I think he's serious guys


This is huge for two reasons:
1. DHS has been asked to assess all assets available for wall construction, as well as for their capacity to expand immigrant detention and aerial surveillance.
2. The Trump admin wants to know if feds have been altering DACA recipients biographic details to shield them for deportation. I would be shocked to learn that they weren't.
Of course, DHS isn't playing ball, but all of that's going to change in 16 days.

Other urls found in this thread:

laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Fascism/America/James Mason - Siege.pdf

No wonder the shill is working overdrive today.

Someone do the math.

1000 miles with two rows of 6x9 cells, how many cells can fit? Keep in mind we have more than 40million spics to deport.

+/- 1760000


Trump intends to end the dreamers? program.

Fucking hell.

I remember him saying in some interview with some journalist that they'd "work something out" with the dreamers. That could mean anything I suppose.

Oh shit nigger, I didn't even realize I got trips. They're going back. Kek wills it.

The ride doesn't stop brother. He's not even in the white house until January 20.

Can you make one that says has "yuge" in the place of "si"?

Not only trips, trips of 3, the most holy trips.

Someone do the arithmetic
A thousand miles a thousand cells/mile = a million
5280/10 feet per cell times 2
Jesus you children are retarded today just a dead cell phone battery away from being absolutely brain dead.

Here is what he is going to do. Unfortunately I really doubt he is going to kick out anchor babies and dreamers, he will start with criminals and go onto visa overstays. He will threaten and give veiled references of deporting them all including dreamers etc. Many of them will get spooked and leave on their own. The left will flip out as per usual. In the end he will strike a deal to end the anchor baby law and all entitlements to non citizens, in return the remaining anchors and dreamers will be able to stay but there is a vestment period for entitlements ie 10 years of paying taxes before you qualify for anything.

Who are the dreamers?

The Dreamer program was some Obama bullshit to fast-track immigration.

"people" brought to the US by their illegal parents as children,

Would you really need a hallway on either side for the entirety of the wall tho?

The DREAM Act was passed by Congress. All Obama did was sign it.

Whoop. My bad.

Still, bullshit.


Agreed, but at least it limits action deferment for only 2 years. After that, Dreamers aren't allowed to reapply ever. Two years to go to college, get a job, apply for citizenship, and/or join the military.

The DREAM Act is fine in theory, but what I'd really like to see is a repeal of the "anchor baby" clause of the 14th Amendment.

poetic name for degenerate faggot communist drug users that don't work.

Oh, they WILL.

the big problem w/ the dreamers is that they willingly came out of the shadows to the gov't so it would look really bad to have them thrown over the wall. My guess he's that he will quietly grant them amnesty after the wall is built.

No, it's shit that encourages and excuses lawbreaking. Anyone in the country illegally should be deported, with no chance of themselves or their children ever being citizens or getting any sort of visa, or any legal admittance, or executed.

Screw that. Trump should go fascist seize total control kill the dreamers on live TV & make mexico pay for it.

Fuck off.

Wrong. You declare that you cannot ever be an American citizen unless you leave and apply normally. But then you don't let them back in.

muh pr

He can build the wall under the Patriot Act. He doesn't even need congressional approval.

The 14th Amendment declares that anyone born on US soil is a US citizen. Hence "anchor babies".

The DREAM Act isn't for border hoppers. It's for people with expired visas. Border hoppers still have to go back and are ineligible for DREAM. It's for people who genuinely desire citizenship. Do you not want a legal path to citizenship at all?

So, you don't want intelligent conversation about moving the nation forward?

No, it does not declare that. That interpretation is from an errata from a Supreme Court case from the 80s.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. - 14th Amendment

For mexicans? Fuck no.

Reported for defending anchor babies and being complacent in white genocide.

There is no "anchor baby" clause. There was a libshit opinion given as a footnote in a supreme court case that it's based on. It has just been a de-facto thing for years and has never been challenged.

You, like the Supreme Court, are ignoring the latter half of this sentence.

False. Both mother and father need to be citizens too.

That's what the 14th Amendment says, faggot. If you don't like it, fucking repeal it. We can amend the Constitution, you know, and Amendments have been repealed in the past.

Read the 14th Amendment. It's very clear.

There is no anchor babby clause in the 14th amendment. It's a kosher lie. Illegal invaders born on American soil have never been citizens according the law or the constitution.

I did, it was intended for slaves, not to be reinterpreted to mean illegals who manage to get their feet on our soil before shitting out a baby. FFS

So you're saying that someone born in the United States is NOT subject to the jurisdiction of the United States?

If you take off that part of the sentence, then you have no legal recourse to deport illegals because they - as you claim - are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

The preamble of the constitution is law too. Except it's not used as law, it's used as flavor text. It's why they're called amendments. They just add to the law in the preamble. Guess what's in there? The US is a white nation.

