because you're a whiny faggot bulbasaur, I think this is fuckin' hilarious
Jordan Gomez
Kayden Evans
Lol no they have not, nice try kike.
He's a libtard goon that infiltrated TRS, not a white nationalist. How new are you?
Henry Gray
He's a fucking goon moron.
Adrian Cooper
thread reminder that bulbasaur left a TRS podcast since he wanted BASED blacks to fuck whites (as long as they're both christians of course). Now we learn he's BFFs with a nigger. All the pieces are coming together. If he's not lucky then through meme magick alone the vid of him being cucked will be found.
Samuel Kelly
I don't see an apology on their website. Tomorrow's podcast will be interesting.
Kayden Thompson
so far bulbasaur has deleted his personal instagram/twitter/facebook If only he had done this after ghoul got himself doxed lol
Andrew Brown
I was in the other threads asking for some proof of the authenticity of the doxx. THIS is more like it. Thank you for not being a faggot, OP.
Free pizza inbound :^)
Brody Cox
His wife does a lot of cosplay stuff and pole dancing. I feel bad for him.
Michael Cook
I wonder if the one on the far left is Enoch. I think he mentioned something about going down to see bulby a while ago. Also brown hair and fat
Julian Wood
Wow, this isn't obvious as fuck.
Austin Howard
His account hasn't been used since 2008. It's not exactly good evidence that he's a goon, especially considering he's fairly well spoken and informed about the JQ when he's on The Daily Shoah.
Parker Allen
No, Enoch is in his late 40s-early 50s and looks like Santa fucked the Merchant.
Liam Russell
Juan Sanders
This, all traitors must fucking hang
Jackson Bell
Lawdy give some sauce
This sauce is about as solid as one can ever expect. He's definitely a goon and definitely in full damage control mode. The only thing more solid would be snapshots of him plotting with other goons, which isn't likely to ever happen.
Gavin Rodriguez
This. But honestly why do these retards even have social media accounts? This is all they are good for if you do this sort of stuff.
Jack Adams
Are you retarded? Why do you think it's 'disliked' in the first place?
Christian Sanders
THIS. Remember, solid proof faggots.
Charles Hughes
I feel bad for the guy, but he basically doxed himself. The bad thing is it looks like he's friends with a bunch of other trs guys judging by the memeing going on in his facebook, so probably more dox on the way.
Logan Torres
Has anyone found a Tennessee antifa page we can post this on?(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)
Ryder Ortiz
kill yourself
Isaac Harris
Why does it feel like everyone here is far left using information from someone who actually knows how to do or find something?
Julian Brooks
Social media accounts with the same damn name he used to label his articles on TRS. I really do feel bad for the guy because he seems like a decent enough dude, but come on. It's not like he left some small bread crumb trail, it's more like a paved road straight to his dox.
Noah Watson
These are people who use discord and facebook openly. Discord is owned and founded by a jew, just like facebook.
Needless to say, TRS users aren't very smart.
Tyler Johnson
current year Holla Forums everyone
Austin Anderson
Okay why the doxxing? Who is doing this? Some random user?
Which Radio? Which episode? How do you know he's BFF with a nigger? Maybe the coon hangs around with his normie friends. This shit is from 2011-2012, do you have any idea how bluepilled some of us were 3-5years ago?
All this anti-stormfag, anti-TRShill talk has a certain divide and conquer vibe to it if you ask me.
Lincoln Gray
He's pro-racemixing.
Cooper James
How come you spend your time doxxing jews, and not goons/ useful idiots? Oh right, this site is run by kikes.
Josiah Rivera
Die pls
Xavier Ward
You realize that every single one of you TRS astroturfer stands out so obviously you may as well be posting image macros from reddit, right?
Jacob Brooks
wew fucking lad
Angel Jackson
Because they are. you can go fuck yourself. It's one thing to dox someone. It's another thing entirely to literally ruin someone's life because he's involved in a rival forum.
We should be doxing leftists. Not our own. Inb4 HURR DURR TRS IS 4FAGS. Yeah, there are queers and fags there and they have some work to do. But seriously. They're helping us shift the mainstream further right. We shouldn't fucking kill them for it. Use your fucking head and get out of the EPIC RAID Xdddddd mentality. There are plenty of people who deserve to be doxed. The Shoah guys aren't them.
Levi Perez
here's your answer:
Isaiah Watson
You're the traitor, you must fucking hang.
Lucas Gomez
From the few episodes of TDS I've heard him on, not a single one of them is pro-racemixing. From what I understand, they were almost all, if not all, libertarians at some point. It's possible he was a decade ago. If you have something that says he currently is, then that would change my opinion on him pretty fast.
Levi Cooper
Do you fags even try?
Lincoln Brown
It seems more like he was struggling to choke down the red pill. He came from a christcucked community, and it looks like he has a decent social circle. It's not the same as some of us who are NEETs and have nothing to lose so go full redpill in a week.
Luke Price
Time to make some popcorn
Tyler Wilson
You realize it's on purpose to bait low IQ people, right?
Aaron Watson
You should be sent to Gitmo tbh.
Adrian Hill
i don't think that is true. maybe it was in the past but i've never heard him say anything other than that we need to kill all non whites
Ethan Price
That's exactly what this is. That's exactly what most of this has been. TRS has definitely brought some newfagishness and subversion, but that's because they don't actually understand the culture, not because they are ultra kike shills. The threads have a grain of truth (trs shilled for gays when the Orlando shooting happened to point out hippocracies on the left, I'm sre some of them in their newfaggotry think that there's a difference between Israeli "nationalist jews" and diaspora) but it's been blown way out of proportion to culminate into something like this. This is fucking stupid.
Once again a grain of truth. He was a christcuck lolbertarian but has now disavowed after going on his gay little soul search. They're just new, not nefarious.
Nicholas Reed
That's why he hangs out with niggers, so he can kill them when they least expect it, right?
Bentley Powell
He was not completely opposed to race mixing a year or two ago when he left the site. Not sure where he is now because he went back knowing they are fully opposed to it. It's a result of being christcucked in a typical American zionist Protestant church.
Wyatt Martin
Don't you dare use LoGH to ingroup signal you commie scum. Steven Universe would be more your speed.
Camden Brooks
ITT: TRS damage control
Daniel Ward
Mason Robinson
Julian Ross
If you don't understand by now you're probably just as smart as a nigger and deserve a place next to him on the rope.
Austin Reed
If only TRS had acted like the ally they have been proclaiming themselves to be and apologized to Holla Forums for their very poor (given the large amount of evidence) attempt at subversion.
Now Bulbasaur is probably never going to get a decent job and even his marriage may suffer since I doubt he's man enough to tell his wife his real beliefs.
Jayden Barnes
Aren't you ashamed to be avatarfagging as known homophobe and fascist shitlord Mike Pence in order to scrape and beg for the approval of some anti-semite posters on a filipino imageboard? Is this how you pictured your life would be?
Samuel Sullivan
Cooper Price
Isaac Cooper
It's only avatarfagging if you do it more than once.
Luis Parker
"you" as in whoever was reading that post. I'm obviously not trying to persuade you, antifachan.
Joshua Ward
tb.h i think this is some jew d&c type shit. we gonna start doxxing the kkk next because they don't agree with our views on abortion? this shit is petty and the time would be better spent fucking with antifa or liberals or someone who actually disagrees with us
Nathan Campbell
What's the date on that comment from the third pic?
Andrew Bennett
TRS, not even once.
Blake Harris
You mean the FBI, ATF, and one useful idiot?
Elijah Ward
You're trying to keep up the facade, but I know you heard me right.
Are you paid or do you do it for free?
Elijah Harris
I should be asking you the same question.
Thomas Stewart
oh trs you so crazy
Ryan Hughes
Wow you're right "user" we should support niggers, fags, and "nationalist" jews and donate to your podcasts while being astroturfed, what a swell idea! >>>/oven/
Bentley Diaz
How (((convenient))), look what popped up in the catalog in the middle of another TRS raid.
Luis Rogers
Angel Hughes
Logan Foster
Are there even any anons here that didn't come here from Gamergate(reddit)? The UID stats stay static but there is a constant influx of newfags. People are leaving as fast as newfags come in and the entire board is full of people pretending to be Holla Forums.
This is a consequence of the meme that we are responsible for Trump's victory. It's Soros et al but instead of niggers burning down cities it's Jews burning down boards.
Logan Torres
Surprising. Must be ironmarch though :^^^)
David Bennett
Sebastian Young
addendum; I've never seen ironmarch trying to force a migration
TRS now routinely sceams Holla Forums's favorite "MODS ARE COMPROMISED" line now that they've been told to fuck off
Eli Bell
Apologize, faggots.
Charles Morris
how about letting them be useful until we live in a white ethnostate and it's time to decide between the guy who is pro zionist and pro faggotry and the one who isnt and then start doxxing them? as of right now we are on the same side
Kevin Gray
every time lol
Angel Morris
Pick one and only one.
Jaxon Gonzalez
we're both pro white first and foremost and every one else is anti white
Matthew Sanchez
As if this isn't a prime example of the dangers of purity spiralling.
Aiden Morris
Pick one and only one.
Bentley Bell
Their global mod is Lothar, a known goon. Several of their vetted users including said mod, posted bans that they got for shilling jewish nationalism on Holla Forums
Bentley Richardson
Jacob Green
TRS are the ones shilling zionism faggot.
Jose Morales
Jackson Wilson
Kill yourself faggot nigger lover.
Oliver Diaz
Fuck off Holla Forums we aren't buying your false flag.
Gavin Diaz
Where's the apology ?
Joshua Russell
There is none. Someone made a fake thread with no proof, and quite obviously the shilling hasn't even remotely slowed down.
Grayson Jenkins
You know doxing that pack of retards and informants would probably do some good.
Jayden King
thanks mods, this was obviously a kike. I wouldn't even do that to my worst enemy.
Gavin Price
Austin Young
There's a difference between (((civic nationalism))) and NatSoc values you know.
Aaron Perry
I believe at least TDS are NatSoc. They had someone on to talk about it in one of their podcasts to discuss how to even go about that course of action for the country. I could be wrong.
So far all I have seen is a gay intern and Bulbasaur saying he is more open to race-mixing than others, from who knows how long ago.
James Thomas
That's not how you deal with traitors user.
Adrian Sanchez
trs is not a civic nationalist board bro. there are nigger and jew hate threads on there 24/7
Wyatt Lopez
because we don't give antifa anything, and anyone who does deserves the oven.
Ethan Reed
So you didn't say any of those threads with loads of evidence? Hunh.
Sure thing TRS.
Gavin Barnes
This is super fucking retarded. Whatever petty feud is going on between pol and TRS right now, doxxing people who are 95% on your team (compared to the leftism that totally dominates mainstream politics and culture) is just incredibly dumb and counterproductive. Google "the narcissism of small differences" and grow the fuck up.
Mods should delete this shit but it's probably too late. Well done, idiot.
David King
i've posted more in this thread than i ever have on TRS
Carson Perry
TRS can only be purified through fire. Civic nationalism.
Owen Wright
Nice talking points faggot
If they were on our side maybe they shouldn't have shilled/raided us And if they were on our side maybe they should've apologized after they did
Michael Brown
It sounds like you're making a threat.
That's still one more than me.
Cameron Ortiz
I'm not a fan of Spencer, and have no idea about the other two. I am assuming these three are a lot larger than Holla Forums, not to mention a public face for WHITE nationalism (Spencer, at least he says). Those things are important, especially right now.
And yes, I have missed most of the evidence threads. The only other thing I have seen is some dude taking a facial.
Ryder Rivera
Go back to reddit faggot.
Carson Perez
Let me also add, that I would really hate for these guys to come out as literal cock suckers. But I don't believe they are.
Brayden Wright
They really aren't GRIDS Johnson runs a very small publishing joint Woes is a youtuber While the only reason Spencer is relevant is because the media props him up
These threats are annoying, and have been since number 5.
Alexander Hernandez
TRS is. So you assume "everyone here is far left" and post in a thread about a topic you're mostly ignorant of?
Lucas Jones
Henry Bell
I'm sure you can make up a hundred excuses to justify this shit, and you will, but this is some straight up ANTIFA faggotry from so called "True NATSOC's" who've meme'd themselves to become bigger stormfags than they ever could've hoped to be.
And you wonder why the overly aggressive elements always get purged when their side eventually comes to power. Good thing all the decent posters left this place nearly a year ago.
Noah Baker
Yeah, because people calling for antifa and begging for people to do something instead of doing it themselves, really seemed a bit off. I'm not a regular user of any site except 4chan Holla Forums.
And TRS can be a fan of someone claiming to be a white nationalist, who is currently getting a lot of media attention. That doesn't really make me sad at all, I just don't trust Spencer's motives.
Lincoln Morales
1 minute apart. Looks like the TRS discord is hard at work.
Jack Hall
Just a random goy, right.
