription please?
Half of this shit is impossible to comprehend


For 1 redpilled awoke person there are 50 zombies.

Oy vey! Let me get my standard American English to Hebrew translator on the line to see if I can get a free estimate on the cost of that procedure.

Dumb bitch steps in 'Woman earn 77% less' kek

Yeah, it's a typical SJW tactic, poisoning the well at the beginning of a conversation, asking why someone is so angry, or accusing someone of being emotional when they have no other recourse..

Let's find these kids and redpill them, anyone up for it?

That teacher deserves rope.

who cares this much? that kid is an an edgy faggot, arguing and spouting facts doesn't accomplish anything. doesn't mean anything.
just mental masturbation

you guys are all pretty much becoming just like thelefties

Fuck off kike.

Reminds me of when my religion teacher tried to make us believe the sandnigger god wasn't a pedophile because it was "normal" to fuck 12 year olds back then.
Most of my classmates couldn't see through her bullshit until I pointed it out either.

I'm swedish ofc

Teachers like these needs to be fucking gassed.

And Jesus lived several hundred years before Mo. That's all you need to debunk this shit. Religious leaders shouldn't be judged as common men, unless you are admitting that they have no affiliation with the divine. Religious leaders should be judged against other religious leaders, and when you compare Mo the pedophile warlord to Jesus the celibate hippy faggot, Islam comes out looking inexcusably barbaric.

this would have been 1 in 1000 a couple years ago

it's a debate club, what was he supposed to do retard? agree with everything they said

moral relativism truly is the cancer that will end the world without extensive chemo. If fucking children who haven't even hit puberty was fine back then because it was "normal" that means it's possible it could be fine again in the future if it becomes "normal" for our culture. Of course this is what they're aiming for.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

Listening to that "teacher" made my brain hurt. I couldn't finish it because it was just so stupid.

"Progressives" believe in one-way Whig History though.

it doesn't matter if they claimed to be divine they were just men
more like jesus "believe in me or burn in a lake of fire for the end of time" christ

I'm trying to listen to more, but all I can think of is "my children will never go to a public school"

Actually, it's Jesus 'believe in the father or perish in eternal inexistence' Christ.


Fucking glad I finished college 15 years ago and never had pay for the privilege of dealing with this level of SJW crazy…

It matters to the billions that follow them. If you have to reject the divinity of the man to defend his actions, that is a damning indictment of the religion and the billions that follow it.

More like Jesus "pacifist in this life, but trust me after you're dead shit will get real!" Christ. Or maybe Jesus "flipping tables is totally hardcore" Christ. Or Jesus "Meekness is strength, War is Peace, Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength" Christ.

Regardless, he was plainly a far less evil man than Mohammad. Anybody who defends Mohammad by appealing to the worldly traditions of his day is implicitly admitting that. Liberals can only defend Mohammad under the assumption that he was not divine.

That ending

This is our education system now days isn't it

She wouldn't source her material so you know she was lying. "SAME POSITION SAME POSITION" The three boys multiple times stated at least some of their sources.

Priceless just priceless


Hey Goldstein.

I can't even watch this cos it reminds me too much of my own high school experience - right down to the Maoist Struggle Session-like public shaming techniques. Before I learnt how to pick my battles and argue better, I was a little shit and always got into arguments with this one feminist English teacher I had back in grade 9. She'd spout the exact same pay gap shit, and made sure to point out every possible 'phallic symbol' in every text we read. Looking back, that bitch was literally the first thing in my life that ever set me on the path towards the redpill, and I distinctly remember everything 'clicking' in my mind, and how much more aware but distraught at the people around me I started to be.
Eventually I just got tired of her 'da truck is da fallick simball' shit one day and basically told her 'buildings look like dicks because vags wouldn't make for sturdy structures, if you look at a truck and see a dick then something's on your mind', and swiftly got sent to the principal's office. Although in the end I just think about how, in an alternate timeline without that one experience, I'd probably right now be just finishing 4 years of art school or some bullshit. Spooky stuff.
Moral of the story is please for the love of fuck homeschool your children guys.

Would you say your nose is LARGER or SMALLER than an apple?

18 year old high school student here, do you guys want to know my story about SJWs in public schools? I can even keep you updated with current bullshit, I got 5 months left.
Here's a little taste: My English 12 teacher came out to the class as gay, we've recently been spending the past 3 months talking about 'gender roles in literature and reality', talking about tumblr genders and how he says he'll call anyone by whatever pronoun they want, and my personal favorite from earlier today being that he went back through county-distributed sample essays and changed "History" to "Herstory" because "it's a funny thing people in the queer community do". Also pic related.

If it helps some more I can tell you for a fact that a few of my students are shit lords posting here on 8/pol/ … not all of us in education are liberal left scum.

I've noticed lots of meme lords who think being a nazi is a joke or something, like they do it ironically. But that's the first step to accepting something, mocking it. Makes it so fucking easy to redpill cause they're already open and accepting to the idea

Uh huh.

that was my thinking as well.. I help encourage the white students to be proud of who they are and their ancestry…. they can see that the system is stacked against them and why not take a trick from the leftist hand book as a teacher and nudge the student toward the right and the red pill….. I also wear all black while I give lectures… kek

Wear a maga hat, say there are two genders, pretty much any entry level bullshit will make them tick for the lulz. No point in arguing because they just use generalizations and anecdotes; there won't be any depth to it. As bezmenov would say, hes a useful idiot already been through a full generation of indoctrination and is too far down the rabbithole. Been through the same shit and the teachers will just say "oh well you will change your opinion one day"

Let them find the red pills themselves, kind of like hunting for Easter eggs.

