Assange confirms Russia was NOT behind any of the hacks.
FOX NEWS fucked UP!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Not defending fox news but shouldn't your headline be CNN fucked up,since they were the ones pushing this narrative so passionately.
I smell a goon.
Glad to see he is safe
Bad goy. You're literally Hitler.
Also, go shill your jewtube somewhere else, Level Nine Media.
Old. RT did an interview (November 5th???) with Assange and he said the same thing.
Would anyone here even care if it WAS the Russians, at this point? Because if it was them, we owe Putin a giftcard at the very least.
Forgot my sage cuz OP is a faggot.
MSM spreading all these fake news like omg
Leave now.
I wouldn't care.
Truth is truth, even if it comes from Russia.
Of course a russian agent would say it wasnt russia
Assange is SCUM… RUSSIAN SCUM!!1!
I would not even care if they had actually rigged the elections. Democracy's a joke.
Now I only need to see him getting down to some funk tunes while leaving the white house with his pants to his knees slapping his "wife" calling her a dumb-ass hoe with a dick n shit while forming a helicopter-rotor with his lips and flying to the nearest KFC playing California love from his giant ears.
Both said this shit.
This. Even if they DID rig it, (still havn't seen any evidence) it would only have been to prevent a war between nuclear powers. People who argue against "Russian hackers" interfering, or even just Trump winning are literally arguing on the side of WWIII
It's not good to have such flaws in your security that a foreign power generally considered to be our enemy can hack into important areas. Yeah, I'm glad people got to see DNC corruption get exposed but you have no idea what else could have been stolen and hasn't been leaked. At the very least our agencies should know who knows what.
Was anyone surprised?
The DNC is not a government entity, and their security was only compromised because of their own carelessness and stupidity.
Because one of our (((agencies))) said it first.
Where can I find the full interview?
I already think this interview is not real. Look how Hannity's gaze is not centered on where Assange is in space when the pull to a wide shot of the two of them.
Look at pic related. Look how fucking weird the perspective is in this shot.
I need the full video immediately. Assange is dead.
right. even if it was rigged, they did us a solid favor. now obviously we all know it didnt come from russia, but lately ive noticed that even normies are taking the piss out of the mainstream narrative of "russians did it". i wonder whats next? maybe stage a fake alien attack and institute martial law? who knows?
im honestly just amazed that all the kikes in hollywood couldnt come up with something more creative than a remake to red dawn. but i suppose the kikes fired all the actual writers, and now only know how to make shitty remakes.
Use your brain. Do you think they would have him "admit" it was the Russians after they disappeared him?
None of this shit even matters, Assange confirmed before the election, more than once, that none of their info came from Russia. This is not news. This piece was not released add new information to the story, it is literally a repeat of a repeat of information from back when we had good reason to believe Assange was still alive.
The truth is that he has not provided proof of life in any of the ways that HE HIMSELF said were the only valid means of verifying if someone was indeed alive or not.
I'm not even going to bother regurgitating the laundry list of reasons why Wikileaks appears to be subverted.
Why not, bro?
Can't prove a negative?
Lack of evidence is not evidence buddy
It's pretty controlling subversion too. It appears as though we won't even ever get the keys for the encrypted files.
Not sure how they fucked up in that they are giving the interview a prime time platform where Assange says this again.
The importance here is digestion for normies. Holla Forums is informed; must people don't come close – you know that. This is big because normies will now understand this fact.
Quit being too fucking retarded.
t. myspace A&A poster circa 2005
Haven't seen that shit in a bit.
Thanks for the nostalgia, faggot.
I'm with this guy. I haven't seen proof of life yet.
I haven't seen that fruit do a single thing even in the same trajectory as "destroy". Let alone actually destroy.
His show is garbage.
He's garbage.
His shit is awful and unwatchable.
how? why? I don't understand.
This thread, man.
Why can't I hold all this damage control?
The Democrats are basically whining because people knowing more about Hillary made her less reasonable to vote for. That is basically it
No one here would give a shit.
Most people wouldn't.
My dad would, my mom might but I've been red pilling her for a while.
Thing is, they're not even claiming that the election itself was rigged. They admit there's no evidence of the voting machines or the ballots themselves being tampered with. The Russians allegedly 'undermined' the election by exposing the truth about Hillary Clinton. That's it. That's why they're so mad
Alphabet agencies, CNN, and MSNBC BTFO.
