Epic Games and Charles Vraspir have settled a lawsuit related to cheating in the game Fortnite: Battle Royale. Vraspir has agreed to destroy the software used to circumvent the rules of the game and to never cheat at any of Epic’s products ever again.
The injunction, signed by chief U.S. district Judge James C. Dever III, involves consequences if Vraspir violates its terms. They include a fine of at least $5,000.
Epic made the unusual move to sue Vraspir, as well as several other people including at least one minor, for copyright infringement. The cases differ in their details, but by and large they argue that using cheats and publicizing them online is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
It is illegal to modify software - Epic
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It's self defeating to install proprietary software. We've been saying forever that if you want freedom to modify your software, then free software will give you that freedom.
no fuck off I can install what I want and modify it however I want. I don't care if it has malware, just don't install it on a machine that needs to be secure
Why doesn't valve sue these guys and others like it that publish cheats on github?
omg that project is toxic and violates the github CoC. reported
A fart in the wind if you are talking about precendence - the guy just doesn't want to waste money getting sued for the next 100 years.
Do modern day cheats even modify code nowadays?
When I cheat playing monopoly with my friends they just kick me out of the game and yell at me.
How the fuck would you modify binaries?
No, but the act of reverse engineer simply makes you prone to lawsuit.
nice clickbait title you faggot
Just take a look at the ROM hacking community.
Might as well kill yourself now. Lusers never learn.
3 techniques, all require modification:
- Inject assembly code into game while it runs (oh noes not modified on disk)
- Modify assembly in binary instead of injecting while running. If you run out of space to add code just add more space in the PE header
- Modify decompiled game (in the case of .NET or flash crap for example)
also some games have scripts in source form which can be modified (for example LUA in S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Crysis)
the case should have been immediately dismissed. if you don't like cheaters in your game, you're free to ban them
people shouldn't be legally punished for running proprietary software buddy. open source insofar as licensing is concerened is stupid. all that matters is that you have source (and that the source isn't garbage, like much of GNU is). of course for video games on a throwaway computer, i'm fine with not having access to the source
t. cuck license user
Are Roms binaries? I thought hacked roms were in ASM. For a binary you need to hack the values loaded into RAM, right?
Try suing some russians or chinese.
i still don't know what that means after being on this board for some number of years, because i give absolutely zero shits about the social construct that is licensing. it simply does not affect me in any way. you can make whatever bullshit license you want. ill still use whatever i want however i want
I really wish freefags would put their money where their mouths were, then we might not live in such a cybernetic dystopia.
It's not like some soyboys are going to sue you over their hobby projects anyway.
Yes, ROMs are binaries. A ROM is just the binary code dumped off the cartridge. You could convert the binary to assembly, it's a 1:1 mapping, but you would not get back all the comments, marks, and macros the original developers had.
Yeah I'm sure it was "destroyed" LMFAO fucking soyboy
I find it amazing that you're so closeted you replaced the "tard" in freetard with "fag" as a pejorative. To what end?
don't decompile my software or cheat at any of my epic proprietary games ever again!
These people should host their programs behind tor and accept payments via cryptocurrency.
can software not be free?
Epic is a Chink company though
Your computing is not my responsibility. It's not my responsibility to maintain your oral hygiene. It's not my responsibility to keep your room tidy and maintained. It's not my responsibility to ensure that you consume the proper nutrition. Likewise, your free software is your responsibility, it is not up to me.
t. fag
Intellectual property laws must be abolished in favor of DRM
Meanwhile I'll just be playing some classic Doom, Doom 3, OpenMW, minetest, Xonotic, Red Eclipse, or any of the hundreds of free as in freedom emulators that exist for console shit.
I would normally take that as a joke, but considering the posting quality of this board, I'm not so sure.
Fuck the proprietary porkies.
It's a good thing nobody has modified Unreal Tournament 2017.
The first part of the post is right at least.
Without intellectual property there can be no GPL. It is the GPL that uses the force of the government to maintain its clauses. Proprietary software does not need the force of law. DRM is an ideal alternative to the legal system.
cluck cluck cluck
On the one hand, since he settled this is apparently not a big deal.
On the other hand, people who cheat at video games are scum and deserve what they get.
Proprietary needs to force of law to stop people from unauthorized distribution of software.
No DRM stops that.
I think you missed the mathematicians who've formally proved that DRM as imagined by media oligarchs can work.
clearly you are not a CS / math major
Diablo 3 DRM seems to work pretty well
Clearly you are a math major
If DRM is impossible then you have nothing to worry about ;^)
I'm not the one relying on the force of Big Media DRM to restrict the users of software.