Way more fun for the kids.

That teacher needs to be on the DotR list. Can't defend his position against the kid's logic so he calls for help from the girls in class, knowing that they'll take his side (because they've got nothing to lose and everything to gain). "You'll never get a girl (mumble mumble)." Threat of pussy-pass being revoked will unbalance just about everyone but the most red-pilled and Milo. It brought a smile to my face to see the other boys realizing what was happening and starting to push back.

I was in a similar situation, once (JADL speaker in class said shit even the most blue-pilled faggots should have caught), but this was before the advent of camera phones. The teacher, even though she knew exactly what I was talking about, got scared and let the other kids have me. Some teachers are amazing, truly amazing, but some just obviously hate children and are running out the clock until retirement while spouting sabotaging bullshit for the hell of it.

Possibly, but not necessarily. (((University)))-trained to be sure, though.

As a teacher myself that teacher is not very good at running a class.

The first rule of any class is if you do not understand a question get the student to repeat it and explain the point/position they are taking.

Never fudge your answer because students see through that bullshit fast.

Always argue from a strong position and never act like this teacher did. I teach engineering however so debates we have are all theoretical and not gender shit.

35.6 is less than 41.3


Seriously niggers?

You should tell him you are an atheist and that stalin killed millions of muslims for not giving up their pedo-god and you agree

See how he manages to bullshit his way out of that

That teacher is emotionally unstable. He acts like a crazy pundent on CNN. This is what Gen X has come to?

I am Gen X and we are not all like that thank fuck… We need to be gassing people like that.

Isn't that Holla Forums 101? That whole PsyOp post about the fact that even Holla Forums's detractors come in, get bombarded with funny pictures and nazi imagery, lose their shit and start accepting it because it's absolute truth?

doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

I have had arguments before with my English teacher and her English class. She made us do a project on racism throughout time periods, I had to do a project on the civil rights' movement.

Anyways, my teacher classmates who had to do the modern time shit talked about muh black lives matter. These were people I liked so I didn't argue with them about it, mainly because I didn't want the teacher to give them a bad grade, but when they said that Michael Brown was shot for "suspicious activity" I said "no, he was shot because he tried to kill a police officer." I later was talking to my english teacher who kept saying that there was a massive "gun problem" in the U.S. and I kept pointing out some stats. She then said there was an epidemic of racism, I just pointed out the black-on-white murder rate compared to the white-on-black murder rate and the amount of crime blacks commit, all while being only 13% of the pop. She was a Sanders supporter, so naturally none of this worked, but it was worth a shot. I also pointed some of this out to the class, but in a subtle way.

Anyways, anyone laugh when one of the girls said, at around 4:11, "you're never gonna get a girl?" That's what they always say when you argue with them. They like feeling oppressed for some reason. My sisters were like that.

I missed you, Mr. Goldstein.

This was me in HighSchool. Never had any male teachers though, had a fatass 40 year old latin teacher cat lady, an English teacher who thought that Skyscrapers were modeled after the penis as a power structure (kid you not) though.

There is always an student awkard ugly girl like the one in glasses that swallows the marxist blue pill hard. In my case, this girl was in the drama club, pretending she was Puerto Rican via some distant relative (she was a pasty tall white girl) and was in some kind of young women's state leadership club. I wish I could find her tumblr but she deleted it.

I also noticed oddly enough both she and another woman that fit her archetype did farming volunteer work, but the second one is fat and Rockabilly punk rock whereas the first one was preppy.

Anyways, there are people like this out there. He probably listens to Sargon of Cuckad now and thinks this sjw shit is nonsense, but if he's smart, he'll keep learning and get fulled redpilled in time to be a great asset in other places.

Not a single company hires only women to take advantage of this supposed pay gap.

Therefore women either do not output as much work as men, indicating a reasonable source for any gap in pay - or the gap does not exist.

How is the complete lack of anyone using women for cheaper labor not sending off alarm bells that the whole thing is bullshit.

god I remember those years. I was fucking ghost tier after arguing with the teacher about how why we should read jack london because he was an important writer and then I was officially the racist kid from 06-09

yep good thing your world is sjw free

If a man works the same amount of hours in the exact same position as a female who has also worked the same amount of hours, then on payday they should earn the same amount of money. Anything different is a matter of political policy reform and an issue of workplace discrimination.

However, just because more men work more higher-paying jobs on average than women, doesn't mean the average woman is earning less every dollar than a man. That's not how the fucking economy works, it's definitely not how mathematical statistics work, and that's not how the American dollar is distributed at the end of the week and fiscal year.

Women wanting to earn just as much as men is a matter of a lesser number of women wishing to be paid an equal amount for their jobs that require less security and health risks than the number of men working more of those jobs on average that pay for those differences, such as a technician working machinery versus a female or male filing paperwork.

If 3 men out of every 1 female works in STEM fields as opposed to 4 females out of 3 men working in the health services fields, and STEM jobs pay more per hour than most health service fields, then more men are being paid more than women being paid less. But there's no discrimination between what gender can do what. And if these roles were somehow reversed in an alternate dimension, would men complain that women are earning more per dollar than men? Yeah probably, if it meant people could be paid more for doing less.

Why is this topic still a thing?

