Hey Holla Forums, I need advice. With the current college climate with leftism and the nature of things, I am dreading college. I wish to join the military and make a career out of it. I think this will teach me much more than I ever will in four years. However, is this recommend? Should I go to college and then join? Or just skip and join? I am not sure and I am looking for advice.
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Don't go to college. Learn a craft. Welding pays a significant amount of money.
The military will send you to college.
OP here. How so?
OP asked.
Well, either way, OP's going to college.
Because that's what they do. Even if you're a lowly infantryman, you are sent to college to learn. It ain't the Vietnam era anymore. AIT is college.
Make a living from the land if you can
learn trade, make $$, trad wife, white children, buy gun, secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Not your personal blog faggot
Take this shit back to 4cuck.
After that you'd be and officer with out the pansy ass ROTC programs. Plus side if you find a school that does study abroad to Morocco you can bang some magrib bitches while witnessing how stupid they really are. My first week there me and some friend who were doing the same thing witness to families fight over a baby stroller and a bike, then one of them pulled a knife.
Protip: their police don't show up unless there's blood.
Forgot to add if you learn Arabic it would help Holla Forums immensely.
If you want the piece of paper without the SJW climate, perhaps you can see if you can do most of your stuff online. It'll be cheaper and you'll likely only need to actually go to a campus for exams.
You can live under the radar. It isn't hard.
Don't forget. If you get expelled because you had a moment of weakness and called an uppity nigger a nigger, your ability to get a degree is gone and you're still saddled with the debt.
What you will learn in military is how about how much everyone hates the military and the goverment. Its just bureaucratic nonsense.
Everyone I know in the military loves the people but hate the system.
So save yourself the pain and dont go there, unless you think you will have employment problems in the future, qualified veterans (not just foot solidier) are always appropriated.
Keep your head down, go to college and learn a trade. Just focus on learning practical /masculine/traditional skills.
They can't boot you out for having right wing views so don't mince your words, you don't want there to be any misunderstandings. You will be hated and loathed by the teachers and students but it's their duty to educate students.
They want us to be scared to voice our views, don't you see? Things are changing and now It's our turn.
The branches differ. Air Force>Navy>Army>Marines in working conditions. Idiots and assholes will always outnumber the virtuous and the more difficult branches cannot afford to screen out unsuitable applicants.
Pay is shit and inferior to working 50 hours a week and living like a pauper in housing similar to shitty military lodgings.
If you always wanted to be a Marine or in the Army then join up. If you want to serve your country or get tougher, look elsewhere. The military is also suited to young criminals who know they will eventually wind up in prison if they do not leave their circle of friends.
Welding paid a lot in the 90s. You could get into a shop starting out with no experience for $10 an hour and they'd teach you how to weld. After a year, you could switch to piecework and make a killing. Nowadays, there's not much welding left that isn't being done by robots. Some here and there, sure, but those guys get covered in filth, burn out their eyes, destroy their hearing, ruin their lungs from the fumes, and might - might - top out at $20/hr after they've been at it for ten or fifteen years and can no longer see/hear/breathe.
Sure, there's exceptions to every rule.
Sure. The camp cook in Antarctica probably makes 80 grand a year, too, instead of the twenty-five or so he'd pull anywhere in the 48. That doesn't mean OP should take up short-order cooking at the local greasy spoon.
Why dont welders just wear a respirator or one of those plastic filter mask things?
Not OP, but what would be the case if you want to become an air force pilot?
No college unless you can do it without taking out any loans, and even then, still not worth it unless there's a subject that you're passionate about that's only taught at the highest level at colleges/universities and hasn't been completely corrupted by pozzed faculty (e.g., sciences, math, analytic philosophy, not much elseโฆ music if you go to the right school and do the right programs with the right people and have a very strong personal sense of what you want to get out of the schoolโฆ maybe computer science? My friends who work in high level programming jobs went to college but all seem to have learned most of the deep stuff on their own outside of schools).
If you're in the US the military is a bad idea IMO. People come out of the military with permanent mind control issues. Their personality and personal agency has been completely broken down and re-arranged and they'll have emotional issues and cognitive blocks for the rest of their lives. There are other ways to get fit and learn gun skills if that's all you're interested in the military for.
My advice is to figure out what you really want to do, would enjoy doing, and are suited to do, and then pursue that. And if it's something that doesn't make a lot of money very quickly, find a decent job that allows you to keep your dignity and makes ends meet without completely grinding yourself down so you have time to work on pursuing your actual passion. This route probably means several years of no gf, no cash, no glory, but IMO pursuing your passion is the only thing that's really worthwhile and ultimately fulfilling.
