So cringe worthy it is hard to watch. Demanding Congress fight and obstruct Trump.
Another "Celebrities Against Trump" video
Other urls found in this thread:
I am glad Nucky is dead!
I am glad Arnold is dead!
Sucks for them that the GOP controlled house and senate is already cucking to Trump and he isnt even sworn in yet. I mean he fucking tweeted about something and they immediately backed down from it
Granted, I disagree with him on what he was barking at them for (the (((ethics))) committee bullshit, another obama bullshit democrat controlled road block), but they immediately bowed to him on it. Of course he could also just not want them to dirty their hands and spend their political/social clout on something they can get around anyway, fight the important battles first, then worry about cleaning up the smaller shit afterward.. that could be his agenda here, but who knows
Either way, these kikes and kike puppets are barking up the wrong tree. Congress is going to do exactly what Trump wants for the next 2 years without question.
Do they realize most of the youtube audience doesn't even know who these people are. I'm speaking only to the previous ones and the cunt in the thumb because I'm done watching this kind of shit. It's all the same. I remember when she used to star in movies and I can't even remember her fucking name. Webm because OP is a faggot.
Thumbnail of the jewtube embed. Is that huma in the webm thumb?
The incoming Republican congress that only exists because of Trump's charisma? Are these people stupid? YES
They tried this whole format twice already and it rightfully backfired on them because it's self-righteous and condescending as fuck. Liberal hubris truly is its own worst enemy.
holy shit they're reading a script, look at their eyes.
Fucking mind controlled hollywood robots.
Don't they not get that nobody buys this shit anymore?
fuck 'em
Are these bastards serious? He has already saved a couple thousand American jobs by negotiating with management.
It would be enjoyable if it weren't so disgusting.
As if actors are a valid political force in America.
As if wearing a shawl or collar makes you a moral authority. Real religious authorities don't meddle in worldly politics.
If these people are the majority, why is there not a single white man among them?
Anyone else notice how they went from the light/white background in the first vids to a dark background now?
Didn't you listen to the dnc this election cycle. Whites, specifically white working class men, are dead in the US. Not only are they disgusting bigots who should be killed, but now they don't even matter. And, they wonder why they lost.
Can someone tell me what I'm looking at here?
The gay community.
Is he running out of work already?
Is this a jewish garb or just some wacky bullshit hollyjews wear?
that's no priest
Yes they do.
shes a rabbi
Except they voted AGAINST the current congress, they voted in liberals marxists and democrats, and they were overruled. Thus, no, they are not "with" the new congress, they were without a doubt against them
Do they really think people in power are stupid enough to fall for this shit? "oy vey goyim, we voted for the other guy, BUT WE'RE BEHIND YOU ALL THE WAY! as long as you do exactly what we want and cave to all of our demands and act like good little puppets for our agenda." They lost, end of story, these are just their sad little attempts to brow beat congress into opposing Trump when hes ALREADY saved hundreds of thousands of jobs and he isnt even president yet
And the worst part is, they say if congress works for them they'll work extra hard to "mobilize their communities"… to get rid of the congress they're trying to leverage. Doesn't even make sense.
didn't like 50% of eligible voters not vote?
the electoral college works in such a way that it doesnt matter how many vote but in which states they vote
trump could have easily won the majority anyways
Things have been going there way for decades now. It went into complete overdrive under king nigger. They can't contemplate losing and what that means. It doesn't compute with them. They've always gotten their way.
I recognized Steve Buscemi. No clue who the other morons were.
Calling for deliberate dysfunction in government is fucking abhorrent in any case. It wastes millions in tax payer funds. Fuck these privileged assholes.
Are they going to make a new video every time their latest plans fail? One for the election, then the electoral college, now this.
I wish this were true but they're certainly ignoring the fact that they're all faked. Why don't we commit actual hate crimes since they already think we are? s much as I don't like that Spencer altright guy, he can only get legitimate interviews as a "white nationalist" because the left convinced everyone Trump was HItler and no one cared. So when his cuck group came out the left were crying wolf.