Trump could do everything right but leave education alone and America will still fall

As time goes on the strongest die off and we are left with indoctrinated commies for youths. This has to end or America is still a ticking time bomb.

we having SJW teachers story's tread now?

i took a class in philosophy(ethics) once in college the professor i had who said he teaches
at pace U as an aesthetic professor.
first day he did mention the classic leftist terms, white privilege, and such. but the class itself was not bad, he didnt force the class to do leftist like assignments, those was mostly compare to two books like and were they differ
i.e. compare kant to mill. but the one thing that made me lose my sides in that class was when someone asked him about trump, and then he try to compare him to

adolf eichmann

yep, i just stood up from my desk and tell why that is bullshit, then he back off as if it never happen. seriously i heard of leftist comparing trump to hilter, but really?


It's not an issue of equality.
A smaller number of women earn statistically less than the greater number of men working the same job, AS A WHOLE. That doesn't mean women are being paid less, it simply means less women are working these same jobs than men. The individual earns the same, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, religion, nationality, etc.

Nice dubs.

I was part of the first wave of this insanity, back in the '90s. I even had an – I shit you not – AP Multi-Culturalism class in high school. They even gave me my own Koko the Talking Gorilla in Algebra, when I had to "tutor" the single, solitary nigger they ushered into Honors Math so it wouldn't be 100-percent white and gook. Our little collaboration ended when I realized I was 14 years old, not trained as a teacher, and hated niggers.

So I called him a nigger in class.

One beating and one suspension later, and I was free. They plugged him into a white girl in the class, after which her grades dropped like a stone. She wasn't even in the next year's honors classes. I left right after that, but I sure hope he didn't get her pregnant.

Fucking Jews.

This is literally what they teach now

Aren't skyscrapers (((modern art))) though?

I've tried to do similar things but I wish I could go as far as this guy
I'm terrible at arguing and honestly am keeping my mouth shut to an extent until I can. I have a lot to loose.

Why not?

>"He begged us, Mr. Ernst! He begged us!"
>"By the way, we're reading Lord of the Flies in English."

Zeroes all around. Worth it. Mind you, this was the late 80s. If we'd tried that shit now, we'd have been sent straight to the shrink.

Oh my fucking god this Leftie faggot talks so much. I'm a minute in and I'm contemplating not even watching. How can people stand to debate with these morons? When they're not screaming like lunatics, they're spewing so much jumbled garbage it's mind-numbing. To make a single redundant point they'll expand on every single thing they can to complicate and lengthen a retort, to the point where you want hit your head on a wall. It's like writing an entire article to convey the point that the sun is bright, when you only have to say "the sun is bright." Oh, and there's always the fine line of them sounding like they're about to have a massive emotional outburst at any second mid-way through a sentence.

Pretty much. Shit loads of people use Holla Forums. Very few are actually Nazis

Put this fucking faggot down

Unfortunately most posters are and they contribute all the retarded content.

Can't be fucked to go into it. But basically my Uni course has a marxism bit and nobody actually took the time to question this much. Like God Damn,. They literally taught us Marxist theory as fact, not hiding it or anything, this is all out in the open).
Plenty of stupid bullshit.
I would occassionally question certain things but I couldn't go as far as this kid.

What statistics support your statements?

Daily reminder that this is why we won and will keep on winning.

and to think there are people who say that it's better NOT to debate these people. They don't realise that debating them is how you win.

In a 1 on 1 setting its useless, they even walk away thinking they won the argument.

Yeah, it's a fortunate find to take a teacher's class during a time that they aren't too diluted by their own personal experiences to steer away from logical economic and social discussion as a basis for political, and public debate over issues affecting everyone, not just themselves.

I sometimes hope that I'll end up taking a class someday in the future that will grant me the opportunity to argue with either a teacher, or a class, who still believes in their own perfect utopias value over the opinions and ideas of others that don't align with their own.

Middle school for me was a heavy time during which most female teachers simply hated the boys. They hated children in general of course. But the majority of shit boys made it increasingly difficult for the majority of shit female teachers stuck in the past and living by a false ideology, like preparing for educational and social/political reform that is just taking a while to come around. And it's been decades.

I did fail junior high school English because of my final argumentative essay. Looking back, the paper was absolute garbage, lol. But it was grammatically terrible and poorly written in a hurry, without any editing. And my grade was outweighed by the logic in comparison to the grammatical structure and presentation of information. My female teacher probably didn't like reading about why women should have to sign the military draft.

4 years later, women have to sign the draft. Get rekt. The teacher was fine as hell though.

I had a great history teacher once (all the best teachers tend to be history teachers in my experience) who would say very right wing things, not because he believed them or disbelieved them but because he wanted to the students to debate his points so that they would have to think about their own positions.
Unfortunately it didn't work very well because our class was extremely unenthusiastic.

Every history class I've ever been a part of. Except for one, and my opinions made me a public skeptical, but only among those classmates in high-school, of whom were a bunch of nobodies. It was one class, and I didn't know then, what I know now of course.

But yeah, I think it's important for students today to see where historical leaders and movements were coming from. Like, put yourself in the shoes of a threatened, starving nation. Would you accept a party's rule if they were your best option, and they meant a prosperous future by any means necessary? What went wrong and why, etc.
And history is a very valuable asset in helping communicate an entire nation's history and uprising as a tie between how your own country came to be and why it is the way it is. Things like philosophy and art.




whatever this class is I bet I could ace it.

This kid lost before he started.

Remember seeing that a while ago, scary in how true it is becoming. I thought college, overall was okay for me when I started back in 2008, though I also went to a small state university in the deep south.

