Post your Sarah "Spike the Kike" Andersen comics here.
Thread 1:
Post your Sarah "Spike the Kike" Andersen comics here.
Thread 1:
Sarah "The Bigger The Nigger The More Rigor In The Pull Of The Trigger" Anderson
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Sarah "Auschwitz" Andersen
Did that bitch actually make a comic about not shaving her cunt or is that part an edit too?
Sweet trips, Mein Führer. If this bitch somehow gets redpilled off of this, like Ben Garrison did, my keks will be almighty.
lmao, these are great because she can't sue for copyright cause she didn't draw it. also shop concentration camp numbers on her arm in pic #2
She's so cute with long hair, all she needs is a good dickining and a stern bf
posting some good ones from last thread
that second one is totes adorbs fam
for real though that's breddy gud. that fourth one was a lot better with the RAPE graph though, I think.
the plebbit invasion is real.
no, it's better with the 9/11 joke
She is a serious cutie. Would gas kikes with and cuddle.
for shame
this one is bad
and now you've (you)'d it
yes it is if you're such a newfag you don't know how we roll here with ironic shitposting. it's like you were born yesterday.
you can hypothetically save some face by claiming you were baiting me but I'm not sure I'll buy it.
bad as in "low quality" perhaps but I'm sure for Anderson it's triggering as fuck. I'm trying to remember how this shitstorm began in the first place, someone made a few edits and funposted at her, then she lost her shit and direct linked to hatechan? I know she started blocking people but I'm trying to remember what the Streisand effect spark was that set us off on her.
There was no Streisand, she just pissed her pants and we started laughing even harder.
I guess maybe I'm confused on the primary purpose of these edits. I thought we were trying to give her the Zyklon Ben treatment and use her shit to redpill people.
Originally it was solely to trigger her harder, because she got triggered to begin with. These sorts of things tend to evolve on their own however so you may be right. At first people were making edits and spamming them at her, only for her to block everyone. Now it seems more effective to make edits and take existing ones, find her followers, and spam them at those people as well as random strangers. Either random normalfags will get redpilled, or snowflakes will get triggered and go to Anderson spitting acid.
She needs my dick
We are. We're also doing it for fun.
she actually is adorable. of all things i see on Holla Forums, this is one of the things i fucking hate the most: seeing cute and/or pretty girls completely corrupted and twisted by fucking leftism. It's like watching a train wreck when the train is full of puppies or something. It's a tragic destruction of something you want to preserve, and it didn't have to happen. It could have been prevented.
Few things boil my blood harder than seeing actual qts fucking ruined by society's current propaganda and communist indoctrination from the universities and cities. At first I thought for sure she was a kike with the name (((Anderson))), but if she is jewish at all she hides it with a whole lot of aryan genes. I hate seeing this shit. One might accuse me of having my priorities slightly out of order, but seeing cute or beautiful girls fucked up like this makes me want to gas the kikes more than most other things.
Now I'm fucking depressed.
Don't be. With enough pressure, she will go the way of good old zyklon B.
The culture war is a long drawn out one, but it is worth it.
Dubs confirm, Kek approves.
This is really fucking good. Is it realistic enough to start spreading it around on twatter/kikebook/tumblr?
The armband sticks out too much.
What the hell is wrong with this drawfag
her legs are as wide as her torso.
Those legs are fucked up, jesus.
If this drawfags intention wasn't to make an absolute mockery of tumblr """"""art"""""" then fuck me
It's like they started drawing a harpy and then their mom walked in.
Eat your heart out Holla Forums.
Tweet this at her, its beautiful.
That's so many layers of irony I think I just had a seizure.
And reposting yesterdays just for the hell of it.
I'm glad to not disappoint my fellow Holla Forumsacks.
An attractive user needs to get close to her and give her the final redpill: your kollosal kaucasian Kock.
Armband is at an odd angle for the arm, not too big of a deal but people will notice.
Where's she live?
>.t TRS user
t. someone who browses Holla Forums and TRS evenly, knows both communities well, and doesn't want either wasting time fighting each other with no good reason.
cheeki breeki
trshill pls go and stay go
I don't know, look at her Twitter.
Goon shill fuck off.
See that? see how you can blindly accuse someone of shilling without any evidence whilst still holding credence?
