Socialist Clubs at Uni

Recently there have been a few discussions on forming clubs at university with leftist leaning. I myself am looking to form a socialist club, but before returning and taking the actions necessary I'd like to have a plan set up first.
What policies/activities should a socialist/leftist club advocate? I presently imagine we could hold a council to determine our exact desires, but I'd like to have some definite general goals established as well (such as "to offer a narrative counter to that established by the ruling class").

Otherwise, because it's mildly related, how should one go about "co-opting"/convincing a group such as the Black Student Union? I don't want to flick them away (idpol and all), but at the same time I'm wary to announce "solidarity" or some shit with people who have no idea what's going on under the surface.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm also in the process of attempting to start a socialist club at my college. The basic idea I had:
I think the last point is probably the most important; since we've never done this before we need help and support with those who are more experienced. This will also (hopefully) keep the club alive after we graduate.

I like these points, I'll add them to the notes I'm making for this.
One idea I forgot to mention, what would you think of trying to connect with socialist/leftist clubs at other universities? I know it's a far shot from a worldwide union of workers, but I can't help fancying the idea of an interconnected union of students. It's definitely possible as well, given that the internet exists.

This would be incredibly helpful for organizing concurrent student protests across a great area, guaranteeing some sort of impact.

I have been thinking he same thing. Maybe we could look into forming a single organization and manage our own chapters?

This will be quite interesting. Then we can actually educate College students that got interested in politics because of Bern, and show them what real meaning of socialism is. Rather than the Soc Dem that favors Capitalism.

Good to see other students trying to get clubs going.

Councils seem like a good idea. For the Black Student Union talk to them about BLM's economic demands, as they ask for non profit cooperatives be implemented in black neighborhoods.

How would we go about connecting all the existing leftist organizations? I don't imagine they all have an online presence, so I'm unsure how to go about finding contact info… maybe through the universities themselves?

Wew. I'm thinking too far ahead.

Well I was more thinking that we could form our own group, since non-sectarianism seems to be something we can all agree is important, and there aren't many options for students in North America as far as leftist groups go.

Khmer Rouge was started by uni students…

Social media is a good start. Hell of a lot better than group texts or mailing lists.

Right, I just don't want to exclude existing organizations. I'm not so much interested in an international leftypol union as I am for an international student union. I may be misunderstanding you.

I'll get to work on a social media platform for us. What do you guys believe would be best? Currently I'd imagine google would be the most accessible, but I can look into others if they are favorable. Nothing set in stone yet, looking for everyone's advice.

just why ?

Go with normie platforms. Cuckbook and Shitter.

That's exactly what I'm talking about, just with an emphasis on non-sectarian anti-capitalism. I'm just suggesting that instead of all going out separate ways we should make efforts to stay in contact with each other and collaborate if we can, maybe even officially unify into a single group.

I'd say Facebook for starters, then once we get going, Twitter to organize activities.

Getting with other schools' leftist clubs is a good idea, although I have no idea if there are any near my school, I'll have to look into it.

I'd be open to this, but since I'm attempting to get my org recognized by the university (because doing so has a shit-ton of benefits) I don't know how that would work.

I'll work on creating a Facebook page/group then. Twitter will come later, after this thing is established. Anything to add to the name, "The International Student Union?" I personally like it, it resonates in me an image similar to the original internationale while not forcing words like "revolutionary" onto people who may be put off at first by such language.

Since calling it the 5th International would sound a little ambitious I would say that International Student Union is a good name for now.

Just did some searches on google, appears there are already a few International student unions, but those seem to be more directed towards literal international students (i.e. studying abroad).

This looks interesting:

This is a great idea.

How about the spooky scary nonsecretarion socialist club
This appears to be their official website. It hasn't been updated since 2002. They have a facebook it looks like, but it only has 207 likes.

>spooky scary nonsectarian socialist club
ugh it wouldn't be nonsectarian if it was officially socialist

In all seriousness, is anyone working on setting up a social media page yet? Or is it too soon for that?

I'm looking to do it once a name is determined. In all honesty we may adopt the name, "The International Union of Students." The organization appears pretty dead, and it maintained a leftist position in the past. Last activity I found was from 2002. This is in place of the name, "The International Student Union," as many of those already exist and cater to students abroad more than anything.

What's wrong with non-sectarian socialism? I don't think it would be a great name but if the Union isn't leftist then what's the point?

The union will be leftist, no doubt. What I'm saying is if we want to be truly nonsectarian, socialism shouldn't be included in the official name as in my mind it implies a state, which I'm unsure anarchists or such would agree with. However, this may be just my interpretation.

If that is the case - that it's just my interpretation (which considering now probably is) - and if the general left tendencies don't mind, then I do advocate putting "Socialist" somewhere in the name.

I am for socialist in the name.
Socialist student union is an easy name.


I'd rather not be put on a watchlist, thanks.

Anyone for eventually moving this discussion to groupme, or something like it?
I feel like planning could go more efficiently, and it'll be less likely to be forgotten about.

Here are two options I'm currently looking at:
The International Socialist Student Union (ISSU)
The International Union of Socialist Students (IUSS)

I am for keeping "international" in the name, as it reminds me of the original internationale and the IWW. Plus we should like to be a worldwide organization… the worker knows no country, why should we?

comrade if you dont think youre already on a list i have some news for you

I do like the international.

I think the first option is better.

They have a new channel that explicit states that they are not solidly affiliated with any specific ideology, but are firmly anti-capitalist. Meaning that it's a general Leftist group. I'm a big fan of any lectures by Greg Lucero.

The first one. Less wordy and rolls off the tongue.

comrade if you dont think youre already on a list i have some news for you

As the organizer so far, I promise not to forget haha. I agree that a better platform for discussion is needed, however I plan on going to bed soon - would it be alright to post-pone a discussion on "groupme" for tomorrow?

Also, we have a facebook page now :^)

I'll keep working on it, making sure it exists for now…

Yeah. I should getting to bed too.

I would totally like that page if I hadn't deleted my Facebook.

Great! I'll join as soon as I get around to logging back on to Facebook and deleting all the cringey content that's piled up since Middle School.

Tried to post the twitter. Not geed.i had taken an ambien. Now I need to beenough to talk and fall asleep. These words run away form me. I guess I should say good night

the biggest and most urgent thing a club like this can do is simply dispel the mcarthyist lies published in every textbook on the campus

Here's the pic, just a placeholder until I get something good going.

I think this is it for me tonight everyone. See you all tomorrow. I'll begin a new thread specifically about this club, and leave this one for its original intention (advice and whatnot).

use a better font brother

I'm making an image for the group, please hold.

i tried

The font could use some shading too to stand out more but i think the idea is solid.

as like a person that studies art yall need some help?

That would probably be beneficial, yes.

Hey, so wanna talk about moving this to a group me?

Just a little self deprecating humor.

So I made an email for you to send your relative credentials for a groupme, so you don't have to post them on Holla Forums.
[email protected]/* */

I would make the book bigger so as to fill the whole circle, then have the words written underneath, maybe on like a banner or something.

Anyone interested in joining the groupme, send your number or email to the dummy email.