
Has Trump even mentioned the deplorable nigger kidnapping yet?? At All? If not WTf is he waiting for?? This is the perfect opportunity to show his supporters that he isnt just another lying scumbag politician.

Trump likes the ones who don't get caught.

What is this, Africa?
That doesn't even make any sense.

Yes, he shows he's not Obama by not sticking his nose in shit that doesn't require presidential action.

first 3 answers so far have been delusional/ shills.
as expected

If he does anything it will be complete cloak-and-dagger shit behind the scenes like he did with all his political opponents and critics that suddenly found life kicking them in the balls on every matter.
You'll know it happens when he mocks the niggers on twitter

Pls learn to into Machiavellian strategy user.

okay i´m convinced now! Somehow it could really hurt him if he comments on a deplorable, nationwide known hate crime against a "white" person and possible trump supporter! Thats right! he´s playing 88-d chess goy!

Are you this nigger?

If so, calm your fucking autism.

Holy shit you're retarded.
It's a divisive issue on a scale far below his position. That would run counter to his optical role as a uniter/builder and make him look petty like king nigger.

What could Trump say that would make any difference?

Hes smart to stay out of this and keep the focus on the 4 retards and the news casters semi defending them.

I'll re-post/edit what I said in the other thread.

It used to be more less traditional that the President would generally keep silent on specific cases involving common, state level criminality as it lowered the dignity of the office and could prejudice the case. It was expected that the local authorities would administer justice appropriately. I would like to see a return to that.

But after eight years of King Nigger agitating and inciting niggers by involving the feds every time some spear chucker was killed by the cops it has become normalized. Trump should stay out of it directly.

This is a state issue and the Feds shouldn't be involved other than re-enforcing a call for law and order. This is of course a greenlight for city, county and state authorities to begin cracking nigger skulls when they step out of line. See? Long overdue and quite simple.

Got it!

It's like you can't see past the end of your nose.

This guy gets it. There is nothing to be gained from Trump getting involved in this.

a.) The Trump supporter in question is literally retarded. I mean, he's mentally disabled. It's not a good look to portray that as typical of Trump's support base. Libshits will have a field day with "lol trumpkins r retards!!!111"

b.) Niggers gonna nig. No matter what Trump says or does, this kind of shit is always going to occur when you have niggers around. What the fuck difference do you think Trump will make?

c.) The kikebook video stream by the niggers in question will redpill a lot of people, and there's no hiding behind the "B-BUT IT'S DA MEDIA!" excuse this time, because those stupid fucking niggers did it entirely themselves without any media involvement.

d.) This further fractures the Left. Do they back their pet niggers and blame it all on "da ebil whitey", or do they back "the poor unfortunate disabled guy"?

All the while, the blatant anti-white violence combined with the nigger-tier behavior of picking on a disabled guy is just another easily-digestible redpill for the masses.

He would then have to visit every nigger killed by a spic and vice versa. Visits for every shitskin on shitskin hate crime would be a full time job.

If Trump ignores niggers that use his name as justification for torturing white people, then the media has justification for ignoring black on white hate crimes since it is unimportant, according to the president.

It doesn't fucking matter what the Lugenpresse will or won't report on. No one fucking trusts them any more and we have the internet to bypass them with anyway.

not really sure. Has he ever called out BLM or anything like that?

Underrated post.


For real, what the fuck is with all the unquestioning Trump shills?
If he doesn't speak up about a bunch of niggers kidnapping and torturing a retard because of his campaign being rayciss it raises some serious red flags, this shit is getting memory holed by the media too and those niggers will just be living on taxpayer dollars and learning how to be better criminals in prison.
Niggers need to hang, not be concentrated.

It matters because they will shut it down, especially social media sites. And then when niggers chimp out again after a cop kills one, it's all the media will talk about nonstop. And they will blame whites, and there will be no counterbalance at all. I shouldn't have to explain this to you.

shill tactics getting more and more desperate

Obama commented on ridiculous shit all the time, like Clock Boy and Trayvon Martin. And then when niggers would riot, he wouldn't say a goddamn thing.

And guess what happened? That media strategy worked because look where we are now. Niggers think it's perfectly okay to torture a white kid, blame it on white racism and Trump, and livestream it on Facebook. And that's exactly what King Nigger and the jews want. White genocide.