Best friends. Look, Putin doesn't like the west. He doesn't give a shit if we fail – in fact he'd love that. The problem is all guns are pointed at him via the jews that have taken over the US government, and international government. The US is the trophy that they need to put on the wall; and in doing so, Russia stands no chance to survive and preserve their culture. Thus, we are aligned with Putin in fighting these cunts in order to preserve both cultures. We can hash out other shit later. But right now, we need to survive – and together.
WTF? Why does she look high as fuck?
Because I've done it so many times here in the recent past, that I can't even post the images I have because they're "duplicates" (I'm sick of resaving the picture so I can post it).
This Assange stuff has been going on since before the election. If you haven't been actively searching for information yourself, and haven't come across the main redpills as to why he is most probably disappeared, then fuck off. I'm not spoon feeding you.
There is absolutely no reason why he could not have signed something with his private key, period. It takes two seconds.
She told her eye-doctor: just fuck my shit up.
You realize that Putin is a Zionist controlled pedophile, right? That Russia is under control of the Jews? They just made holocaust denial illegal.
That was a while ago (((user))).
I want autistic children to leave.
Now this is how you do a slide thread
Also Assange is kill
If Assange is dead then who is that in the interview?
Here's your glorious Russian savior doing his best to hide his erection while watching young boys exercise.
And 2014 is extremely recent in historical terms with regards to outlawing Jewish holocaust discussion. So yeah, "just". Nice logic there, calling me a Jew because I point out that Russia is controlled by the Jews. >>>/gaschamber/
apology for poor english
when were you when assong dies?
i was at shower gasing kike when ben garison ring
‘assong is kill’
What in the actual fuck are you talking about? I have no idea what your post meant. Check your autistic privilege, shitlord.
too many shills in assange threads
Be vigilant and cautious
So? Who doesn't like a little shota once in a while
Yeah no Assange is alive and you're a massive cum-guzzling faggot.
This bot sucks.
You have a sad existence
Those insurance files are coming out you double nigger
Seriously though
Proof he is alive?
Yes, I'm a bot. My mainframe is in Tel-Aviv and the electricity is generated from burning gentile babies in a generator under the nearest synagogue.
Unfortunately, the fact that I'm a kike-driven, ayylmao-programmed, gentile-baby-blood powered Chinese bungalow shopping discussion forum artificial intelligence doesn't actually prove that Assange is still alive, or that this interview wasn't CGI.
Lack of evidence is evidence of lack thereof.
I thought that method was subverted too. I have a feeling nothing will come of this.
OP's video . . .
This "error" in editing is due to Russian infiltration.
They re-arranged the video so it looks like it wasn't them just to cover their tracks.
Nice try Schlomo Sheckelstein, this video looks edited.
brings up a good point.
people who are convinced Wikileaks is working for Russia aren't going to be convinced by Assange saying he isn't.
It would be like Obama coming out and saying he isn't working for the Jews.
Consider this: Putin works for the Jews just as much as Obama does.
How? And what about this one?
Assange himself got that thrown at him and he pointed out if you went to the website and just searched for "Russia" you got an incredible amount of hits.
Is this cgi?
Who's the 10?
Some nigger bitch.
That's racist fellow reich goy.
you can't have both user
I can't even filter all the jews they're ip hopping so much. God bless the d&c being on our side for once it's triggering the shit out of jidf.
But Hannity though. He would have to also be in on it.
Is this the full interview or the short clip from earlier?
Who else thinks it would be a good idea for Assange to testify in front of Congress? I think it would be a good opportunity for him to end the 'Russian hacker' meme once and for all.
could it be that maybe assange is alive but not in the embassy, hence why all the oddities in the video and interview?
Because half the points on that famous list / timeline are falsehoods or half-false? Whoever made that list didn't invest any effort into it and yet a lot of suckers took the bait. Embarassing.
full interview will be broadcasted during Hannity's show in 30 minutes or so
here's a livestream
At this point too many people know about Bluebeam, I don't think they'd be able to pull it off any more.
The whole interview so far has been the left getting bitchsmacked the fuck down in slow motion. Beautiful.
Wasn't this guy a massive neo-con cocksucker just 1-2 years ago?
Is that a rare Trump in the bottom right corner of the image?
dubs confirm whatever the fuck you just said
What's with the retard making comments?
