Pro-Trump Anarchists?

Redpanels just posted a new video in which he happily explains why it's not hypocritical to be an """"""Anarcho"-capitalist and support a candidate at the same time.

And I'm not shocked that the guy behind Redpanel comics is an Ayn cap.

So you're not allowed to endorse any presidential candidate if you're an anarchist of any flavor?

What do think anarchism is?

gary johnson is running, and yet, these """""""anarcho"""""""-capitalists and """""""libertarians""""""""" like molyneux and garrison continue to shill trump. it's not even passive support; both are making pro-trump propaganda. i understand johnson isnt going to win, but he's polling at about 10%, and with a little more support he could be in the presidential debates (15% is the minimum). you would think these people would be ecstatic that someone who's more ideologically consistent with them than any other candidate in recent memory is polling this well.

but the reality is that these people dont care about the socially liberal aspect of their ideology, and they will gladly trade it for authoritarianism so long as taxes are decreased.

that faggot makes videos too

does the guy talk or show face in the video?

I have no intention of watching it.

He talks, but he does not show his face.

Nah, but he does call Gary Johnson a cuck at 10:56, if you had any doubt that Holla Forumsacks were capable of going over 15 minutes without calling someone a cuck.

Damn. I mean, I hate the guy, but he sounds much more calm and collected than I would have expected him to.

Do ayncaps even put any effort into pretending they're not facists?

Depends on what flavour.
An-fems can endore and vote, but only for women.
Egoists and nihilists can do what they want.
Ancaps can endorse, but not vote because it violates the NAP.
Ancoms and mutualists can endorse canidates, but only vote in referendums, as they are not hierarchical.

haha funny meeme nigga xD


Ludwig Von Mises, the ideological forefather of Right Libertarianism endorsed fascism and even served as the economic minister of Austria under the short lived fascist regime of Engelbert Dolfuss. His justification was that bolshevism was too great of a threat to "Civilization"(The West) and capitalism to just not take a side in what he saw as a greater conflict.

Its interesting that you can see such parallels with today's right libertarians/ancaps, in particular Stefan Molyneux. Casting the migration and fight against Islam as a clash of civilizations that could end the "West" and more importantly capitalism.

Because conservating a certain way of life is more important that economics. I don't want UK to turn into a caliphate, for example. But since UK leaders are retarded enough they will let it happen…

If your politics are radical then it isn't hypocritical to support a candidate who may be less radical if they still move in the direction you want. I communist could support a socdem and it wouldn't be hypocritical.

The SocDems killed Rosa, it's ignorant to think that it will ever lead to socialism.

Your vote has no power and even if it did the candidates were chosen for you before hand. Vote for whoever you like if you want to vote, you're not changing anything.

He made it ten minutes, though.
That is honestly impressive. He deserves a gold star and extra ice cream for dessert.

And marxists killed anarchists. I'd still vote ML though if it were the only choice


i think molynuex is more altright than an- anything


No, because "being a Fascist" doesn't mean anything these days.

This can be subverted easily….

Why would you want to? They're not very good drawings.

why is literally every ancap a closet fascist

Nigga are you actually defending Mises

pretty much everybody on the right falls into the same "unca hitler, save me!" mindset at the end of the day, they just divide themselves into different groups based on how much they hate taxes

Why does every liberal think they are Mr. Knowitall? You are not Mr. Knowitall. Anybody who claims to know anything doesn't know a fucking thing.

Funny how it's the left who proclaim themselves as the humble saviors of humanity who need to learn to humble themselves.

Take your medication and take off your tinfoil hats. The problem is you.

Go away redpanels

i get the last two panels but whats the che shirt panel and the soldering chinese worker

……. The Che and Mao one are actually pretty deep

Its far too thin of a distinction between the all the various wack-job right wingers. They don't exercise enough critical thought to realize they are so hypocritical.

In the video the guy mentions slavery (a popular topic amongst ytub-craps like Molyenux) but they have never provided a viewpoint that is more progressive than 17th century slave owner ("b-but muh land, muh individualism!"). They just hear the word slavery and get triggered.

And against the guy who created the video then goes on to justify his completely arbitrary pick of a candidate on something he hasn't really thought all the way through.

It depends. If anarchist glorious uprising and start destroying private property, then AnCaps invoke "muh physical removal" and start siding with police force because in their minds if you don't respect private property you should be killed on sight.

Ha! I just noticed that c.himpout = glorious uprising :DD
Very clever.

Gary Johnson supports the TPP

If it was a critique of how capitalism can turn anything, including revolutionary thought, into a commodity then it would be dank.

But yknow he's just doing it to point out muh leftist hypocrisy

Fucking lolberts


Im gone for a few months and the black Nazis are back. Jesus Christ what happened to this place?

How the fuck is Trump lolbertarian entryism in the first place? He hasn't made any economically liberal or anti-statist promises besides vague anti-globalist grandstanding in the first place. He's a generic right-wing populist, probably more statist and paternalistic in some regards than Hillary. And there is a LITERAL libertarian running and almost entering the debate threshold.

But we need a bigger state to fight the state brother :)

Top lel, this is like saying if a Libertarian was given the choice between a slave master (for the whole plantation that they're on) that would beat them 5,000 times per hour or 1 time per week, if they chose the latter they'd be violating the NAP and endorsing slavery. I rate your post 10 autistic retards/10 autistic retards


The first panel shows the commodification of a revolutionary.
The second one, how China capitulated to capitalism.
The third one, B████ endorsing Hillary.

Three instances of socialists 'selling out'.
