Strong Female Protagonist

Its back, now in Muslim flavor!

I think at least, she could be Hindu

Either way, they're dragging the poor hindus into this.

This comic sucks and it's author is a tranny

The writer isn't Indian, nor Muslim or Hindu.

WTF is this mess? Whoever wrote this clearly knows next to jack squat about the original subject matter or culture outside of the superficial internet browsing. And the art is almost squirrel girl-tier.

They've been dragging hindus into the PC crap and lib mockery for the last few years, which is weird since they're brown and that's pretty much the only reason they love muslims so much.


I'm so glad we still have Norm.

I'm guessing that's not actually his twitter.

He's an unpredictable fellow.

Man you can pretty much see that host shitting himself from fear.

People still read SFP?

Gilbert is also pretty much a victim of pc shit since he got a lot of flack over his offensive humor in recent years.


Oh, look, what a surprise: I was right.
He's a fucking ginger, and a "comedian".

What exactly is this criminal asking the innocent guy to do?

To go multiply the powers of a criminal with regenerating powers who's growing organs for medicine. The result's that the criminal's organs replicate themselves. He doesn't want to help her because he knows full well she can't keep a secret for shit and doesn't want to risk being a Super Villain's bitch.

That sounds stupid and I regret asking about it.

I regret knowing it.

It's an edit, silly

Why do artist like these ignore the fact that different races have different skull shapes?

SFP's author has some kind of idea that if we had enough bulk organs that nobody would suffer, because they don't understand what an immune system is and I guess they think you can just fuckin' throw any old liver into somebody like they were Legos

that's a rhetorical question, right?
noticing skull shapes is racist now

We'll, they did state that she was a universal donor. Apparently her organs are %100 acceptable by any body.

By the way, there is a series of Indian comic books onown as Amar Chitra Katha, consisting of retelling of stories and events from indian mythology and history. I'd say they're pretty good for what they are.

(cropped image)

There I just found the plothole

There is also Devi, which is basically Indian female Thor with a dash of Witchblade. It's done entirely by Indians/Indian-Americans I thought it was alright, but I haven't read it since I was a teenager.

She looks a suspicious amount like Bayonetta.

Devi was first, actually. Comics started out in 2006 or 2007.

I'm gonna be brutally honest, this comic has always fascinated me, because unlike the crap Marvel puts out, this is a goddamn soapbox comic that doesn't even try to pretend like it's a superhero comic.

Every single conversion is the author's self insert character blurting out his opinions, not to mention ever person who disagrees with said character is portrayed as a mindless strawman, not to mention the college arc in which the main villain goes around murdering men because of the "1 in 5" stats and the main character didn't debunk her argument! She just gave her the "Killing is wrong" speech because the writer refuses to think his beliefs aren't made up gobbledygook created by feminists to push their fucked up man hating agenda.

I shared a room with a Brahmin on a work-conference a while back. We talked about things like Cultural Marxism, and Islam. The Indians have Cultural Marxists trying to destroy their society just like we do. All of them Brahmin. They take the side of muslims, and copy-paste marxist ideas (with the caviat that they replace all the isms with "castism").

Gandhi really did more harm than good over there didn't he?

You know i used to like SFP way back when it was about an indestructible super powered girl doing normal life shit while dealing with the fallout of revealing her identity. you know her her she loves breaking shit because its the only thing she was ever good at. her heart to heart with the knife hands guy that shit was great even if she was talking about murdering muh racists having a "hero" casually talk about wanting to go cardboard planet was nice. i even liked patricks whole awkward human autist shit.
but then my invisible avenger started killing people for "justice" and readers should side with her because everyone she killed was 100% guilty (maybe) and then having to BEGRUDGINGLY admit that yeah guys get raped too because the character was such a sack of fucking garbage. they even killed a guy just because he was an asshole. Furnace was an asshole but he had fucking abandonment issues and shit he was great because unlike the ivory tower living perfect girls he lived in the real world where life fucking sucks for you personally. his mom fucking died his dad walked out on him and his girlfriend dumped him and then some invisibitch tazes him drugs him and tries to get justification for murdering him still those fuckers in the comments demonized him because "WELL MAYBE HE'S A RAPIST" fuck i hate this shit goddamn

and the newest fucking arc shes setting up a fucking vigilante hit squad. are men allowed to use it too? how long before the whitest knight shows up to kill some guy to save m'lady? will allison feel any remorse for putting some random guy to death because his girlfriend was mad at him? its fucking trash.i ust want iit to fucking end also hes gonna make allison a lesbian despite the fact that shes on record said she was straight

Every time I see SFP, I'm reminded that they couldn't manage to make a comic that Friday.