Downloaded to keep and share, thanks user.

I can only make it 5 minutes I want to gas everyone in the room.

Not everyone is pozzed in there, these three youngsters in the center are future Holla Forumsacks.

You know what? I thought you faggots were lying when you said Gen Z was going to be the most redpilled generation.

Thank you for proving me wrong.


I now see what you did there teach, and it was a-ok

shill detected

The kid failed hard at bringing up many extremely important points, such as how much more likely men are to die or get injured on the job, Anyone have any of the better infographics on this on hand? and barely got to glaze over the retarded jobs women choose because the teacher's non stop temper tantrums. I'm glad to see our youth isn't completely lost though. He even seemed to succeed in at least getting the class to admit that women aren't getting paid less for the same jobs and hours as men, though they probably still think it's somehow the patriarchy's fault women are choosing shitty jobs. Yeah, the evil male patriarchy wants women to take feminist dance therapy majors. Fucking idiots.

I had this history teacher in 7th grade who was a communist mulatto. anyway she began to tell the class that Hitler would have killed all the races in the world who were not white. I raised my hand and disagreed with her citing his relationship with Japan and that he was in communication with India and other nations. She told me he would have exterminated me from this world. I then told her I was half Japanese and half German. She promptly stfu.

you have that over there?

Here's one, I know there are better ones out there there if anyone is feeling generous. Also that old screen cap of some user from halfchan listing all the legal special treatment women enjoy over men is always relevant.


I'm still amazed that the pay gap myth isn't history at this point. A man and a woman working the same job, at the same age and working the same hours, will be paid the same wage.

Ya its already illegal in the US to NOT pay the same wage to a man and women, with the same qualifications.

This might be the one.

we have it in burgerland user it's called geography class user I had to recite the pillars of Islam and that's before I graduated in '10 before common core

Its only because they directly compare all women in a job to all men, and are somehow surprised that more men at higher positions will make the "average" dollar made higher for men then for women. They use math to make it seem like their argument is set in stone, yet when you actually break it up, their argument falls apart. It takes patience to win, and the people spouting this bullshit have not been smashed every moment of their life, so they keep spouting bullshit.

I would have sued… I grew up in Alabama and even they didn't do that shit for Christianity.

I had to go to Christian school to get a religion class.

What the fuck?

Yep, that's the second one I was talking about, which destroys the male privilege myth, now we just need the one destroying the wage-gap myth. I'm honestly surprised no one has posted on in here yet considering how relevant it is. Guess I'll have to fire up my Holla Forums HDD, I know I've got it somewhere.

I think it was part the Mcdogual textbooks so it was statewide but I had one based English teacher who read the whole book of Genesis I think he got fired two years later

Yep, as a whole men are paid more which why they can push this myth. They're not technically wrong when they say women earn less, but as you said, once you break it down the argument disappears.

Another way to argue this, if facts are budging the stubborn. If women do in fact earn less than men, why wouldn't they have all these jobs? If they are just as good as the men but get paid 20% less, why would you ever hire the men? You get the same value of labour, for less money. Its a win/win.

Come back after 10 years!

I think it looked liked this except I'm not in Texas, had a section on the middle east in the back

No idea. I know that one of her parents was a Indian so she was part Indian/Hindu or whatever they call it. She talked about herself having an interest in feminism which I guess makes her an Indian feminist? All-in-all, she was by far one of the more tame teachers I've ever had.

Anyways, she made us read a book about a black man getting colonized by Whites back in the 19th century. The man kills himself because of the fear his culture is getting destroyed by white invaders. She went on to try to tie this to America now and how it was because Africa had the patriarchy that they couldn't defend themselves against the bad whites.

That wasn't too too long ago but I imagine that it only got worse as Obama's term progressed. Massachusetts is full of spics cities and shrill teacher wives and dry single jew ladies with cuckold husbands living in gentrified towns away from niggers and importing more niggers. They all have that same bobbed haircut too.

Massachusetts is a shitty place to live, the only good part is knowing that if the race war ever breaks out, Sam Hyde is only an hour's drive away and we'll have plenty of shooting practice together. No but speaking frankly, there's a lot of good talent here even if the numbers don't favor us in elections. Portions of Mass are still very white and very red if you break it down by City instead of county. I can elaborate more on our political situation as I'm sure it reflects the surrounding New England States also.

LOL, this "teacher" thinks that computer science degrees are handed out like the fucking Scarecrow's diploma, magically making the bearer's intelligent.


Does anyone know what school or state this is?

Liberal students who listen to liberal professors before going to teach high school students. These HS students listen to liberal teachers for 4 years before going to a liberal university after graduating high school.

You really don't form a political opinion until HS.

1 to 50 is about right for a sheepdog to sheep ratio. This cheeky lad is one of many John Connors who will emerge in the resistance against (((the machines))). ronpaul.jpg

Or send them to the "Holla Forums Academy" where they will receive the best education (mental, physical, spiritual) that is humanly possible. A Spartan army of our most excellent people will guide and forge our youth into the people that they deserve to become, and whom we deserve to have as kin. More on that in an upcoming thread. Will happen.

Same thing happens with niggers wearing suits. They think it makes them "successful". Or wearing gold chains and stuff will make them kangs.

An unadulterated carryover from their days in cargo cults. Some things will never change.

Definitely a kike.

Now introducing Holla Forums summer camp: it's a gas!

There's actually a few quiet, submissive girls in the back who listened to him, knew their role & didn't raise their hands too. Impressive.