I'm not worried. Almost all the DRM chips that have been broken were using outdated 90s shit tech where you could physically see the bits on the chip with a simple microscope. GL at 8 NM.
Fortnight is fucking gay and people who play it belong on a cross
no you're wrong
what if you change the memory of a game while its running? does that count as modifying?
>>>Holla Forums
Butthurt GPL cuck that his license cant exist without intellectual property but proprietary software will do just fine
You are completely wrong.
lol corps spend millions on DRM and some random russians crack it day one.I never had a problem breaking proprietary licenses. Also for images, music and video there will always be the analog hole which is impossible to plug, go back to licking those boots clean.
Are you okay?
You do realize that software DRM and music / video DRM is not the same thing right. Diablo 3 DRM works fine. We are talking about software not videos you where you can film the fucking screan.
You could have just deleted your post. Actually, why are you even replying to bait? Are you really that new?
Account fags are antithetical to chans. Deletion is immoral.
We also have tripcodes. Transgression of the status quo is sometimes a practical necessity--the importance is that it doesn't become a precedent.
When it happens once the precedent has been set
Not true. The precedent is determined by the board itself, not the users. People abuse tripcodes all the time; does that mean the majority of people abuse tripcodes? No, in fact, it's the complete inverse. You have to make a concerted effort to generate/enter that tripcode. Regardless of how slight it is, there's negative incentive for abusing tripcodes, and that's why they're a minority of users.
The precedent is set by the users
Why do you say that?
Precedent is the action. The fact that it is not incentivized, or is taboo are independent variables. However once precedent is set by individuals the taboo declines.
Just because a decline in taboo might correlate with the prevalence of a behavior to a certain threshold doesn't mean it's the impetus. Just look at this board. How many tripcode users do you see? Certainly the taboo is broken. It may just be that a minority of people even want to be identified, and an even lesser amount of people will put in the effort to type in a tripcode. And beyond all that, we have the flags system to identify people with, so that taboo is kind of moot.
Imageboards are chans; not all chans are imageboards.
Imageboards are inspired by but not technically BBS's.
Call me outdated but degeneracy being around is not enough to justify it
chan culture != imageboard culture != bbs culture
you know there are graphical bulletin boards right
I don't understand what you mean.
Admit your roal.
Those aren't imageboards.
they are boards that have images
That isn't what an imageboard is.
you found the source of the quote good job the starting text
Now read the article. I'm not going to argue semantics with you; just know that when myself or literally anyone else in the world mentions imageboards, they mean it in the context of sites like the ones listed in that article. There's a historical precedent and the definition of an imageboard is just as much cultural as it is technical.
Right so you agree that chan culture and imageboard culture are different
No? If you're going to try and convince me of something, could you at least make sure I understand what you're trying to prove before attacking me? You haven't even explained the distinction.
Okay, rereading the thread, I can kind of figure out what you were trying to say. What I meant to convey was that chan culture encompasses imageboard culture. They're not somehow mutually exclusive things. At the same time, imageboards aren't strictly a technical construct; for example, textboards (world2ch, tinychan, 4-ch) are part of chan culture, but their values and posting styles (long posts, reading a whole thread before posting, slower posting rates) are something that is a testament to the technical limitations of textboards but not those technical parameters themselves. Boorus are a manifestation of chan culture, although they're not technically imageboards, either.
Your implication, as I interpreted it, was that boards like a SimpleMachines forum by nature of being a "BBS" that also "supports images" is an imageboard simply because of that. It's true that at 4chan's inception, there was a lot of interplay between 4chan and world2ch and SA, but that doesn't mean SimpleMachines-esque forums are in themselves a component of chan culture just because they're technically, superficially comparable.
what is this cancerous faggotry. there is no need for DRM nor for IP or copyright or licenses. literally no company ever died from piracy. muricunts are all willing to throw millions of their free money to every software developer and their dog (this isn't even hyperbole. they make kickstarters for their dogs too). this is the whole reason why the SF hipster scene exists. companies are free to put DRM and other bullshit in their products because some manager is paranoid about some 7 year old getting his product for free, and there shouldn't be a law against that either, we can just decide not to use his garbage product.
Remember when piracy was the majority of internet traffic 10 years ago and then in response every company switched to always online DRM, and streaming services?
Why do you think all the shit is cloud now? Its because fuckers pirated everything and now they have made it impossible.
Imageboards are simply boards with images on them!
its NOT illegal to modify software
it IS illegal to redistribute modified software
am i the only one that reads licenses and eulas?