Oliver Brown
Fuck off outsider shill I know your plans
Connor Miller
(them trips) One person who was gassed. And that speaks load about TRS's critical thinking skills. They're fucking Gamergate 2.0 PR fagging, and shilling here from their invite-only forum. Namefaggery always corrupts.
you couldn't make yourself more obvious
Cameron Ross
Holla Forums false flags. Pretending to be "TRSshills" and using POL and stormfags signal they aren't one of us.
Isaac Thomas
no one has linked to your shitty site faggot
Gavin Torres
If you don't know why that's a bad thing then you should leave and never come back
Joshua Collins
Maybe the old saying is true that the far-right and far-left have more in common than they'd like to admit. I recognize that tactic, back on stormfront a decade ago. Shill, agent provocateur, JIDF, anything to side track from the argument.
John Williams
Any sympathy I may have had for this guy was gone as soon I saw what a goofy autist he looks like. TRShills must hang.
Ryder Jones
Asher Campbell
God I love those things. Pure predators.
Carson Adams
How right you are
Ayden Torres
Not what I mean All I need to do to prove my point is to screen cap 4/pol/'s Catalog
Juan Fisher
go back to reddit, no one is buying it
Hunter Jenkins
Gavin Barnes
It's worth a few laughs. News I would never read about elsewhere sometimes. Mostly bullshit, but I'm not interested in raiding.
I get it if you're bored. The right doesn't really have anyone to attack except the right anymore.
A lot of what I have seen in these threads is TRS telling people to stop shilling, Holla Forums calling people goons. Maybe a fag intern who needs to go, and some decade old opinions. I don't think I'm going to find much else. It's not like I can change whatever is going to happen anyway.
I do listen to the podcasts though. Didn't they open the forums up a few weeks ago? How long has this shilling been going on? What is this actually even about anymore? Outing suspected "goons" in the leadership?
Christian Jones
you're a shill and you need to fucking gas yourself NOW
Jacob James
Buying what? All that's been proven.
Colton Turner
Whatever. Sorry, but that sounds like some super gay internet drama that no-one over the age of 13 should give a flying fuck about. But even assuming it's a big deal for you, it's still not a good reason to attempt to ruin the life of someone who is basically on your side, internecine differences aside.
Let me remind you that the various overlapping communities on the far right (whatever umbrella label you want to use - I know "alt right" has fallen out of favor recently) have just helped elect a candidate way, way outside the mainstream into the most powerful job on the fucking planet, and in so doing completely BTFO'd every single person in the global elite. That's what can be achieved when people put aside their differences and work together.
If we decide instead to focus entirely on those differences and devolve into petty feuding, we will achieve nothing except a circular firing squad. Many political movements have gone nowhere for exactly that reason, and that's exactly what our enemies want. So for god's sake, start thinking like a man in control of your emotions, instead of like a petty teenage girl.
Blake Torres
Chase Johnson
What happened I suspect was that ages ago some shills got in the TRS forums before they shut it, they might of subverted them a tad, I don't know But those shills came here and started this shit while claiming it was Iron March, which makes TRS a bigger target as it makes TRS look like a bunch of retards Fuck maybe some of those shills have Radio shows, I suspect Slug2_ maybe one
Angel Sanchez
Luke Cooper
lololol buttmad TRS SHILL outing himself for being a pro-homo. Hey faggot, have those AIDS bugs destroyed your neurons as well as your white blood cells?
Jonathan Roberts
Adrian Gray
Evalion was more popular than all of the above combined in under a month. Was still shit. It's the same mo every time. Wrathful person steals/copies all jokes and viewpoints off anons. Thinking their incessant namefagging gives them credit for it now. Since anons were doing it for free, which is apparently sinful, misguided or outright retarded by greedy standards.
Aiden Moore
So, you want to squeal on a white nationalist because…. he's a namefag. Even though he himself has never posted on Holla Forums. Congratulations, you've ascended to a new plane of retardation. Or you're just a jew shill pretending to be us. Maybe you should vape some zyklon.
Bentley Hill
Holla Forums gets encouraged to feud pettily hundreds of times a day. Why is it that this time it took off? Could it be that there's some actual issues here that they've ignored for far too long? Or is it just whatever boogeyman manipulating us and somehow being more successful at manipulating us than the 900 other times we've been manipulated?
It's easier to blame it all on your enemies than realize you fucked up. They could've stopped this all six days ago with a simple apology. They chose this path just as much as we did. To come here and shame us for retaliating while making platitudes to muh movement is pathetic, it's attempting to have your cake and eat it too.
Andrew Nelson
What's going on itt?
Chase Rogers
i feel like there needs to be a natural progression for normies to take to develop more and more red pilled views. a rabbit hole so to speak. something like the_donald > 4/pol/ > TRS > 8/pol/ or something.
it is in our best interest for now to let them manipulate queers and niggers into voting right wing. if we ever are going to really start gassing kikes the normies have to be red pilled somehow and they aren't going to do it themselves. that shit is easier for the average indoctrinated millennial to stomach at first. we have to gradually push the pendulum to the right and as faggy as it is the_donald and shit like TRS are the first and second steps to that.
Hudson Moore
Gas yourself.
Charles Williams
and to think all they had to do was let go of their massive egos. Too bad they have black dick stuck up their brains to realize it.
Tyler Baker
This is what I'm a bit confused about. I thought TRS was getting a lot of listeners? Which is why I think it's important.
Not everyone is a shill. Some people are asking questions to people currently still pursuing this in the most effective way.
It's honestly my fault for not going through 8.000 replies. I have seen screenshots what I assume to be TRS leadership "seventhson" telling people to stop posting about Holla Forums. Like I said, whatever is going to happen is already happening.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
I came from reddit I'm not going back Thanks GamerGate :^)
Robert Scott
you have not been paying attention, this is not about TRS existing and doing their own shit, its about them obsessively coming over here trying to pull Holla Forums over to their forum and accept that kikes, fags, and blacks might be ok as long as they are based.
Thomas Williams
Believe it or not. Not getting a membership to poz university, everyday people are still more effective and valuable. This sounds identical to those groups that started their 'own' catholic church branches. With new pro LGBT222 bibles. Ordain all female/trans priests, then go on tv and news speaking about how they represent Christianity now. Opportunist hijackers that got caught. This will keep getting thrown out into the ether. Since you're some obvious fucks.
Dominic Ward
You TRS plebs are too obvious urbandictionary. com/define.php?term=JAQing%20off
Julian Anderson
Kikess from Washington. We made her life a living hell. You are TRS and therefore have not paid any attention to what goes on here. We've fucked with leftists plenty. And yet none of them came in here and tried to shill their podcast. TRS, though? Yeah.
John Howard
Just be happy we haven't shopped Ghoul and Bulbasaur sucking horse dick and sent it to their family.
Ethan Allen
The in-fighting this has caused will truly damage Holla Forums, wether the witch hunt is wrong or right in the end.
We are now steadily on the path of half chan Holla Forums, where shitty low energy threads will dominate and meaningless memes will soon flow like the niggers into Germany.
William Perry
Subversives are also far more dangerous than left-wingers, at least the leftists are honest about being pro-faggot and pro-kike. E-celebs have all got to go, no exceptions.
Adrian Hall
I've already said I listen to TDS… Probably multiple times. I don't use TRS forums, or this site. But you're free to think whatever you want.
Joseph White
cont'd of course, we could change that. Should we do to Bulbasaur what we did with the kike from Washington? Should we ruin the entire guy's life and cause his wife and their children to fear what their father is? Do you really want us to pile it on?
Carson Butler
said increasingly nervous kike for the thousandth time. you aren't from around here
Benjamin Watson
There's that word for the billionth time.
Jeremiah Fisher
I think that ship has sailed already either way.
Elijah Perez
Asher Morales
Pathetic, you plebs are using tactics that became obsolete in mid 90's.
Owen Ortiz
Even if they were in a situation where this would be "infighting," they started the whole thing and then asked for more when they refused a simple apology. At the point where an apology was asked of them, it could've been privately done and everyone could have moved on. But NOOOOOOOOOooooOOO. They really did ask for it.
Aaron Young
Goon threads are definitely slide threads!
Cooper Collins
I keep hearing that all the time, which is why Holla Forums is kinda declining. I remember what this place was like after the first exodus. May sound hard to believe but people were actually kinda polite though that may have just been the bond they shared early on building a new culture after the old #gg fiasco. But yeah, in the past 3 weeks all i've seen is people shitting on people in massive numbers for what basically equates to "wrongthink". Hell what I just posted was innocuous enough, you're posts kinda prove it. When there's a massive upsurge in one-word answers things are on a decline. It means we've stopped communicating and are just spewing meaningless platitudes.
As if Holla Forums was immune for infighting. Don't be naive man.
Benjamin Perry
How so? Holla Forums hasn't contacted his CO, we've sent no messages to his wife that I know of. There's plenty farther to push if they don't want to apologize like men. Haven't even doxed Sven or Lothar yet. One of those faggots lives in a country where saying shit about kikes will get you thrown in jail. Just sayin'.
Noah Peterson
Hey, I'm sure they could have. TRS are equally dumb when it comes to this stuff. Everyone needs to learn (a) don't punch to the right, and (b) don't punch to your immediate left either. That's why the left is successful, because they don't constantly attack their own side.*
Whatever genuine drama has gone down between Holla Forums and TRS, I'm trying to encourage both sides to act like a fucking man, take a deep breath, look to the horizon and put that shit aside. Why? Because we face more important issues than some internet forum having beef with some other internet forum. If you don't think so, take a look outside sometime.
* though the far left also has a tendency towards circular firing squads, which is why extreme leftist groups typically don't achieve much in their own lifetime, except to drag the Overton window left so that their ideas can be adopted as mainstream two decades later.
Tyler Sullivan
You don't really know who has done what, except that multiple groups know who he is now.
Noah Thomas
You faggots will never fit in here. Just admit what you are and we can address it an move forward.
Adrian Hall
you can't "infight" with separate fucking entities
Kevin Williams
Fair enough.
Adam Jenkins
TRS needs to "act like a fucking man". They've been warned before and they didn't listen, it's been a week that we have offered them to apologize and they didn't listen. Now they're going to eat shit.
Aaron Mitchell
Also, I just want to make clear: TRS is the one punching to the right, to use your terms. You don't use this space as advertising for your faggoty podcast to suck donation dollars out of the community. TRS punched right first. It's almost as if the only time anyone can "punch to the right" it's TRS doing it.
Anthony Watson
They've been warned before and they didn't listen, it's been a week that we have offered them to apologize and they didn't listen
Not only that but Sven had the nerve to actually tell Holla Forums to formally apologize to TRS for saying mean words about them. All of this "let's just put in the past" bullshit is simply TRShills cowering in their boots now that they've actually felt some real pushback for their faggotry.
Chase Walker
remember rules for thee but not for me
Jack Powell
Once again, pretty foolish. Early on this board and of course the orignal half chans Holla Forums was almost a 50/50 split between NatSoc and Lolbretarians. While that changes over the past year and half to a much more uniform Holla Forums people still don't see eye to eye. Hell the other day I watched someone talking about benito mussolini and about how he prided himself on his ideas, but since he quoted something where benito claimed the uniformity of a nation is more important than the uniformity of racial purity he was bombarded with the most autistic arugments i'd ever seen and wrote an essay about how "this benito mustac-halinki" was a quality cuck civic nationalist or something of the like.
Basically it's noticeable to anyone who isn't thinking with just emotion and it's getting out of hand.
Adam Adams
dubs confirm trs can dish it but cant take it.
Austin Brooks
Exactly, it's just some nigger tier "U HAFTA UNASTAN MANE"
Charles Morales
Gavin Bailey
Austin Rivera
Isaiah Thomas
Got more boogeymen?
Easton Myers
all they literally had to do to stop the dox was admit they were doing it, apologize, and promise to stop shilling their shit here. But instead they insult a /baph/ mod in another thread, insult me when I was ddosing them, and then continued to talk shit about us on their forum after they figured it out and swapped servers behind cloudflare. You faggots deserved the dox, and if you keep it up and keep talking shit to us we will continue to dox every single one of your member until you get the hint.
Joshua Jones
Gas yourself post haste
Cooper Russell
That's fine. But when this gets posted on You can take credit for aiding antifa with info. At least now we have a formula to dox whoever we please.
Isaiah Cruz
Did he delete everything related to himself?
Robert Robinson
Charles Kelly
TRS doesn't want to apologize because they look down on Holla Forums and on imageboards in general; they don't see us as their equal but rather as inferiors to be used.
This is why it's vital that TRS be taught a lesson.
Benjamin Price
Lucas Rivera
Yes, as I believe I have stated already, TRS is just as bad at this shit as anyone. Both sides need to act like fucking grownups rather than engaging in counterproductive (and ultimately self-destructive) behavior.