Under 21 fag here, I know more quiet conservatives than I do loud liberals, the pendulum shift is massive and I don't think anyone realizes that yet. Human beings are naturally racist and naturally tribalistic and forcing someone to sit through diversity classes and diversity training doesn't change that, I'd wager it makes people see through it more clearly if anything.


Shlomo pls

Holy shit that lad did great for his age and the situation he was in. Just imagine his power level in 3, 4 or 5 years time.

Some public schools offer religion classes in the states too, it's just illegal to do it on public property, so they do the class off campus.

Be careful and stay away from that sodomite.

Gay teachers are just deviants looking for victims to groom

Don't ask me for a archive link, it says "out of capacity, come back later"

You mean that classroom full of women and niggers? All the white boys were by his side cheering him on.

I'm just busting your balls. For every 1 of this kid there are 10 feminist cucks sucking jewish dick for good goyim points. We both know that.

Is there meaning in humor, or humor in meaning?
Funny video though; frighteningly funny, infuriatingly frightful.

kek, that was what my maths teacher said too

Because it's being spread by kikes and repeated by useful idiots day in and day out. Day in and day out. Back and forth. Forever.

If you can't use a fucking map, you're a god damn retard and you should familiarize yourself with legends and directions as quickly as possible right?
My JROTC teacher was the only teacher in 12 years that I ever witnessed teach a class how to use a map, and it was a military map of course.
Others just whipped out a picture of a map or told us to turn to a page. We had tests over what a legend was and how to use it, not how to read and use a map.
Not until a college history class did it matter if I knew which countries were what on a map.

By the way, maps are fucking DOPE.

I make certain I'm never alone in this hellhole.


kike detected

Because the Wizard of Oz is all about the depression and put forward the idea through the Scarecrow that there were a lot of intelligent country bumpkins who only needed the opportunity for an education to become more productive members of society. Back when getting into a college was actually hard.

(((1))) and done

Did it actually cost money, without loans or financial aid from the banks and government? How so was it harder?

Gotta agree with Cindy Cuntflaps because she'll give you some of that highschool pussy. And, women are pack animals so they automatically side with the woman.


It used to cost a lot less. A lot less. Federally guaranteed student loans have ballooned the cost of post-secondary to absurd levels.

I'll explain.

1) Colleges were for those who had money, you were right on this one. But it actually had standards as said.

2) Government loan subsidies killed said standards. Once colleges realized that just about anyone who could take a loan could go to college (and they could still be payed in full) then that's when a lot of modern day fuckery
This was all done to attract would be attendees who now, because of loans, can go to any college they want. It's all marketing. And it's all bullshit. The spirit of going to get a good quality education is lost to Uni funded frat parties and fun concerts in the quad.

So what do we have now? Shitty state schools that are diploma mills. You know… where niggers go.

Oh good, for a second there I thought you were going to tell me that only the rich wielded the ability to possess or accumulate knowledge, as if it were the 18th century or earlier.

It's good to know that some people out there are actually happy with their standards of living and are continually willing to teach what they know to the masses who oftentimes can't afford to pursue a higher education thanks to __ (multiple answers required)

I'm sure college then was only hard because everything was done by paper and a deadline, not a computer and a special ability to outperform one another in each little category.

What were these standards?

It is a lie. In reports put out by the feminist aauw, they examine the pay gap (about 79%), and the adjust for categories such as job sector, college degree, hours worked, etc, and the gap drops to 92%. They conclude "see there's still a gap", but looking at it statistically, their categories are very rough, so with a further refinement of the categories, the gap will shrink down until you arrive at the roughly equal pay per equal job. The report is called "the simple truth about the gender pay gap", and there's a second report with similar results called "graduating to a pay gap". Good references as they point toward the bogus nature of the claim of unequal pay for equal work, while coming from a group that is trying to show a gap.

This is genuinely a great idea for a cartoon strip.

Yup. I HAD to take a religion "class" for my higher level IT education. Can't imagine who's behind that. :^)

Religion classes are mandatory in our high school equivalent too but they were nowhere as pozzed as the "high level" education class was.

This was 5 years ago.
I just told her that he enjoyed fucking kids. It doesn't matter if everyone else does it or not HE enjoyed it.
She changed the subject real fucking quick when people didn't agree with her anymore.

when will sjws go away?

no webm yet?

got damn it, that video was like a conversation with my dad

Stopped watching right there. SJW was the lowest of the low hanging fruits, and the student didn't have to even fucking try.

We've made freedom edgy again, and it's beginning to catch on with the younger generation.

Too bad he never called out the girl on the way she repeatedly confused the "79¢ to the dollar" figure as being a "79% pay gap," though I liked the way he asked them to explain how the pay gap is calculated.


If you can't red pill him, you should convince him to do charity work in black neighborhoods.
Best case scenario, he is forcibly redpilled.
Worst case scenario, he gets killed.
Both cases are better than the current situation.

I could actually do that
because hes black


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

In that case, my advice remains the same, but my best and worst cases should be swapped.

I just got out of college with my BA and i can confidently say I didnt learn a fucking thing

This is an age old battle that started when Adam cucked
out and gave Eve her own way in defiance of God.
Even if it is just a metaphor, it is an accurate portrayal
of women leading men astray from what is right (God)
for their own selfish, dishonest, narcissistic reasons.
Women MUST be controlled
Women must NEVER be given ANY power in society
inb4 mgtow

nigger pls

Gotta be honest, I'm actually happy colleges don't have standards from highschool and SAT testing, otherwise I never would have gotten into college.