The chink is from one of those doctor shows chicks like, I think.
I can see why you don't think steve buscemi isn't white but yeah he is.
A mentally fractured attention whore.
The last one worked so well.
The smart republican congressmen understand that they better support Trump or they won't be re-elected in the mid-terms.
Try running as a republican with a record of obstructing popular Trump positions…. bye bye
The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and expecting the same result.
expecting different results, friend.
these videos are so undistinguishable between one another it's hard to believe.
good for them.
twentieth time's the charm.
Jesus the sheer stupidity of these people. I'm not sure anymore if they really think political figures are stupid enough to fall for this obvious ruse, or if they're so stupid that even THEY dont realize its a ruse they're trying to pull off
Yup. The millenial generation especially so. We grew up to young to understand or know politics at all with republican presidents, followed by clinton when most of us were finally old enough to start seeing/listening to it, then we had W while we were just coming into voting age and the liberal propaganda machine wasnt in massive overdrive mode, who was made a mockery of constantly by the (((media))), so idiot young adults voted against him for no reason other than because it was "cool" to vote for the other guy. Then their first real presidental election was 08 and obama, and for almost a decade they've won on EVERY front. President, congress most of the time, getting to flood the nation with illegals, expand government constantly, push their agendas everywhere, and the limp wristed GOP put up basically no fight.
This is quite literally the first time they've really lost in their entire adult political lives, and they have no fucking clue how to deal with it. They think its the end of the world, and they're bouncing between the five stages of grief constantly trying to find a way out and "win" again. But thankfully that wont be happening. Unfortunately though because they're stuck in this state of perpetual childhood ignorance they'll continue this for years.
Actually I think as long as Trump does well, that following his successes with propaganda and memes to pull more people into the fold and away from the left would the best thing we could do. Show them that while liberalism lost, THEY are winning on a personal level, and that liberalism did not help them and only made them worse off for their entire adult lives. That right wing political ideologies are the true way and that liberalism ESPECIALLY under Obama sold them to the lowest bidder for a decade for its own gain, not caring if or how they suffered, but then heres Trump, making their lives better because he DOES care and WONT sell them out for pennies
I guarantee it works though.
A thousand new followers there and a thousand new followers here.
Celebrities? i only recognised Sally field & the ghost of Steve buscemi.
A man, baby.
yeah, but most of those where there before the election and we know how it went.
i'm not saying to get smug and lower vigilance but that's how it is.
and i'd say that some people might be turned off by patronizing celebrities. i know i would, even if i agreed with them.
aside from the nigger from mad tv, i have no idea who these jews are
Don't tell me this creature is not male.
Oy vey Mordecai have you been drinking the goyims water again?
No way that's a dude. Facial bone structure of a woman. Even if it is hard to see under all the fat. The haircut and painted, but not in a feminine color, fingernail combination is a dead giveaway. As are the problem glasses. Those are women's glasses, not the weezer shit faggots are wearing nowadays.
no, not him
We didn't meme him enough…..
Or maybe….we did?
We meme'd him to the opposition.
There's Steve Buscemi, and one of the old bats is Sally Field. Would still bang even after this video.
Questioning our elected President?
Demanding our representatives go against the public?
Wanting to obstruct the legislative process?
Isn't this the same bullshit the left called "treason" 8 years ago?
"Current Year" was 2015, we are in Current Year +2 nigger.
That's still a possibility when the RWDS starts and you can have her as one of your slave wives
I didn't even realize it was Soros shit again.
but thats an infiltrator meme, maybe he is merely pretending?
I thought the entire purpose of our efforts was to reestablish the dominance of western ideals not turn into sandniggers.
The midf has been pushing
for a while now.
Spend less time on cuckchan and you won't see that shit
Well alrighty then. Granted, a few of Iron March's dudes actually did convert to Islam for MAXIMUM EDGE.
I went to cuckchan when I read about the safety threads. First time in years. It's rampant on Holla Forums as well.
