Forward: 50 Things To Fear From the Trump Administration
They SHOULD be afraid. Someone is finally going to hold them accountable.
the fuck planet are these fucks on?
hahahahaha holy fucking shit the neurosis required to feebly act out all this manufactured fear.
lol and paul wolfowitz was their pick for Iraq?
Daily reminder israel took all the freebie patriot missiles and sold them off to China to reverse engineer.
Are we part of the alt Reich now?
That doesn't even make sense, unrestricted immigration is what leads to brain drain in other countries as the best and brightest leave their countries for America
How fucking retarded are these people?
Yes goys. Surely that's what Trump means by canning the Iran deal. It has nothing to do with the fact that the current Iran deal is feckless and isn't even followed by Iran.
It's a list of things that these neurotic little shits THINK Trump is going to do. It's a good glimpse into just how unhinged they actually are now that they can't directly influence the oval office.
Number 34 is literally bringing back Jim Crow.
Do these kikes not understand that the constitution only applies to citizens?
Name one that didn't end up being a fraud.
I sure as shit hope so
So you mean the constitution and second amendment might be followed?
Oh look. (((They're))) trying to protect (((their))) (((baby))). How cute!
So more than 1 in 10 Mudslimes openly support terrorist activities, and these are just the ones that openly state that, meaning the real number is most likely significantly higher
There's only one thing on that list I care and agree about. 49
47 things on that list I want to happen.
We've been in getting our asses kicked in a Trade War for the past 30 years you dumb kikes. Holy shit I'm tired of hearing this crying about starting a Trade War.
Oh noes now the kikes will have to pay for their Marxist brainwashing projects themselves.
It's ok when they get violent and kill people, goyim :^)
This faggot does realize he's talking about people who are so convinced that they're something they're not that they're willing to cut their genitals/breasts off and permanently mutilate their bodies, right?
Hate to break it to you, but all the pajeets and Chos coming from Asia are only talented at stealing other people's work and pumping out shitty code and ridiculous speeds.
It's backwards. Like 85% openly support ISIS and the shit they do.
kek. r9k pls
Are they even trying?
Anyone got the Mike "Shock the Gay Away" Pence Webm with all the titles and the electricity in the background?
This is all perfect. Reading this shit is how you get into their heads, it's not the common argument but it's their "intellectual" argument, this is it. Oh, god. It's perfect, the butthurt tastes so good from here.
Do you know what net neutrality is? If NN is gotten rid of then the internet can be treated like TV. Imagine a sub based service where you pay $19.95 for the basic communications package which gets you "high speeds" on your basic communication websites like facebook, tumblr, twitter etc. Then a news service for $9.95 more and so on and so on. Net Neutrality prevents that. It's a good thing King Nigger has done.
I'm going to try to not point out every retarded thing I see written here but this type of language use is triggering my shit
Fucking quadraniggers, they really manage to believe that places with gun restrictions are safer. You know, areas like Chicongo and DC where gun crime simply doesn't happen. It's those damn rednecks in Texas with their six-shooters who are committing all the crime
If this doesnt redpill you on the jews i dont know what will. Anytime the left gets called out on their shit, they accuse the people calling them out of (((scapegoating))).
Commies get fucked
i really wish trump is actually the person that kikes try to say he is-or literally hitler 2.0
Thanks, man. Sieg heil
Reminder that what the jews try to sell is not Buddhism, but judaism with some knock-off meditation techniques.
its the principle made law that requires internet companies to use the same common carrier regulations that TV and telephone providers use in the United States. Regardless of your opinion of net neutrality (which you did perfectly fine without for decades) it has nothing to do with preventing internet from turning into TV. You still have to pay to access some websites regardless of the law (see: SA, Netflix, TRS forums, etc etc)
Treating Russia with common decency (in other words, the opposite of how Jews want us to treat them) is not "ceding power" to them.
When we force balanced trade with China, they will lose a HUGE part of their largest market, maybe ALL of it. You're just pissed that means the shekels start flowing to employed American workers instead of lazy-ass Jew stockholders & Jew CEO's.
Fuck Israel. And they won't attack us because it would be suicide.
And Iran already has nukes, the same way Israel does…they purchased them illegally.
And why are you so upset with Iran having them but not Pakistan? Could it be because a nuclear Iran interferes with a Jew-boy agenda (greater Israel) but a nuclear Pakistan does not?
AAwww…are you seeing your kike degeneracy curtailed? Are you upset you can't destroy countries & cultures with your perverted, nonsensical filth? Again, fuck you, Jews.
There's no evidence at all that Russia interfered in any way with the outcome of our elections…perhaps you're worried AIPAC might have some competition? Or have you REALLY started believing your own bullshit? News for Jews…nobody else EVER believed your "Russian boogieman" crap.
In other words, whites retain control over their own countries and won't roll over for your genocidal ambitions. Tough shit, Jew-boys. We won't stop until all white countries are physically 90% white, and the other 10% are just visiting & not citizens, and that means YOU kikes.
