What other boards does Holla Forums use (or used to use)?

What other boards does Holla Forums use (or used to use)?

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I shill and falseflag on liberty and "shitpost" on /a/
Shitpost because the norm of content on that board is shit, and critical discussion is considered the jew in that context. It wasn't always that way either, it used to be a far better place than half/a/, but now they're indistinguishable. one is just slower you have circlejerk threads about shit shows going on for weeks.

Holla Forums

Holla Forums actually did talk about video games once, instead of being a big ol bandwagon jumping festival where insecure Holla Forumsacks go to yell and nobody plays video games.

/monster/ /cuteboys/ /waifu/

halfchan's /k/ and /mlp/

i don't go on halfchan much anymore though.

i don't go on the other Holla Forums boards much cause most of them are even more cancer. sometimes some of the fetish boards.

I used to be on Holla Forums but it's now a two things nedlessly repeated:

4chan's /vg/ for /gsg/ and /rpgmg/ & /agdg/ as well as Holla Forums and /r9k/

Holla Forums

Most of them are shit now though.


That's about it. I dont much like 8ch apart from here and most halfchan boards have degenerated in quality significantly.

I do /lit/ sometimes but I got bored because they just constantly talk about the same four books over and over and over again. Plus, the level of intelligent discussion has gone way down over there. I'm a Latin teacher and you used to be able to find some good threads on the classics. Now it's just idiots misunderstanding Nietzsche, Marx, Joyce, et al.

Still pop over to /a/ sometimes, used to browse Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /gg/

Holla Forums

Holla Forums



Holla Forums

sometime 4/his/



Thats it basically. I found leftypol because i wanted slime girl porn and /d/ had a thread on it at the time.

These are my bookmarked boards
[ leftypol / loli / co / tg / cow / abdl / abdlstory / leftyb ]

/k/ and Holla Forums are Holla Forums colonies, not sure about /fit/ though

/hebe/ (rip)


I used to go on 4chan's /lit/, now I just go on baraboards for fapping

occasionally /tg/, /ck/ and /a/

/fit/ - halfchan
/fa/ - halfchan
/jew/ - 8-1chan
/ck/ - halfchan
/vg/ - halfchan
/diy/ - halfchan
/out/ - halfchan
/an/ - halfchan

4chan Holla Forums /mlp/ and Holla Forums
Holla Forums Holla Forums Holla Forums /mu/ /sfg/ /pone/ Holla Forums
hispachan (Ñ) /g/ /fun/ Holla Forums

Holla Forums /bane/ Holla Forums to shitpost /mai/
/mu/ /wooo/ /cuteboys/ and Holla Forums


halfchan Holla Forums
fullchan Holla Forums
halfchan Holla Forums
halfchan /aco/
fullchan Holla Forums
halfchan /g/

Historically I browsed (4chan)
Not all at once though. Haven't been on Holla Forums since I was 14.
Came here for GG, found this place and left the rest behind. I still occasionally have a gander at Holla Forums, /vp/, Holla Forums and /mu/ but they're pretty shit now days.

Oh and I used to go on 420chan occassionally. Usually on /his/ and /1701/ - the star trek board

Was a il/lit/erate for a long time, till Moot fucked with Holla Forums (with his 13 steps of cuckolding) and they decided to invade (and of course, stay) every single other board, and the discussions there became shitposting wars between /rk9/ posters and pollyps.


/lit/, but it's been pretty poo lately

who /cyber/ here ?

Holla Forums mostly. Occasionally Holla Forums /asmr/ Holla Forums Holla Forums and sometimes /lit/ and /gsg/.

I used to browse halfchan /g/ /x/ and Holla Forums back in the day.

I miss /lit/ before the rise of this shit.

Holla Forums /art/ /lit/ /fit/ /his/

Damn i love my life

4chan /lit/ /his/ /mu/ /tg/ and Holla Forums

Holla Forums /cyber/ is pretty cool i guess, apart from that I think the rest of 8chans userbase is extremely cancerous and autistic.

/anarcho/, /freedu/, /kind/, /esperanto/, Lainchan, /liberty/

/Kemono/ /Anarcho/ Holla Forums /Cuteboys/ sometimes 4chan /lit/ was an nice thread yesterday up about the Unabomber.

on halfchan there was /lit/,/a/ and /tg/ that I visited the most. Here it`s mostly Holla Forums,/a/ and /marx/ since /tg/ here is cancer.

Holla Forums

half/v/ & half/vg/

I'm pretty fed up with image boards these days.
You fucking youths are autistic and retarded as fuck.
This is the only board I still visit.

was that any of you?
If yes: good work

I used to browse /a/ and /jp/ on 4chan. Heard about Holla Forums during gamergay and decided to check it out. Found /a/ here was slow and comfy so I stuck around until Holla Forums moved in. Then I took a break until I decided to give Holla Forums a chance. Quit online leftist discussion after I was banned from revleft like 4 or 5 years ago and coming here was like relapsing. Now I can't stop coming back despite how shit it is.

How do I get rid of my 4chin ban?

Beyond /freedu/ and bunkerchan /overboard/? Mostly porn tbh.

I also browse 4chan /fa/, /fit/, /mu/, /lit/, and /tg/ once a blue moon.

Aww shit, almost forgot to mention lainchan.org

too bad the lainchan owner has come out as some kind of centrist liberal shithead who wants to ban anarchism

Krautchan /int/
4chan /vg/ for /domg/

He's always been a faggot, but the anarchism threads are still there. I've been hearing more drama about the site being anti-Holla Forums than anything.