what's on the drive?
What's on the drive?
Illegal opinions
Shitty art by the hipster that placed it there.
We'll never know because I hammered the end off.
Bricks and cement
Shirt circuit. But if it's actually working, upload your lurk folder.
The crippling weight of my depression.
mains voltage
CIA nigger information
Go back brazilian
>>>Holla Forums
Legal CP
So that's where I lost my USB drive full of cp
a picture of itself
the drive is not on, the drive is "in" you FRACKING EEDJIT
About 120 volts
A brick
Why cant they just use wireless HDD?
Having a USB stick out like that seems dumb....
Add "USB" to "Illiterate beyond hope tier"
real human bean
and a real hero
I'm going refer to all hard drives as dongles from now on.
Are those... capacitors?
it's a stick that fries any device it's plugged into by supplying an asston of volts onto the 5v rail
You didn't even read the article
But that's something completely different.
120V AC, goodbye computer!
The USB connector leads to the anus of a swine, and then via>>868031 and to an ethernet interface.
I miss zip drives, but jaz drives were where it was at.
That would be an epic troll.
We threw away a few dozen zip drives at work last week. Shit's been gathering dust for decades, but still, it pained me a bit.
What a shocking idea
stop bumping the thread
That's how most old hardware meets its end, even if in good working condition - a clueless ignorant normie boss orders to recycle it.
best post ITT
MADTHAD08's backup HD
stupid feds still haven't found it in that wall
Windows 98 installation program
We'll never know because it's bricked
That's why the stuff around it is white.
This is what a dead drop actually looks like
it is a usb 3.0 the plastic bit is blue
nice usb media storage
8/8 would take it off the wall
"You were only meant to blow the bloody doors off!"
..and lo another Holla Forums meme was born.
That's copper hydroxide.
brb putting my dick in a hole in the wall.
Why'd you post a picture of your dick
>the (((free)))masons did this
>the (((/g/)))masons did this