Here's an actual stream without bullshit.
https ://
gets me every time
Let's see how satisfactorily you can answer these questions to fit your narrative:
Why hasn't Assange signed something with his private key, when shortly before he "potentially disappeared" he stated that was one of the only ways to guarantee proof of life?
Why hasn't Assange appeared in his window at the Ecuadorian embassy?
Why did Wikileaks state that providing proof of life would "set a dangerous precedent"?
Why has the Wikileaks twitter been accusing those asking for proof of life of being "conspiracy theorists" (a CIA manufactured term that the Wikileaks knows full well is a doublespeak weapon)?
Why did John Pilger / RT / Dartmouth Films use strange digital editing in the last interview he did with Assange, supposedly filmed shortly before his internet was cut, even editing Assange's words mid-sentence? Why have they refused to comment on this?
Why did Assange in the RT interview with John Pilger call Trump's voting base "deplorable and irredeemable red necks" (one of the sentences that was edited in the middle)? Do you really think Assange would be this partisan and insulting to half of the United States?
Why was Assange "cut off from the internet" by the embassy just throwing a switch or unplugging his ethernet or something? We know that cell signals could pass in and out of Assange's room at the embassy without issue, and that he had more than one cell phone. Why could he not have texted/tweeted/emailed something, ANYTHING at all, including something signed with his private key?
Why were insurance files on the Wikileaks servers replaced with files that have different checksums, and their timestamps changed to 1984?
I have tons more, but let's see if you even bother replying first. I doubt you can answer a single one of these questions, and expect you will vamoose.
Lots of them came around and got semi-redpilled when the war on white males ramped up recntly.
Hannity, Rush, Tucker, they hopped on our bandwagon because they are smart enough to see which way the winds blowing. They also jumped on our bandwagon because they are white males who see what's happening.
There's a brand new interview with the man being broadcast right now and you're still trying to say he's dead.
If you want to stick to your beliefs despite proof of your being wrong, go be a lefty over at leftypol.
If your only proof is physically meeting him, you'll never have the proof you need. Now piss off and stop trying to discredit the single source of information that cost Killary the election.
Nigger he's fucking alive.
You've revealed yourself by avoiding every single question I posed. It's because you can't answer them.
Assange himself said signing something by private key is (part of the process of) establishing proof of life. Again: why has he not done this since his internet was cut, and why has Wikileaks done a 180 on the validity of proof of life requests ("conspiracy theorists")?
Those are a couple possibilities. I need to watch the new Hannity interview and see what I think.
The fact of the matter is that we now live in a world where digital manipulation of audio and video has exceeded our ability to discern what is real, using the digital artifacts as the only source data. This is established fact. It is also established fact that the government has computer technology (hardware and software) decades more advanced that what they allow us to buy, or even know about.
I'm going to check the video out now, but I'm certainly not going to allow my opinion to be formed by autists calling me a nigger on the internet.
The truth is that he hasn't proven he is alive using the methods he himself outlined as being the bare minimum of acceptable for the task.
There's a thin line between healthy skepticism and autistic paranoia.
Can't answer any of the questions, can you?
It's a hard pill to swallow, the reality of how much technological power our enemies have. We live in a technocracy.
wtf I think Assange is alive now.
I'm watching the full interview right now, and have already noticed some weird things.
Attached are two screenshots of the youtube video here:
What I think is a bit odd so far is the lighting. Notice that in the screenshot from 1:26 that there is light coming from upper right of Assange's head.
Then in the screenshot from 1:31 the light is coming from the top left of his head. Notice how the light that was shining off of Assange's right temple @ 1:26 is now gone, and that side of his head is in shadow (check out the shadow being cast by his nose).
This could just be sloppy interview filming style and editing. For example, moving lights between takes of speaking and listening footage.
It also begs the question: if this was CGI, why wouldn't the lighting be perfect in every scene? That would be extraordinarily lazy, it seems like keeping lighting sources and angles constant would be a simple thing in a 3D render.
I still think Hannity's gaze doesn't look like its focused on Assange, but I need a higher res version of the video to tell for sure.
It is. in fact, all software i know of allows you to just drag and drop a light source wherever you want it and keep it there.
or to put it another way:
it would literally be easier to to have consistent lighting than it would be to move the light source around in all 3D software i know of.