Someone did not read the EULA
well they cant sue you for it anyway
i mean they can try
but it will end like apple suing people for jailbreaking iphones
Did you know your EULA is supposed to permit you to use software? The idea is that when you break the EULA, you are no longer allowed to use the software.
remember when DRM literally did not mitigate any form of piracy whatsoever? DRM is not yet even slightly of a problem for pirates. maybe in 10 or 20 years.
why is everything web now? why is everything IoT now? because normalfags and marketing.
yes. no normal person reads EULAs.
so... should it be illegal to distribute a modified binary of a game? what if I inject the code at runtime, is it illegal then? there's no difference. in either case, there's not much value to the main binary of a game, you need the assets as well. most cheats are just injecting a DLL anyway
anyone can use any software, m8. hopefully you're being ironic
The interesting effect vidya cracking groups has, is that when they do crack the game's DRM, the company behind the game patch the DRM out of the game so buyfags end up getting better performance. Even if you never ever dreamt of pirating a game, chances are that if you bought a game in the last two or three years that was Denuvo protected, you have benefited from the works of crackers.
I'm pretty sure it went more like this:
find me 1 person thats been successfully sued for breaking the eula who also wasnt distributing something and ill install win10 to my main rig
Where is the diablo 3 crack then? Game companies and software companies have adapted their models to make piracy impossible. They switched to cloud based computation, and online multiplayer games.
Because DRM is far easier and they have far greater control over the content. Piracy has almost died compared to 10 years ago. That combined with police efforts and except for a few private trackers its all shit.
Diablo 3 has used server emulators for a while now.
Blizzard Activision is one of the richest game companies and can afford server side single player. 99.9% of games do not do this.
Absolutely false.
A EULA is what a company hopes they can get away with. They only consistent thing they accomplish is letting the company ban you or otherwise refuse additional services, and to own and sell all the information that you give or generate for them.
Everything else is just their hopes and dreams, which are very often tossed out when an actual judge looks at it. Laws are what the judge cares about.
99% of games are multiplayer only pieces of shit now. single player has died.
lets seeee:
Every public torrent site left has turned to shit. site after site has gotten shut down by various goverments the last few years. Some are still around with the same names but they are shells.
Everyone is watching netflix and youtube now not pirating movies. They are playing online only multiplayer games, not pirating half life.
all the server emulators are fake do you have a link to a real one?
yea you gotta be rich to host server side content like all those free multiplayer shooters run by small companies o wait its cheap..
Normies do their piracy via streaming now, see these TV Android boxes.
they use p2p retard
a small fraction use p2p retard
a small fraction of normies
Intellectual property lawsuits are a joke nowadays. The party with more money wins, even moreso when it's a multi-million company suing a bunch of random sods.
Reminds me of when The Jewtris Company sued Xio Interactive Inc. (a bunch of chinks without decent legal counsel) for a game called Mino, and the judge ruled that gameplay elements such as rotations, the shadow piece, garbage lines, starting orientations, field dimensions, and piece colors were protected by trademark law (absolutely retarded). They also claimed the above and tetrominos were copyrighted (also absolutely retarded). And TTC won.
Whether free or not, you shouldn't modify or use software in a way that breaks the terms of a service (e.g. modifying your modem's software to uncap your connection). It's common sense. Though fuck muh copyright faggots.
Copyleft is just a way to subvert copyright so a random niggerjew couldn't just release a proprietary version of your code like what happens with BSD cuck licenses. Though most people would prefer not having copyright at all to having copyleft.
You're right. Darkspore has DRM so good not even paying customers can play it :^)
More like they've made everything into a service. Stallman suggests to do without those services outright, and to be honest it's not bad advice considering the privacy-raping kikery-saturated way in which they're run.
I believe in the principle that if you make a promise, then you ought to keep it. I don't think it's a good idea to promise to keep away from the program (binary) code, i.e. a EULA, and then later break the promise when it suits you.
A service is different from a good. Abusing services impacts others negatively, and you risk termination. In the case of goods not tied to a service, you don't hurt anyone, so anything goes. Furthermore, EULAs are anti-consumer and abusive, so fuck them. TOS often are too, but the provider sets the rules, so you can't do anything about it.
Works well indeed
More like they've made everything into a service (because you faggots pirated everything)
They make everything into a service to let them extract rent profits. It makes business sense even in a world without piracy.
They have to have all those servers running all the time, and they have to deal with shitty web technology that leads them to having reduced features. Software is slower, more complicated, more expensive when does this way. Its not the natural way without piracy.
Very cheap, it scales well and lets them collect data that is worth far more.
No, the consumer does. But was is he gonna do, switch to the competition? LOL
Again, you are the one bearing that cost. Also it allows for portability which is worth far more.
Wrong, it is far cheaper. Any idiot can do web dev so the competition is high, wages low and time to market short.
when does this way. Its not the natural way without piracy.
You are that lolbert, aren't you. Keep sucking that corporate cock.