Inb4 traditionalism, i.e. "whadabout having a family, isn't that fulfilling?". I agree. I think for a large segment of the population their natural inclination, their truest inborn passion is probably to have a healthy successful family and provide for them, and if that's you OP, you just need to find any job route that's enjoyable enough and doesn't grind you down too much, and wife up some lady and live the normie dream. If that's you, good for you (not sarcastically). But many anons are here because they find that route untenable or unappealing in our world as it is for one reason or another, and in that case, the thing to do is to follow your passion whatever it is to the best of your ability while maintaining a reasonably stable life for yourself, as described above.
Go to poland, lithuania georgia or armenia or low tier countries like that to get same level of education for 10th of price in USA.
majoring (3rd year) social healthcare it costs me 500$ a year.
The market doesn't care about what you like or what your passion is. You need to find a need and solve it. Don't be a wagecuck.
My advice was about being happy and possibly contributing to humanity by eventually doing something truly worthwhile, not about satisfying the market. I explicitly stated that this route would probably mean years of no cash, no gf, no glory. Keep being a butthurt money chaser repeating business school slogans to yourself as you night-sweat into your pillow though user.
Maybe in the Marines and some places in the Army- but not the Airforce, shit's cushy as fuck depending on your job. My father worked as an electrician on aircraft for 10 years, they don't get shipped anywhere dangerous. The most psychological "programming" you might see is in basic training, but that's pretty much nothing nowadays anyway.
Op, if you're not a stupid+lazy nigger and study the ASVAB, you can get a comfy job working a special tech job in the Army with free education , and healthcare for life. (And a decent retirement pension if you put enough years of service into the military). Once you've been in a couple years you can decide where you would like to be assigned (depending on the demand for your work), my grandfather chose Alaska for a couple years and loved it. My father chose Germany.
Sage because I'm shilling for military service and I know that triggers a lot of people here because they think the military is full of 100% israel-loyal zogbots, when they're really at worst just bluepilled like any other american demographic.
t.military offspring user
Marines+CIA fit better into that zogbot mold tbh
1st response was meant for
Don't go to a college.
so did I, don't do it
aka welfare whores
Go into a trade instead, electrician, welder, high level car mechanic with degrees, all of those earn big bucks and are always needed everywhere
The best answer is West Point. If you can't get in to college, join the ghetto. I think like like 30 veterans kill themselves every day. Forget the military. Join the ghetto. Trade school is free for people who live in the ghetto and the pay after graduation is tailored for people who don't have to pay rent, healthcare or food and never plan to.
Don't do a trade in the current year. You're basically throwing away your health and you will die in your 50's. My friend's brother does plumbing and both of his knees are blown out and he is in his late 20's. Many plumbers, carpenters get diseases like lung cancer and mesothelioma or some shit.
Trades are only for when society is in a heavily traditionalist state and you're willing to be a sacrifice for your nation and family, to provide for them, and in turn you get love and loyalty from your wife and children, they have always been shit though.
get into a comfy job like finance or IT.
Jews everywhere
outsourced by Pajeets
There is nothing wrong with university as long as you do a good degree and don't get involved in campus politics. Maybe it's different in other countries but I only attend university a few days a week and I spend as little time there as possible. Sure I see a few posters advertising socialist groups and protests but aside from that kind of thing there is very little leftist intrusion in my university life. And since I'm doing engineering, the only political crap that has come up in my degree was a lecturer making a joke about communism, and that's it. I'm sure it's different in America, though.
There are additional sacrifices that are made of course. For instance, payment is significantly less than minimum wage for a while when you get in. Welfare is for niggers who don't work, pensions+service benefits are for people who work. If you're a lazy nigger in the service, they kick you the fuck out and you get ๐๐ ๐ฅ๐๐๐๐. There's a reason that being in the military isn't for everyone.
So if you consider being rewarded for service ("service" as in actual fucking work and time investment) to your country being a welfare whore, so be it.
kek you're not serious are you? that only works for niggers, not overpriveleged white cis males like Op
I've been in college for the past year and a half and have been a bit of a lazy nigger, which has led me to fail a few classes.
Will the military beat some worth ethic into me? I hate being a lazy spoiled faggot but am to lazy and spoiled to snap my self out of it.
*work ethic
Germany has free college for foreign students if you can be accepted. Their colleges were be comparable in prestige to 2nd tier US colleges.
Trump will stop the outsourcing.
