What company makes the best HDDs and why is it Seagate?
What company makes the best HDDs and why is it Seagate?
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gas yourself
Hitachi drives, undoubtedly
This thread is shit by the way
It's a shit thread but on the other hand I have only had one hard drive fail on me while in service. I've architected datacenters and VM farms and all kinds of stuff for medium to large clients as well. I always do a burn-in and have had a few drives fail rapidly but I have hard drives in service which have been running more or less continuously since the mid 1990s and none have failed completely except that one, and it was an actual head crash. It sounded like fingernails on a blackboard in Hell, I happened to be right next to it when it happened.
I have always used whatever power management features were available which a lot of autists claim is actually harder on the drives from the continual parking / unparking of heads and spinnig up / down of the platters but it seems to exercise the mechanisms, that's my theory anyway.
I have also been using SSDs except in bulk storage applications since about 2008 and haven't had one fail on me yet, though it's really very difficult to tell if there's been degredation of sectors or chips or whatever they do internally compared to spinning rust.
I know you're kidding but I remember HGS and Toshiba had pretty durable drives. As another user said above a Hitachi is fine too.
They make the cheapest, I'll give you that.
t. Seagate raid owner.
Still much cheaper than an equally sized HGST
boynet firmware tbh
Any hard drive that isn't Japanese is backdoored by the NSA. I'm not kidding, that's actually the truth.
t. WD cianigger
You mean toshiba and WD blue? And around blacks never relax.
WD Blacks
thinking lower grade HDD are any way better is RETARDED
Welp better upload my DNA to the cloud and post my SSN on Twitter then.
daily reminder that Seagate and WD are american companies that put NSA backdoors into all their products
Because Chinese botnets are totally a preferable alternative
You can get the same experience at a fraction of the cost by just buying Bejeweled on steam
They are. The chinks have neither the infrastructure nor a reason to fuck you over unless you live in chinkland.
What OP sucks the most cocks and why is it our OP?
Think of Uriel the next time you consider hurling a "kys" statement towards a random someone on the internet. You don't know what mental state the other person is in and whether they might not actually snap.
Since what year would drives be affected? Also, Japan has kinda been a US colony since after WW2 (similar to Germany), would they be independent enough to keep their products free from US botnet?
Japan's tech is also backdoored by the US. We've had them by the balls since WW2. And the US is backdoored by Israel.
we did it Holla Forums
I thought that's what companies use to denote how long their drives will likely last? It's not hard to imagine that the hardware has to withstand more force in the moment of spinning up - eventually causing fatigue of material. I'm guessing they had some sort of proof - not only the theory - when they came up with this parameter.
Since every drive is used differently, why don't they have some counter for drive spin ups in the UEFI or something - I mean we have it now anyways. That would give the companies a huge sample size, in case owners of failed hard drives report their spin ups - maybe tied to some form of guarantee, so there's an incentive.
Also there's this: backblaze.com
Why does OP always make the gayest threads and why is he such a [spoiler]faggot
Is it?
As strange as it sounds, yes. If you are in US, Five Eyes, Nine Eyes or Thirteen Eyes territory, you want to use products that do not have NSA backdoors because that will make you vulnerable to parallel construction[1], and they have you within reach as well. If you are in Chine territory, you'd prefer NSA backdoors over Chine ones.
Quoting from Wikipedia:
And which drives are Chinese?
this meme needs to die. hitachi drive are shit. the only drives i've ever had fail on me were hitachi and they failed 4 years in. they're only surpassed in shittiness by wd drives. i have seagate and toshiba drives going strong > 8 years
So you're basically responding to none of my points and only shitpost about the link I posted - not even telling your own opinion about this. Didn't even sage you motherfucker.
Are you disregarding their results completely? It should tell us at least a bit about putting cheap drives from these manufacturers under a lot of continous stress. Does it tell a bit about build quality? Does it tell us a bit about their QA? Six sigma is pretty expensive, so I expect some monday products in almost every industry. While it may not be the best data ever (may be the only one we've got though), I'd rather draw my own conclusions from that than some anecdotical evidence from one or two posters on linustechtips. I'll certainly acknowledge them, but they can't be conclusive in any way.
linus is a homosexual but the posters in that thread do bring up valid points
So, what are some good Chinese Hard Drive Brands?
I've had Seagate drives fail 4 months in. Out of all drives on the market today, they are the worst and there is more than anecdotal evidence to prove it. They might have been a good company 20 years ago, but they're absolute trash today. Anyone who buys Seagate deserves to lose all of their data.
We're fucked, see pic and link (en.m.wikipedia.org
Other than backblaze what is there?
Slightly off topic but, do you guys think a NAS drive (such as a WD Red) would make a good everyday- use drive?
i copy pasted the comments in pink from the ltt thread. summary of hardware.fr reports for hard drive rma's.
yes. but ideally also use a raid configuration and always back up anything critical. that's just common sense.
and yet for the experiences we can find like yours we can find similar experiences at similar rates with WD. your conclusion, while valid from your own experience is not supported by data at large.
There was a class action lawsuit filed against Seagate in 2016 citing high failure rates and substandard parts and replacements. I hope you're getting paid by Seagate to shill their garbage here.
