Surprise, surprise, hollywood kikes are actually super racist

Are you telling me that their [current] virtue signalling is just that and nothing actually changed? B-But they cast a chick and a nigger in Star Wars!

asians aren't human, you can't be racist towards them


Pick one lel it's even a shit tv show

time to start the "hollywood hates asians other than as a quick buck" narrative so the chinamen stop spending money on their films and finally crash jewwood

already happening

How is it racist to give the dumb bitch good advice? No one wants the word Wang (aka Dick, Penis, Cock) on their billboard.

Jesus, how new are you

Is it that time of the week again?

damn, female hapas are literally the only good race mix and god tier at that


Yes. But only against Asians and Whites.

oh god, no. not this shit again…

Against everyone. You think god's chosen like dirty niggers?

cumskins and slanteyes arent human

no way is half chong, she was probably adopted

chinks are honorary whites after crashing the kikewood system

Well, they sure do love to shove niggers everywhere in their movies.

What's the matter user, don't you like me? :(

Yeah, for virtue signalling. They hate the weird dirty poo people.

I'd give her my Wang if you know what i mean!




Should have gotten an Oscar for pretending to be attracted to an asian man in this music video

I knew Hollywood actors were stupid, but I didn't think they were this stupid. I like how the talentless bitch pretends her case is unique, when pretty much everyone in Hollywood is told to change their name to something more attention catching.


What is this autism..?

Fuck off back, Shlomo, your ploy has been thwarted

They're essentially Mexicans

>If yell KIKE really loudly he'll never notic who I really am!

You're an idiot.

At least try, Shlomo. At least try.
But we will always see through you.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.




u no rike wang?

But Mexicans have enough numbers to be an entire race. I don't think hapas have enough numbers.

Blood was always the best build engine game, has it gotten a proper commercial port yet?



She's half Chinese? I look more fucking Chinese than she does.


What was in the box? **I've heard many theories. The most basic being that it was his wife's head but I've also heard it was both his wife's head and the baby's head. If you have the special features it also tells about a sequel to a story that was thrown away and lost. I had written it down on a simple notepad while incarcerated and placed it in my belongings but for whatever reason it was not recovered when I was released and gained access to my property. The story was a variation of the "Babysitter" urban legend but with a focus on the floodlights of the house that were motion triggered and the sensation of gazing out ….. resolution to the story; it ends basically with the main female character finding a basement in the house that she uses for safety when she panics upon seeing a figure outside in the rain by the mailbox. While in the basement there is a large collection of life-size dolls, one of which starts to move and the story abruptly stops, with a reference to the audience as if watching a movie that ends unanticipatedly.
The sequel begins with a detective going back to the house and it's not explicitly stated what happened since the story ended, only that an investigation has begun at the house that the babysitter had occupied.
Detective Darryl turned down the police radio static that sometimes grated his nerves. On his Galaxy Notepad he reviewed the "ghost footage" that had been sent to him. In this was hazy camerawork of a man using his video phone to record strange grey figures outside his car window. Strange grey little girls standing on the side of the road, flickering. Amazing the lengths people go to to fake footage, Darryl thought. The video had no relevance to current case whatsoever, but admittedly Darryl had an ongoing interest in the supernatural that sometimes preoccupied his work.
He had to admit though that driving down the well paved road through the heavily forested area in the summer sun with the A/C blasting was a welcome calm from the office surroundings. There was still a steady stream of cars in both directions, probably because this wooded road was the fastest route to the adjacent town and a series of businesses. Still, it was very calm out here and a good portion of the road showed no home. Wherever the house was that was the host of the investigation was far remote.
Darryl double checked the GPS suction-cupped to his windshield. The houses that were nestled deeper away from lower-middle class niggerism of the city were much nicer here. Very expansive and not necessarily in a two-story manner but rather sprawling outward and taking up more on bigger plots of land. The Floodlight House was somewhere closer to the river so that it overlooked the water, he believed, according to the GPS.
Vibration in his pocket; his phone was ringing. Slipping a hand in his suit, he pulled it out and answered.
"Detective Darryl."
"Darryl, it's me, Wei."
Wei was a colleague. Asian, though Darryl thought he shouldn't immediately hold it against him.**

"Yes, Wei. What is it?"
"Are you on the way to the Floodlight House?"
"Yes, it's a ways out, but I believe the GPS should lead me there with no trouble."
"So, do you remember that time," Wei began, "where I was floating through a neighborhood at night, peaking through windows, and I saw through half-circled shaped window a girl with a sweater on, alone in a house? And how I was only visible to her if she looked through the reflection of two mirrors facing each other?"
"I beg your pardon?" Darryl asked.
"Yes, the hunter of women. I pried off her sweater and felt her small breasts. Reached my hands from behind and forced them between her legs so far that i was able to touch her buttocks from the opposite side."
"I'm having trouble picturing it."
"And then a blonde girl. Looked kind of like Taylor Swift. I saw her near the house I lived at as a child, wandering there."
Darryl didn't immediately dismiss the notion though. Once he was almost called out by a nympette herself. Amongst a family conversation, in her naive candor, she bit out the words, "Darryl, you like little girls, don't you?" He turned red in the face, and laughed it off to equivocate in front of the others. Maybe it was because he was caught staring at her too often and she picked up on it. Maybe it was when he was visiting while she was being babysat by Wei, when he went in the bedroom with the two girls and pried her panties to the side hastily without any grooming whatsoever. He just had to see it and too impulsie to worry about the consequences. He had to see that bald little mound. Just to commit it to memory and to say he saw a 7 year old girl's pussy before he died.

hmmm you mean if i change my name i can be famous and you will give me money……OK.


Those racists made me change my name to get the part! I had no choice but to become famous and get paid. I could not just turn them down because I was offended.


lol benis :DDD


Hell people mistake me for being Chinese even though I'm not.


Asians are the most privileged, you can't be racist towards them.

She's the dumb bitch that sold out and changed her last name. Now she's famous.


but she's asian though, that's the whole point of this thread.

asian girls eat dogs.

But a wang is a perfectly natural thing for a woman to have.

that's roman numerals your retard

better than fucking them, like cumskin women