Really makes you think huh
Really makes you think huh
Other urls found in this thread:
Even if that were true it doesn't mean it worked, they got BTFO every time.
Also fuck off nazi.
posting in a meme thread atm
This is like the most historically ignorant shit I've seen. Franco took the Falangistas under his wing and he himself was a fascist.
lmao some ahistorical shit going on over here
is it hard to breath with all that retardation?
Dumb faggot.
none of you deserve to live.
I agree that Fascism is a sound ideology but Not Socialism isn't Fascism and I want nothing to do with it.
National Socialism*
Fuck off
Take it to Holla Forums you fucking autist.
You're fucking stupid. Read a book.
I am on Holla Forums : )
Plenty of other threads to torture chamber in lad, you don't need all of them.
wtf i hate fascism now
Really does
seems more accurate to be quite honest
hahahahaha, people actually believe this.
He's just going to bump it again
Every fiber of my being is telling me not to to do this, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Please explain.
No worries lad.
The banks are owned and operated by the same people that pushed Communism in the east (well not the same people, they're dead now but banks are largely dynastic in their operation so you get the idea) to destabilize the region, Communism is a tool for the bourgies as you call them to fuck over countries that could otherwise have posed a real threat on the global stage, they're pushing the likes of antifa and communist movements now they've gotten to the point where they don't need America and the west and can largely subsist as an independent "organism".
The religion and ethnicity of the "bourgies" is irrelevant, they could be white, black, red, muslim, hindu, satanist, jewish, christian, buddhist, etc, etc
What matters is that they are against the people and they use the ideological carrots on a stick that are communism and capitalism to achieve their goals.
I think we've reached peak ideology here, comrades.
Sorry, I'm not up to date with the lefty lingo.
If you take issue with anything I've said I am open to discussion, otherwise I can't see what good memeposting can do.
Yeah it does make you think why edgy teens on pol/ worship Hitler and not Jose, the only one of there that had any semblance of success
I agree to an extent, most self-identified Communists today indirectly serve bourgeois interests by dividing the working class with identity politics and distraction issues. I assume you came from Holla Forums, and you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Salazar was pretty successful too, but Holla Forums never talks about him either.
this is meme posting
I mean besides the whole Spain section having absolutely no historical accuracy whatsoever this might have been redeemable but… Nope, totally retarded
If all the classes are united then why do they require muh iron fist?
I mean I'll give you in the beginning Italian facism was better than what they had before, Mussolini is almost entirely responsible for fucking up anything good it had though and turned it into a complete shit show. Hence, meat hooked by old men and young boys and women.
Pick up any book, I suggest oh start at the very beginning of things though like learning the alphabet
Banks are where you hoard your private property and where interest (the most base form of private property, banned in the Koran and bible and from Jews charging it too each other) accrues.
Where you keep money.
Communism is a moneyless, stateless society without private property.
Yes pretty much but it's further than just now, Communism has always been a tool for the bourgeois
No, I don't know of any memes similar.
Banks and the people running them are without ideology, ideology is a tool for them to manipulate the world from their ivory tower
communism and its ideals as well as capitalism and its ideals are a construction of the bourgeois fascism is the only ideology to which they have been historically opposed as a strong unified people is their greatest threat.
Yup just go ahead and looki at the history of banking under communist regimes for about 5 seconds you fucking retard
If you can't get rid of class struggle in the fucking Nazi Party you can't get rid of it anywhere else.
Then why has every attempt at socialism been met with sanctions, demonization, and open hostility by its capitalist neighbors? If they serve the same class interest, why does this happen every single time?
Andy why has every successful revolution ended in the complete destruction of the bourgeoisie as a class in their countries?
The bankers own communism not vice versa.
Because as I said the capitalist nations are the nations selected as hosts and the ones that turn to communism are the ones that are perceived as threats to the host that the bourgeoisise are leeching off of, now that they are getting to the point where they no longer need a host we are seeing communism as an ideology gain legitimacy in the west despite it being quite obviously contrary to common sense.
Hitler got cucked
The Spanish fucked everything up
Benny "muh trains" Mussolini couldn't keep it together at all
Oswald is…who is that anyway?
You've yet to provide a single shred of evidence for any of your claims.
Also the bourgeoisie get fucked up in the communist countries (to an extent, they mostly just have their freedom of movement and action severely restricted but otherwise get off largely unscathed were competitors to the bourgeoisie that orchestrated the turn to communism.
The worlds operates on a system more closely in tune with a series of "monarchies" (or perhaps it could be more closely likened to a single royal family with all its members vying for the same "throne") that are obfuscated from the public.
George Soros had s massive chunk of his emails leaked recently, they're well worth a read through if you're willing to maintain an open mind.
If you don't believe me that's fine, I don't expect you to but it's terribly naive to believe that the bourgeoisie have their fingers in all of the worlds nations and politics and that somehow their sphere of influence is limited exclusively to capitalist countries and that communism is a pure ideology pushed inton the public consciousness with only the purest of intentions.
Soros is a billionaire capitalist liberal and would gulag'd with all the rest.
Still waiting on anything that actually backs up your claims.
Have you read his emails or no?
Soros isn't capitalist, remember the bourgeoisie subscribe to no ideology they have no use for it, he is directly supporting several socialist initiatives in Europe and America, this despite his "capitalist" standing.
