#OperationCultureWar- save our women

Hello Holla Forums I want to share with you an Idea on how to get our women back. We need to start shaming them, heavily. I hear a lot of anons on here depressed about how fugged up our women are. Some anons say try to shame women in real life, which can work, but you can risk your job or getting doxed by doing that. Why can't we start big twitter campaigns to start shaming them online?

We can get some hash tags going, spam their accounts calling them degenerate whores. We can tell them we refuse to every marry them, just try to degrade them and use psy-ops on them in general.

This would need to be a good campaign that lasts about 6 months at the least. Imagine the change we could effect by calling out these women and calling them trashy sluts?

some hash tags we can use


Any other anons can give ideas, create OC, and create some better hash tags. I believe any form of social pressure on women can be successful. Basically if we can meme white women into slaggy whore degenerates who fuck a lot of dudes, we can maybe embarrass them so they stop their bullshit behavior and maybe the younger gals might get influenced.

Other urls found in this thread:


Trash doesn't need shame, it needs eugenics. Even if they were to be "saved" they'd still be huge whores and seriously, if you can't see that certains things are bad for you, you deserve the consequences.

exactly, more of this

Waste of time and energy , i'd sooner focus my all efforts on making a gynoid with an artificial womb and focus creating my own 20% aryan 80% shiny&chrome master race



I don't care if mankind dies so long as we create a machine race before that happens

We gotta hurry up before the muds overtake us and we regress to the iron age (if we're lucky)

Unnatural. You need to come to terms with the fact that Aryan greatness stems from its evolution.
It was not designed, but forged in the beautiful harshness of northern Europe, and this beauty was imprinted in all aspects of it.
This cannot be replicated by taping your fleshlight to your roomba.

here the thing , these women chose this willingly nobody forced them. And once you have willingly gone down that path the journey back isn't a guarantee , but feel free if you want to try ; for my money the possibility of having my own uber cyber-race looks like a much safer bet and much more appealing than the alternative

well the fetus will have to gestate somewhere , i can't just keep it a box



This is where your're wrong, kiddo.

Good fap memories from an 80s classic film The Looker. I'm sure women were better in the 80s. Notice how their butts were smaller too


How is that a good thing

Not being big whales. Easier to get into from behind. Lighter, more agility

That pic is fake r-right?

Fucking hell.

Trash needs a landfill. If given enough negative social pressure they will rope themselves off from Society, The Good Parts and form their own self-indulgent pity party, leaving everyone else alone to excel.

"PCOS and Fibromyalgia: My Body, My Choice."

I prefer fertile looking women.


The blow SJWs and lefties have been dealt over the past couple of years has already done wonders. Many are starting to resist the current and future waves of Marxist subversion.

More shaming and mocking will do the trick to keep that ball rolling. As for undoing the previous damage, we have to push more stuff like #NoHymenNoDiamond and things like the Trump Girls. Morality and sexy white women with conservative leanings.

Finally, remember how women think and act. They are very herd like, following trends. Who controls the trends? The trends you see on TV, popular sites, advertisements etc. Technology and media has done a good job of creating the culture that the people go out and create themselves. The image is presented, the people actually make it. We see this right now with all the BM/WF pairings as just one example. They create the impression that like 75% of white women are fucking niggers, when its probably only 2%. What this does though is create the trend and women will follow it.

Capture that herd mentality. Let them embrace monogamy and motherhood once again. Make tradition the hot new thing, the cool thing.

A man of good taste I see. Once I get my 3d printer I'm immediately starting to build my qt droid. I already have the files I need, AI isn't very good right now though, but it does actually learn

What good will that do when none of them care what we think anyway? If they did, they wouldn't be fat or have rainbow hair. Shaming lesbians online will accomplish nothing.

Get out you chubby chaser

PCOS alone doesn't cause morbid obesity and morbid obestiy aggravates it, and fibromyalgia is a phoney disease made to placate people who whine about hurting everywhere but whose MRI results are normal. Heck fibromyalgia is only diagnosed by getting a patient to tick boxes on a self-diagnosis quiz ("Are you tired all the time ?" and similar questions) – why do you think part of the standard treatment is antidepressants ? It's psychosomatic.