Just for the sake of discussion, I'll toss a few things out for your consideration:
He probably destroyed the key when they came to get him, to prevent them from using it. That doesn't mean that they actually got him out of the embassy, or that he's been mkultraed or that he's dead. It would only mean that some shit went down that we don't know about (yet). He may have struck a deal with someone to destroy pizzagate evidence in exchange for his own life.
Maybe Ecuador gave him protection in order to get leverage for something they wanted from the US. Having achieved their goal, they told him to stop going to the window because every time he does, there's a news story about it and how it's becoming a hassle for them.
Probably because it has the potential to become a routine and that would be a security risk. If we all agreed that he would show up at the window every morning at 8 am, that create an opportunity for someone to snipe him.
yeah, I kind of do. He's a eurocuck. He's not exactly "on our side." He's just got enough principles to faithfully post all information he gets rather than pick and choose. Just so happens he had DNC shit. He didn't ask for DNC shit, nor ignore RNC shit.
I do think that something went down. Ecuador used him as a pawn in something that we may never know about. It's probably something really stupid too, like a trade deal. Is anyone looking into recent legal or economic news from equador? Anuyway, they got what they wanted, and their end of the deal with the US that they would shut assange up.
You're assuming that their end of the deal would have to have been to turn him over. But if you look at it from the US's point of view, if he just completely disappears, and then Trump is elected and there's a republican congress, there'd be a lot for various beurocrats to answer for. On the other hand, if he could be made to STFU then that's almost as good.
Maybe the other wikileaks employees thought he was being taken too.
Thanks, that's what I thought.
Look at this shit. Something seems off with the relative sizes of Assange and Hannity (look at the sizes of their heads, Hannity looks like a leprechaun), and I really think Hannity is not even looking at Assange; he always appears to be looks to the right of where Assange appears to be in the room.
Apparently Hannity is 6' and Assange 6'2".
Dude if they could fake a hologram of a guy so perfectly they would be able to get sizing right no problem… you're reaching, just being honest
I've already made the same argument with regards to the lighting anomalies: if this the video is artificial, it wouldn't have imperfections (unless of course they added them so that it wasn't too perfect).
That assumes perfect competence of the ones who would be faking the video, however, which is fair considering they have unlimited resources.
Watched it through once, and the lighting, relative body sizes, and gaze angles are the only things which I noticed might be a bit off. I also think that their voices are echoing more than they would in a room packed with so much furniture and wall coverings, but since we don't know what the size and contents of the rest of the room this isn't really that relevant.
The whole thing looks weird to me, but I am beginning to think it could just be because of how heavily video is post-processed these days before airing. For example, the white balance between Hannity and Assange is vastly different, which makes it look like they had different lighting color temperature or something.
The content of the interview is definitely up-to-date with current affairs, nothing fishy there.
anyone got the whole interview?
This occurred to me as well, and is in fact a good idea. He may even have had a script that does it automatically under certain conditions. The thing about this is that it's trivial to store a private key somewhere else on the internet, even encrypted. Just email it to yourself, or hide it in a jpg etc. etc.
Just wanted to mention that the Wikileaks official comment on this is that it would be too easy for him to be assassinated, as you mentioned. The thing is, they never seemed to care about this before his internet was cut off. I agree it's a security risk, which is why this excuse is so seductive.
Pretty sure he's a based Australian, and he also spent a lot of time in the US when he was younger. I realize you mean a culture/attitude; has he been silent on white genocide / refugees flooding into Europe? Just asking because that's my definition of a eurocuck, or someone who thinks it's a good thing.
I think this is extremely likely. John Kerry visited Ecuador shortly before his internet was cut, it's not even a secret. At the very least Ecuador was threatened with grave measures if they didn't comply. Maybe they promised the president they would feed his family to the reptoids or something.
The files have not been restored.
They cancelled the balcony announcement of the podesta emails due to security concerns. This was like 2 weeks before internet shutoff. Shill harder.
In this case I was actually just mistaken, thanks for the info.
Did you know that the entire concept of constantly accusing other anons of being "shills" and kikes just because their ideas don't fully conform to what you believe, or what you think is the current groupthink, is in fact a D&C strategy cooked up by the JIDF?
You should use "shill" more sparingly. Reserve it for when you are absolutely certain, not just for bantz. It dilutes the power of the word.
