It's time to talk about Brave and the Bold
It's time to talk about Brave and the Bold
I wish they did more Batmanga.
That episode was pretty damn funny with all the tongue in cheek humor about various batman incarnations. Was the whole vampire bat boy supposed to be referencing something as well?
Mad Magazine.
I wish more people actually read Bat-manga. It's fun seeing an Eastern take on Western material.
If you watch it expecting Batman TAS, then you'll be annoyed by all the silliness.
If you watch it fully understanding it's meant to be campy, fun, silly, and a throwback to classic Adam West-era Batman, it's pretty fucking amazing.
That last image doesn't do justice to the Adam West references. They shoved Batman '66 villains into any scene where they could get away with it. They even managed to have a cold opening with King Tut just by changing his name to the Pharaoh.
The Kobra Cult (not to be confused with GI JOE's Cobra) is a terrorist organization created by Jack Kirby.
You might remember them from Batman Beyond.
Damn that would've been fun.
There's a lot of fun Brave and Bold team-ups I wish they did during the series. Batman teaming up with Batman would've been a treat.
That moment just made me love the show beyond undying passion.
This fucking shit right here. Although I always hoped they'd show both Mad Hatter's teaming up with the tweedles one day.
Peace be onto glorious Best Pal
And that didn't even scratch the surface of the obscure characters used on this show. It was truly a passion project.
There's only one Mad Hatter, mate. There's Jervis Tetch, AKA Mad Hatter II, and some nobody character from an old Vicky Vale story.
Fuck them. Mad Hatter should get himself a mutant rabbit henchman and call it the March Hare.
As someone who never watched the Adam West show due my intensely repugnant ADD, how accurate is the Mad Hatter of the Adam West show compared to the one in the comics? From what I read in trivia shit, it said he was just a guy with a hat gimmick rather than a Wonderland gimmick. So they seem rather distinct.
Beware was pretty pathetic overall.
Tiger Shark, Killer Moth, King Cobra, Zebra Man, The Eraser, Signal Man, Calendar Man, Mr. Polka-dot, Mr. Camera. The Ten-Eyed Man, The Cavalier, Planet Master, Sweet Tooth, The Brand, Catman, Clue Master, Mr. Spinner.
That's not including the other characters in that scene, like Doctor No-Face, Zodiac Master, The Atomic Man, Simon the Pie-Man, Mirror Man, and Fire Fly.
It's THE Spinner, bitch.
Posts like these occasionally restore my hope for man.
Beware the Batman is to me is the worst Batman cartoon series.
Have a some more punching, friend.
For a series whose whole gimmick was "we'll use obscure villains", their approach left a lot to be desired.
Let's not forget the obscure Bat-rogues that actually got some focus, like Gentleman Ghost, Dr. X and Dr. Double-X, and Crazy Quilt.
What they did with Crazy Quilt defines what made the series great. For decades, the comics wrote him off as a lame rogue, but BATB proved that he's an interesting villain in his own right, and they didn't change his character at all to do it. That's amazing.
While we're on the subject of characters written off as lame, there's this motherfucker right here. This guy gets shit on in-universe as having a shitty power, even though he's fucking great with it. All that leads up to the Starro episodes? I can't remember if it was one episode or a multi-parter where he gets his big heroic sacrifice moment, and it's fucking tragic. It contrasts so hard with the upbeat and campy nature that the rest of the show had up to that point (a tone that was fully intentional, and executed brilliantly). But just let that sink in; this goofy, sylized, camp-fest that adopted the "saturday morning" soul has some genuinely good drama and characterization that's better than any of the other tumblr-bait floating around today.
By the way, the Starro event itself was built up in the fucking 2-minute teasers of some of the episodes leading up to it, which is a whole other bit of genius that I could talk about.
FUCK this show was good.
The best animated version of blue beetle
Best animated aquaman
The show was some good shit
Anyone have a torrent for the complete series? Only have season 1 and part of season 2.
Shame that Ushanka Batman wasn't there.