.t Electrical Engineer

student IQ > teacher IQ

I want this to happen more than anything else. We gotta Redpill our kids, there's no other way forward…

Nice to see this kid own his cuckold sow teacher. He can probably smell the KY and Marxism from his shitlib "teacher".

What did he mean by this?

to those who dont know shitposting and using anime girls has been our mask for years.
people thinking "how can these guys be natsees?" so we can keep our anonimity safe

sage for offtopic

One of my favorite teachers of all time was a fairly liberal English teacher who did his job well and always entertained my far right, minarchist rhetoric because I was a fairly talented writer in high school. He ended up being mortal enemies with a cunt English teacher I'd had the year prior because she didn't even do her job and was typically just a femikike megaphone who only cared about the girls, so we bonded over our mutual hatred as he had to reteach the class everything from the year prior in the first month to keep pace. I kept on good terms and ended up his normiebook friend a few months back. Was cool until the election got to him, and he started sperging over Steve Bannon being anti-semetic. When I pointed out his paper had a Jerusalem branch, he unfriended me. My future wife girlfriend ended up in his class this year because I spoke so highly of him, and she's been pissed at me because he lost all his openness to new ideas and actual diverse opinions, and comes after her for expressing her hard right views pretty maliciously. Was a disappointing situation honestly. Even if he was a leftie, he's the one who taught me to argue and express my thoughts through organized rhetoric, he was kind of a hero of mine, but his cancerous ideology finally killed him…

Daily reminder that KEK is more than a meme.

I had to do that as well.

That's the book, all right.

You know when someone cares more about being right than actually teaching you their point of view when they start talking very rapidly.

Fire that professor.

Mary was 12 when she gave birth to jesus.



The kid sounds and looks just like Dustin from Stranger Things, albeit a bit taller/thinner, pic related.

That aside, holy shit the way the guy pathetically puts his arms on the desk to assume authority but the lad gives no shits lmao

Fuck you. You're only pulling this card now that we're winning.




He looks like a cross between Gaten Matarazzo and Gunnar Washington

well, that's not entirely true. There have been several cases of women-only companies. They usually end in disaster like pic-related.

See, the full response to the pay gap myth is that women are paid the same for the same work, but usually, they're not doing the same work. The comic in illustrates this concept well.

In a mixed-gender company, it might be difficult to see the little ways that women fall short of "doing the same work" but with an all-woman company, it's clearer.

Also, this is an average effect. It's like height. On average, men are taller, just like on average they are more productive. That's true even though you can find examples of short men, tall women, and lazy men, productive women.

>SJW I refuse to call that a teacher. "Do you have a bachelor's degree?"

FFS! You arrogant semtic-minded ignoramus! Rope is too gentle for such as this, this calls for classical Greek Scaphism.


under ratted post

The school system will find a way to destroy this kid's life.

The "you're never gonna get a girl" -comment reminds me of my high school years. I was interested in philosophy and stuff and one class mate asked "How does philosophy benefit you? Will it get you women or money?" Now 20 year later, I can say it helped me get women, as I've always had some principles and intelligence compared to "gibs me dat" -nigger logic people like my classmate had. I'm still poor though.

As said wear a MAGA cap, add in a T-shirt with the words.
Then you wait, he asks the obvious question.

But you are rich in dubs!

Reminder that even the majority of millenial whites still voted Trump.

Tell him your pronoun is bossnigger.

Do you even imagination?
If I had a teacher like this, I'd make up a very long, obnoxious sound (something along the lines of jshsjsjsjsjsjsjsshsjshhhh) and declare it my pronoun, and throw a mild fit if someone doesn't call me by the preferred pronoun. Would be funny to watch how long the teacher can put up with this.

good posts

Rationally and Logically is better than "critically." "Critical thinking" is itself a Marxist replacement of logic. One who only critiques only tears down and does not create anything new.

When I came here I was utterly depressed and lacked any kind of purpose. The first instinct is to think that pol is full of shit, a board of conspiritards, but before long, everything starts to feel right, as if we were meant to do this all along, as if our cause is completely airtight. Our strength, and our ability to not only destroy the fundamentals of weak ideologies, but to actually provide answers to replace them is by far Holla Forumss greatest strength.

Good call. Anyone dumb enough to be an anti-white Holla Forums mod will probably wind up dead.

There is no such thing as "gender." The correct term is "sex."

Holy fuck this thread is full of newfags. There is no such thing as a "nazi." We only use that term as a joke. The correct term is NationalSocialist.


Kid did fine and pissed his pussy teacher off. I give him an A+ gonna turn out a proper shitlord.

Also that guy shouting early in the video. "If I wrote a book saying the Nazis were great people, would anyone believe it?" "YES!"

He did pretty damn good for a school kid against his teacher and a bunch of female hecklers. Can't forget this guy's in high school, he's not an alpha male patriarch quite yet. You're right of course.

The pay gap myth lives and breathes on women's inability to do maths. It's not going away.

Stepping into Holla Forums is like getting into a hot bath: at first it's a little painful, but once you're in there and used to the temperature it's just comfy.

I think this is an important point and distinction to make. Schools should go back to Grammar and Logic.

I think he'll be alright. He might have a tougher time of it, but the memes are spreading and he probably understands to avoid the useless college subjects. Generally speaking when you study STEM they leave you alone a bit more, since colleges do still need alumni that will go on to do something of value.