Dubs confirm

If it were meant for slaves, then it would have specified as such. The 13th is specifically about slavery.

Keep arguing in favor of anchor babies, anti-white.

It means they are afforded no legal protections by the US govt. This doesn't grant them immunity, you retard, it means the govt can do whatever the fuck it wants to them.

You know what else is in there? The fact that Supreme Court decisions constitute "Law of the Land". That means the US may have been founded as a White nation, but as soon as the Supreme Court said "nah, not really", then that changed.

If you're not under someone's jurisdiction, then they can't do anything to you. No arrests, no court, no trials, no decisions on your behest, no juries, no laws.

You're all being Jewed.



laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Fascism/America/James Mason - Siege.pdf

You were going for line drawings and you fucked up. Reported.

Stick to your TRS containment thread.


It also means technically under the law it's not illegal for a citizen to "murder" them.

Goys I did something.

I'm not sure what but I blocked some frame or element with ublock so whenever I hide someone I don't even see their collapsed post. They just disappear entirely.

It's a new feature. Just remember that for next time

Oh cool. It's excellent.

Does it cause you any pains of cognitive dissonance that you're celebrating the election of a fag enabler kike shill? Why are you cucking for Trump?

That's been happening for me too for a few weeks. I looked to see if there was some option I missed, but I think they just changed how Holla Forums filters. You can remove all filters in the settings to get them back if need be.

You have it backwards, dumbass. The govt has no obligations to allow foreign fighters to cross our border, even though they have no jurisdiction over them. Jurisdiction implies the laws of the land apply to the people under the jurisdiction, people who fall outside of the jurisdiction are personas non gratas. They aren't entitled to fair trials, they aren't entitled to human rights, etc. The only part of your post that is coherent is
because that's what the govt has to follow when dealing with them.


Meh. I only hide faggots and kikes. I can't see wanting them back.

Ebin shitpost, mate.

Not exactly. If you murder someone, then you are subject to your State's laws concerning killing someone. It's not legal to murder an illegal.


Sometimes I make okcupid profiles and search for trannyfaggots and I oppress them through messages when I'm bored.

It's pretty much the most hilarious thing ever.

Exactly! Everyone born in the US is subject to the jurisdiction of the US. It's why we give deportation hearings instead of just catch and release. Those deportation hearings are in place to make damn sure we're not deporting those protected under the 14th Amendment.

It can happen at any time to any one of us. I don't know about you, but I don't carry my birth certificate on me at all times. If some bored border patrol agent decides I'm an illegal, then I'd get a trial. The 14th Amendment guarantees that.

Meanwhile, in reality…

Maybe, but until that day comes it's best to keep it holstered.

You're being a little too obvious, kike.

Broadcasting it live on TV or killing the dreamers?

It would be the weird you're allowed to stay but no citizenship for you shit that the some Repubs parrot.

To who? And who gives a shit?

A huge part of politics is pr and creating positive narratives around yourself and your agenda. The perception (real or not) that the public approves of your agenda is critical to passing it- just look at Hitler or the kikes.


I like that.

normies. if he can do it w/ minimal fuss I'm all for it and he's more adept than most at outwitting the msm

I get the feeling he's "muh PRing" a lot until he takes office. Then some shit's going to drop.

You're an anchor baby, aren't you m8? You're shilling a little too hard on Mexicans' behalf in this thread.

I hope he doesn't compromise his agenda by letting the msm taint it w/ muh crying promising young beaner. All it takes is for your agenda to be tied to one terrible thing to bring it down. Look at Hitler and the mainstream discrediting of fascism.
Full disclosure: I had a good friend who was a dreamer

Thank you Trumpy :^3

Hmm. Well lets take a look at this Siege thing. Table of contents. ..yada yada . .

lol yeah, we can stop right there.

He hasn't let them taint it so far and he's laughed in the faces of cows far more sacred than muh illegal spiclets.

No it doesn't.

It doesnt cover them because their parents are criminals, not citizens, they broke the law to enter the country.
This is a reconstructionist amendment ment to give non criminal aliens who resided here since or near the founding citizenship, this includes former slaves and native tribesmen. It does not include spics looking to milk the government out of free shit. You should read ALL of the sections of the 14th amendment not just what you FEEL like reading.

I hope so. But remember McCarthy. Everyone's untouchable until they're not.


The Supreme Court disagrees with you, which is why we have anchor babies in the US. Supreme Court decisions constitute law of the land. The ONLY way to change that is to repeal that part of the 14th Amendment, which is what I said in the first place.

It's a very simple formula: Congress proposes, The Supreme Court disposes, the Constitution imposes.

If the Supreme Court makes a decision concerning the constitutionality of a particular law, Congress can overturn that decision by amending the Constitution. It's called "checks and balances", which is something taught in junior high civics. Your feels do not matter in the slightest.


