I… genuinely never now how to respond to this. I usually just get this kind of sad, confused look on my face and start giving short answers like "I see." "Sounds interesting."
Every time I'm dating a younger girl
Lay off the drugs and stop talking to your dakimakura, user.
Tell her to watch good cartoons, like Dark Love.
Don't worry user, robo waifus will be a thing soon.
Thats your problem right there
Women are malleable as long as she is a QT and isn't damaged goods you can educate her on better shows/behaviours if she is worth it.
Don't worry, Google'll build a big one and just allow people to access her online so all the computations and servers are on their part.
That way, everyone will get to enjoy her for the sole cost of an internet connection!
That sounds like NTR
watch it
then give legit opinions on it
the worst characters are sadie and lars, rebecca sugars favorites
the cook kids are the most like able on account of how chill they are about things, even the black one
the fry family is alright
the jems are terrible people(((aliens)))
tell her you were surprised they had that scene where the purple one, amethyst, took the form of stevens dead mom to fuck with his dad, greg, in a childrens show.
tell her you dont really feel the chemistry with steven and connie but enjoy the romance between yellowtail and vidalia
watch the horrible show and decide on your favorite parts and least favorite parts and which episodes you liked the mos (god willing) and the ones you liked the least (like the initial D episode and everything with ruby and sapphires forced relationship)
seriously watch it, then you can appreciate all the jokes at its expense
Th-they're all legal. …Somewhere.
I hope its not the same with anime.
Why are pedophiles so shit at forming arguments?
Still, I learned something new today. 30+ pregnancy sure looking like a bad idea.
My only problem with these numbers is I feel like the data's incomplete. Surely the partner's age effects the likelyhood, right? I'd imagine the fathers are probably mostly slightly older but close in age. How would it effect the odds if a 13 year old is impregnated by a 50 year old? On top of that, are we sure the numbers aren't being skewed by what are probably low numbers of births in general for some of those ages? Like, it stands to reason that there will be more retarded kids out of a million births than out of a thousand, right? So what if there's only like 300 births by 13 or 14 year olds? Compared to the millions by girls over 18.
20-30 is generally the best period to get pregnant in, any older and you're risking it.
the problem with that logic is that females become infertile as they age, whereas men's sperm is still just as effective at 90 as it is at 20.
Females are born with their eggs and there is only a limited number while males produce new sperm periodically.
But yes, ideally you want both partners to be young.
Men's sperm is not just as effective at 90. It's far slower but we produce more incidences of fucked up sperm as we get older.
The thing about men is that even though our sperm gets worse as we get older we still produce hundreds of millions of them per ejaculation. so even if more of them are fucked up its only the good ones that make it. where as women only produce a single ovum per estrus cycle. so the child's heath is way more dependent on the health of the female egg than the male sperm.
I mean fucked up genetically, not fucked up as in incapable of reaching the egg. As in a 90 year olds sperm is far more likely to give you a scrawny nearsighted runt with 20 different allergies.
sweet 14s are legal in my country so you can suck my dick FBI
Nice blog post.
Name of country?
Eh, it's important to remember that these kinds of charts show comparisons, but in reality, the likelihood isn't all that much.
The chart you posted showed that 47-year-olds have only an 80 in 10,000 chance of having a child with Down's. .8%. It's a jump from .05% at 32, but it's really not that much.
The other chart has much more dramatic numbers and comes from the National Downs Syndrome Society, but I didn't see a source and so I'm more likely to believe the chart you posted.
Same deal with autism. The numbers go up, but ultimately they're still extremely small numbers. Chart related. It's also related to what the others are talking about– old sperm can be just as detrimental. Schizophrenia also seems connected to the age of the father.
>>>Holla Forums
Steven Universe is good. Try being less butthurt and tribalistic.
Season 5 is actually pretty fucking good so far (comparatively speaking, of course)
They actually gave Lars character development and went so far as to permanently change him as a character, and then they left him stranded on an alien planet being hunted by the rock police to become space big boss while Steven goes back to earth alone
All this while dropping shamalan twists and having a pretty sweet trial episode that amazingly did not include any Ace Attorney references
I wish painanon was alive to see this
Yea, you say that now, until next episode where they hang out with Onion and help him tackle problems of having a working, absent father, pretending as if Lars isn't struggling on an alien planet lightyears away.
Though when looking on SU's Wiki to see if there was a summary of the next episode of Season 5, I did find this:
It makes me curious as to if CN is the one who pushed for all the meaningless filler episodes.
The filler was definitely their fault and not CN's, remember the first season
Their whole thing from the start has been filler with small bits of character/lore/plot development inside punctuated very rarely by episodes that actually deal with those things directly
They might just be finally getting their asses in gear to tell the rest of the story since the show's probably gonna get cancelled after AT finishes out
The filler really puts me off. At least do filler right. I watched the entirety of Fist of the North Star because Kenshiro punching a god damn tank is fun.
The Initial D parody episode in SU was bad. Don't fuck with an anime that can make anyone watch it, even if they have 0 interest in cars
It's too much when millions of women do it.
And therein lies the problem. Think of how much autism we're dealing with these days. You can't even scan for that in the womb.
Downs should be kept to an unavoidable minimum, not tolerated to the point that we get more of it, with women actually planning to have children in their thirties. Fuck, I never even knew that my sperm would get worse with age, I apparently had to learn this shit from a Micronesian canoe carving forum.
Maybe just chill and accept that sometimes people will like things that you hate. Fucking grow up, dude.
I recently heard that Lars has been made more important to the plot and given special powers in a recent episode (apparently they aren't in hiatus hell anymore?).. so all that shit with Sadie and Lars-centric episodes was a build up to making him a main character/hero… Which I can't think of a better way for them to make this show even more unwatchable than it already is.
here's something that ticks me off.
steven's whole 'I am Rose Quartz' crap. He blatantly isn't. he grew up on earth long enough to know that he isn't Rose Quartz, and even if hehas her gem stone, he wasn't responsible for anything.
Most confusion regarding who he is could simply be explained away.
Could mean 19-23 years-old, you troglodyte. I'm sure the Yuropoors still refer to that age range as such.
14-year-olds is hebephile-tier though.
He died, got revived, turned pink and got Lion type powers.
You are responding to a tripfag who posts regularly in the "naked girls who aren't sexual :DDD" threads, so I'm sure he's talking about underage girls.