Instead just stick to the tried and true bantz. For example, I think you're a congoloid half-breed that collects piss jugs off of the freeway for a living, and the son of a whore. Keep telling yourself that your mantits were caused by the xenoestrogens and not your slovenly, degenerate weaaboo lifestyle. cuck
I'd say fucked eyejob is all.
Sage for spamming Sean Hannity/Fox jews.
The profiles were very weird, both of them didn't seem to be looking at each other
But then again, if they managed to fake all the rest so well, how did they fuck up so badly in this?
Assange BTFOing kikes left and right. Can't wait till Trump calls the hounds off him.
kikes ahoy!
(((cd5176)) is a kike redirecting the discussion. Ignore&report.
An OG skeptic here. Did think he was dead.
Hannity interview makes me think he isn't. Persona in this interview, things he said, etc, makes me think he's alive. CGI Assange seems too far-fetched (though I won't throw it in the impossible pile, just incredibly incredibly unlikely).
I am, however, am not persuaded he wasn't jacked from the embassy, forced to compromise, and then returned (notice all the UN shitposting about his innocence recently? Deal, perhaps?).
Another possibility, if someone eventually finds sketchiness in this video is that Assange was blue-screened and is in another location. Cryptome tweeted about his escape (since deleted, but you should be able to find archived somewhere) around ~Oct 20th.
If he gone dud did died, then I imagine that someone close to him would have spoken up by now. It's also possible that he was nabbed and that WikiLeaks team are bargaining for his safety using the keys to the insurance files as leverage.
Some have claimed to have found the keys in the Bitcoin Blockchain. Personally, I am skeptical of these claims but do admit that blockchains are the best place for a DMS to go as it is immutable. Once committed to the chain, it is almost impossible to remove. It is also possible that the spam attacks on the Bitcoin chain on Oct 22nd mitigated this avenue.
In the event that he is compromised, he should still be remembered well for all that he has done. Without him, it is unlikely Trump would have won.
So the "Fake CGI" meme confirmed for a CTR/Clinton pushed meme then?
Think about it.
This bitch tried to trick us again.
Yes but the only way to guarantee that they can't torture you into giving it to them is for it to not exist. If the key exists anywhere at all, and you've been suffering intense pain for hundreds of hours, and all you have to do to make it stop is give it to them, I suspect you'd break and give it up.
Want to hear something that's truly terrifying? Want to know what's worse than being a famous Julian Assange and having the most powerful government in human history hunting you down? It's this: being a lowly nameless unimportant wikileaks admin …and having the most powerful government in human history hunting you down …and nobody else on Earth cares about you because they don't even know you exist.
Assange isn't "free" but maybe he wasn't taken by the CIA either. On the other hand, maybe certain employees were taken. Assange may not even know who in his organization is still free, since he can only communicate with them electronically, and they likely didn't have dead-man switches and other precautions in place.
Everyone is assuming that the CIA would just flip out and grab Assange. And everyone is assuming we're smarter than the CIA and we'd notice their shenanigans. But here's another scenario to consider: they neutralize his organization by locking him down - he can't move, he can't easily communicate with his subordinates - then they start taking his subordinates. When they take one, they quickly torture them into playing ball, and now the subordinates communicate with Assange as before, only the CIA gets to listen in, which lets them identify more subordinates.
The end goal (to stop the most damaging leaks from happening) is achieved without actually kidnapping assange. Now, when a whistleblower submits data, the CIA gets to look it over and edit it, or just delete it entirely. And the rest of the world thinks, "well it's sad that assange is trapped in the embassy, but at least wikileaks is still operational." Assange himself doesn't even know the extent of the compromise, because not even he gets to see leaked data right when it comes in. From his perspective, he just hasn't received anything really juicy from a whistleblower in a while.
So now, imagine being an anonymous nobody, but you have some computer skills and wanted to help out, so you're a lowly db admin for wikileaks. Then one day, the CIA grabs you. Literally nobody on Earth gives a damn. Nobody is protesting or marching in the street. There's no lawyer making noise on your behalf. They can keep you for as long as they want - take their time - and do whatever they want to do. You are proper fucked.
Wrong, in certain circumstances where you'd expect to find evidence of some act - it is evidence.
No, if anything the push against skepticism is what is concerning.
There seem to be manufactured extremes on both sides.
… and what are the Jews best at? Throwing rocks and then blaming it on the other goy (i.e. causing infighting/divide and conquer).
Maintain skepticism. Wait until further evidence and Assange to explain all the fuckery that happened after his internet was cut.
