Why do Holla Forums's projects always fail?

Why do Holla Forums's projects always fail?

What do you mean by this

Because a chan is not for organizing.

Because they're leftists. When has a leftist ever been successful? They always collapse within a couple of decades at most



The only projects I know of were the detroit commune and funding the Alpha Wolff. The commune project never got off the ground because there wasn't any hard progress that kept people interested, though the idea is still on the back burner, while the Wolff funding was successful.

Maybe we could just be activists in real life and use Holla Forums for funposting and discussion?

Because user never delivers.

It is obscenely easy to post some shit on a chan, actually doing anything takes actual work and entails actual risk. The only user projects that succeed are either one off acts that someone can do soon after posting (like knocking over a newspaper stand) or things that can live entirely behind a screen and take little or no effort (like a bare bones RPG) or some combination of the two (like a song parody or raid).

Because chans are pretty shit to organize anything but ebin raids.

we should raid more

please no
Only cancer raids

what you hate getting lulz ?

Why can't they? The university union idea could work easily. All that needs to happen is to get already existing progressive organizations who are anticapitalist to talk and organize together. All it takes is an email to the right people, from the right people, really.

this really,

Change i think starts where you live, its extremely difficulty to get anything going via social media let alone a chan board.

I just come here for funposting, learning about new theories and books as well as ideas on how to further promote socialism

Too much talking and theory, not enough killing


It doesn't even have to be killing either, just join your local antifa and take to the streets, take action, do anything at all.

personally i find the latter more productive

True we got the better deal



Yeah I think we should had back our ideas until we have it in at least embryo but concrete form. Because then people know more or less what to do and are able to contribute.

If you unify based on vague goals like the student union thing, people lose focus so quickly is ridiculous. Every time I've seen something like this people just start talking about music or whatever within minutes.

Because people on this board need to stop being LARPer faggots and for once in their goddamn life be real leftists and do shit IRL. Trying to organize something on an imageboard is just a circlejerk that makes everyone involved feel important while not actually risking anything at all.

Plus as others have noted, it's just hard if not impossible to organize praxis over an imageboard.


Why are you guys assuming the OP is right in the first place? As far as projects go, Holla Forums is actually one of the more successful boards.