But that requires that everyone climb down from DEFCON whatever the fuck you're currently at. Seems to me that doxxing people probably isn't a great way to do that. Seems to me like it might just escalate things, all the while playing into the hands of your mutual enemies. But what the hell would I know, right?
Noah Sanders
I always knew that baph thread was a good idea
Nathaniel Cook
the point was that instead of even curtailing their ego even a little bit, they decided it was a better idea to insult /baph/ mods. They are just as retarded and stuck up as Holla Forums
Gavin Miller
I see.
Aiden Parker
TRS has no idea this is going on
Jace Rogers
Please directly quote where I defended goons or where I shilled. I'm interested to see what equates to that in your mind.
As for infighting with a seperate group argument, please see>>8695056
Carson Morris
Really if we could get this after a week it shows you antifa doesn't really care about you as much a you think tbh
Jackson Sanders
Adrian Myers
HOORAY! Holla Forums is gonna DOXX THE ALT RIGHT!
Owen Thomas
Chase Thomas
Jacob Peterson
Eh, If TRS is shills then it exposes them, if TRS aren't shills it makes them wake the fuck up
They had their chance, and most of our enemies seems to come from the TRS backdoor. Everytime there's a "based" fag/kike/nigger that decries the 14/88 as not the real part of "our" movement it comes from there.
Nathaniel Howard
It's really comical how shameless they are.
Josiah Hughes
I'm embarrassed to be posting along with you faggots.
Luke Hall
Then don't.
Owen Bailey
As I fucking said, outside shills got into TRS when the forums were opened and then subverted them on the inside AND EVERYONE ON BOTH SIDES THINKS I'M WRONG
Julian Bailey
How convenient. Nothing like a good false flag in the morning
Matthew Young
The TRS global mod Lothar is a confirmed goon and posted their ban from Holla Forums on the TRS forum. TRS are being led by goons right now, even the dox on bulbacuck reveals he is a goon. TRS is already subverted and is currently trying to subvert Holla Forums the reason you didn't understand what I was saying is that you never read any of the past threads. If you did you would know the shilling I am referring to is the several vetted TRS users and the global mod that were banned on Holla Forums for shilling jewish nationalism, and saying that we should ally with kikes
Ethan White
It's just that nobody cares. Why should I give a fuck that TRS may have gotten some shills and been subverted? All I care about is this place. Don't fucking shill here. TRS needs to take care of its house and Holla Forums will take care of our house. Don't bring your fucking garbage and dump it on Holla Forums's front lawn.
Julian Ross
No man, what I understand all that. You didn't understand what I asked.
You said I shilled and defended a goon. Where did I defend a goon?
Brayden Jenkins
Because those shills are here shitting everything up They're the ones who caused this
Carson Williams
No, TRS caused this when they decided to try to use Holla Forums as their billboard. How fucking hard is that to understand? How many fucking times will I repeat that?
Luke Rivera
weev is even telling you fags to apologize, and he fixed your server and saved you from me temporarily
Nathaniel Ward
The Shills made TRS think invading Holla Forums was a good idea
Justin Garcia
Well it's not like there is no reason why people think Weev is an agent, I'm not saying he is but I'll just make that point
Isaac Lopez
welcome to the new jidf tactics.
any true white nationalist would spend his time and energy on leftists and shitskins, not on goys who want a white state
Anthony Lewis
And how the fuck did they come to the conclusion that those shills were correct? They know who Holla Forums is and what happens here. If they didn't, then now they do. They are all over 4plebs. They should have known better. You sound like a fucking retard and you're trying to complicate it. One more time, you fucking faggot.
Lucas Edwards
Just being white nationalist doesn't make us your ally, faggot
Jacob Wright
what exe? that angry goy game wasnt a virus was it?
Nolan Collins
Ryder Fisher
People follow a crowd even in these circles
Angel Harris
Holla Forums being jewish again
Ryan Perez
Stop it. You're digging the hole deeper. They knew shilling Holla Forums was a terrible idea They did it anyway
Jacob Jackson
We antifa now
Liam Perez
No I said As in TRS are goons and they were shilling, even after clarification you try to shift the narrative. I even quoted what you said before defending them
Zachary Cooper
We letting namefags shill Holla Forums now
Colton Moore
On a related note, is there a single TRS fag that doesn't look like an ugly aspie? Because I've yet to see one. I feel like if you saw pics of most of these guys behind the mics they would all appear to look more like estrogenized/dirty antifa faggots than anything.
Nathan Ramirez
which is more important: a white homeland or doxing white nationalists?
Samuel Taylor
The latter obviously you fucking goon shill.
Joshua Robinson
Ghoul is a full blown sperg, SS is a fucking spic and the list goes on.
Charles Davis
Why are you using an asterisk to connect an afterthought instead of just making it the next sentence? What the fuck is wrong with you, you aren't writing a paper for english class.
James Thomas
The happy merchant has redpilled more people than your shitty site. We should probably support the KKK because they're white nationalists even if they're all FBI agents too I mean we agree on 95% of the same stuff
Camden Barnes
This is how they do it at namefag forums.
* well, MOST namefag forums
Michael Baker
You don't need to get mad And if they are making sense then they can be convinced, if they are a crowd they can't
Mike probably doesn't he might look like pic related :^)
Angel Bennett
I'm not even TRS you retard
John Watson
hold up. seventhson from TDS is a spic? is there any proof?
Xavier Harris
A eugenic national socialist planet with no "based" niggers, faggots or kikes.
Kayden Clark
what the fuck does that even mean?
Alexander Adams
exactly. so stop shilling and fuck off. if your truly, such a half brain you cant see your own hypocrisy, I don't want to share any state with you
Henry King
Isaiah Cox
no nigger it's literally there black and white clear as crystal. It's not my fault you can't communicate your ideas because of literally the shit i'm bitching about. One word fucking "rebuttals". You literally just added an addendum to clarify you're argument. Pretty convenient.
Aaron Jones
Matthew Peterson
Probably the same amount of proof that Mike is a Jew
It means that if they are being guided then they can't be convinced
Logan Thompson
Sent him a couple emails from a couple different burners asking for invites and got none Tried all angles, Holla Forums, gommie, antifa, xD lulzy Holla Forumskike
This too. And one of our more autismal users the guy who bitches about being incel in every thread sex is brought up in and finally snapped and posted his picture in a sort of 'lel r8 pls' type thing looks like he came right off a NSDAP propaganda poster.
Julian Jackson
They should know /baph/ likes to fuck with people just for fun.
Nolan Thompson
Fuck off back to TRS you shill. I can see right through your kikery.
Jace Cook
Again, reap what you sew. Stop making excuses for them.
Nicholas Howard
This, why is there more reddit spacing than usual, and not just from the pro-TRS side either
I'm not, you are you fucking faggot
Adrian Sullivan
Brayden Watson
hitting enter doesn't make you from reddit you fucking shill.
Wyatt Parker
See what I did there
Gabriel Turner
How? I said no excuses they should have known better. Meanwhile you're all Fuck yourself with a grounding rod, nigger.
Caleb Perry
when you do it every fucking sentence for "rhythm" or "readability"
Noah King
Sebastian Martinez
Robert Scott
Yes it does you obvious newfag TRS shill.
Bentley White
You're making the excuse of them being beholden to some e-cult
William Gray
we aren't fucking writing haiku's here, and half the people you who are shitting on TRS in this thread have done the excact same shit.
Whatever you say you 2nd Exodus nigger. It's true what they said, the 2nd exodus was really the filth Holla Forums didn't need.
Evan Perez
Hopefully they will get their egos in check at least. Ghoul thinks he can just put his face on youtube and nobody will know. Bulbasaur uses his same name from instagram on TRS and thinks nobody will know. Hope the other guys who don't want to be identified do a good job cleaning up their opsec and don't take it so lightly. These two pretty much doxed themselves and now leftists will be all over their profiles trying to get more info to dox more guys from TRS.
Austin Stewart
Joshua Peterson
You mean the faggot who's eternally salty about not being able to get laid? there's no way he can look like that and have such a hard time with it
Michael Smith
/baph/ is /cow/ on steroids and I for one love it. TRS cannot contain their egos and stop talking shit in the den of the literal devil.
Jaxson Hughes
Holy fuck, please kill yourself. Jesus fucking Christ. NIGGER REGARDLESS OF WHO CONTROLS THEM, SEVENTHSON DECIDED TO GO ALONG WITH THE SHIT IDEA TO SHILL Holla Forums How are you this fucking retarded and still alive? Doesn't Mike own the goddamn thing or isn't he the main guy? If yes, then they are controlled by the owner because they're namefags. Drink moar gasoline.
Easton Gray
Andrew Williams
All this achieves is antfia seeing this and fucking with them, so we're being antifa indirectly.
Lucas Jackson
I was posting here before gamergate you TRS shill. Now fuck off back to TRS where you belong.
Jordan Torres
Go back to bed, TRS. You fags can't shill worth shit when you're at verge of a prolapse
Eli White
Seventh has no fucking idea what's going on The Shoah hasn't mentioned us in the last 3 shoahs when this was going on Nor has the Dicuss It's shit from inside that's gotten from the outside :^)
Aiden Brown
Josiah Wright
Are you seriously that taken in by virtue signalling?
Anyone who isn't a fucking chimpanzee can learn and emulate the values and vernacular of a given group, holy shit. Stop being so naive.
Jacob Long
And it also sends a message to never shill Holla Forums and apologize if you do.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Adrian Stewart
Look at my post history and tell me I'm trs faggot
Mason Reyes
Jaxson Rogers
kek, and you're also 7 ft tall and 200lbs of pure muscle. Even if that were true being here before the first exodus is actually a staple worth of sympathy as you have my condolesnces in only have 3 other posters to yell "SHILL" at. real convincing bro, tell me to check my privilege next, complete this picture of meaningless platitudes.
Ethan Martin
Yeah I do He needs to eliminate want from his life - all want sans the want for a brighter future for the white race. Want for things like sex just makes you act like a fucking sperg, he said he got fellatio before so girls are clearly into him - he just probably spergs out because he's desperate and doesn't just run with it causing him to not seal the deal either that or he has weird taste / unreachable standards like 21 year old virgin in [current year] paired with this fucked up desire to get laid at all costs It's a bit like Elliot Rodger who felt it needed to be a white girl to fuck but he was hapa scum and no aryan goddesses wanted to fugg, if he'd just gone for some quiet weebslut who would have sucked him off as he obsessively scratched off lotto-tickets I doubt he would have gone full sickfuck
He's not TRS it's what's in his mind and heart that are preventing him from getting laid, not his body.
Zachary Powell
Ryder Adams
The sooner this dies the better. I think the lines have been drawn and everyone understands now
Kayden Wilson
I didn't say he has nothing to do with it it's that he has no idea what's going on and runs away when ever the topic is brought up That post basically says Seventh wants this to go away by him doing nothing
Henry Phillips
always assumed most guys that post on Holla Forums are good looking (minus the niggers and gooks larping as whites)
Nathan Harris
Joshua Morgan
Blake Robinson
If you actually cared to read any of the stuff I showed you to catch you up on what is happening then you wouldn't have been confused. Now you are just defending an ego at this point which makes you seem even more like a TRShill than before
pics related
Aiden Bailey
Lucas Turner
Again show me the exact line where it implies anything other than Seventh wanting to ignore the problem
Asher Bell
Dylan Nelson
Exactly, Seventh doesn't know what went down
Julian Cook
Jason Sullivan
Noah Lopez
no bro. You said I defended a goon, I pressured you to prove it, you couldn't. Then you went on a tirade about how that's not what you meant even though your OP reads verbatum
Get gud.
Isaiah Morgan
Aiden Powell
Isaiah Lopez
Thomas Thomas
Jesus Christ, suck on a tailpipe.
Nicholas Perez
Wyatt King
You're kidding right?
Aiden Perry
Alexander Lewis
Connor Bailey
Carson Peterson
Easton Moore
Thomas Long
Noah Cox
I almost feel sorry for the faggot. What a waste of decently aesthetic genes to be caught up in that niggardly lust. Hell I have an abnormally high libido but even before I found my woman I would just masturbate in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation
Lincoln Stewart
Angel Miller
David Torres
Alexander Anderson
Blake Brown
you're doxing people who are against this
Ian Walker
Camden Cooper
It was the board owner from /baph/ supposedly. @wewsparta on Twitter. "We" didn't do anything.
Xavier Scott
Juan Ortiz
why do we even have to care about them? Why cant they just fuck off. I for one do not want "friendly relations" with them, I would rather have none. They can just fuck off and if they want to deal with us they can just lurk more like the rest of the newfags. No special status to them just because they got a bunch of near normies listening to them.
Mason Hughes
No, Seventh has no idea about anything
Seventh didn't know what TRS did wrong which is why he said that How hard is that to get
Christopher Rodriguez
How the fuck do you know what he knew or didn't know? Seems everyone else did. Did they keep that faggot in the dark?