Seems to me it's YOU filthy kikes that have tried to "redefine" the 1st Amendment, by declaring some news sites "fake" & trying to censor them.
So what you're REALLY upset with is that it isn't just YOU that can get away with "redefining" Constitutional rights, the way you've been trying to with the 2nd Amendment all my life, forcing REAL citizens (kikes are not U.S. citizens, by their own choice) to constantly defend it in the courts.
Go to hell you ugly little hook-nosed ferrets. Your fucking game is up, and you're out in the light now, so go scurry away under a pile of filth, as good little cockroaches should.
You disgust every decent human being on Earth, even the non-whites.
Get that dirty degenerate "alt" out of there. If these jew's kvetching was truthful which it isn't ( its real only in their minds) we could be the first American Reich!
false dilemma, and on purpose (so the FCC could get control). The actual solution is to get rid of the media/ISP monopolies and regional borders like Trump intends to do. The market can just tell the ISPs that want to charge to go fuck themselves. Problem solved.
This could be a game changer. As we all know, liberal/leftist initiatives are anything but grassroots and funded/supported/advertised/led in very large part by the US. Without the US, I doubt they could survive, let alone act in an organized and effective way on their own.
let's replace with pro white and pro male
Israel will NEVER go to war on their own behalf unless the Arabs team up and invade them a third time. They're sure as Hell not going to be giving America any financial or military assistance in this hypothetical war against Iran. The Jews have never helped America with anything.
Yes, violence by Democrats and other assorted leftists against Whites. Every single "hate crime" so far has been proved to be a hoax.
Enforcing the law is only a decay of the rule of law in the neurotic Jewish mind, or the feeble Mexican Mestizo mind.
Oy vey! Only we, the Jewish people, are allowed to censor and defame people we're hostile toward!
Oy vey! We won't be able to smugly force Christians to service gay weddings anymore!
It's a non-issue that 21-year old men and women need fucking puppies and Play-Doh and No White Zones to be able to cope with not winning one election one time? Jesus Christ. Also, I think you meant "smarter" and "more able" as the Affirmative Action/DREAM flotsam gets filtered out.
OY VEY! The goyim will find out the truth about us if we can't brainwash their kids to hate themselves and love us unquestioningly!
They really are the whiniest, most hypocritical, most amoral race of people on the entire planet. Every single whiny item on this list is this Jew complaining about things that will make the country better if they don't control it with an iron fist.
nigger are you retarded?
just visiting and not citizens
That would of course be even better, but just severing ties with said liberal/leftist initiatives would already deal them a massive blow and cripple their capacities.
I think his point was that countries should be 100% white, with the only non-whites being visitors and tourists.
Pro-female in a non-retarded society simply means giving good feminine role models to girls ie Anti-feminist.
They need to go……and we need to take back what is ours.
10% of the US is 30 million people. You want 30 million enemy non-whites visiting your country?
They need to be exterminated, you mean.
This is possibly the most pathetic thing I've ever read.
These 8 years are going to be amazing.
10% is too many foreigners.
With some coordination that certain (((merchants))) are good at, 10% of the population of a country could
easily topple its government.
No more than 2-3% should be foreigners (business, tourists,etc.)
Most definitely.
There were three times as many "mass shootings" in 2009 as there was in 2008. Literally the moment Obama took office, despite there not having been any time for his policies to have done anything, the rate of "mass shootings" tripled. And it's only gone up since then. 2016 had twice the number of "mass shootings" as 2009 did.
Under Obama's 8 years there were more "mass shootings" than there were under Bush, Clinton, and Bush Sr. combined.
There is no way it is organic. There's no way the majority of these "mass shootings" were actual occurences. This was pushed from day one by the Obama administration to back up a gun control narrative drive.
The Trump administration is going to see us drop back to that Bush and Clinton era rate of mass shootings. Which is still too many, mind you, but it'll be fun looking at the stats afterwards. Man, that Trump must've done a number on gun control, I mean there were 1/5th as many mass shootings in 2017 as there were in 2016…
And he doesn't even have to do anything to make that happen.
90% of media budgets go to staging shootings, one shooting every day that ends in y.
It applies to the government, you idiot. It says what the government can and can't do. If the government can't do something to a citizen they can't do it to a noncitizen either. Now if the noncitizen is not here legally, they have other problems.
Uhm, no. The people (We the People of the United States of America) are the ones writing it and telling government what they can't do to the people (of the USA). Non citizens are not we the people of the USA, and can fuck right off. Many of the rights affirmed (not granted, because it grants nothing, there is a difference, learn it) are extended to non-citizens because they are considered basic human decency nowadays, but no, non-citizens are no guarnteed the rights of american citizens.
Is the mascot the six gorillion?
moderates are shit if they're not from the same tribe or in the rarest case adhere to the original intent of that society.
He only has to stop what was the deliberate fabrication of stories to support what were Obama cabinate initiatives. I guess we'll see if they completely stop, or if they merely switch to supporting Trump initiatives (as in, it stops being random white autists and starts being "ISIS")
Wew lads.
