I'm ok with this

i'm ok with this

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This guy will be assassinated by the end of this year
Mark my words

what? Did he say this?

i'd be in favor of a resurrection even
so he can live a few moments suffering through the pain of being an ice picked retard

signed an EDM in parliament basically calling on the Soviet Union to formally recognise his achievements and contribution to the movement

Why the fuck do Britfags care so much about Trotsky?

Trotsky is literally Satan

Well, that's going to be easy since there literally are none.

I get you probably don't like him, but that doesn't change the fact that his propaganda and hard work was *central* to the revolution.

I'd argue, and I'm not a trotskyist btw, that he was more important than Lenin *to the revolution itself*.

But even if you disagree with that, to say he didn't achieve anything is blatantly wrong, and shows just how dogmatic you are.

Trotsky was right

I don't get why people still attack him when we know what Stalinism was like

Relax comrade, I was just being cheeky.

His theory of permanent revolution is largely useless though and in practise amounts to just sitting on your ass waiting for western revolutions to break out.

The fact that he constantly deviated between right opportunism and ultraleft rhetoric, spread disunity among the party and called everyone an ebul authoritarian when he got btfod by majority vote doesn't really help his legacy.

Because Trotskyism wouldn't have been any different with the exception that Stalin got shit done. Trotsky was a helpless opportunist whose only reason to call for "more democracy" and the likes was because the party majority didn't agree with him. If they did he would've held the exact opposite views.

examples, comrade?

First he was a devoted Menshevik, claiming revolution in Russia was impossible and polemicised relentlessly against Lenin. When it was clear the Bolsheviks were coming out on top he suddenly acted like Lenin's most devoted disciple.

He bloodily suppressed the Kronstadt revolt and later cried for more worker's participation.

Just to name a few examples.

UK Holla Forumsyps on suicide watch

But what if he had a genuine change of mind?

Is the crushing of the Kronstadt not justified to protect the security of the revolution? Did the Kronstadt not jeopardize the workers state and the spreading of socialism to other parts of the world?


Sorry for the questions, its just that my friend has suddenly found a love for Trotsky and I need some shit to use against him

(still same guy btw just turned shit posting flag off)

This is a good read if you want to know more about Trotsky's dubious career

For a more humourous account

cheers mate


Was it a "shitty thing" to do? Definitely.
Was it necessary to ensure the survival of the revolution on a bigger scale? Probably.

I primarily wanted to point out Trotsky's hypocrisy.

Also nice digits.

everyone's favourite leftist even though most of the people he agrees with and talks with are conservative/alt right and has never read a book on marxism in his life has this to say on the matter

Should I make a thread on Holla Forums and get their butthurt reactions?