Can you HDD autists work it out already? I have to buy a couple of terabytes.
do you want fault tolerance? consider buying multiple smaller hdd's and putting them in raid.
i prefer raid 5 or 6.
otherwise go for enterprise or nas drives they're rated for higher workloads and have higher MTBF. brand is less important, go with what's cheapest of similar product offerings that meet your needs.
do a basic search you nigger. here's the wiki page for those drives:
notice they cite the backblaze results as their primary evidence that these drives fail excessively. which brings us back to disputing the backblaze results and backblaze being pajeet-tier idiots ripping external drives from their cases and using them in an enterprise setting.
silicon storage controllers are all made by TSMC
taiwan has backdoored all HDDs and is a puppet state of US and thus AIPAC
use only korean SSD
Google class action, shill.
fuck off cunt.
Backblaze wasn't the only party involved you dumb fag.
How do I get in on this? I have one or two of these drives. I've had them for years with no hiccups but whatever.
I've had 2 x 500GB 2 x 1TB and 1 2TB Seagate drives die in less than two years. You have to download their program and run it for it to tell you your drives don't qualify.
I have that exact drive though. I wouldn't put it past seagate to tell me that I don't qualify though.
technical argument for the suit is based primarily on the backblaze statistics. which as stated previously are laughably inept.
And the mountain of dead drives other people had in the class action lawsuit. I wish I was able to get back some of the $500+ USD that I wasted, but apparently Seagate's warranty isn't worth shit.
show me a mountain of dead seagate drives and i can show you a mountain of dead wd drives. unfortunately for you, your anecdotal experience with a drive does not prove the drives are inherently any worser than those of other manufacturers, or that they exceed the mtbf of any advertised performance of the drive. again, the technical argument for the case is based on the backblaze stats. not your anecdotes or anecdotes in aggregate. try again pajeet.
Thank you for spoonfeed
Do you realize how foolish you sound?
What about computers where a RAID configuration is not feasible, such as laptops?
You have to use Crashplan because Backblaze does not exist.
Neither do these dead hard drives.
Backup anything critical!
For mobile go with ssd. Solid state is more rugged, silent, and less power consuming. Take your pick.
If you want a single, reliable hdd look for enterprise and nas drives. i don't think you can go wrong with any of those tbh.
Nothing made in China is good.
I'm just going off my own relatively extensive experience. I'd like to see spin-up/down info in the HDD's SMART reporting of course, though.
Just my personal experience, I had three seagate drives fail after about a year, switched to only WD and haven't had a problem in years.
How long until Toshiba's HDD section is bought out and who will take it?
I just recently learned that my laptop's HD is Seagate.
How's the quality in these things?
what the fuck, I'm buying toshiba from local bazaar seller, sata II, possibly 5400 rpm only, 1tb, I guess not backdoored as seagate's and wd' are and it costs me more than wd black 1tb.
In the bitrot thread someone said not to use HDDs larger than 250GB (but didn't bother to elaborate on why). What could he be on about?
I'd assume platters. If you wanted the data to live as long as possible then multiple single platter drives would have least fault probability. Again, in assumption, I can't say multiple platters have higher complexity and thus higher failure rate and I can't attest to keeping your data on multiple drives as opposed to a single high capacity driver.
Network backup. unless you're really good about attaching an external hard drive or you have space for another hard drive inside your laptop.
We've had 1TB platters for awhile now.
What's better? Backblaze, Crashplan, Carbonite, or other?
If you have another computer not doing anything, you could install FreeNAS and set up your laptop to do backups over the network to that machine. Otherwise, just pick the cheapest.
good riddance tbh
Uriel did nothing wrong. He killed himself for considering himself harmful. This was a good thing.
I secretly hope for exactly that
I do, too--except not so secretly.
What the fuck did you expect to happen after such a cum-bukkake'd OP?
All the Seagate disks I've owned always ran significantly hotter that WDs/Samsungs/HGSTs (even when idle) and were always developing some kind of additional problem after some time. It seems to me that the quality of the magnetic medium on the platters used by Seagate is comparatively low and the ECC system must work hard all the time to try and maintain data integrity, which results in both higher operating temperatures as well as reduced long-time reliability. But maybe someone else know more about this and can explain it better.
You really people would actually neck themselves over something that was said about computers on an imageboard?
What are the actual functional differences between desktop and data center drives? How is putting comparable items in high stress environments an invalid comparison of their strengths?
they're all shit
enjoy your timed failure unless that's a server class
shit thread yep.
hitachi, especially the glass platter ones are the best.
oh god i cringe even thinking about it
I can attest for 2 1.5TB Seagate HDD, they were replaced disk and I wanted to test another OS with it.
Even if they didn't give any clicking sound or whatever, I can't even format the drive correctly anymore and I have timeout on it. I might try one last time.
which company makes the best (((technology))) and why is it ==CHINESE==?
what is this, fucking reddit?
this board has really gone to shit
Oh fuck, you wouldn't believe.
yo. half of the drives mentioned in this thread are backdoored by nsa thru firmware.
u think its fucking funny
you're welcome.
i wont fucking buy a hard drive from those companies guaranteed. its stupid to see how many companies have sold out to new world order. pathetic
jacob applebaum cam out and said that i think at a tech talk
How many other HDD manufacturers are there?
Yo thanks for the hot scoop dude! Catch you on the flip side. ;)
Uriel and Ian Murdock killed themselves but surely not over stupid shit said on an imageboard.
Not worth it for personal/small business use. Main benefit of enterprise drives is not MTBF (RAID 1 made of cheapest pieces of shit will have better MTBF than any enterprise drive), but corporate support.
Marginal benefit, not replacement for RAID.
Western Digital makes the best drives, seagate drives fail and hitachi has bad parts that fail.
Who is this qt?
Yes. kys