Font thread!
Post your favorite fonts, for every font you like post another one! The purpose of this thread is to get the best fonts flowing faster. Discuss your favorite fonts and feel free to share your opinion on fonts you dislike. If you have the skill, make your own!
Font renaissance inbound!
Font thread!
Other urls found in this thread:
/g/ has truly settled in.
Google Noto
I like using a font called IBM 3270 Medium for my monospace needs where Fira Code doesn't work. Either that or More Perfect DOS VGA.
eurostile. It's the font of the future.
Whats the best bitmap font to use for terminal???
i'm looking for a good proprietary font. Holla Forums friendly suggestions?
Microsoft Sans Serif :^)
I've just been in this place before
i use profont. everything else looks disgusting on terminals.
[spoiler]Higher on the street
And I know it's my time to go[/spoiler]
well meme, fellow redditor!
π±πΈπ π²π·π΄π π°πΈπ½'π π π·πΈπ π π½π»π΄π π π π·π΄πΈπ π²π·π°π π°π²π π΄π π π°π π΄ π°π»π» π π·π΄ π π°πΌπ΄ π πΈπ³π π·
Microsoft fonts are my favorites outside of the terminal (Arial specifically) because they don't look like dog shit when you turn antialiasing off.
For the terminal I use Terminus.
Cantarell is used in all the office documents at the home renovation company I work for. The documents are mostly contracts and invoices.
We use Cantarell because all the employees in the office use GNOME on their workstations, which uses Cantarell, so everyone already has the font regardless of whether they're on Debian or Fedora or Ubuntu.
monofur for Powerline
brainlet move tbqh w/ u fam
I use terminus EVERYWHERE!
Sans Serif, why would anyone need anything else?
If you like bmp fonts, check out tewi and tamsyn (normal sizes of the latter aren't super impressive or anything, but really really small sizes are possible without turning into eye cancer, like 5x7)
This is a hotwheels thread.
Step aside, plebeians
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.
Gentium: produced by a religious organization to render the most beautiful and readable print material - particularly the Holy Bible - in pretty much any western language. Supports Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek scripts, with thousands of characters and glyphs.
If his screen has enough dpi, anti-aliasing for fonts is meaningless.
A worse Helvetica, abandoned even by Google.
This whole imageboard uses windows fonts and without windows fonts it looks like shit.
Only in chrome it looks bearable. Firefox and Waterfox display Holla Forums is small edgy fonts that hurt eyes.
Anyone remember this classic? Ow the edge.
Terminux font is better
literally whatever is there by default and if it's shit change it to the next available option
I made an 8x8 pixel latin (not ASCII, fuck your UNIX trash) font a while ago. it took a few hours..
SGI Screen, terminus as fallback for slavrunes (fonts clash due to slightly different perceived size, but mixed-language texts are rare enough for this not being problem)
That's your own choice to have small fonts. Web browsers actually have the ability to change the default font size.
This site looks fine with Liberation Sans.
Why would I want shitty mush fonts when I could have pure pixels?
I posted a font called "aneu" in a similar thread recently, did anyone download it? My drive died, and since it was in /usr/share/fonts it didn't cross my mind that I wasn't backing it up
I guess 8ch is archived and indexed by search engines now. Not sure how I feel about that.
old ansi font incoming
Does anyone else feel like the constant switching between bitmap and antialiased fonts is tiring ?
Iβm sick of the switching... I prefer bitmap for the simplicity and they can look just as good if not better depending on the resolution
You are objectively wrong, especially when it comes to chink/gook runes. I use bitmaps on my 768p shitpad because I can't get enough readable information on the screen otherwise. The density on my 1440p monitor is high enough that bitmaps can gtfo. Pretty much anything >96DPI makes bitmaps a retarded meme.
Why doesn't /g/ take five minutes to consider that this isn't 4chan?
What's your density? I still use "xos4 Terminus:size=12" on my 1440p 27" monitor.
Arimo and Roboto
You don't spend a lot of time working with code, do you?
but cantarel is only used by gtk for the ui
for print you better use liberation sans / mono
The Absolute madman!
ok, all you niggers need to fix your fonts
with this you only need RGB enabled, no hinting, no AA, no nothing
Was this written by a retard ?
I can't understand a damn thing.
Stop with this old meme. Infinality was dead once the patents on truetype expired. Fonts render perfectly fine without that shit if they are configured correctly.
read the post retard
It's High School Goth Chick: The Font
Nice, linux libertine mono was the only mono serif font I could find as well. Extremely comfy.
I've read twilight fiction that wasn't this innept.
In fact the whole infinality community looks like an offshoot of xda developers but for tranny brazillian arch users.
Like just look at that issue op.
DejaVu Sans Book for sans-serif
Hack for monospace
liberation serif
liberation sans
liberation mono
What more do you need?
This. Infinality is totally useless since freetype 2.8.
step up
the stupid is strong in this one
riddle me this reddit
what's so fucking hard to look at some fontconfig documentation and write a xml files, while testing the font rendering from time to time to see which states you prefer
in what god forsaken jewed universe do you need to install the equivalent of my os in MB of fonts
i don't feel the need to reinvent the wheel (not an idiot)
too much foaming in your last sentence, something about install and megabytes but stop embarrassing yourself
just use windows lmao
also sorry for double posting like a retard but since when is configuring software to your liking "reinventing the wheel"
the absolute state of this board
why should I configure it to my liking when it's already configured to my liking
and it is my opinion that nobody knows fonts, online, nobody. if they did we'd have more working examples but afaik only bohoomil has published one and i can't even begin to write that, simply because i'm not familiar with typography and the families and then the rules. it's factually proven no one knows fonts better, else we wouldn't have the linux fonts suck meme and everyone crying how bad it looks
Look, I think I'm coming at this from a wrong perspective and I don't think I'm contributing anything.Instead of being negative tell me what can be done.(I'm interested)
Does the fate of 'linux font rendering' lie upon an issue comment on github ?
What is there to be done from you point of view ?
Don't similar efforts happen with popular distributions ? I remember ubuntu had a fontconfig "fork".
Fixedsys Excelsior
freetype is good
you need fontconfig bindings/aliases/substitute rules to make use of font packages you have installed, this is what that github post covers
no? afaik all major distros have crap font by default, either because previous freetype/
attract people who are familiar with fonts to keep what bohoomil has written up to date [for new freetype] or possibly fix and improve upon it, since he's vanished :(
can't delet this post