My mom has been forcing me to go university this year after I finish some comm college courses which I use to brush off but I'm seeing that trade school doesn't pay off, what are some non-pozzed or good-paying courses besides STEM, I'm aware of that every university is different but what's the general outline.
It's better than living with your parents until overdosing or joining sergeant nigger's military for benefits everybody in the ghetto already gets.
If you're under 23, go to a military academy. Otherwise, you can finish a some random degree in 3 years (I know a guy who finished an econ degree in 8 quarters) and then go to OTS.
Honestly, university life can be great. I've had to deal genuinely insane people, but almost all professors are willing to at least talk to you about what you think. There's a part of policy that means that you have freedom of thought and speech within the class environment. So long as you can support your ideas logically you're almost always able to get by.
I had a teacher for a gen ed writing class on film who was an insane feminist. First day of class, the guy says "The camera is inherently sexist as it is a tool used by men to capture women." I stifled a laugh and got dirty looks.
For the term paper, I wrote about how Lord of the Rings, Old Boy, and V for Vendetta portray various facets of true masculinity. I drew a line between true masculinity- strength, courage, ingenuity and intelligence, compassion, self sacrifice and the current warped masculinity- stupidity, weakness, fear of conflict.
I tied it up with the fact that the shift was mostly due to influences by media as the result of influence by former communists, and that the bulk of this warping was an attempt to undermine the power structure of western society which could effectively destroy our concepts of liberty and freedom.
He fucking hated my opinions, but I backed them up with logic and never let myself get observably angry. In the end I managed to get an A.
Back from that long aside:
Well as gay as this is going to sound, that's entirely up to you. It might, a lot of the initial disciplining happens in basic training, which in the Air Force I think lasts about 6 weeks? It straightens most people out for the most part, but there is still a sizable percentage of people who drop out of basic or finish it and leave early before they can get a pension, but then again they're mostly niggers.
said, if you want more specifics on details like technical training, testing, and higher education shit, you're going to want to see a recruiter. As far as I know, you can CLEP(test) out of college courses for free at the education center on base if you know enough about the subject, and you automatically get a college credit. They also cover student loans too pretty sure.
One thing I do know is that between this year and next year, they might be doing away with lifelong-pensions for a 401k plan. I'm sure that's also something you can ask them about, but it's something to keep in mind if you're contemplating getting in.
It's also a lot easier to find a job when you get out of the military, because you have "military experience". You'll likely get put above even the most successful of Chads when applying for a job.
It's a hell of a transition moving from civilian to military for some, the military is not for everybody. Regardless, I wish you look luck m8 in whatever you do.
OP, a friend of mine is considering this . Good option if you can learn German.
You have to look at this from a standpoint of Return on Investment. DO NOT go into debt for college and if you do the cap should be $10k only if it is an Engineering or relevant science degree (Geology counts, bio doesn't). Everything is still connections. Find out which ones you have and use them. If you can't do the hard core math and science stuff either learn a trade or become a salesman. So many of my friends are doing sales and making ok money if you don't factor in college debt. Don't sell knifes or stupid shit like that, do a real sales job like selling cars.
The military is a good option for some and not for others. The Army is easy to advance in but you could literally die for Israel. Air Force is harder to advance but you will just be the support guy, it's super easy, and the Air force has a good rep with employers. Coast Guard is probably your best option.
A great career that some of my buddies did is becoming a merchant seaman. The merchant marine academy is free and then you make 6 figs out of college if you don't fuck up. Do your own homework but the reason it's possible is unions and the Jones Act.
If you have money I would highly consider a gap year or 2. Traveling the right way (hostels, backpacking, etc.) will expose you to good parts of the world in a good way. It is also way more fun and "enlightening" then spending time in the college echo chamber.
i'm a journeyman welder in Alberta, Canada, pay is roughly ~38$/h CAD median for a journeyman, if you get a high pressure pipe welding ticket, it goes up to ~42$/h CAD, with your own truck turns into ~80$/h CAD, mind you, that's your business and you have overhead, taxes, insurance, ect.
> Lungs - wear a respirator or invest in a positive pressure PAPR (millerwelds.com
Knee's can be saved with knee padsโฆ.obviously. use proper lifting technique and pay attention to the work area around you.
With all that being said, i currently am un-employed simply because of the oil price collapse, (I live in an oil town).
also underwater welding is a meme, that is seriously detrimental to your body, and i would consider one of the most UNSAFE type's of welding you can do.
Nigga what? We wont be fighting for Israel any longer.