There's also the idea that once the organs get connected to a new body, they start bubbling up with tumours and burst the host.

Pahjeets are still shit, they're simply a race or rather group of castes who are stupid and mildly violent rather than stupid and very violent like saracens. Pahjeets are niggerish in a secular way rather than one dictated by a specific creed.

And before you go "muh high caste"; still trash even if they send their smartest here with bought degrees.

They literally poop in the streets
Even my dog has more decency

I was never really a fan of Trump, but god I loved it when he won and these wimps all fucking lost.

I believe all of us feel that way. That and he's actually doing what he promised he would.


Yup. I may not like the guy, but Hillary didn't even bother visiting my state, and surprise surprise, what was Blue went Red that election. And if you insult the guy who voted for the socialist Jew and then expect him to 'fall in line,' well then you can eat shit.

The best part was when my cousin was insulting my home and calling us all bigoted racists. Yeah honey, we're the same bigoted racists that helped elect Obama.

I remember the terrible delight and surprise I felt that day. My roommates and their friends (all black) kept saying they were going to be shipped back to Africa. Not even as a joke, they honestly thought this was a policy of Trump's.

This tbh fam, I study religion and many normalfags who inquire think they're related and similar.

I was going to vote 3rd party, but then I remembered I live in California. You know, that state that had all mainstream media announce Hillary as the winner on the day of the primary? So fuck her, states going blue but I'd rather take 1 whole vote away than just half.

Seriously, fuck this Russia thing, the media did worse than Russia ever could have.

That guy holding his rifle like a bazooka on the fourth page. WEW!

Oh God I just noticed that.


Is he holding an MP7?

it's a Scary McShootBang™

I wanna know who's holding that phantom gun just to the right of him.

I think it's just that other guy's finger and he's going "bang bang"

I can't even imagine how big an impact this would have on the U.S, outside of muslim genocide.

Goddamn. Based Norm.


Nice dubs.
How is it so many US citizens (mostly non white) seem to believe any bullshit they hear about Trump without evidence or sources to back it up?

I'm heard shit about Hispanic thinking they are going to be sent back to Mexico or gays put in camps (why even bother?), of course none of it is true or ever going to happen now or for the rest of the current term.

Yet, Trump could probably use this as a good example of fake news for the 2020 re-election.

Because it helps their side's chances to get everyone believing that the other side are literally inhuman evil monsters with only the worst of hate-filled intent. So that's the story that they broadcast across news, entertainment, and social networking day and night for decades on end.

Turns out, when they do that, a bunch of people end up honestly believing it to be true. I mean, everyone they know says so, how could it NOT be true? So they went and crashed Canada's immigration website desperate to flee the apocalypse they knew was coming.

It's because they're all uninformed idiots who just blindly believe stuff. It's especially prevalent with blacks raised in black neighborhoods. I knew a girl that would actually get pissed off at me for fact-checking stuff. If someone told me something and I looked it up and went 'oh, you're right!' she'd get on my case about not trusting them.
They also like seeing themselves as the victims all the time. This seems especially important to black women. It's why they bitch about being the 'most disrespected group in America' even though they have it fairly easy, especially when comparing them to Native American women. Everything is always about the fact they're black women. It's fucking annoying. The same roommate I mentioned (who later admitted she went to bed crying that night) had one day come home crying because a guy at her work (a library) told her to shush. She assumed he only did this because he thought she was a loud black woman.

It's what happens when people live in a bubble where they only hear what they want.
The past 8 years right wingers gibbered about Obama taking away their guns and eliminating Christian traditions when he did nothing remotely close to it.

It's amazing how the media manages to portray a series of moderate shills as these diametrically opposed radical despots.

where's the body hair?

That's a girl?!

what? twitter told them it was true. if you're nonwhite twitter is basically what CNN was in 1990.

Yeah it's an ugly dyke. Though I can see why you thought it was a dude, considering the page in question makes it look it an ass rape is imminent

*look like


I think I'm starting to get a reverse trap fetish tbh

This comic seems pretty interesting.

The sad answer, they believe stupid shit all the time.
Someone tells them you can make a battery out of an onion, they believe it.
Someone tells then DONALD DRUMF is going to deport all non-whites? They're going to believe them.
Someone tells them that bees break the laws of physucs? They're going to believe it.
They were conditioned to be slaves who agree with whatever the authorities say is true. Why would they behave any differently when confronted with lies from a supposedly reliable source like the MSM?

The Indian army sure is hard on recruits who haven't passed basic.
I hear they even have to use toilets.

Didn't he want to though?