Boo hoo, obstruct the will of the people; because we are the (((majority))) despite losing in the vast majority of states, governorships and legislatures.
fucking kek
Look at their eyes, a lot of them were literally reading the lines.
Could you pick a less meaningful name?
We should start a group called "Peoples for Goodness"
It's just another paycheck for those soulless whores.
This is the kind of shit we call "sugar-coating". They do it when they want to infringe upon the 2nd amendment a lot:
Forgot my image. Sage for double-post.
I thought that was the authorization to sell aborted fetuses act?
They have a playbook of one single page? This has to be some type of money laundering scheme or tax write off for these deluded parasites.
"Surely, talking down to people will work again. It's not like people are angry at our elitist attitudes or anything!"
You don't know who that is? Have you never watched LazyTown?
Not Steve Buscemi! I also spelt Buscemi right on my first try.
Let them continue to make their mistakes. They've merely created the conditions for Trump's re-election in 2020 and he hasn't even taken office yet. They don't realise how low a bar they've set for Trump. All he has to do is not be as bad as they're claiming he will be, and there's no way he can be, not in a democratic system, and in the minds of the people Trump's a good president and these people are insane for opposing him. He'll win 2020 in a landslide.
The only one I recognize other than Buscemi is that nigger from Key & Peel or whatever the fuck it's spelled.
So that's why he got cancer
Not yet, but soon
you guys know these are reuploads, right? Look at the fucking youtube username
lel how soon before their videos are literally just one long autistic screech?
Gee, last time I checked it was Whites getting beaten up by mobs of mud people for wearing Trump hats or openly supporting him, and a couple of anti-Muslim attacks that turned out to be hoaxes.
Guarantee that within two months you are going to see videos demanding impeachment.
That part cracks me up. The videos get weaker and weaker.
Oh I can see that. It's going to be amusing since these celebs keep outing themselves like this.
they're all so FUCKING UGLY.
Speak for yourself you fucking cunts. They actually go from extending an olive branch with "no matter who anyone voted for" to, literally a second or two fucking later, "Trump is a horrible fucking monster." Oh, well I guess who people voted for does make a difference to you, right you fucking reprobates?
I mean the actors are fucking shit, surprising absolutely no one, but they couldn't even get a decent SCRIPT or a fucking EDITOR to keep out such an outrageously obvious bout of hypocrisy from their vid. The level of incompetence these people exhibit is almost beyond goddamn description, how the fuck do these people breathe?
i guess nobody told them that only the victors can make demands , they bet on the wrong horse and they lost ; woe to the conqured
One of them (the mixed nog) is even a tranny.
Fuck off TRS
lol kikes. That inability to learn from trial and error must be a real bitch. I love how these "celebs" think anybody cares about their opinions, too, that's always fun.
We really are fortunate that our enemies seem to have lost all of the careful patience and planning that made their forebears so successful. This even has Soros' name on it, as another user said. I would be deeply ashamed of such a pathetic attempt.
whatever do you mean?
There they go again with the repetition like in their previous videos, in case there are people here not familiar with that shit, repetition is the most common method of hypnosis.
Anyone know where is the original from?
lol, he got congress and senate elected he will do as he pleases
The one in the foreground looks like Patton Oswalt and Drew Carey had a baby, and that baby was a FtM tranny. Nicely done, btw.
Notice that the 'celebrities' get less and less notable every time these come out. They started with people like RDJ and Scarlett Jewhansson and then there's this video with Steve Buscemi being the only notable person there
Very true. Aside from Buscemi, I didn't really recognize anybody.
Okay wait, now I'm fucking confused.
I noticed that the vid posted in OP is just a reupload by someone shitting on whoever made this, which is apparently Humanity for Progress (formerly Humanity for Hillary). I notice that the video is tagged as StandUpForUs. So I search for those two different things, both together and separately.
I cannot fucking find the source.