Silence from Trump is not going to fix this problem because King Nigger and the rest of the shitlibs will continue to do what they've been doing.

how? the chimps are in jail and it was labeled a hate crime.

oh yeah i'm sure that will make all the other niggers think twice about attacking some white folks next time.

But a tweet from preselec Trump would?
What would you have him say?

I think Trump knows that a tweet from him would distract people from the issue at hand. That would be the only thing covered. Honestly, letting the authorities deal with this shit is for the best for him and I can see him saying that much.

A tweet? He should be holding a full court press conference about this shit just like Obama did for every little racial grievance that a nigger could dream up. And then driving the point home as often as possible. Because Obama is staying in DC and the entire shitlib establishment is going to continue to play the game they've been playing by blaming everything on white racism. Ignoring it isn't going to help.

Niggers gonna nig, you fucking dunce.

I prefer public lynchings to a hospital visit from Trump. Not sure why you thought I wanted the latter.


He should react the same way he did to church Roof, anymore than that would be a bit biased… no?

yeah they're already effectively doing something like that. it's not evil, it's not racism, it's just stupid kids, he was targeted for being a retard, there was no political motivation, let's ignore it altogether because trump doesn't even care.

but hey, you're all getting what you want. complete silence from trump so the media will drop it completely and then we can go back to the way things have been, while they trot obama out at every opportunity to cry about white oppression. let me know how it works out for you.

Boy, you really should pay a lot more attention to how this shit works.

The story is over now. Nobody is going to talk about it from now on and it is now forgotten. That's how it works.

No, you really don't get it and I'm afraid you haven't been paying attention to what average people are saying and feeling this whole election cycle.
The Overton window is about to be broken this year and all you're thinking is demoralization bullshit.

What you don't get is that this story is now over and dead. The jews were able to build up massive racially motivated political movements like BLM from incidents like this. The media harped on about Trayvon and all the other niggers killed by police for months and months. But now you won't have the opportunity to do that because this incident is now memory holed.

Demoralization? You WANT Trump to ignore this story. You're getting exactly what you want. The story is finished.

Okay, faggot. You really want to be right about this little argument? Fine.
Just wait and see what's about to happen. You will understand soon enough.

Hint: The enemy is doing our own work for us

Fuck. You barely beat me to it. Stop giving him 10 cents. (You)
The above poster (5f88ff) is a misguided Anonymous who came in November and didn't appreciate the spoonfed thread we had up for a couple weeks
Or, much more likely, a shit-stirring yid. Notice the structure of his argument is designed to be flexible so that he can immunize himself to all slander, it will run of him like water off a raincoat…

↑REE myself. forgot the saijun

Yeah that's nice, so explain why having this story forgotten is good.

Why would he? The media is surprisingly giving it a decent amount of coverage, when it starts to blow down, he can invite the kid to the white house for good publicity. Mods need to do something about the influx of autistic jews.


It's on the front page of CNN, a network that would normally like this story to go away.

I do think the media is trying to whip up a race war to interfere with Trump taking office and have Obama declare martial law. Probably unlikely but leftists are fucking idiots and would try such a thing.

I'm pretty sure a race war would do much more harm to them than to anyone really.

Probably. The chaos is what they are after really.

how much longer do you think that will last? it won't be there monday.

Now you're banking on something that hasn't even occurred yet. Seeing how there is all this Russian hacker shit going on and Obama ans his cronies trying to meme WW3 with Russia, it is also possible that nothing would have kept the story there short of Trump beating those kids up himself, which would never happen anyways.

You're the kind of good intentioned retard that gets the whole battalion discovered while they wait to ambush the unsuspecting enemy. You wait until you see the whites of their eyes. I'm pretty sure he has a plan to deal with criminal negroes the same way he has one for criminal spics.
I would imagine when he actually has the power to do it he will declare BLM a terrorist organization, he's going to fuck their shit up for sure, but not until he can make a real difference and cast terror back in their direction.
He isn't a fool.


eh, he will probably say something about it today. Probably back up what he was saying before how Chicago needs Federal police.

GD it where was someone to intervene and stop Ivanka p from shitting out jews.I am serious the only thing wrong with Trump is his kike in laws …How the fuck does that happen a perfectly good white woman not only squirts out jews she converted.This is a fucking problem.

We need to meme her into a divorce and set her up with a good stock white man so she can have Aryan babies anything less is fucking stupid.Why have ugly little orc looking kids it is truly fucking disgusting .

Why are so many shills saging this? Trump needs to address this.