Bentley Hill
Samuel Fisher
shit, user, dump saved. hadn't seen some of those yet
i leave flash drives of this shit in college computers
Brody Sullivan
Excuse me, /baphomet/ mod rather.
Kayden Rivera
You can fucking tell by the way he acts
Jacob Robinson
Go to bulbasaur's twitter page. Kek
Logan Edwards
: ^ )
Ethan Evans
Are you two faggots hanging out lately? How the fuck can you tell about how he acts?
Justin Williams
sorry jew but you jew traitors go first
Ayden Baker
salty cuck detected
Logan Walker
I don't really like to brag but I used to be a /fa/ggot and did a good deal of modeling for some friends I knew in commiefornia - hey free roof over your head, free distractions, free friends, free skanks + cash. you'd do it too if you were seventeen and pissed off at your parents. I was so invested in that one user's plight because I was the same at one point and due to my career path engaged in a lot of casual sex which ultimately fucked me up in the head when I started thinking about all the by-proxy niggerdick and druggie skanks I'd been exposed to and I don't want him to go down the same degenerate path I did. Once you do it once all the awkwardness disperses and it's easy to fall into a really fucked up way of thinking about sex and relationships where you are basically simultaneously using her as a human mastubation machine while she's doing the same to you - compared to sex with a girl you have been with for years it's a completely different entity sage for blogpost faggotry. I warned you it was going to be blogpost faggotry
That's what I do now, I got dumped / dumped my gf it was mutual because I had to move for work **I am going to Japan though and will be living out every weeb's fantasy while working a dead-end job with a high mortality rate since it involves shipping containers. I keep telling myself I want to do it because muh honoraryans but I don't know really* so that's why I am >>>/blog/ as hell tonight.
On topic: fuck TRS and fuck goons.
Grayson Jones
Same tactics they used for Evalion. Really makes you think.
Eli Roberts
It's almost like there's a common factor here.
Lincoln Sanchez
Does Evalion sexually identify as an alt-rightist?
Henry Gutierrez
It's almost as if Lothar was involved in shilling Evalion and is also involved in shilling TRS.
Grayson Walker
I can't understand how Ghoul wasn't fully prepared for dox.
Christopher Morris
That's just your paranoid schizophrenia talking, user.
Ryan Green
Evalion identifies as a toe-biting, self-punching, bowling pin fucking Canadian with soft teeth.
Levi Martin
Never happened because those sites don't exist Because they're acting left wing If you don't know about Sam Hyde then you should fuck off Again, never happened I'm totally a Shill paid by Kushner, and isn't Cernovich admitted to be Kosher by TRS Ironmarch and Rope Culture don't exist you faggot The 2nd rule of the internet is that Mods are always Jews
Luis Hernandez
Are you one of the TRS based blacks, because you have the reading comprehension of a nigger
The context is clear to any user that even slightly kept up with what has been going on. I gave you the benifit of the doubt, and clarified several times what I meant. So to defend your ego you call it a tirade. Hang yourself for wasting good digits
They are a subversive element trying to shill Holla Forums and push for allying with kikes. I agree most of this would be settled if they just lurked moar, however they look down on chan culture
James Campbell
It's like these guys are all mid-20s autists who have no idea what the internet's true purpose is. (checked) So she's just a cat-lady in the making that likes Hitler? sick.
Alexander Cox
the fucking nerve
Luis Mitchell
The way he acts on the shoahs, you can tell that he is someone who is withdrawn and wants to run away from any conflict in which why he runs away from information of TRS guys (who are actually outsider shills) shilling here
Cameron Ramirez
Austin Sanchez
Thanks, Dr. Freud. We'll take it from here.
Mason Lopez
Yeah I have no clue. Acts like it was his first day on the internet
Lincoln Gray
He sounds like a whiny ego-driven faggot
Alexander Flores
These egoistical cunts are so fucking annoying
Sebastian Young
Adrian Cruz
Please tell me the exact episode they say based black, so I can repeat the line, episode, minute and second so the whole based black thing isn't baseless And also Seventh obviously has no idea that TRS shilled here which is why he said those things
Jaxson Jackson
no nigger. that's not how it works. I'm sorry you >a) aren't better at saying what you actually mean, or everything you've said thus far has just been next time read what someone posts before just spewing out bullshit accusations. Helps in the long run.
Blake Butler
This isn't Jewish Psychology shit but rather drawing from Heuristics
Connor Peterson
It's like he wanted his whole life to be a joke
Jack Thomas
also stay made that kek recognized my rek'ing of your faggotry with glorious trips. PRAISE KEK
Gabriel Barnes
Kevin Baker
This isn't drawing from Heuristics, this is reading exactly what he said in the email. If he had no idea what was going on, why did he demand an apology?
Jackson Sanders
He didn't know TRS was shilling maybe you should go tell him with proof Find ways of letting him know so he can stop
Evan Murphy
Ok i am triggered, That dog is Caucasian Shepherd. Ancient fucking breed that is probably as old as first canines humans tamed. AND ITS JUST A PUPPY.
Blake Jenkins
Because he thinks we did this for no reason He didn't know TRS started it
Camden King
Maybe the faggot should have asked around? Either way, you've just earned yourself a filter.
Jack Morales
he's talking about his redpilling in the atlantic interview. how much of a kike do you have to take tidbits out of context and mislead people like this?
Liam Howard
His problem is that he is too trusting which is why he doesn't ask around
Levi Torres
He bought the "8/pol/ is all paranoid schiziphrenics" meme hard. Every week on the shoah he makes some passive-aggressive faggot remark towards us. He knows what's going on.
Anthony Young
Of course he knows. I've heard the remarks.
Adam Cox
is he the one on the daily shoah who sounds like seth rogan?
Bentley Lee
Nah, that's Mike.
Ian Thomas
Holla Forums is not dying. it's going through natural selection. Weaklings, beta-faggots and civic nationalists will not survive harsh deserts of karakum.
Blake Rodriguez
No that's Mike, Seventh is the one who's a dad
Sebastian Long
He sounds pretty normal. I think you're talking about Kike Enoch.
Lucas Reed
TRS are legit nationalists. Civic nationalists - like Donald Trump. After all, the alt-right is a "big tent" movement, and contains enough space for civic nationalists like TRS and Donald Trump in it. There shall be "no enemies on the right" - and civic nationalists are part and parcel of any right-wing coalition.
Doxing fellow right-wing civic nationalists is verboten. They are allies of the cause, just like right-wing zionists who want all Jews to make aliyah, which is the real "final solution" as we all know. Also right-wing black separatists.
It's 2017, so the goyim need to start building them bridges.
Jordan Campbell
I just looked up millenial woes images and that was one that popped up, my post was just about pointing out how TRS homos look like untermensch.
John Green
who is dis qt?
Chase Jones
I'll bet the 10bux he spent joining SA that he turns into one of those tuner faggots As penance for my earlier blogposts have an OC offering.
Jaxon Martinez
back to reddit
Hunter Gray
In Your Post: Not realizing that many of us enjoyed TRS podcasts prior to this. Really makes one want to pull the dick out of your mouth and replace it with a 12 gauge.
Ian Richardson
Actually this thread is just pure Autism Or at least I am, I don't know about everyone else
Christopher Miller
Yeah, maybe some people here are self-aware of shilling.
Camden Jackson
Are you actually criticising people for making informed decisions?
Landon Campbell
whoa laddi
Colton Wright
It's cool, that missing chromosome never really mattered anyway. Everyone loves you.
Zachary Flores
Carter Gutierrez
Actually TRS are Jews you know
Ian Torres
Isnt it kinda glorious though, the most vicious verbal attacks, that were crafted over a long period of time, by psycho jews, and other would be "scientists".
So many angles of their attacks that were used successfully to silence their opposition in the past, and look at us here now.
Being a jolly as a horse frolicking in a meadow because we know that our combination of minds together has the upper hand on all of them. And we are willing to aggressively defend it.
Going through these threads I just pop a massive jew hating boner, knowing that the kikes who browse this place are in complete panic mode, seeing that even their controlled opposition plot was foiled.
Well if you are here jew, just know that we are coming for you. There will be no mercy and we will hunt down every last one of you. No matter if you are a zionist or a leftist.
Luke Ortiz
hi TRS
Jeremiah Ward
That's some sad cuckoldry. Think about it for a moment.
Jack Bell
See what I mean Both sides are Reddit spacing
Carter Mitchell
Robert Smith
Actually that was a warning shot
Aiden Nguyen
Luis Young
Ayden Wilson
Really made me think.
Gabriel Johnson
marxists are cool with things like faggots and jews, so is TRS, and goons
Benjamin Turner
Zachary Cox
Ryder Ortiz
Just so I know what line to spam to them Exactly what Episode, minute and second did they go on about based blacks
Leo Campbell
Holla Forums is here. Who else is surprised?
Alexander Williams
Thomas Long
Dude, a lot of people have a habit of doing something like, oh, I don't know, changing? Improving for the better?
BTW, this thread and the OP sound like it was made by a fucking goon.
Carson Nguyen
Who the fuck are you even talking to?
Thomas Diaz
Well I guess the first way to change is to know what you did wrong
Lucas Gutierrez
Never go full incoherent.
Juan Williams
Evan Foster
Nolan Campbell
So you TRS faggots are also self-deprecating cucks? Top kek.
Justin Bell
Henry Howard
Yep what ever Seventh is an omnipresent god who knows everything and totally not a shortsighted man who trusts too much
Brandon Smith
You'll make it one day.
Easton Adams
Yep, I'll be a Kang n sheiiit
Kayden Gray
You TRS fags always get the plural wrong. It's fucking goyim. remember it, and maybe you won't be found out so easily next time.
Brody Ross
Charles Garcia
if you faggots really care about your TRS buddies you wouldn't continue shilling here
Alexander Mitchell
They're begging us to burn down their shitty namefag forum. We're obliging.
Adam Walker
the constant threads are attracting TRS newfags who lurk Holla Forums but instead of lurking and posting occasionally they're getting teary eyed ITT.
There's no way to stop it besides banning each and every single poster.
Zachary Martinez
Well this shit should end soon, one way or another
Jaxon Clark
TRS has posted on their forum that the whole thing is goons, they're not really doing anything back so it really depends how far the people here want to push it.
Doubt they're going to apologize though, especially now.
Wyatt Peterson
Well they might branch out soon because Bulby got doxxed That is if Bulby even knows about getting doxxed
Aiden Butler
Dominic Allen
He deleted his twitter so it's highly likely.
Caleb Hughes
Obviously, this is a good thing. If this riles them up, they need to leave. I say this in all honesty for you TRSfags: We could have had a good thing. Had you stayed out of here, there might have been an eventual alliance. But they couldn't, they didn't and now they're paying the price. All they had to do was stay away from fags, "based Jews," and not shill. As of right now, I'm tracing their IP, so they better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic thing they call their board. You're fucking DDoS'd kid. I can re-route IPs in over 700 different servers, and that's just with this toaster of a laptop. Not only am I extensively trained in doxing, but I have access to the entire team of /baph/ and I will use it to wipe their miserable ass off the face of the interwebs, you little shits. If only you could have known what your what unholy retribution your little "clever" shill raid was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. You're fucking dead, shill-o.
Ethan Fisher
Mathew Snow could of prevented this by for one not dating a coalburner.
Nothing of value was lost.
Jaxon Parker
Well you'd think that now one of them is doxxed they'd fear for theirselves
Julian Diaz
It will be over for you soon trsodomite, Holla Forums is having it's very own night of the long knives. This is a good thing is it not?
Dude, a lot of people have a habit of doing something like, oh, I don't know, changing? I'mproving this board for the better? Such as lampshading you faggots.
Juan Cooper
true. coalburners and people who support them all deserve to get stabbed by niggers
Sebastian Roberts
probably not given that he got doxxed due to his own carelessness.
Jaxson Roberts
(you) saved.
Colton Wood
Yes, it was his carelessness that got him doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed.
Austin Barnes
Well if they're ignorant about doxxing then it explains a lot
Xavier Wood
top kek.
Grayson Ross
Brayden Lopez
Fucking ifunny watermark. Just kill me now.
Oliver Walker
You asked for it. inb4 ifunny version of this one
Landon Thomas
Robert Robinson
dubs dictates it was nice shitposting with you all.
Luis Hill
Robert Jones
Austin Richardson
Jacob Sanchez
looks like TRS deleted all the major acounts.
Samuel Baker
I honestly can't believe how hard they're getting their shit pushed in. I bet they now totally understand that they have no business shilling on Holla Forums. Let this be a lesson. Don't fucking shill here.
Kayden Bell
Which ones?
Noah Murphy
remember when CTR tried and they got dox'd too good times
Cooper Johnson
Ha. I'm in that screenshot.
Oliver Green
It's amazing how those idiots don't take any kind of precaution against getting doxed.
Adam Collins
Good times. Remember the user who got pics of them from outside the headquarters?
