When did it become infiltrated by goons & Holla Forums? It's another left-wing circlejerk now.
/cow/ compromised
What? Jewsh is a fucking scumbag and alt-right is cancer.
You just don't get /cow/ you massive fucking sperg.
Go into "right wing cringe" and see how many of them are genuine leftycucks - most of the genuine leftycucks are also kiwis who suck null's kikedick
What the fuck is /cow/ and why should we care about it ?
wow, truly surprising.
reminder that /cow/ and communities like it are women's gossip magazines for fat internet males.
I don't think YOU get it.
nobody uses it but cucks, and you can see it's become compromised in the "right-wing lolcow" thread where they bitch about Holla Forums and "funposting"
the lolcow board you newfag
We do funpost there though - they're right in bitching. I hang out in their CWC threads talking about how this proves all trannys are crazy for instance.
They use retard leftyspeak words to piss types like you off who take everything on the internet super seriously.
and then - Holla Forums was the lolcow
Their board owner goes by the name JEWS. Think about it.
The board is absolutely run by goons and has been for well over a year. All it takes is being a goon and a part of a prior - FAILED, mind you - incarnation of the board to get your way there. Spastic faggots like Homor weasel their way into mod positions, while others can be the single solitary person that complains about something like use of the word "milk" and it gets thrown in the wordfilter. There's a thread that used to be sticked specifically about how one faggot mod was going to ban for use of happy merchant memes. The board's dead, I wouldn't even bother with it.
For fuck's sake, one of the most well known goons, Shmorky, was outed very recently as genuinely being a pedophile with very jewish fetishes (shit and piss) and not one fucking user on the board updated the thread with info about it until I did, and it's passed over in favor of a stickied thread about some faggot "secondlife" streamer and dead threads about nobodies and has-beens.
At the least it focused only on attacking leftists during gamergoy
You shouldn't care about /cow/ at all - they serve their purpose and don't cause trouble for us.
They're a fairly self-contained thing that doesn't really like shit stirring and interboard bullshit.
It's not goons - it's kiwis, who are another forum subverted by goons. Basically it's goons.
SJWs subvert. This is not new, They have been doing this across multiple boards for some time now. Look especially at /sudo/ or any other board or irc where you will see admins of the site and you will see those fucks kissing up to those in charge and trying to take over the site like they did halfchan. Holla Forums's main problem is that it rarely looks beyond its own borders.
no seriously, you're a fucking newfag, learn what /cow/ is, better yet, learn what the internet is or kill yourself.
self-limiting goons I should say - /cow/tists aren't all that bad and really aware of how cancerous they are.
I miss the taxman threads
I think britbongo MANLET tears is behind this thread, he's been so asshurt lately that he has been requesting backup, not your personal army.
holy shit manly tears is still around? By Moloch you think that midget would have gotten a life by now.
He's still pulling the same shit trying to be Daniel from SL.
lolcows don't even need a dedicated board. If they're not relevant to some specific interest (which would have a board) then they're not much of a lolcow except to people with literally nothing better to do.
This is now an Ulillillia thread. Observe the one and only anti-cow.
tbh he's going to have so many white children with that hawt sister of his
ITT: socially retarded Holla Forumstards
/cow/ is pretty much just /kiwi/ now. They even cross post. I used to frequent /cow/ some time ago but it really doesn't seem much different from last time I was there.
I wouldn't go looking for political allegiances in /cow/, but it is still fairly "right" wing i.e. leftycuck language/thought police are unwelcome. Cucks on kiwifarms still call John Flynt
Is he autistic?
Pictures of the sister?
check his ED page, its pretty depressing.
You don't get it, not all of us are American Israeli firsters
where can I get that CSS?
/cow/ have always been this way. They're the kinds of people who used to bully Chris chan, while convincing themselves it was okay because he was a conservative. Many of them are likely women, also. There's a clear feminine, bitchy air to the place.
Nah, /cow/ used to be very Holla Forums friendly. Chris chan and other autists fed into the tumblr crowd which bled into the SJW demographic at large. The SJW nonsense also overlapped with gamergate, as movie blob was a huge subject matter fountain for the board. It was a fun place for Holla Forumsacks because it provided an outlet for e celeb drama and raids (like on cam sites) that was otherwise frowned upon here. There were attempts to oust Holla Forums as a presence by making fun of conservatives and lumping sovereign citizens in with all libertarians (remember this was a while ago when many during the exodus still had strong libertarian sympathies) but i remember it being pretty friendly for us overall. Over time the board got less active as many did and with the election in high gear im sure the segment of Holla Forums that visited /cow/ back in the day evacuated to spend their internet time electing trump, etc. I know i havent been there since well before the election season.
Any more evidence that they're goons? They still go after huge leftards like Zoe Quinn, and even CF. They still shit on Kiwifarms, too.
They're not goons, just stuck in 2014.>>8694570
D'aw fuck, stupid formatting.