SCOTUS can also overturn its own decisions. Wait a couple years, we're gonna have a Trump court.

I hope Trump does build the wall and deports all beaners and puts Hillary in prison.

I also "hope" to win the lottery and thats not going to happen either.

All of you here need to get it through your thick heads.














No shit, thats why were in this mess

It is not, a challenge to the supreme court ruling can be made and it can be over turned.

jesus christ, can you be any more obvious?

What do you suggest then?

Yes they are saying they are not subject of jurisdiction because there can be no assumption of social contract between the State and the spawn of a foreign invader. The only position to take is they are invaders and need to be kicked out.

you tell me

You got an army of assassins or something? No? Aight then.

McCarthy was untouchable until he went too far w/ the military and the kikes ate him alive. Never forget how quickly the media kike smells blood in the water.

this, plus some Kike bullshit to enable illegals to use college grants and loans to keep the (((bankers))) happy.

No. They are despicable spics. They'd only try to use it against us. Fuck them all; catapult them over the wall.

They go over the wall like all the rest. Fuck you.

I don't have to worry about that. I'm not nonwhite.
Why are you worried? Are you an anchor baby? You sure shill for them like one.


All you supposedly red pilled types need to talk your families and friends out of continuing to support the kosher Republican party.

First the Republican party needs to be dismantled and destroyed so that it can be replaced by a viable race based whites only political party to oppose the Jew controlled Demorats.

Until that happens you guys will continue spinning your wheels voting for these Jew controlled puppets like Trump and expecting change that never comes.

Anything short of forced deportation on penalty of execution isn't "fine in theory" Shlomo

Can anything happen to Onigger? I swear to God if America fails, Oniggers daughters need to be violently raped in the civil war.

The children of foreign nationals are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, no matter where they are born.

Proof: the children of foreign diplomats born in USA are not citizens.

Nothing intelligent about DREAM Act being fine nor moving nation forward. Gotta have that change and hope, for the benefit of Jews that is. Better yet, nothing to discuss when only saying DREAM Act is fine.

Here, kike: 14thamendment.us/articles/anchor_babies_unconstitutionality.html

Trumbull continues, "Can you sue a Navajo Indian in court? Are they in any sense subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States? By no means. We make treaties with them, and therefore they are not subject to our jurisdiction. If they were, we wouldn't make treaties with them…It is only those persons who come completely within our jurisdiction, who are subject to our laws, that we think of making citizens; and there can be no objection to the proposition that such persons should be citizens.[2]


I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen…

Of course, this very oath leaves no room for dual-citizenship, but that is another troubling disregard for our National principles by modern government.

This also means there is no such thing as dual-American citizenship, and all the Israelis must be removed from all posts of government and stripped of citizen rights and also deported.

Mexico must be shitting their pants right now as the realization that they have to pay for a wall to wall in all these black Somalians inside their country sets in. Wouldn't want to be Mexico right now, that I can tell you.

Well, Holla Forums?


confirmed for not knowing beanspeak.

First they call every Trump voter racist, sexist or whatever, and then they imply you're friends with them. Can they at least stay with their own narrative?

My muslim friend threw my lgbtfo friend off a roof and raped my female friend on new years. My lgbt friend gave my black friend HIV. My latino friend took my black friends job. My black friend shot my latino friend in a drive by. My black friend knocked up my female friend, and my latino friend and muslim friend was part of the voting block that restricted her ability to not be a single mom.
They have bigger problems than who I voted for.

Why the fuck aren't we dividing and conquering this fractious band of morons?

Honestly, if Trump never accepted gays, he would still won, because homos hate him and he never got the homo vote. This was the biggest Trump mistake ever. He should had never accepted degeneracy.

Not shilling or anything, just midly cricitizing this part of his campaign. At least he made a right choice at making Pence his Vice President, to show his real views.

My best guess is that he did this to soften his critics about homosexuals.
Many people, especially democrats, thought of him as literally Hitler, so softening his tone and being inclusive was the stage 3 of his campaign, and it worked.

no, look at that pic

no, look at this other pic


Did you get lost on your way to reddit?

Dude fuck yourself with a rake


It's not about getting the homo vote. It's about getting the vote of heterosexuals who have been programmed to take the homo issue very seriously. It's about giving them an excuse to think to themselves that Trump isn't socially conservative, because they don't like that.

Social conservatism is dead. It failed to conserve anything. They couldn't keep fags from getting married. They couldn't even keep men out of women's bathrooms. Throwing social conservatives under the bus is one of the reasons Trump was able to win.

Think of it this way: The media says Trump hates fags. Trump says "I love fags". The moderate republicans then think to themselves, "WTF, the media is lying about Trump!". Meanwhile the fags are thinking "Trump hates fags" but they're only a small percentage of the population so their opinion doesn't matter.