Brody Rodriguez
remember when they were virgins locked in a basement :^)
Chase Hill
2016 was kind to Holla Forums :^)
Ethan Cooper
Might be using mobile. Shit looks like it's more than it really is.
William Ward
i cant find sven at all. and i could have sworn i had mike fallowed just so i could watch this shit show.
Nathan King
TRS can be fucking faggots at times, but this whole thing feels like an attempt to direct out efforts towards a needless bitch fight with people who basically believe the same things we do. Now call me a shill.
Sebastian Kelly
Nigger, you are so full of shit, I am rolling up my pants, you Holla Forums faggots are insufferable, stop conscensus cracking.
Ian Bell
Just shut the fuck already nigger. Everyone is tired of these worn out lines.
Ryder Roberts
Two of these aren't like the other ♫
Isaiah Perez
Brandon Stewart
To the people saying Seventh Spic didn't know what's going on
We have the original emails and pic related. The problem is known. Apologize and this can stop. You need to be humbled.
Nathaniel White
Good job fuckers, you destroyed the board.
Jace Price
Please let him be next.
Henry Flores
Bulbasaur is cringeworthy. What a cuck move for reputation. Pretty jewey if you ask me. Deleting his account for social manipulation over self-image.
Jacob Baker
I sent him his dox on twitter when they first rolled off. Tagged that nationalist jew, TRS and a few others. My only regret is I only shared his goon account.
Ian Watson
+1 That kike deserved it
Austin Campbell
Next one, I'm going all out. Put a good amount of effort into it, cause a big fucking stink about it.
Julian Ward
The goon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a TRShill, CTR, Holla Forums, JIDF, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a goon and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Sebastian Richardson
I'm getting Seventh Son. He's the biggest and most mysterious overlord target of them all that's been unapologetically pushing all this shit. I'm sure he has some queer kike motives up his doxed sleeves.
Nicholas Edwards
You one of the /baph/holes? Please hit SS. I'd help if I knew how.
Jason Carter
Please user, by keks will, fucking do it, please user. He tries so hard. I'll rub it in his face so good.
There it is. I'm fucking disgusted with anyone on Holla Forums who participated in this. Internet fights are another thing. But you doxed a white nationalist. Stop veiling anything you do in ideology; you are just as nihilist as the rest of society.
Our golden age ended two years ago, and now only shills and useful idiots roam here. I think I'm done. I didn't leave Holla Forums, it left me.
Congrats to whatever group organized this. You managed to do what SRS, JIDF and CTR never could.
Bentley Perez
I don't know who is jewing who anymore.
Robert Ward
t. totally not TRS poster
Sage negated.
Aiden Ortiz
here's your reply
Christian Carter
top kek ghoul gave out all the TRS names anyways
Camden Martinez
I agree. You can't possibly think this is in any way shape or form good or productive. There are only two sides, pro white, and anti white. And this ain't pro white.
Caleb Perez
you can always fuck off and never come back, assuming you aren't one of the many TRS shills ITT
Jackson Bailey
we need to get tactical. Yeah going after the figureheads is good but we need to shut the entire fucking TRS/alt-right shit down. How can we exploit the feud between these civnats? Milo, etc don't like the TRS guys; major rift - none are invited to that (((deploraball))) can't we make them bicker amongst themselves or something until they implode like the dumpster fires they all are?
Aiden Bell
So its ok to accept liberals as long they're pro-white? Dumbass. Are you fan of pro-white tranny buttfucker Blaire white? You seem like you would be. Then when we call out how that's degenerate, you guys scream " OMG D&C SHILLZZZ D&C!!!!"
Jordan Martin
That might also cause them to all migrate here and fuck up the board like they already have. But then again
Noah Roberts
He wasn't literally Hitler. Fuck 'em.
Liam Campbell
Thanks. I hope you are proud of yourselves. Because I'm deeply ashamed.
Yeah. It's remarkable how quickly Holla Forums was subverted to the latter side.
Jaxson Rodriguez
No it's just that I would say when you're being attacked from all sides from outside enemies, starting a fight among yourselves isn't the smartest move. Am I totally wrong here?
Jayden Ortiz
Brandon Rivera
But wanting fags, niggers and jews is! Remember this, goyim!
Logan Bell
So you admit to thinking its ok to ally with liberals, jews and marxist filth as long as their "pro-white". Fuck off TRS
Isaiah Gonzalez
See? He doesn't even know what I was referring to. If anyone in this thread is sincere, you might want to rethink what types you are allying with.
Aaron Taylor
That's a pretty faggy thing to say, but you're not from here anyway.
Carson Jones
Being sincere isn't an excuse for being uninformed.
Aaron Parker
Leave to >>/trs/ kike
Daniel Sanders
Thank god I hope you all get doxxed.
Ian Miller
Total strawman. Nobody wants that. I would say (((someone))) has been riling up both sides with bullshit accusations and it's working. I've always liked Alex Linder's idea of #teamwhite. But this might just be impossible.
Carson Perez
bye TRfaggot
Daniel Long
What a completely retarded thing to do. As if there aren't far more pressing concerns at the moment.
Just absolute stupidity is all it is.
Owen Davis
(checked) what is the night of long knives for $300 Alex. We're cleaning house and showing that those that stray to far that they get the god damn boot just like the rest of the fags. i don't accept milo and i don't accept trs forgive me for having principles.
Logan Brooks
these goon kikes want to do IRL shit and sell merchandise not fucking post here.
Can't believe DailyStormer associates with them tbh. weev too. CUCKS THE WHOLE WAY DOWN. Notice anything else? namefags ruin everything.
Holla Forums is the only good natsoc/WN site (and it's fucking full of shills and complete shit half the time). Such is the blessing and curse of anonhood
Brandon Long
Sure, Chaim.
Jackson Myers
Red Ice Radio would like to have a word with you.
Liam Campbell
Of course you do. We all know your agenda. You gonna send your pet niggers at our homes? Try it.
A white man will have a hard time raising a family. What's the benefit?
Blake Sullivan
Why not try an apology? The people you should be parlaying with is your own administration, not us. Holla Forums was slighted with the shilling evidence, don't bother denying it, so you should be raising a furor on your own site so that your higher ups can get this resolved. The mod SheeeitLawd seems like he was partial to the conciliatory route so contact him as well. Like I said, this isn't going away until your nose is sufficiently bloodied. Holla Forums as a collective is more important than any one of your namefags trying to take credit for what we've done for many years now. You have bit the hand that feeds you memes and denied it when we have it cataloged it like a group of budding e-biologists observing different internet fauna.
So, TRS, I promise you that an apology will go over well here and will allow us to start focusing back on our other enemies instead. Seventh Son is next if you don't apologize.
Aiden Flores
Anti natalist detected.
Gavin Lopez
Nolan Brooks
that is some beautiful gunboat diplomacy.
Liam Carter
who the fuck made YOU our fucking leader? Get fucked.
Eli Ortiz
don't worry, you can tell antifa they are next
Kevin Fisher
I'm sure he is. You are just foaming at the mouth to get all those pesky internet racists. Stop pretending it's about "apology". user has no ego to be satisfied.
Henry Ortiz
Fuck the apology, they just need to clean out the goons from TRS. Until they do TRS will continue being shit and Holla Forums will continually have to put them right.
David Wilson
Bulbasaur just deleted his facebook
Josiah Green
Ow0 I like this +1
Christian Sullivan
Hopefully he livestreams his suicide.
Chase Turner
Kek, not before we got everyone on his friends list
Colton Peterson
yeah this "apology" shit has got to go. seriously pathetic. its like two child friends not talking to each other for the rest of their lives until one apologizes. what will an apology do besides make them look like weak cucks (they are) they need to trim the fat from their shitty forum, gas all the faggots on their site, and disavow all "alt right leaders" who cuck on white nationalist ideals. if they are really WHITE NATIONALISTS then quick bending the knee to these pathetic ego whores who cuck and weave at every possible sign of social blowback.
Caleb Evans
TRS confirmed fucking retarded. It's not about ego it's about protecting the board and the hivemind. If there are goddamn raids then that fucks with the board and there isn't really a conversation going on and things go to shit. Any time a raid can be defended against it should be.
Also, for obvious reasons doxing gets people buttmad as fuck.
Bentley Gutierrez
we've got old Holla Forumstards here, we've got people who browsed /new/ when it was first on 4chan, we've got people who went through their RON PAUL phase. we are the original culture, the last true vestige of the oldfag internet.
Why the fuck do we need an apology? I know it's been slagged by the shitty new anonymous but we do not forgive. Period. Again, why the fuck do we want or need an apology from a bunch of kike goons?
If all these alt-right leaders are alive by the end of 2017, you've failed. Even fucking fringe/hangers on like Kevin MacDonald. yeah he wrote about kikes but he's a cuck. We're the new wave.
Jose Cox
Is this copypasta? Anyway i hope you dox the forum slobs. You know those cvnts with 20,000 posts because they sit around having to shit-post their opinion on every single fuckin thread. Hate those fags on principle.
Jaxon Taylor
Fack off, you want to salt the earth? Be my guest, but I disagree
its not about salting the earth faggot its about getting them to nut up or shut up. if they end up disavowing dicky spency and all the other faggots. if they want to pretend to occupy the same political spectrum as us they have to show that they mean it this is an opportunity to mold their userbase to OUR ideals
Xavier Robinson
Post friends. This'll lose sven a dime or two
Eli Perez
The only people saying it's 'not about an apology' seem to be people defending TRS, very interesting to notice. I'm going to teach you a little trick that you could apply to this situation. Ever had any boxing training? One of the tips they teach people that are in-boxers is that one method to avoid taking damage is to step into a punch. In this case, you're saying that an apology won't work to anons endlessly telling you that it will. Imagine what would have happened had Seventh Spic just apologized in private to David Davidson months ago instead of being a petty little sysop lording over his shill fledglings.
Holla Forums is only requesting a termination to the documented TRS operations intended at herding us like cats towards your website now that the 4cuck well dried up. Protip, it dried up because of people like you who never bothered to learn the culture but insisted you had something to contribute rather than just observing the exotic nature of an imageboard without sullying it.
It brings to mind the saying, 'Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints'. In this case, you TRS shills left a bunch of jewish cuck shit on our hallowed ground and are autistically typing damage control posts at sanic speed.
Just stop, you lost this battle and war. Raise the white flag and we will accept it, or at least a good number of us will. I obviously can't speak for everyone. But as someone who was part of the more, shall we say, emphatically interested group of anons who wanted to bring TRS down a few pegs, I will be more than satisfied with an apology. Or we can keep going to war, but I'd like to think you can, eventually, learn from your mistakes. Don't prove me wrong.
at this point I'm all for pushing in their shit but I don't want any of that fucking halfchan cancer here, fuck that
Lincoln Murphy
are you trying to channel beta east asian shame culture, or does it just come naturally?
Juan Ortiz
It's really an object lesson in what namefaggotry does to a man.
Aaron Barnes
I mean at this point Holla Forums might as well, since it's the next logical step to troll them. Better yet just call their work and out them. I'm sure it'll be funny. I mean what better way to teach these people a lesson for shilling amirite? Just destroy anyone who doesn't literally show proof they haven't personally exterminated a jew before they can post right. I'm sure that'll work to out the shills.
Asher Anderson
That tard has a fixation of "fisting" obviously he has problems…. I'm really surprised how disgusting Ghoul & Enoch turned out to be both spergs ,both racially questionable (one swarthy with wide nose, the other a jew) , & both look like noodle armed nu-male anti-fa fags…. Its almost the same formula of the controlled op you see in some European countries. They even have the gay enabling and "based jews" angle. All that's missing is the black girlfriend and heroine use.
TRS= low level jew shekel farming honey pot
Kevin Carter
Isaac Green
Sounds like a great idea.
Chase Rogers
Posts like this one is why the doxing will continue. You are not men. Apologizing for doing something wrong is par for the course of any leader. I've been to a bunch of scientific conferences and every speaker of note giving endless deference to the people that come before them and acknowledging their own failures as they see them. I don't see that with you. I see a group of people who are too attached to TRS as a group as if they are the alpha and the omega of WN. You're not. You're a late comer who saw there was money to be had. I'm willing to bury the hatchet for a 100% free apology, but you'd prefer to have your own people doxed than type in five letters on Twitter. It speaks volumes for the type of "men" you think you are and what you pretend to be.
Apologizing isn't weak when you aren't apologizing for being white or any of that sort. That has never been the issue, the issue is that to be under our wing you can't be stabbing us in the back. If this was really not supported by the administration then why do the people in the original screenshots still have their accounts? Just apologize to Holla Forums and then we can start tapering down this nonsense. That you still haven't is telling that maybe this purge is a necessary enema of the worse elements that seem to creep into the far right.
What fhe fuck is this autistic wall of text. "Holla Forums is only requesting" no just you yid boy, 99% of people here don't even care. Most are more concerned about actually meaningful shit than some fucking retarded "shilling" war literally perpetuated to make Holla Forums into useful idiots.