You're not convincing anyone who actually looks into it themselves, and it's likely you're just aiming to gaslight newfags and sheep
I know right? I swear half of Holla Forums reads/listens to at least some TRS, but there's this really vocal shilling 24/7 against it to the point where nobody mentions it.
trs PLS go. We all saw the posts on the TRS forums, we all know you faggots are shilling us.
Come on Anons let's not derail, this thread is about a cute but painfully misguided and kinda gross lady who has provided us many relatively mild but still vapid pro sjw comics to distort and reforge for our amusement.
plz no bully
I must obey the dubs of truth.
Sorry user didn't notice I still had your post linked in Comment box.
trs pls go and stay go
I don't have twatter
You have to go back.
This is that girl that drew a swastika on that jewish monument? Damn.
I bet she can squat me. HNNNNNNNGGGGG
I heard if you need a plumber this girl is an ace with plastic pipe, she even works at night.
Fuck this seem exploitable. Something like the Virgin Mary or Jesus type stance but instead of the Holy Bible it's like Mein Kampf.
It's a pity that roach died.
Imagine he'd be in prison and someone sent him prints of all the edits.
Hes not dead.
/r/ing garfield pepe, please…
I'm surprised no one's posted an edit of her book yet.
I know I should be ashamed, but we all make mistakes user. I'll fix it in a jiffy.
My apologies anons that was sloppy of me. I've been listening to too much Okily Dokilly and drinking one too many white wine spritzers.
Holy Edema Legs, Batman.
That's disgusting.
That's… a really good idea. Make it without the pepe face, make it look like it's hers.
good job user.
pls be my gf sarah
Could we work the info from pic related into one of these comics?
She still mentioning the edits on Twitter?
Let's see if I can post a non-ant sized version.
Thinking back, I believe there's another webcomic author that would be prime for this kind of treatment.
Someone look into Katie Beaton, who does Hark! A Vagrant.
Oh yeah! Ya know she definitely leans left. But a lot of her stuff is pretty good and it has to do with stuff like history and classic literature. Makes me wonder if she has any WWII comics prime for the Holla Forums treatment.
binky banes.
Shit completely lost.
That's the Belgian flag. Although I guess that kind of makes sense too…
What is this shit.
user - you have issues.
I think this thread is cancer. At first I thought it was Ben Garrison 2.0, but now I think it's cancer.
I knew you guys were ironic shitposters who pretended to hate degeneracy! :D Phew, now I don't feel guilty for browsing. ^-^
It occurs to me I haven't done any MAGA hat, Wall, or Illegals oriented edits yet.
I came here to meme, and to eat my chicken tendies… and I'm all out of chicken tendies..
If any Spanish fluent user wants to fit panel 3 with more accurate dialogue I would welcome it.
just change erase the S in oprimidos.
here are some fresh edits
Thank you for your advice user, and your thread contribution.
What typeface do the first three panels use?
My first attempt.
7/10 breddy gud first attempt.
I honestly don't think they care. Now gimme an 8/10 before I shank you, mate.
It's nice, but menstrual blood doesn't attract sharks. Mythbusters proved that only fish blood will attract them and they are indifferent to human blood.
I'm sensing a theme, here. I can show a feminist literally dumping gallons of quim-chum in the ocean, but I can't have a shark attracted to it because that's not factual?
Fine. Here's the new version.
>inb4 the Dwight Shrutes of the group start howling about how bears being attracted to period blood is a myth.
Now post the real version with the 'Holocaust is a myth' edit.
Doesn't exist. Feel free to shop it yourself.
my entire motivation to learn art is to draw antisemitic porn of a popular webcomic character
as it should be for all others
That uniform is great
Niggers have always been a drag, it's the influx of mexicans and other shit skins that are ruining America. Good edit, though.
dig it.
much more factual. Good work, user
When does the year of the fire cock officially start?
Very much checked.
Bad luck does not last forever it seems
28 January.
Some new edits
I like the extra swastika in the first
2nd one is very nice
Sarah " Gook Gynocide" Anderson?
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.
It's ok.
Menstrual blood still smells of fish
Not only that, but if half of it is drawn by her and the other half not, it's a parody and thus legal.
You're doing God's work, user.
I honestly don't know which is worse
just think of what have could have been if she was not infested.
I think you have the wrong chan. Why are all of you coming here?
New comic out. Thank good I found the unedited version.
New comic. Who has the original?
Found it.
great job!