RMS btfo roastie PETArd
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I enjoyed this post thanks op
Poor subject, but this is a quality RMS talk
I've seen this picture a million times, but this is the first time I notice that his tail has direct contact with the flame. Ouch.
Hardly BTFO. Just refused to argue and even admitted that he didn't have arguments prepared.
A waste of time.
Whats he going to do have an unrelated argument that he has not prepared for with every rando in the audience? By not engaging at the argument level with this woman he has destroyed her entire purpose in being there while at the same time making her look crazy.
You will get much further in life picking your battles than giving into each and every retard who screams "N-NOT AN ARGUMENT!" at you whenever you refuse to indulge them. Even a legendary sperg like RMS can figure that out so there's no excuse for the rest of you here.
Pretty fucking shameful.
They have the privilege of spectating a Stallman's speech and they disrespect him like that, wasting his time on a topic that has nothing to do with Free Software. The fuck is wrong with people, why was that cunt there in the first place?
Maybe I'm playing devil's advocate here, but itsn't it obvious as Hell? I think she wanted to let her demons out and argue with Stallman til the end of days. By doing so, she would have left her mark on everyone's head and would have had the minds of all in the crowd in the palm of her hand.
Now post the one where he lost his fuckin marbles in Brazil.
Yes, but probably for the wrong reasons, like, "Why is this cunt conflating animal rights with freedoms, and in what scenario is a discussion about animal rights warranted in a panel about software?" You see the same thing with the "Milk causes cancer" propaganda: obviously milk doesn't cause cancer, but while you're reaching for the blatant counterargument, you've already assumed a negative connotation for the sentiment, meaning that you'll be more averse to any type of idea advocating against milk in the future, regardless of whether the impetus for those other messages is reasonable or not.
He doesn't lose his marbles, he slaps a waterbottle on a wooden table in a sperg tantrum. Considering the fact that this was at a computer rally, Uncle Stally actually handled his feelings quite gracefully--relatively speaking.
This is hardly a BTFO. He should have just told her to fuck off for wasting everyone's time with a topic completely unrelated to the topic of the talk and move on to the next question. Crazies like that should be entertained in their illusion that they can just walk in an take over the discussion. There is presumably a whole auditorium full of people who took time out of their day to attend a speech about Free Software and now some crazy cat lady is stalling everything.
That sperg-out was justified. He flew to another country (not an easy task of an old fat man) to give a talk on a topic he's extremely passionate about, talked for an hour, and only then got he told that no one could understand English, despite people having told him before that English would be fine. He even offered to give the talk in Spanish, but they wouldn't understand that either.
ricky and that chair should get a room
You got it around the wrong way, he asked the Brazilians for their choice to hear the lecture in Spanish or English. They chose Spanish at first then asked him to change it to English when he was halfway through his lecture. Even if he did change the language, the second half of the speech is without the meaning he develops in the first half.
"Animals are persons"
from where these mental ill people are coming?
Can you argue differently? Can you argue that animals are not persons? This is the key to be able to claim superiority. If you cannot argue your principles from the principle, then you are no better.
Is that even for discussion? what are you smoking?
I'm saying that you don't know anything if your knowledge only consists of intuition. You should be able to argue every position that you hold.
obviously he was there to talk about software not about animals, what the fuck is wrong with people
It isn't. That's literally his whole point.
Why would you go to a talk about software and copyright and then ask questions about fucking animal rights?And then hold up the lecture over nonsense just to hear yourself talk. These university fucks are insufferable douchebags.
one better:
they had a stationary camera
they took a picture of the cat on it
took the cat off, turned it on
mixed the 2 photos added some blue to the cat
It's even funnier when she tries to say "escrow" in that thick french accent
If by funny you mean C-U-T-E, then yes.
Who are you quoting?
Oh, I'm using the post-usenet non-formatting
Except I was never implying that person was female. You were projecting your own expectation that only girls can be cute onto my post.
You know your usenet formatting well?
/well do you/?
I was joking that the ones we think are cute are never actual females, and not only that, but that girls in tech are never girls.
Stop overusing "projecting" though, that shit is getting old.
hax my anus
Just because it's overused doesn't mean its usage wasn't apt--or unwarranted. That's what you were doing: projecting. And shame on you for even joking about a world where boys aren't cute.
but I did not, I joked that she was not a she, which is entirely different.
I think this was a good experience for Richard. He needs to know what it feels like to be blindsided by autism.
He wasn't blindsided at all. He addresses the issue that was not relevant to his lecture in a way that's appropriate to his purpose of being there.
He said he had not prepared arguments for debate on the subject. How many times has Richard done this type of thing to other people, I wonder? He needs to know what it's like.
"...freedom of persons..."
"animals are persons!"
stallmann is not giving up the consumption of delicious animals.
Can you argue that niggers are persons?
He was scratching the rim of his asshole with that chair.
Only when you nigger your arguments.
Don't watch videos uploaded by (((Himmelstein))). Watch the webm.
Did you know Stallman is an ethnic jew.
yes, but I'm infected with )))pol cancer(((, and must post cancer in every thread on internets
So? Just start talking in Spanish. It's obvious the Brazilians overestimated their ability to understand English. As programmers, they probably read more written English than they listen to spoken English. Just change languages and continue as if nothing had happened. He could have salvaged the speech even though it wasn't perfect.
There's literally no reason to twist engage maximum autism overload and start fiesta duroing in front of an audience of about 100 people. He could have given half a talk instead of fucking everything and becoming a meme.
Brazilians are a key market for free software. The leftist government was very friendly towards free software and required that its workers use things like libreoffice since it let them avoid spending taxpayer money on licenses. Stallman was in front of a people who were extremely friendly towards his movement and he fucked it up.
1. People are human beings
2. Other animals are not human beings
3. Animals are not people
Thanks for the sides workout.
"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
Genesis 1:27
"And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."
Genesis 1:25
“Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.”
Genesis 9:3
"Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Genesis 1:28
should have used these proofs against the wild peta heretic
Good idea: fight crazy with crazy.