Gavin Gonzalez
(checked) They won't stop shilling until the goons are purged from their site.Outing Bulbasaur as a goon is great because now maybe the rest of the users there will understand they've been subverted. I don't think most anons here want to destroy them, but they're infiltrated and that hurts our board. Apologizing isn't a solution.
Angel Rodriguez
Same shit we've been saying put elegantly. The amount of bullshit these people would rather go through than stain their pride is just pathetic.
Noah Long
The mods care, and they're in charge here faggot, not (((trshills)))
Julian Young
says the faggot who can't even sage properly
Carter Roberts
neither do i, but their faggots won't come here, if they end up purging their userbase they'll just completely fuck off entirely. to be honest i really used to like TRS shows, but i always considered myself a Holla Forumslack first. they have been cucking too hard. they let too much shit slip through the cracks. they need to separate the wheat from the chaff. the more ground the "alt right" gains, the more we lose.
Andrew Johnson
someone on /pol is forcing this TRS non drama too hard. when your more concerned about doing antifa's work for them than attacking antifa you are the enemy
Robert Ward
This thread is fucking gold.
Thomas Phillips
Joseph Powell
Ian Moore
hi trs nice talking points back to the discord for more
Jack Sanders
how does them "apologising" solve their shitty behaviour? Do you not comprehend they will continue gooning until the day they die? They'll be more than happy to pretend to apologise if they thought it was in their best interest. I'm saying an apology isn't enough, the place needs to be purged of all goonery, or purged as a whole.
Unless that's what you mean by apology- apologies (kek) if I've misinterpreted you
Liam Butler
You can blame that on that Closeted Faggot Common_Filth and his freudian obsession with gay behavior for that.
when he used to pal around with TRS in 2014/2015, he introduced them to this video:
Haven't listened to their shit podcasts since July but they still probably quote this shit all the time, it was one of their first memes.
IMO all TRS associates, past and present, need to pay for their actions. Common_Filth helped give birth to TRS and he's as anti-white as they come, he should be next to be dox'd imo
Ryder Wright
Give me a break I just got up to work. :^)
James Cooper
Aaand thus the toll is paid
Josiah Watson
There is a reason most of Holla Forums related stuff is done by anonymous people.
Austin Moore
tell the discord you failed tbh
Joshua Powell
I'm not sure I understand what is going on but I don't like this shit one bit
Blake White
Me neither. Someone should shut down the TRS website to keep them safe.
Aaron Parker
Do you need a recap?
Wyatt Long
If there aren't enough happenings we make one.
Noah Garcia
I think you're one of the useful idiots I mentioned earlier. You seem sincere enough. Not everybody calling antifa out on their agenda is from TRS.
I remember how rude Sven was against us when the guy tried to reach him out. If he would've been less of an asshole, the whole scandal would be over by now. But you know what? That didn't actually hurt my feelings because I'm not a total faggot. I don't hold grudges like some old woman.
Trolling, fine. Ddosing, fine and even funny. Actually doxing guys who agree with us on 99% of the stuff? That's insane, and that's where you lose me.
But it seems that I'm in the minority thinking that this is wrong, and only serves the interests of our traditional enemies. Keep up your stupid little flame war and demand your apologies all you want. If that's the board consensus, this clearly isn't my place anymore. Big loss, right? One user less makes no difference. I just hope some at least think it twice before continuing this jihad.
Jose Gutierrez
attack your allies and ignore your enemy thanks JIDF
Colton Baker
Ok, no fuck you. Bulbasaur is a fucking christkike nigger lover. He deserved the fucking doxing.
Brayden Turner
Same fucking argument on repeat, every fucking thread. Y'all are a broken fuckin' record.
Tyler Lee
Well this place is well and truly fucked if this is what's accepted. Nice job being subverted by lying antifa/JIDF kikes/goons.
Justin Foster
Go see how much the 504um will like your user culture
Easton Wright
Alt-right/TRS isn't even a movement is just a bunch of disorganized degenerates with no ideology that believe faggot jews (Milo/Spencer) represent their interests…… its a sad train-wreck that might take us all down with it.
Benjamin Robinson
holy fuck, they're not even trying any more
isn't he part mexican? probably helped send him down the doom-and-gloom christcuck route, rather than go natsoc
Christian Nguyen
the irony of that picture is killing me
David Turner
only the kosher-approved ones that get MSM attention and PR fag themselves into total devolution
Xavier Flores
im behind this 100%. filth is looooong over due.
Elijah Phillips
Why is the onus on us to stop this feud when we were the one attacked? This didn't start because of the emails, it started because of the shilling evidence. The first saga was a shitstorm of proof, and here we have a second one. 17 threads in and still no apology from TRS higher ups when we have a mountain of evidence of subversion. I can't prove you're goons but even if you aren't you're just bad people who think that apologizing for doing something wrong is 'cucking'. Protip, you made your own forums private because 'MUH MEETUPS' and are surprised that some of your own used it as cover to be subversives.
If that's not the case then why do the people in the original screenshots still have an account on TRS? Why is it so hard to say on twitter, "Hey, sorry some of our own got out of hand. Don't shill 8/pol/, Sorry!". Bam, crisis done and we can go back to doing our own things.
Instead we see none of that and it causes me to furtively raise my eyebrow that you seem to either have moral defective administration or they are just too blissfully incapable of preventing the cancerous tumors they host from spilling over elsewhere. Either way, the blame lies with TRS. Fix your shit and apologize if you want any sort of good standing, but, to be honest, you probably burned any chance at rebuilding this bridge when you allowed this to go on for a week. Instead of proving yourselves hard nosed strong men, you proved yourselves morally dodgy cowards. I hope this is a lesson but I fear you won't get the message.
Landon Stewart
I've seen a pic- don't think I've got it saved. long haired guy, looks a bit like a stereotypical greasy stoner
Owen Campbell
Jose Campbell
Every fucking Namefag "right winger" needs to be fucking outed and dox'd, I don't even care if it goes straight to anti-fa, Holla Forums needs this.
Common_Filth, Kike Enoch, Sven Son, Erik Stryker, Eugene Montslavat (former counter currents and righton writer), Graf Rudolph aka Owner of that "Earl Of Grey" FB page, etc
A purge for the sake of quality in our movement and board.
Jackson Perez
bls resbond
Luis Robinson
The title of the podcast this guy speaks on is a holocaust joke. 'The Daily Shoah'. Have you ever listened to an episode? It's not kosher in any way shape or form. You're being lied to by JIDF/Antifa.
Thomas Wood
man that disappointing, not surprising but still.
Justin Murphy
every time i read this i get more pissed off. REDDIT SPACING
Problem with this is TRS is a complete fucking farce. They subscribe to the "alt right" as far as im concerned thats DIET WN. the alt right is shaky on the JQ… fuck it they are shaky on everything. its not even that he was rude you fucking nigger the dude was presented with blatant evidence multiple times of TRS users shilling on Holla Forums and instead of addressing it with his userbase, he swept it under the rug and shrugged it off as Holla Forums paranoia. bulby is soft on miscegenation WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT so either you truly are a fucking trs shill or you're just a soft bodied little faggot. if you're okay with TRS faggotry you need to be fucking bricked kid.
Easton Ward
I seriously could give a flying fuck about Iorn March, from what I can tell they self dox.
Common_Filth and TRS and all their little pals need to get fucked, namefagging is cancer.
Logan Perez
Don't you have some tree to larp around or something?
Liam Lewis
It's hilarious because TRS just will not, maybe they cannot, accept that this is a natural 8ch backlash their bullshit. If they go after and dox CF for us doxing them for shilling their bullshit, then this would have been the most successful thing we've done in a while. Go ahead TRS, dox CF, I would love to see it myself. His anti-white bullshit has gone on way too long.
A lowering of the crest is a de facto purge of goonery. I would like to see Lothar and the rest of the Chimpire folks run out like the goons they obviously are, but I have very little hope TRS will be so self reflective as to admit that they might have been infiltrated. An apology is a first step, a desire to change. Goons probably wouldn't want that. Goons would want to keep the fighting going on, which is what we're seeing happening and why dox is coming out.
Gavin Barnes
tbh fam i dont subscribe to a religion, the only thing i give a shit about is securing a future for white children
Joshua Campbell
You really swung for the fences for the 'Most Implicit Post of the Year' award and it's already January. You missed out by forgetting to mention that this is actually an antifa op run by Iron March and that we should stop purity spiraling or else I'd give you 10/10.
Zachary Brooks
You're even worse.
Chase Wright
The admin of Ironmarch is a big fan of Common_Filth. In fact, Common Filth was the one who sold them about Richard Spencer being a faglover and TRS being gay. He fucking hates gays so it makes he'd do it. Seems like the real reason you have beef with this CF is because you're a buttfucker whose asshurt that CF shitted all over your TRS fag shilling movement.
Owen Jones
Keep an eye out for those that conveniently don't get doxed they might have "connections" or be better at selling their mates out to anti-fa than ghoul…..
Its the type of pos the TRS wide stance "movement" produces.
Liam Baker
You don't even know who those people are do you? Do me a favor, without kikepedia, tell me what they did?
Austin Turner
please explain? Is there anything to back that up? The the only thing that means TRS will go goon free is if they purge them, surely
Anthony Jackson
Again, I'm not TRS. I'm really not, not that makes you believe me.
There is proof of some of them shilling Holla Forums. No one disputes that. But it's the same few screenshots posted over and over again. Hardly a large scale operation imo. And I'm not saying that there's no reason for them to apologize (there is); I'm saying that Holla Forums does not need an apology. How does getting one makes any difference? You might feel less angry personally, but there's no gain for anyone. Holla Forums is not some fair maiden whose honor has been besmirched.
You let some petty internet spat fester until you are doxing white nationalists. Cui bono?
Jace Jackson
Also, just because aI'm calling you stupid means I'm pro TRS now? Lemme guess, next you'll tell me unless I only read and follow strict NSDAP literature from the 1920-30's I'm a kike shill.
Asher Evans
He means goons get off on the drama they cause and if TRS apologizes it might neutralize them to an extent. I suppose there is something in that but still, TRS has to purge.
Wyatt Adams
Brody King
I only know Rohm as a founder of the nazi party. At this point I'm enjoying spanking TRS. I wonder what the salt levels will be from a Seventh Son dox.
Goons love to cause problems. Them trying to resolve a problem would be good evidence they aren't goons, but look at what they've allowed to happen.
TRS wants us to stop hitting them over the head when they've been documented fucking with us many times now. Holla Forums does need an apology. The only people saying """we""" (i.e. people that are damage controlling for TRS) don't are people from that website.
You people are ultimately unimportant and the WN movement will not be hurt by your departure. If you want to let it progress to that point is your choice. Apologize and this can end. Or don't and we can all laugh as the aids bog that is TRS gets drained. Either way we win.
P.S. Your 'BUT YOU'RE HELPING THE JEWS' line has gotten endlessly stale. TRS was the one caught red handed defending Red Ice's decision to push for an alliance for Jews so who exactly is in the wrong here? Banning the users in the screenshots is a first step but TRS isn't making it. I'm tired of explaining myself over and over and at this point I'll just enjoy the flames as TRS burns itself to the ground over not having the wisdom to apologize.
Hunter Carter
I agree with you on one thing - Holla Forums does not need an apology, its honestly childish HOWEVER trs needs to be purged of all faggotry once and for all. they need to disavow their fake idols like dick spencer
Adrian Rivera
No, they do. If they really consider us "allies" they will want relations to be improved, and apologize. If they care more about their movement than their ego, they will apologize.
I don't really have a problem with doxing white nationalists. There are no sacred cows. I do have a problem with namefags attempting to impose themselves upon us as if we were just another right-wing reddit board, which they have been doing since they discovered this pocket of the internet.
Holla Forums is not some maiden whose honor has been besmirched, no, but an apology shows that they have managed to learn something from this rather than continuing their line of "we dindu nuffin, this is all circumstantial." It's them showing they have been humbled.
Juan Cook
Honestly I was opposed to doxing other white nationalists at the beginning but after Bulbasor was revealed to be a fucking Goon and a GAIAfag I have absolutely no regrets.
It's extremely obvious that the primary threat right now is Goons.
Levi Kelly
You're a fucking goon, not even joking. Seriously go back to their fucking eve online group since only someone from that shitshow woild be both this autistic and ill informed. If I could shoot you right now I would.
Carter Long
Common_Filth was the one of the first people who got banned from TRS for being extremely anti-gay.
Ty Common Filth, also Ty Natt, Gas the TRS Gays
Asher White
t. antifa
William Garcia
It's pretty well known that he left the podcast for a long time because he was cucking out. It's no surprise to me that he was spending time on shit sites during this time.
Julian Gray
And before you ask "how can he tell" I know how you guys are after almost a decade of dealing with you pieces of human waste. Go back to your shit forum.