The bourgeoisie have no real use for the west now so they seek to turn it towards communism/socialism as although capitalism is something which they themselves control in it's entirety it is still a system where a threat might come to challenge them however unlikely such an event will be.
a person who has capital especially invested in business; broadly : a person of wealth :
Are these legitimate socialist initiatives, or your standard idpolish "wanting to resettle millions of refugees and ban hate speech on Twitter is anti-capitalist…somehow" fare
Your glorious peoples revolution where all the bourgies would get "gulag'd" as you put it is just as much a pipe dream as the "rahowa" of the stormtards you despise.
In truth the only ideology that could pose a threat to the bourgeoisie and the only one that the bourgeoisie have strived to shut down whenever it rears it's head is fascism, all other ideologies are ones they are willing to manipulate and influence largely because they are their own invention but fascism is the only one throughout history that they ensured has never gotten a foot in
Well, I'm ready to unironically embrace posadism.
He isn't a capitalist in the ideological sense of the word you sausage
He has his fingers in a myriad organizations from the pseudo democratic socialism of B████ ██████' campaign to antifa to the increasingly common socialist professors and the like in academia.
I don't see how this helps your point.
I don't think you understand class. If the bourgeoisie are stripped of their private property and means of exploiting workers, they're no longer bourgeoisie.
Let me guess: you think the Rothchilds/ Illuminati control everything.
And by "socialist initiatives" you mean pro-refugee radical feminists who want to ban hate speech and oppressive language.
Thanks for proving my earlier point.
Again, you haven't posted a single shred of evidence to back up any of your claims.
I mean, I already know you're physically incapable of producing credible evidence, but it's really kind of insulting that you aren't even making an attempt.
If you can imagine there's a kind of feudal system on top of the surface level politics where the bourgeoisie have a kind of friendly rivalry between them so to speak, through various means they each try to undermine the others positions though it's rarely anything more serious than a playfighting, I guess you could say (of course these being the souless bastard that control world affairs playfighting to them essentially means millions dead)
You might already know that around the time the communist revolution of Russia was being set into motion similar attempts at a communist revolution were being made in America, ultimately however this fell flat and the bourgeoisie of America succeeded where the bourgeoisie of Russia failed (it is EXTREMELY optimistic however to assume that they were all "gulag'd" however)
The Bourgeoisie of America no longer need the host as the internet exists, I'm sure you're well familiar with how absurdly easy it is to manipulate the average member of the public with the internet, even the more politically conscious will be easily manipulated through the chosen torture chamberes of stormfront or tumblr or what have you with such a system in place they needn't ever have as much of a physical presence as they currently do, they could just as easily live in the middle of the ocean and manipulate world affairs without ever having to meet with anyone face to face.
Of course simply uprooting such a complex system as the one they have in place now is no small task and so it's taken some time but the impact is now obvious.
It won't be the peoples revolution you want and it won't be the communism you want but the world will have communism.
It's incredibly silly to think that the Rothchilds are behind anything or that the Illuminati are real, you would be more correct in suspecting your neighbour than some nebulous entity that hasn't exist in any real form since the 1700s
Those pro refugee radical feminists are the el ches of the modern age, that probably isn't what you want to hear but they'll be the ones to bring Socialism+ to the west
Had you meant to post that in agreement?
But the fascists never banned private property of the means of production, the bourgeoisie had a good time during fascist regimes.
The thing is that the bourgeoisie controlled either capitalism or communism regardless, so the means of the production is ultimately irrelevant, it's effectively a red herring however what the bourgeoisie fear and is a strong and unified people believing in their country, not their paycheck or their workers but the country, it's people it's culture, etc.
Don't get me wrong such is not impossible in a capitalist or communist society, plenty of people that align with either believe in their country and its people but that isn't the focus of capitalism or communism, it isn't the "selling point" so to speak.
By definition, a bourgeois is someone who own the means of production without using them, so it's relevant.
The bourgeoisie want to make money, like everyone else, they don't care about culture, country or other spooky things. You can't pay for luxury items with anything else than money.
not at all, fam
I am using the term "bourgeoisie" because I assume it is relatable, it evokes more or less the correct image with spilling into the absurdities of say the "illuminati" or a nebulous "they" for example.
No they don't care about culture or country I have said as much, they are willing to manipulate either for their ends however as history has shown they greatly fear a strong and unified people, such a unification as can rarely be found outside of a love for one's country.
Then why would you post it, it lines up perfectly with what I've been saying.
Not that I have an issue with it of course but it's just fairly odd to see someone that has disagreed with what you are saying support what you are saying whilst still disagreeing with it.
I have things to do lads so I'm afraid I won't be posting, good talk though.
But they didn't, as I said here :
How would a "strong and unified people" would hurt them if they keep their MoPs anyway?
Why are you using words that you don't understand?
Why are you debating things that you clearly have a superficial understanding of?
Please do yourself a favour and read some books instead of wasting all of our time arguing over your ignorance.
For archiving purposes.
Holla Forums proving once again that they really will reply to the most shallow bait. I mean fuck, it's an MS Paint comic that cites OSWALD FUCKING MOSLEY as an example of existing, applied fascism.
As stupid as communism tbh fam.
We need nationalism, but the socialism just does fulfill the productive needs enough.
Well they are lefty. though Holla Forums is strangely triggered for similar things lately
Why the fuck does this thread have 60 replies, and why the fuck is it still on the front page???
Sage if you're going to reply, otherwise hide the thread and move on.
🍀🍀🍀 ',:^) 🍀🍀🍀
Source up or shut up
Yeah, great examples you have there.