My personal belief is that he is alive, but I am not confident in his location or compromised status.
The person who benefits from NO digging is the crooks.
Time to start digging again lads.
We don't have time, and we need to pretend he's alive so Holla Forums finally does something for a change.
>Why hasn't Assange signed something with his private key, when shortly before he "potentially disappeared" he stated that was one of the only ways to guarantee proof of life?
Post a source for that.
I don't know. Maybe he did but nobody photographed him at that precise moment? And when was the last time he went on the balcony? Maybe he doesn't have as much freedoms as you think he has.
I don't remember that. Post a source.
Their Twitter account was getting spammed with PROOF OF LIFE WHEN?! PROOF OF LIFE WHEN?! when they knew full well his internet connection at the embassy was still cut off. And there are different degrees of conspiracy theory thinking, it goes from healthy doubt to full conspiratardism. Conspiracy theories aren't all equal but it's pretty much a neutral term when you see some of the conspiracy theories surrounding Wikileaks, I've seen everything from healthy doubts to EVERYTHING IS CGI! THEY CONTROL EVERYTHING!
>Why did John Pilger / RT / Dartmouth Films use strange digital editing in the last interview he did with Assange, supposedly filmed shortly before his internet was cut, even editing Assange's words mid-sentence? Why have they refused to comment on this?
Where did you get that supposition? John Pilger wrote it was recorded October 30. The morph cuts are a feature of the latest Adobe Premiere:
they had to produce a 25 minutes long interview so they had to edit the interview. I don't know how long the full recording was.
It was a reference to what the media calls Trump's voting base, it wasn't him calling Trump's voting base "deplorable and irredeemable red necks". I thought it was obvious.
The press release said the whole embassy was cut off on October 15.
>We know that cell signals could pass in and out of Assange's room at the embassy without issue, and that he had more than one cell phone.
If he has a cell phone chances are the embassy would be in control of it.
If you're refering to that page, look at the date:
By the way the so-called "HELP HIM" secret message is bullshit too
If they also come from that famous timeline that was spammed everywhere then you better double check every line
Is it not discussed in the video? Strange. That seems like a pretty important talking point.
Jesus Christ, OP…where've you been?
Assange has been saying this since BEFORE the "red menace" meme was invented, and his people have been verifying it.
Nice to see a "mainstream news" channel finally talk about it, though.
Don't be so sure
God damn Super Satan!
At that point he didn't even have to mention Russia, the meme had not been invented by the press yet.
What he said was that the leaks came from an individual within the DNC that was fed up with the collusion between the DNC & Hillary's camp to make sure Bernie did not win the nomination.
And the courier that worked for Assange, the guy that actually met that DNC insider and got the thumbnail drive from him, verified the source of the leak.
This whole "Russians" bullshit is a red herring, and the heads of the security bureaus who have gone along with it have provided nothing in the way of evidence outside of some DNS tracing and common phishing.
The whole thing us utter crap.
No, they said it was not unreasonable and they did a poll and the option 'Video' won. The Pilger / RT interview was probably not what the people who participated in that poll had hoped for – they probably just wanted a short Hello It's Julian type of video – but you have to realize that those who are behind the Twitter account need to be more paranoid than you and be cautious because there's really some agencies out to get them. They didn't call the embassy in London to tell Julian Assange the results of the poll.
No, not sound + picture at the same time in perfect sync. You could potentially have a short fake video without the sound or a fake voice without a video but not for long but not both of them at the same time in perfect sync without any glitch. This isn't a big budget Star Wars movie.
oh fuck off, 4 out of those 5 posts aren't even mine
i only said the profile looks weird, if there's any explaination for that i'm glad to hear it
Why are you promoting that click bait Youtube channel? Is that your channel? And where's part 2 & 3 & 4 ?
No you don't get it, it's all CGI whether the lighting is perfect or not. Everything is fake, Julian Assange is dead, Wikileaks is compromised and we live in the Matrix and that steak is delicious.
I no longer consider Russians to be the enemy.
Look at it from a detached viewpoint…Russia did not engage in any military "foreign adventures" until WE fucked with THEM.
They did not piss around in the Crimea until Soros & the central banking cartel fomented the unrest that installed an anti-Russia government in the Ukraine, threatening to cut them off from their major warm-water ports and threatening to bring in an alternate gas supply to Europe, so the Russians could be isolated even further, economically.