Eli Moore
Holla Forums are the Jews of the internet
Brandon Lee
Why are you still so butthurt about it, common spic?
Jayden Thomas
They are now.
Aaron Gomez
Please, dox CF. I would love to see him gone.
Ian Rivera
You've made my case better than I ever could.
Noah Rogers
You can accuse me of being pro TRS or whatever, and obvious case of Godwin's law, but seeing this bulbasaur dox is like a second Christmas for me. Plenty of polacks here dislike or even hate common_filth for namefagging alone, regardless of his stance on TRS. He has plenty of other infractions as well. May I remind you that YOU are the one making +15 posts in thread rather than lurking and posting casually, you are the one using non-user slang, Reddit spacing and pretending to be Holla Forums. I have no problem with on Iron March, nor does the majority of Holla Forums right now. the enemy of my enemy is my friend but if you keep up with the coordinated and obvious shilling of Holla Forums, you're going to be next and you'll end up just like TRS too.
Cooper Baker
bulbasaur pls go.
Cameron Rogers
Anti-TRS does not make one pro-CF. CF should go too. How about we purge all the fucking losers from WN and we can have non-losers instead.
John Parker
t. TRVDante
Aiden Sanders
I'm the BO for /trs/ so it's rather silly to call me a defender of TRS. We don't like CF either you spic lover. Anti-TRS does not mean pro-CF.
Lincoln Howard
Holla Forums fell for JIDF bait hook line and sinker. if he turns out to be a goon, i'll apologize, but all i'm seeing is WN doxing WN that don't believe exactly like them.
Mason Wright
o fug Ive been found out
Tyler Clark
Just claims as far as I know
True or not it doesn't but it doesn't mean Common Filth a spic you fucking dipshit
Do even want to knoiw what is going on at this point?
Robert White
Compare all of these talking points to this
Elijah Hall
Blake Gonzalez
Am I hitting a nerve talking about Common_Filth and why he deserves to be dox'd? Never once did I bring up Pro-TRS sentiments in this thread, so why are you accusing me of it? Why are you defending "All White Girls Fuck Dogs" Common_Filth? It is simply because he's anti-TRS or is it because he's friendly with your Iron March forum users on Twitter? He's anti-white, I don't care if you're friendly with him because he is anti-TRS he is also a spic promoting anti-white ideas on twitter and on his podcasts.
As I said before Holla Forums isn't stupid: TRS shilled us and got there's, shill Holla Forums and we'll turn the heat up on you just as fast.
Owen Johnson
Here is proof: >>>/trs/2342
Being against TRS does not make us pro common spic. You will get your comeuppance as well.
Adrian Martinez
the fuck
Nathan Hall
Kayden James
Only "talking point" I can find in common with that guy is that we both called people women. Don't want to be called that? Stop acting like one.
Alexander Gutierrez
TRS has been infiltrated by Goons and it's the cause of this whole shitstorm.
Nolan Nelson
I haven't seen any decent excuses for doxing this dude.
Charles Young
No, there are other causes, like the end of the Trump campaign resulting in TRS becoming shills for the new regime while we prefer to be able to point out the fact that Trump has a Jewish son-in-law and daughter and wonder if he's really a white nationalist with no connections to Jews.
Julian Davis
He's a fucking goon
Isaac Lee
He's a confirmed fucking Goon and GAIAfag.
Charles Cook
TRS is purposeless without the campaign coverage….. They need drama to stay relevant. Pretty sure internally they were banking on a Hillary win.
Benjamin Brooks
He's a goon, GAIAfag, and a possible furry
Brody Sullivan
lmao one of your own egged pegglecrew/baph to drop the dox, your own fault really
Justin Morris
holy shit i forgot about that lol
Aaron Sullivan
Yeah, the only reason we're talking about them is this drama that their most autistic posters, the ones that they complain about on TDS live on air regularly, refuse to own up to their own past mistakes, and their retard admins refuse to take responsibility for not banning these people who fund their little enterprise. They're like Alex Jones without the water filters and supplements. Without an evil establishment, they can't portray themselves as fighting the good fight against pure evil, especially when they're invested in Trump being the savior of the American Far Right and the white race to t he degree that they are.
Brandon Scott
Anthony Russell
One of the worst mistakes anyone could ever make.
Matthew Lewis
That's pretty hilarious.
Jackson Cooper
He even kept pushing after that, what did they think was going to happen
John Hill
They think that all of Anonymous is Holla Forums. They have no understanding of our culture, our language, or our way of life.
Jeremiah Baker
Bulby was also on /trs/ begging /baph/ to drop dox
This is all so confusing. I find it pretty funny that somebody so public has such a shitty concept of cyber security though. You really can't underestimate weaponized autism.
Does this have anything to do with the safety squad thing? Also are those still a thing or did the mods shoah them?
Gavin Nguyen
I've seen, like, 1 Antifa sticker one time IRL. I'm starting to think that the Antifa fearmongering has always been from TRS and related groups so that they could establish a scapegoat. I'm not saying that Antifa isn't a real threat to IRL right-wing activities, but was that Traditionalist Workers Party brawl over the summer really that big a deal? Do they really shill here? Isn't Antifa kind of an umbrella term anyway?
Liam Gomez
They actually made their own board. I dont think they were shoahed.
Oliver Nelson
Antifa is a thing in Europe, not really in America. TRS likes to scapegoat everyone else
Liam Lopez
ahahaha that's fantastic
Jason Bennett
Huh? They make jokes about NEETs and Aspies all the time on their show.
Chase Ross
Lol Reddit is mad
Michael Foster
Just don't pretend like you have any convictions. This is nihilistic. Fuck all of you.
Landon Williams
they still don't get it, they would have never gotten doxed if they just removed the dick where their brain is
these are why he got dox'd. Could've been avoided, but YOUR FUCKING EGOS ARE TOO BIG
Cooper Watson
jesus what a bunch of dumbasses these trs cucks are.
Jack Torres
Did you guys see the Bulby thread on here where he offers 3 btc for the dox of the people who doxed him? Pure unadulterated jej:
Jeremiah Wilson
An apology wouldn't have been enough. TRS is basically the neo-cohen youth camp at this point. I'm not interested in that autism.
Elijah Johnson
TRS has become CTR. Great job. Poking an anonymous board is sure to work in your favor.
Isaac Carter
so you dumb fucks you got played like a fiddle by antifa. they now know how to shill here, it's so fucking easy. "X is a shill because they're not literally Hitler" then pretend to be whatever target they have and talk some faggot shit, and now you're doing legwork for fucking ANTIFA. well done you faggots.
Isaiah Brooks
Holy fuck these people really are evalionites It was the same faggots all along
Nolan Cooper
Gee, after reading this over six thousand times I finally see the error of my ways, I am now officially a
Lucas Torres
The evalion kids were the r/coontown folks, of whom 3 are now TRS mods. Really makes you think, huh? One of them was writing Evalion's scripts because he wanted to fuck her lel.
Hunter Ward
The way I see it, namefagging is namefagging no matter where you go. The Eternal Namefag.
Kevin Hall
why are these threads still open though? We have declared war in them and are attacking them, so why not just focus on better things than trs if the moral issue is resolved. Just ban them like we ban all the other shills and fags here. They are kinda boring.
Ian Evans
Yes, we are all antifa, iron march, CTR and whatever else, TRS cuck. Remember to take dick out of your mouth. Namefags deserve to be hanged.
Gabriel Myers
So I am old school user(means nothing) and remember when we were called the internet hate machine. The fact that anybody tries to claim they speak for "me" or "my movement" instantly tells me they are full of shit. I never even heard of this Spencer fuck until he was blasted all over the news claiming to the leader of the "alt right".
This place was turning really shitty with "purity" "real alt right" and other shitty threads all the time. Everybody was calling every body else a shill all the time. I just took that as normal shit posting, but now it makes me laugh a little.
They fucked up and released the weaponized autism.
Christian Ward
Colton Wright
what a waste tbh the poor children
I wish it didn't have to come to this.
Owen Jones
do you have to be TRS to see that helping antifa is a bad idea? or has this place's IQ dropped to that of a common nigger?
Aaron Jenkins
Last bulb show and this is what they talk about. nice job. F for hopefully last show.
Angel Bailey
Adam Cook
Never change TRS remember none of this would've happened if you fucking apologized
Anthony White
2017 has had an interesting start.
Camden Watson
Sad isn't it.
Ian Watson
It was IM who doxed bulby, not 8/pol/
Brody Hughes
You seem to be personally jilted, everyone else doesn't give a shit about an apology.
Colton Davis
holy fuck coontown turned into a fucking mess.
back in r/niggers days it was nothing but trolling and making redditors massively butthurt. Then they got so butthurt they shoahed the sub. It got turned into about 5 or 6 different subs until i think coontown was the last one they let be built.
There was a new mod fight over "purity" every month or so. I did enjoy that one drunk eastern European that would get pissed in the irc at almost everything. They eventually banned him for fucking with too many people though.
Ian Barnes
Now I'm convinced this is D&C shilling. I have never seen a witch-hunt like this on Holla Forums. With the amount of vitriol being spewed at TRS they must be doing something right.
Elijah Hughes
Luis Robinson
Reddit as a whole is fucked. Every subreddit (their equivalent of a board) over 50,000 subscribers or so is trash. But if you can find the smaller, niche subs there is quality discussion to be found.
That said, it's disingenuous to compare reddit with here. This place is much better, if only because of the atmosphere and community that anonymity fosters.
Josiah Lopez
Josiah Howard
Do you mean EugeneNix? He was Jewish. He said he was Polish, but what he left out was that he was a Polish Jew. So h'redpilled. These are the people now whining 'MODS ARE COMPROMISED POL IS DEAD EXODUS NOW'.
Andrew Martin
namefags gonna namefag
Eli Smith
It's funny that pushing for 'an apology' is something these kikes think Holla Forums would do. Who constantly demands apologies and makes demands like this when attacking their enemies? Oh yeah, jews.
Pathetic honestly.
Dylan Perry
The altright has like 10 words in their vocabulary adding nihilist,d&c,blackpilled and trad-wife (male).
Jason Gonzalez
I think so too. TRS are faggots, sure, but for now they're at least useful to us. Even if they did shill they're right-lite ideology here, who cares? And even if you do care, this response is entire disproportionate. I'm honestly convinced that this is an attempt to not only weaken the growing far-right movement, but to distract these communities from current events.
Dominic Smith
It's really quite astonishing. They consider themselves to be rhetorical wizards yet fucking Holla Forums is more flexible in their arguments.
Dylan Rogers
no I remember him and the giant shit storm that surrounded him. I was talking about that guy that only went on the irc and never went on reddit or voat. I think he was some blonde muslim or some shit like that. Watching him get pissed at people making fun of him was a highlight.
Adam Watson
goddammit *their
Andrew Evans
Tyler Cox
We, as white men, should never accept faggotry, homosexuality, jewry, etc. You cannot have a healthy society because they all threaten the nuclear family, which is the bedrock on which great nations are built.. It is important that you never stray from this path and accept race mixers and larpers because accepting the would 'add numbers', yet this addition of members would invalidate the core movement and move away from the initial goals.
You should confront other right wingers about their _stances_. That is how you move people to the right. As someone who was literally a basic bitch neocon 2 years ago I can admit that being redpilled by people firm in their beliefs is what changed me. I followed Bulbasaur on twitter ( I consider myself alt-right ) and never had a confrontation with him.
You are children. No, wrong. Lower than children. You are pissbaby infants mad as fuck that every person to the right of Milo Yiannopoulus isnt bashing in communist skulls like veteran einsatzgruppen. You do not understand that these movements take time and that it took 10 Goddamn years for the NSDAP to go from 90 members to millions. It took 10 years for Falangists to purge their nation of communists, who were digging up nuns and burning down churches.
There is literally nothing productive nor gained from doxxing other right wingers. You fucking disgust me and if you have the balls to doxx someone on the right you agree with 90% on virtually every stance, youre a counterproductive fag no better than antifa.
Jose Baker
… so we're the Clinton campaign's controlled opposition and at the same time we're the internet meme machine that made them lose the election? Yep, that's Reddit all right.
Brayden Evans
Adrian Watson
ebin, would you like a dildo for your efforts?
Robert Richardson
just shut the fuck up already with your walls of raeg text
Liam Nguyen
Now TRShills are spamming the catalog again. Man these /cow/s never stop lactating
Tyler Green
Gas yourself
Cameron Walker
all these classic, rehashed TRS talking points I can't take it lad I'm dying
Lucas Bennett
no one's falling for that (they are probably the ones trying to slide the board with anime)
Parker Martinez
Good post. People should ask themselves, who does this help? Not us. And look at the (((anons))) pushing it. They don't seem like they're from here.
Adam Collins
There will never be an apology, because it means surrendering to smug anime girls. The world of namefagging doesn't let anyone live down losing to smug anime girls. Who in the world of namefagging would ever take someone seriously, enough to even give them the time of day, if they couldn't even beat smug anime girls? No one!