I‘d like to see stats, but I feel like a sizable chunk of sports fans use illegal streaming sites.
Not "very cheap". The servers are cheapest part. The expensive part is hiring the team of people to do operations, DBA, migration, deployments, updating, on call in case shit breaks, etc. Even if it was cheap they are infinity more expensive than running on the consumers computer.
They will switch to those desktop apps, o wait no one makes them any more cause you faggots pirate everything.
Its not "lol I made a rails app in 20 minutes". These server side desktop replacement apps are 100x more complicated than that shit the "web developers" that don't do shit can accomplish. Its more like an MMO where you have to do entirely server side logic bullshit and keep it consistent between users, and the users browser.
Yea, it is.
Get in the gas chamber commie faggot
shame there are no desktop apps that could compete, o wait they all died off because you pirated so much shit.
They made everything into a service because they finally realized selling copies that can be made by anyone for less than 1 penny was a terrible business model. Getting paid to produce is more logical.
However, the part where it all goes wrong is when in their limitless kikery they decide to disable the software on your computer if you stop paying, which effectively makes it a rental instead of you just paying for support/updates/etc.
more like because you can milk more shekels from goyim with (((services as a software substitute)))
This. But is a kike himself which is why he defends the practice by wining about piracy. We are not fooled, kys.
there is almost no functional difference except that one is on a server and one is on your computer except the server version is shittier.
Yea? And because you did not pay for it we have to deal with all this bullshit cloud stuff that barely works.
You are getting thrown in the oven
and FYI I pirate everything too, just recognize what it has caused
Yes, nobody is pirating Windows anymore. Did someone shit in your brain? Go choke on your shit fuckface
Are you braindead? Everyone in almost every country is running a copy of windows that was either:
A) Pirated
B) Installed By Default
C) Got a free windows 10 download
Only people pirating windows are the chinks / 3rd worlders where their EOMs do the actual pirating
Yeah, you illiterate teenager.
u mad bra?
oh shit forgot to post this too:
The post was deleted/modfagged and wasn't archived so all we have is this ghetto clickbait site which mirrored the post:
Why? Is Windows 10 free? I can't remember. I'm pirating Windows 7 but I guess it doesn't count since I already paid for several laptops that came with it preinstalled.
Okay let's try again:
The same reason getting tatoos and extreme piercings is popular now. It has nothing to do with DRM.
The _only_ sense in which piracy has died recently is that software got so shit that even the DRM is shit and you can crack it by editing a .js file.
In 2004, 0% of internet traffic was video because there were no video hosting websites. Is usage here measured by some sort of relevant metric such as what services a user is using, or just bandwidth?
I don't give a fuck about the big company laws, I edit what ever the fuck I wanna edit, I downloaded it it becomes mine. I don't care about that stupid license agreement bullshit, its mine now faggots! I'd like to see them try to sue basically a homeless person with no credit and will never use credit cards and nothing that can be taken from me in place of money.
Except for all the fucking reasons I pointed out *only* my ass
No we were torrenting tv show, movies, and anime. What the fuck do you think we were downloading? You think it was all music? Now instead of torrenting video they watch netflix.
fuck off, almost everybody i meet at school that actively watches movies use some trash websites like 123movies instead of torrenting or kikeflix
What's wrong with 123movies?
everyone was downloading 700mb divx/xvid movies from torrent, f2p, one click host, etc, back in 2004 buddy. perhaps you're too new here and have missed that train
Literally exactly the fucking point. Can you not read?
jej i thought you're the guy saying piracy no longer exists
i read
I am that fucking guy. The other poster was arguing that there was
And I responded with, what the fuck do you think people were pirating back then.
Depends what you want to do. You might be able to modify your drivers instead if you just want to make models light up or something.
If you want aimbot, you could conceivably run it in a virtual machine and modify outgoing packets, but it's probably too much work at that point.
Kind of weird to reply to my old rhetorical question.
Implementing your cheat in a driver sounds like a Windows thing (probably to evade anticheat).
Regardless, doing those things do not require modifying the game's code.
As someone who doesn't understand how these things work, could it be considered a developers responsibility to have proper anti-cheat measures in place? I've never been bothered by people hacking in games because I just always put the blame on developers for being incompetent enough to let it happen in the first place.
I think it would be very hard to prevent every conceivable way to cheat.
Have a centralized account store. When someone pays for the game they are actually paying for an account. This makes getting banned after cheating costly. Next do server side simulation at a decent resolution. If you look at the new counter strike they do both of these. There is very little cheating compared to previous games.
literally the only type of cheat you should ever see is aimbot and a limited wallhack. anything else is because the game is shit and it's devs' faults