That fag was the incarnation of shifting the goalposts. "oh, well I guess you're right but actually what I was arguing was this other thing so I'm still right!"

This is probably the best argument against female equality in the business world. If they have the verve and acumen, why don't they start female businesses? There's no shortage of funding, since females now control most discretionary spending in America. Hell, they even have access to venture capital if they want it. The only thing missing is high-heels on the ground.


Holy fuck

That comic reminded me of Aesops fable, pretty sure it was a donky complaining a horse had more food than him, the horse went to war kitchen.

Fucking automatic words, why the fuck did you say kitchen? Even the AI knows about women.

The most baffling thing here is:

What fucking "class" is this anyway?! What kind of classes do you have in USA where students and teacher go on tirades and debates on some issue? At least in my country we go to school, go to class, teacher teaches things like math, history, biology and you listen and write it down, ask clarifying questions if you don't get something, use that info to take the exam, next class.

What are these weird fucking debates I always see? And why are all the students sitting different directions, why isn't everyone facing the teacher, why aren't the desks in regular order? What bullshit is this?

What is this fucking neo filming method?

Can't follow shit. It's only missing unrelated comments scrolling on the side.

I dunno but it should be every class. If you're teacher can't debate a child out of a wet paper bag they have no business taking responsibility for teaching that child.


What fucking CLASS is talking about fucking wage gap and equality shit?! There's never been issues during my 12 twelve years of school that would even need any debating with the teacher, because it's about teaching a subject. Maybe the only class would be philosophy where discussion of ideas and using the ideas and terms learned during class is part of the class.

Our first unis look so shit, filled with indoctrination.
I'm genuinely considering waiting a few years to master Japanese and see how Jap uni fares.
How do people get higher education while avoiding the cancer?
The poz is so strong, and constant I couldn't.

In order to become a teacher in England and teach in state schools you have to write essays on the sociological theories of education.

Even if you are training to be a Physics, Maths or Computer Science teacher you still have to write thousands of words of this shit or fail. The essays are supposed to be argumentative essays, however, the professors apparently have no idea what the fuck an argumentative essay is and seem to think they should be opinion pieces instead. It goes without saying your opinions not only have to be left-wing but each professors special brand of legt-wing thinking.

Anyway, pupils in England are worse at Maths than they have ever been, even than in the 80's where all a teacher had to do to get a job was to show up at the interview and not shit themselves.

Bit off topic but are those 2 monoliths PC's?

This is great for me, as I'm currently looking to improve my maths to higher levels, the fact others are failing will only make me look better in the eyes of employers. It may be bad for society as a whole, but I'm going to ride this tiger as far as I can, what a golden opportunity.

We're in so much trouble.

Our public school system is constantly rated in top 5 of the entire world, been #1 for a few times.

All this debate bullshit (and AGAIN I ASK what bullshit "class" is debating about WAGE GAP wake the fuck up faggot) is about undermining authority. And we don't even have a sense of authority in schools aside from the feared principal figure, we address teachers by firstname and have no formalities except "don't disrupt class" and "don't be late".

Tell me what you would debate about in NORMAL school classes, not your Murrican brainwashing classes.

He's right, you know. Such "debates" don't tech people how to debate, because most of them are fucking lemmings who don't want to end up in the centre of attention in such a controversial way. So they just shut up and listen as the teacher and 2-3 other students are screaming at each other.




Could you tell me if your system is actually good for lower IQ people? Hung Aryan here, and the left nowadays always go on about how our bad PISA results are because of our education, and not because of fucking gypsies breeding like rats. And they always point at Finland. So, what do you think, how would the Finnish system work with kids who only have double digit IQs?

It's the opposite really, really smart kids probably get bored since we don't have any higher level classes available unless a school happens to have a lot of resources. In one class you'll find dumb fucks, normals and higher talent for 6-9 years straight. Highers can skip years if parents want it and teachers recommend it, I skipped 1st grade myself but I'm not a higher IQ one I think. Troublemakers/semi-retards are eventually either given a school aid who's with them all day or then sent to the "special" class which comprises usually of those who just can't fit into a normal school day. Most of these guys never graduate public school in the end.

Since we have no strict curriculum across schools, there's no telling what kind of schooling you're going to get.

That's mostly the same here, expect if you like to draw or sing. So that wouldn't be a change.
That sounds expensive.
We have this too, expect that (not surprisingly) these will be filled up with gypsies, and libruls always scream about segregation.
That sounds kind of terrible.

All in all, can we agree that your good results stem from the good human material, and not from the system itself. Japan uses the exact opposite with all that incredible strictness and formality, yet they are also among the top. Also, would you change something, or do you think that it's fine as it is?

Alt-lite "u r just like the left lolololz" is JIDF

Well, being a welfare state the issues that rise is that every child must attend school and it is also their human right etc. So say, you have a village of 300 people out in the boonies with like 10 kids only, does the municipality have enough money to get people who are interested in their job as a teacher to move out there? Or is it better to send the kids 30-50km to the closest bigger school on a daily taxi ride? On the other hand people who are willing to move out to nothingness usually get good incentives like higher salary, promised tenure and maybe even some land and housing paid. But then you have to wager how many will move just for their own benefit, not for the teaching?