Literally Holla Forums/Goon tactics.
Isaiah Russell
We dont have to take shit from you lower educated newfags. Go kill yourselves.
Kayden Smith
Literally not even a response.
You are -acting- like children.
Arguments are now 'rage text'.
You didnt even read my post. You all replied within 1 minute of posting.
We have Holla Forums and /liberty/ and all kinds of shit and nobody loses their fucking minds about them. We just make fun of them and work towards our own ends.
Ryder Reed
Parker Taylor
Im not going to accuse people of outside influence, but the inability to even refute my argument or read it (responding in under less than one minute) is bad faith.
Carson Jenkins
Right, but they stick to their own boards. That's something the TRShill can't ever do because they need us for memes and validation.
Evan Collins
oh god I'm sorry I ruined the wn movement that's about to change the world fuck now we'll never save our race without podcasts and FBI meetups goddamnit WHAT HAVE WE DONE Holla Forums?!?!
We've already read your post, faggot. We've seen 20 of them today alone. Yours contained nothing original
Andrew Peterson
Lucas Adams
You should. The majority of the posters encouraging this nonsense use strange phrases and formatting that's really out of place here.
They shill here plenty, we just ignore them. It's annoying that TRS faggots shill here but it really isn't a big deal. They get shut down every time, and maybe a few of them learn that their right-lite ideology is bullshit.
Another shitpost. Why dox your useful idiots instead of your enemies? How does that make a lick of sense?
Dominic Cook
Isn't that mostly because beyond a few shitposting threads launched at each other we basically just leave the other boards alone unless we all get really shitfaced all at once?
Kevin James
Or maybe we take em down a few pegs like we are doing now
Asher Gomez
If you fags havent noticed, if you havent studied history, let me tell you something. Do you even know how people used to live a 100 years ago? How strict and non degenerate society generally was? It was glorious. There was no obesity, no acceptance of niggers, no acceptance of fags and other degenerates.
And you think we want your pitiful jew scraps now? As we are on the downfall of civilization, in the last civilization cycle. We reserve the rights to act as brutal as we want to because we are aware of it.
We want the full pie, not any scraps, nor any shit pie with aids in it. What you perceive as "purity spirals" to us just sounds like "I am still a fucking degenerate". This undegenerate way of life is possible and it is doable.
Many of the vices introduced that you alt righters "enjoy" are just part of the jew constructs. Which you loosely still believe in, just as the average liberal thinks "well its the year 201X", thinking that the "progress" is natural, without realizing that its an effort lead by the jew first and foremost.
Do you not understand our disgust? How pitiful can you be? We who tried with effort and time to remove all of his disguising tendrils from our minds. You come to us with this dark soul, demanding us to submit to your unknown puppet masters like the good double digit IQ mongoloids that you are.
fuck you and kill yourselves fagets.
Justin Campbell
In what way..?
Chase Cox
The average reading speed of a white male is 300 words per minute. My Post contained >300 and I got 3 responses in under one minute.
"I dont have to refute an argument if I call the person a faggot"
Brandon Myers
I'm not a NEET and I'm not on the spectrum. I just post anonymously on an imageboard.
Logan Hall
He's still right, faggot.
Julian Phillips
I have been on Holla Forums since Romney lost.
Jordan Johnson
As a stepping stone to reach places like this. Nobody wakes up one day and shouts HEIL HITLER. It's a process where you learn bit by bit and peel away the layers of bullshit you've been fed for so long. TRS and other right-lite communities like /r/the_donald are leading people in the right direction.
Matthew Green
Back to the discord with you
Zachary Cruz
Seriously, nigger?
Joseph Diaz
I dont even have a TRS account.
Michael Brown
cocks up your ass???
Connor Bennett
Yes, you have to read my post in order to understand what it contained.
Eli Morales
(checked) I use right-lite because I think that using the term alt-right gives it power as a label, and being easily labeled is a weakness.
Luis Smith
Gavin Martinez
First thing you think about is dicks in a butt? TRS is here for sure.
Elijah Bailey
"ive never heard of Spencer"
probably because hes obscure as fuck until the alt right gained steam these past 2 years. GG was likely the predecessor of all of this (ie the barebones structure, Holla Forums, twitter organizing)
NPI has been around for a while, so has Spencer.
Lincoln Cox
If they were meant to be a stepping stone then why have they been attempting to assimilate us since they arrived here. You should read what hitler had to say about "big tent" movements, lad. In the end it just dilutes what you've accomplished.
If you're making the introduction redpill argument: Le Happy Merchant has redpilled more people than everything TRS has ever done.
No, because I've heard your line about 20 times previously today.
Tyler Wilson
What the fuck is going on? Who are these people and what's the problem?
Easton Hughes
AmRen, NPI, Phalanx, AmVan, etc. are all a fucking Pyramid scheme. You're being fucking duped, you fucking retard. They're taking your money and then you're going to get v&, and you deserve it all.
Camden Garcia
You're fine with miscegenation too then?
David Richardson
How did they insult a /baph/ mod? I stopped going to these threads after the third or fourth one because I was too pissed off at the obvious hasbara op with faggot mod inclusion to get a pro-white group to go after another. At that point, it was only a screenshot of some TRS user saying don't throw out Red Ice because they interviewed one nationalist kike (reasonable). And then kikes spammed a bunch of lies about how TRS loves nationalist jews and homosexuals, which at least from Fash the Nation (the only one I listen to) is an outright lie.
Eli Jones
"I've heard your line about 20 times previously today"
Your first post in this thread was
and there arent many posts like mine. Just please refute my argument.
Liam Nelson
Society is sick I can not understand how other people can tolerate the level of degeneracy that the leftist push everywhere it make me sick..
a disorganized mob of degenerate edge lords that is pushing contradictory ideas because it has no ideology….. yeah real helpful… you were conned m8 the alt right was a way to co-opt the displeasure of the plebs by the elite jews into a dead end. You want a steeping stone Trump gave it to us "Nationalism " & "America first" those are popular right now not your sodomite autist e-celebs ( many whom are gay and or jewish) that make money off you.
Chase Myers
For TRS shills: Did the mods etc at TRS ever say to stop trying to raid us? Where/when?
Gabriel Baker
Kike tactics 101 is to never address reasonable arguments, rather to just insult you and anger you.
Grayson Lopez
Hop over to >>>/trs/1462 for the evidence
Asher Long
Being pro-white doesn't mean all that much, really. Someone can be completely retarded and pro-white. It doesn't make them more valuable to society or more noteworthy. It just means they want to feel comfortable in their own skin (or they're a non-white with identity issues). White nationalism is the last stand of idiots raised by single mothers looking for revenge on a society that deprived them of a father figure.
Anthony Davis
Apparently, TRS is like us except degenerate. They love Milo "I can't stop sucking black dick" Yannopolus, for one. They have some right ideas but they also have a lot of bad ones that, if they had their way, things would not be much better. Racemixing, faggotry, they're okay with that kind of shit.
And some of them shilled their weak-willed bullshit here in an annoying manner. Now, there's a concentrated effort to pit 8/pol/ and those fags against each other, and to dox each other and share those details with those who'd like to see us both weakened.
Don't think I agree with them. But I do think they're useful in helping people discover new ideologies and ways of thought.
Brayden Robinson
Oh and we took down their site twice and doxed one of their homos because they keep shilling.
Lincoln Mitchell
Lol the only group that I would get v& if I joined is probably IM.
Youre accusing them of being feds, when in fact if you study fed infiltration you'd understand that it only happens when someone advocates violence or crime.
During the height of the KKK, the only KKK chapters infiltrated were ones that advocated for violence.
Not everyone that does so is a "fed" they may just be radical and passionate. Either way its a red flag, and AmVan, IE, NPI, AmRen dont. Youre accusing people of being federal agents without even knowing the history of what constitutes 'federal agent infiltration' nor have you actually presented evidence supporting towards such claims.
Thread with all of the thread archives is still up for even more info.
Colton Reed
No, they're namefags trying to build a movement IRL, which means that they have to suck literal and metaphorical dick while begging for money or they die.
I'm not accusing them of being feds, I'm accusing you of participating in a pyramid scheme that could get you to do something retarded. Anyone who thinks that the creation of a white ethno-state on American soil wouldn't require violence against Americans is a fool or a propagandist. Your agenda is implicitly violent. Everyone knows it.
Elijah Rivera
Oh wow. Look, the exact same Lothar's been saying.
There is no fucking argument to confront. The last three line breaks of your post is whining and calling us purity spiralling larpers.
If your argument is "there is nothing to be gained from doxing other right wingers" I would counter with that there is nothing to be gained from shilling and then raiding other right wingers. We retalliated. They should have owned up to their mistake - we gave them a week to do so. Would you argue that we simply accept organized TRS shilling and then a raid, consequence free?
Our first warning shot was a ddos of their forum to get them to fuck off. They doubled down.
We gave them every chance. They earned it.
Jordan Ward
the reason why I am so loyal to this whole thing is because other whites, guys who were non ironically spiritually pure actually helped me to become better.
They probably made ironpill and I got on board with that.
There is only success to be found in this exploration of past societies, and past ways of thinking, and then modeling ourselves after them. And once you get into it, you realize that there is a whole, viable world that is nothing like this degenerate society that we are in today. Traces which you can only briefly glimpse in the eyes of older whites, were abundant back then.
and I want that, I dont want to live in this oppressive kike regime where yelling that I hate the kikes can get you jailed. I want this heavy burden to be removed from my heart, and the other whites may not realize it, but they have been oppressed as well.\
fuck this trs garbage. If I knew where they live, I would draw dicks on their cars.
Gavin Diaz
kys faggots
Dominic Anderson
laughing out loud
Chase Jenkins
kek, we can't be touched
Owen Morris
what the fuck is wrong with trs.
Bentley Lee
Oh shit.
Oliver Young
Ryan Brooks
Yes, it does. If some have woken up enough from the jewish dream to start making podcasts that reach hundreds of thousands about the lies of the world they live in, exposing jews and white genocide, then bless those people a thousand times, even if they aren't as extreme as some here that would love to see an actual Armageddon/DOTR go down (myself included). If you don't see that they're leaps and bounds better than jews, then why are you even here? Just for the nihilistic luls?
Ian James
what's the smoking-gun that he had a SA account? if the dude was a leftist plant he needs to be smoked out, but if he's fighting for whites leave him be.
Justin Gomez
You TRShills never stop lying. It's not about disagreements. It's about shilling.
Evan Williams
GG was an interesting phenomenon. The "alt right" is just a term liberals and the news uses.
At first it was the tea party was the alt right. Then every new enemy the establishment had was the alt right.
I've seen first hand what TRS and spencer type of people do to forums. It happened to r/niggers and they tried really hard to do it to half chan. The moment you try to put a face or organization on top of a group like ours it fails.
I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it has happened every time it is tried. GG, coontown, daily stormer, trs and probably a few more are irrelevant. They are there to be a boogyman that has no real power. They are there to be attached to people actually making change.
Blake Jackson
Stopped reading there. lmao
Dylan Carter
You'd be surprised. If somebody gained leverage over a mod or admin, it would be trivial to deanonymize many anons.
Hudson Phillips
yep, now I am non ironcally this. Thanks purity spiral. Also fuck you kike right.
Austin Roberts
If paid "professionals", i.e. CTR, couldn't do fucking anything to Holla Forums, then namefags are going to do even less.
Anthony Bailey
They don't do any of these things. They have kike e-celebs like Milo or Kike Enoch they listen to, they have donations, google spyware, facebook spyware on their site and the list just goes on. Just stop trying, TRScuck. Go be a fag somewhere else.
Isaac Ortiz
Proof is in the OP. His handle online is heaven2kadonka, as found from his author page. He used this for everything, including his personal instagram where he has his house and face. This same handle has a very old account on 'forumwarz' where he professes he used to enjoy going on SA. Pic is in OP.
Zachary Garcia
Goonshit detected
Kayden Young
What movement? So you want to ruin all these people and this will make things work better…how exactly? Make things simple for me.
Nathan Sanchez
Seriously have you ever actually listened to him talk. If he is putting on an act it is a damn impressive one. You know I wasn't quite a white nationalist in 2008 either.
Caleb Diaz
Holy shit we are getting utterly obliterated by these anti-fa trolls.
They're kicking our ass
Carter Thomas
Anti-Fa are really the most utterly abominable, worthless human beings you can possibly imagine. Just literal gutter shit of the human race.
They're ruining this guy's life because his opinions are different from theirs. I guess that's just how it is.
Fucking faggots.
Brody Gomez
So, the solution is to "report them" to their communities?
I don't give a fuck what they're doing, this is just NOT something a right wing person would do. Period.
Jeremiah Garcia
Why are you autists trying to breathe life into something that finally died?
Ethan Hill
Keep pretending you are fighting the jew by shitposting here and destroying anyone who tries to form an actual movement.