This. But further predictions:
The groups/areas that convince niggers to show up and end up making up a large percent of the group total, will devolve into rioting/looting/blocking-roads and attacking cops while shouting "hands up dont shoot," they'll only travel any real distance in order to loot, the "march" itself will mostly be standing in one place or laying in the street (because lazy niggers)
Groups with large hipster makeups will devolve into random mindless chants and marching around aimlessly, directed purely by whichever femi-dyke is in front with the biggest army of beta cucks hoping to be allowed the "privilege" of having her bleed on their face that night and punch them in the balls. Less likely to resort to looting, more likely to resort to violence against police if they encounter pushback or roadblocks early on, the longer it draws on, the more people will leave to go get high
The groups with large "anonamouse" masks and bandanas around their faces and such, will be the most violent towards passerbys who do not join them or laugh at them. They'll argue with and antagonize them to provoke them, and at the first even hint of anger/aggression from that person, the swarm will descent and mob them, the niggers present will rob them. They'll avoid direct conflict with police, a few outliers will throw things at them and be rounded up quickly, the rest will avoid them because they cant overwhelm/mob the police lines and thus are to pussy to do anything, they prefer overwhelming numbers to easily and quickly crush a target that is unprepared to flee or fight off so many attackers
The groups with a large spic makeup… wont exist, because they're either to lazy to show up, or to busy working their 8th job picking fruit or "day laboring" to go (or to poor to afford internet to know of or care about this)
If groups with large muslim concentrations show up, avoid them, someone is bound to blow up (quite literally).
Finally, the last, and worst group. The group with the highest concentration of faggots/dykes. These will start with flamboyant shit seen in "pride" parades, and there will quickly be areas of them that devolve into open faggotry in public, dicks out, dick sucking, "free bleeding" cunts, people in BDSM outfits, and more. They'll be disorganized and spread out easily, each trying to find some "private" but incredibly public area to "stand out" in to either gain attention by being dressed stupidly, or by performing some disgusting sexual act on someone else. The sheer concentration of AIDS carriers in that group SHOULD by all definitions turn whatever place they congregate in into a declared biohazard zone not fit for human life to enter, go to gawk at the faggots at your own risk, you have been warned! (they likely wont resort to violence, if someone disagrees with them, they're more likely to drop to their knees and start sucking a dick in front of them than they are to punch them)
And there, you have the different groups that will form. They'll all be useless and accomplish nothing productive, and will all be massively violent and/or destructive and/or degenerate in their own "unique" ways