Anyway, in any semi-large communities that have 0.01% muds and nigs, you'll probably be alright. After you graduate from public school at 15 years old, you have two choices - high school or trade school. High school is pretty much the go-to if you want to go to university, trade school for getting a trade (ICT, plumber, electrician, mechanic, cook, baker, nurse..). For a lot of people high school is a waste of time and they'd be better off getting a trade. Uni is not a guarantee of higher pay but graduates on average make up for the difference in wages of someone who starts at a trade at 18 vs. graduating with Master's at 24.

It's definitely not just that, but the scales tip both ways in regards to the level of the schooling.

We also have these problems, and the current solution seems to be sending the kids into the nearest city's school.
Yeah, that's the same too.

So, do you think that your current school system is good?

The whole concept of authority is a tricky one. We should of course have structure and law in our society, we've seen lefties chimp out and spread chaos often enough to know this, but we should also have defiance and free will in order to stop lefties from taking complete control over us. School should teach us to debate sure enough, but it should teach us to debate in an orderly fashion. It should also teach lefties to manage their damn feelings, because those retards are chimping out over everything these days.

At least the one I went through was good, exceptional even. Just the past few years there's been another school reform, last one happened in the 70s and is what built our current good situation. It has shit like "equal opportunities" and "gender issues" tied into the main "Teacher's Guide", and I've heard that in some schools every student gets their own laptop/tablet, and most teaching is done electronically, add to that how there might be weeks where there's no regular teaching, they call these "Experience weeks", where students might just have to read poetry all week or study the flora and fauna around them then report a week later etc. I've heard many distressing stories that this new approach is a lot about teamwork, talking, presentations and prefers the extroverts while leaving the introverts biting the dust.

So all in all it sounds like the new reform is a fucking clown school. It's funny that so many countries have been stuidyign Finnish education system and making their own versions of it little by little, and now we just throw it all in the trash. I'm expecting us dropping down the PISA list down to double digits in the next exams.

Simon Stålenhag

Why the fuck should anyone be taught religion in geography? I was told about cannibals that have survived in South America and how China creating a fuckton of cheap shit ruined economies.



This teacher is a piece of shit.

What, where? Are you projecting again?

I just see anons talking about their experiences in high school

Mods will ban this one solitary faggot but refuse to ban shills posting porn and hentai

Go fucking kill yourself imkampfy

A skyscraper modelled after a vagina isn't very useful. They tried giving WTC 1 and 2 a sex change and look how that turned out


Mods ban anyone who triggers the pathetic losers who browse this safe site, while letting weebshit be because you losers love it, what's wrong?
How new are you?

Go back to the dox thread, faggot

smh, back to whatever shithole you crawled out from

It's why we're so high energy compared to the other boards. Our cause is just, and we know it, and it fills us with strength.

You're projecting too hard, it's hurting my eyes.

Please tone it down, mister

You can either learn to lurk, go back to whichever shithole you crawled out from, or killing yourself to do your parents a favor. I recommend the third option.

What does weebshit have to do with my post?


There's a million unique words in the English language. If we were to assume that 700'000 of those could describe a gender and that every gender one could identify as would be composed of a maximum of two of those words without repeating two words in the same gender, we'd be looking at
700'000 + 700'000*350'000 = 245'000'700'000
Very unique genders.



trips of truth
(polite sage)

Gen Z is already more redpilled than millennials.

You will here that from Nu-ropeans.


holy shit

t. "Im a centrist, I swear"

ever noticed how those smug leftists that cant argue the points play the "im above all this game" to silence you and then go back to the "were all equal" routine? The "centre" is nothing but tool of left

>>8697313 >>8697590 >>8697901 >>8699191 >>8702969 >>8703669 >>8705390 >>8709621 >>8709656 >>8710444 >>8714302

haha wow, thought I'd come check in to see the replies I must've netted over the weekend and I'm not surprised at all. It's kind of amazing really, the ridiculous and delusional mental gymnastics any given community of people defending an idea are able to come up with. you people really are just going to run to the defense and worship of every single pea-brained 9gagger who regurgitates your soundbites and platitudes.

I have to say, I'm impressed how ironclad your system is here. Anyone who agrees with you is automatically "based" and "redpilled", and anyone who doesn't proves themselves to be a jewish shill, or at best, uninformed.
very authoritarian, no room for dissention at all.

Do you people have any idea what the fuck you're doing to your own community???
sad to see how stupid this site has become after being pulled through the ringer of the trump election.

it used to be about trying to actually grow as adults and men in a society that encourages us to remain women and children. Questioning both ourselves and the political and social landscape as it stood, keeping our ears to the ground and sharing real information and ideas about living a virtuous and somehow productive life.
now it's all just memes and insults, scraping the bottom of the barrel for any shreddings of trash that can appeal to the lowest common denominator.
just like 4/pol/.
just like the people we once came here to escape.

>video has been flagged by some gargantuan socjus nigger troupe on jewtube removed by the user.

Thanks, KikeTube.

(Anybody got an MP4 or an webm copy of the video? Sorry about being late to the party.)

What haplogroups should I talk about to troll the Jewish fuck once I get my final grades?

He's a disgrace


J1 haplogroup, if I am not mistaken it is one of the main kike markers to indicate jewishness. They scan for it in Israel before you can become a full fledged yid.

Will do some reading on it now, thanks.

are you retarded?

The fact that an mp4/webm wasn't posted immediately after the thread started goes to show how far 8/pol/ has fallen.

By the way I'm not defending American schools, but debates are good.

I wish that was true. or maybe I should get out of shitskin-ville. I fucking hate these ghetto niggers and spics and until I can buy my car I can't get out.

anyone got another link?

the video is down