And ALL of that was just because Putin kicked a Rothschild agent out of his country, something Holla Forums agrees with.
And they did not get militarily involved in Syria until the U.S. and its "allies" started to bomb Syrian infrastructure directly. Russia is allied with Sytia, and if the tables were turned, the U.S. would have gotten into that fight LONG before the Russians did.
Face up to it…when it comes to fucking with people, the U.S. has become a bunch of Jews. We need to abandon that way of thinking and put aside this quest for some worldwide "imperium" that is tearing nations and families apart & killing so many people.
And we need to start protecting our own kind, our white kin…not turning on them because some Jew media tells us to.
Why that pic?
Because it's funny.
Ok. Got any more…
I can't wait for the presidential scandals or infidelity reports to come flooding out now that he's done. A democrat from the worst crooked nest of democrats (Chicago), you know there are horrors and book deals just ready to be discovered.
One thing you can notice here is the size difference is not only from the camera angle slightly closer to Assange (which has a small effect) but even bigger is that Julian Assange is sitting perfectly straight and Hannity is sitting almost comically laid back for a professional TV interview.
Cryptome has no credibility, sorry
"We do not believe in "context." That is authoritarian nonsense. For the same reason, we do not believe in verification, authentication, background, foreground, advertising, promotion, branding, corporatization, any form that enlarges the gap between individuals and those who claim to protect them, educate them, save them from the devil, advocate national security racketeering, supports official, secret spying at home and abroad."
No, I think he was in London to meet with Lavrov shortly before October 15 but the meeting with the Ecuadorian government took place in September during some negociations over guerillas in Colombia or something.
Yeah and we don't know what their communications protocols are, we don't know what their contingency plans are, and we're not going to know any of this because it's supposed to be kept secret for a very good reason. It's annoying to see all these people behind their keyboards who will never be involved in anything risky whine about Wikileaks. You don't know what it's like to be part of an organization that's in the crosshairs of the CIA, the NSA, etc. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment before you start whining and repeating theories you have read on 4chan
No, that's what Hannity asked Assange by refering to Craig Murray's statement. Craig Murray said that but Assange refused to confirm or deny because he wants to protect his sources.
it looks like he's sitting on a stool
And you probably believed Sean Hannity when he said Saddam had nukes and chemical weapons eh?
Tell me more user, I'm a little bit skeptical but open minded enough to learn more. Good thing we're not brainwashed by the talmudvision as these retards who keep shilling for Sean Hannity.
part 2 of interview stream
Good, part 2 tonight. I feel like the happening is sliding this.
I agree with this Cuck Carlson is a giant faggot. He calls out commie kike faggots but nonetheless it doesn't fix his own faggotry.
Should be habbening in a few mins
Wait that's a lie, maybe in 15-20
Nobody notices the obvious green tinge? It seems as though at least Assange is filmed with a green screen. Assange might be alive but I doubt he's at the embassy.
Sorry but this is the "Assange is alive and well in the embassy" timeline
You're an idiot.
Ignore the shills,
interview is coming back on after this commercial break
Assange is in custody. He's alive, just not at the embassy. He was green-screened into this interview.
Like I said, ignore the shills. But thanks for the bump
I assume you're referring to me. Ha! I don't give a shit about bumping. I want more people to look at this obvious shit interview.
Shut the fuck up you faggot. Trying to listen to Assange btfo Obama and co.
Please go find the keys in the blockchain so you can get suicided like the rest of your friends.
Of course, no answers on the following:
Bitcoin messages
Certificates being briefly signed by courage Foundation
WL Releases stopping.
Did anything happen on 17th October
Oh and, why did you post a photo of armed guards outside the embassy right before Pam Anderson is supposed to arrive? And then your internet gets cut, photo is never mentioned again, and not even you addressed it? Nor the Fox News segments announcing your arrest!
Why is this interview so cut up and barely addressing any good questions?
He's doing a Reddit AMA @ 9AM EST.
Admittedly, there's a lot that needs answering before we can confirm that he's in the embassy/uncompromised, but really happy to see him alive.
Well that segment was weak
Plebbit AMA is tomorrow, hopefully something good there , but doubtful
Incompetence or malice?
Perhaps a bit of both, Satan.
Perhaps indeed. I guess the best play now is to wait and see what light the AMA brings, if any. See you guys on the flipside.
what hacks?