Top fucking kek, it's like they have no self awareness surrounding the basis of why we hate them.
lol what the fuck
Because no leftist ever done stuff like this.
Ugh, what a disgusting germanic man jaw. Honestly, I hope trump fucks up the US and allows Russia to become #1 like the jews think will happen, just so we can have slavic bulls take these man jaws and replace them with some pure, blonde haired and blue eyed aryan slavic waifus with just enough asian heritage to give them an ideal anime-esque face.
Dubs confirm if Russia invades and impregnates all eternal anglo and retarded snow nigger germans' wives. Here's to a great 2017!
please don't meme this into reality. I don't know how to handle a world where everything goes so right.
We already have unprepared crisis amateurs, those are just Soros' paid goons
They should be careful before they meme it into existence
Notice how this thread is being conveniently slided by goons… CTR is still alive, alongside JIDF
Whose overheated fever dream is this article? Ours or theirs?
It's their (entirely unfounded) nightmare. Funnily enough I think almost all of what it listed as very good for this country.
No wonder they're so scared, they're idiots who have no idea what's going on
They are preparing for when voter laws are passed that require showing ID. It's going to be obvious Trump is going to go after illegals voting and other bullshit we saw in blue cities.
They're going to go full slippery slope
I don't really think it's a threat, but that's what they're planning on.
5 seconds into the article I knew it was a kike writing it. I didn't quite expect gigajew though.
is it possible to get the gooks riled up about jews subverting Buddhism?
Hitler should've won instead
I don't know who is jewing who anymore. Some say that Trump supports kikes and that he allowed his daughter to marry a jew and become one, then there are articles like this saying that he is dangerous for jews. What am i supposed to believe?
The truth is Trump is very likely a friend to the jew, and to Israel. But while he's friendly to them he's not on knees sucking kike cock like everyone else was. His policies so far don't seem to be pro or anti yud, just good for american whites which angers (((them))).
That said I didn't vote Trump because he'd make the holocaust real, I voted Trump because his immigration and trade stances are good for whites, and he was against starting WW3 over fucking e-mails. He was the best choice in a bad situation and a step in the right direction.
This is probably my favourite because it shows their modus operandi quite clearly as if we didn't know how they intend to operate. They just say what they have been doing but pretend it's what you're doing, hope that it's also true because they think everyone behaves like them. When they realize it's not true and they are in the wrong they will create false flag incidents to prove they were not wrong. Here's 38 before they took it from Holla Forums and tried to rearrange the truth.
kikes and liberals are all masochists. they only act untouchable because it makes the defeat and humiliation more satisfying.
These are my favorite. Can't wait until things like questioning evolution becomes a thing. There's gonna be so much salt, we're going to need to start categorizing salt by type to help indicate just how salty something is. i.e. Table salt, sea salt, etc.
Thanks for the list mate. Now i have something to lift me up, when i have a bad day.
just numbers, bro… don't mean a thing, just smoke weed and listen to "imagine", like all the enlightened people.
Mfw. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
Chechen separatism isn't technically considered jihadism because chechnya is a state of russian federation and separatists want secession through acts of terror. That's different from kebab removing everyone else for allah's glory.
Forgot my map. Political structure of russian federation is much like that in united states, except federal government is stronger and individual states have less power.
Fuck off fucking LARPer
So essentially when Trump tries to fix the voter ID problem they can say:
is De Facto the new literally?
I fucking wish.
Now, now. Let's not become GOP loyalists, here.
That's your doing, Kikes. The audacity here is sickening.
OP is a CTR shill.
Typically Jewish misdirection. By playing up Trump's supposed antisemitism right now, (((they))) are crafting a narrative that should have him walking on eggshells for his whole term.
What (((they))) evidently haven't noticed is that Donald Trump is superhumanly immune to pressure like this. If he weren't, their charges of sexism and soggy knees would have derailed him over a year ago.
Keep pushing, Jews.
Plus, the Oblast governors are immune to criminal prosecution, which must be nice.
Hurrr Durrr. . . I are a National Socialist what don't believe in evil-loutionism! I believes that the blacks are chilluns of GAWD same's evr'body else. It says so right here in my Big Book O' Jew Stories! An' I ain't no retard, neither – I dun heared de truth from mah pastor, what gone to colleges and all suchlike, and he's acres more smarter than them Ph.D scientisticians what worship the Devil.
Jews have every reason to fear Trump. After all, the master plan is to use America to Jews the world when they immegrate to their Jew homeland.
Forward is a liberal jew rag, nationalist jews support Trump and know he has Israel's back. :^)
This silly goy believes Trump will revoke our dual citizenship and send us to Israel? Kekeke. :^)
needs more goyim
My one fear of the Muslim ban is an influx of sub-human Western Euro Lefties, who will come here with their European political ideologies and send this country into a spiral of altruistic self-destruction.