Seriously, where the fuck did this shit come from? Any and every video I dig up on this is some reupload by some random user, and all of them have video descriptions shitting on the content of the video. All the videos only have a few thousands views, along with likes and dislikes. There's a single video on Vimeo with no like bar, and comments disabled.
If something with this many "celebrities" was produced, it's safe to say whoever the fuck made it would want maximum exposure. Where is the official hosting page? Is this a TV-only ad or something? Because it's far too long to take up any advertising slots.
it's originally on vimeo, people transferred it to youtube to ridicule it and spread awareness of this stupid video.
I looked through the online (((MSM))) and found they do link to the Vimeo page, so I suppose you're right. It's strange that the account that uploaded it isn't some kind of high profile official account of anything, looking through its profile page it seems to simply have random liberal vids. Additionally that page gives us a bare metric for the video: 155k views.
Unsurprisingly that's not a lot, even if it's recent. It just reeks of failed desperation: they sink money into grabbing anyone they can remotely consider a "celebrity" and throw them in a video, then attempt to upload through an account that had no exposure other than online shitlib outlets direct linking to it, on a site that's far less known or used than youtube.
It's like they fully understand what they're doing and what the consequences will be, but they go ahead with it anyway, making sure to hamstring themselves in an effort to both get out the propaganda while also trying to perform pre-emptive damage control.
These people are failures on so many fucking levels, I can't imagine what the fuck the thought process was going into this shit.
All vids in Youtube are re-uploads.
The original one apparently is in Vimeo. News articles use the following link as source:
Vid has 155K views and only 24 likes.
It's almost as if they choose a platform without the dislike option, like facebook.
Comments are disabled, lol.
Rosie Perez. Let that shit sink in. Their (((Soros-funding))) must be at an all-time low if they can't even afford Mike Farrell anymore.
Where are they getting this "majority" shit, anyway? Were they watching the election night returns on a television from a parallel universe or something?
Holla Forums is always right.
Paul Feig?
Hey look, a bunch of celebs who're gonna die this year, mark my words. Screenie if you want
It's happening. A real change is on the wind. Celebrities and "musicians" are about to learn just how useless they really are. This is wonderful.
Who knows, maybe creative mediums will start hiring real talent again instead of "diversity".
This is just becoming embarrassing. A group should just set up a non-pozzed alternative to (((hollywood))) already.
Kikes at it again. Hehe, they never learn.
it's funny how out of touch they are… though I suppose if they were in touch they wouldn't be the way they are in the first place.
is that the dyke from Watchdogs 2?
now if they're the majority than how did they lose
I thought that these people loved minorities tho? Why are they supporting a majority now? :^)
He is not in there the only "star" I can identify is sally field.
And no huma either.
He's a big guy.
yeah he is. he's one of the first few people that show up. he shows up at 10 seconds and says "im worried for everyone."
this picture makes me want to put on my punching hands
I looked through it twice for him, but since "Holla Forums is always right" and I squint hard enough, but it doesn't even really sound like him.
He obviously drank a few gallons of baby blood before he took the shot.
Groupthink/hivemind encouragement at its finest. It didn't work during the election, but maybe it will work now!
Those actors have no choice.
They are in a casting to get their next job.
Who controls Jewllywood? Jews. They don´t have the cash (or a cult) to make movies on their own. Also, that performance sure was not cheap.
Who the fuck are these losers. This the best they've got for celebrities shucking and jivving?
blessed be us all
they are all disgusting. I think that's technically a male with all sorts of hormone problems. I'm so sick of the nigger from key and peele, why can't he just fuck off? I almost understand why these other pieces of shit did this. They are old jewish pawns that still want to be relevant.
They should say they have a throat infection. I sure would.
let me guess they use jump cuts and finish each other's sentences just like all the other videos like this
yep I was right. Why do all of these liberal videos take this exact same format?
Drew Carey has really let himself go
Aren't womyn not allowed to be rabbis?
Like priests they couldn't but they can now
When? Where? Aside from maybe 1 or 2 isolated incidents, where is this happening?
fuck off goy, stop asking questions
So…white people?