(nice digits)
Where is the "one punch?" You need the "one punch!"
That was an awesome bit of creative storytelling and it's good to someone else remember it. For a show that was pretty episodic, it was nice they were able to get a small story arc contained into intro teasers (and a nice appearance of the Challengers of the Unknown in the first Starro teaser).
Gentleman Ghost was a hawk rogue, not a Batman rogue. He was pretty well done in the show though.
I'd have loved to see Captain Nippon, the only Japanese super villain created in World War 2, appear if they were going for obscure DC bad guys (technically Fawcett when he was published).
I am really glad The Brave and the Bold was too good I tried rewatching it and it really feels good watching after forgetting some of the episodes out of my head
Tie between Superman, King of Earth episode and Batman is injured episode
Plastic Man but all characters are good
it was nice seeing in the last episode all of them, good or evil, just chilling after a great series run
Starro episode
Justice League Action is close even if it's very slightly pandering to the newer generation
Man I hate DC.
This was the main criticism for the show when it premiered. Little faggots were pissed it wasn't the DARK Batman they were used to (even though BTAS isn't nearly as gloomy as people remember).
It's ironic really, since BATB can be considered a direct descendant of the Animated Series. The idea for it was born from the "Legends of the Dark Knight" episode of New Adventures. James Tucker, BATB's producer, storyboarded the Dick Sprang sequence in that episode and that gave him an intense desire for a lighter Batman.
We're lucky we got the Sivana Family and the Monster Society.
Sivana really established himself as one of the best villains in BATB. Him fucking over Black Adam was the greatest moment in Captain Marvel's history with DC.
I really like the way Ben Jones put it in an interview. We were making the show we thought we were watching when we were kids.
I just ran into a youtube comment that perfectly sums up the reaction to this show.
Isn't there an official Jimmy Olsen drinking game somewhere?
the one where aquaman sings the rousing song of heroism
aquaman/plastic man
aquaman singing yankee doodle
Here's a complete collection if anyone hasn't got it:
Some great animation. Justice League Action is trying for the same thing across the whole DC line, so maybe DC is starting to see the camp is selling, especially since the Doomsday Clock event will probably reduce the edge factor by a lot.
Why does Catwoman have a manjaw?
You can say that again.
Because Batmite's imagination is weird. She looks fine in the series proper.
This. Imagine if the series could've gone on just a bit longer. Imagine what they could've done with the likes of the Penny Plunderer.
Sounds like your friends need a good gassing. Also, its amazing how that Batgirl promo is such a wonderful parody overall and even looks better than Beware.
I laughed my ass off to the point of rectal bleeding that day.
I'm starting to like Kamandi
will we ever see him again?
Not unless they turn him black or Mexican.
then he'll be just jungle book kid
I thought the Mad Men got him…I recall that one episode where Booster went back and trying to stop that from happening.
But… isn't there a Kamandi mini-series going on right now?
sorry, i meant on cartoons
is the Kamandi Challenge good?
I'm just starting to read the original though
We just can't have nice things. Ever.
Unlike the comics, Ted died a hero.
Fuck man, it's 2017. Have a Webm.
I actually love that nowdays, even in less serious works, Joker mooks are always portrayed as being scared shitless of him and people only hench for him if they really need the money.
This show man.
I forgot about that one. Somehow it managed to take what should have been an awful episode and made it great.
The fact that people think that a Batman/Joker team-up wouldn't be a fun and awesome idea shows how far Batman has degraded.
come on, now
Everyone brings it up during the animated music threads.
Huh, I've only just noticed this. Is that some kind of censorship thing? I heard that some movies cut a split-second before a blow lands to keep it PG-13, so I assume those white flashes are the same deal.
It's too quick to be censorship, so I'm going to say it was probably done for effect.
Pretty much this.
I thought that might be the case, but it only ever happens with punches, not kicks or throws. I can't see any reason why that would be the case aside from weird American children's television censorship laws.
You're a fucking autist.
These are cool. Got any more?
The flash makes it pop a little more. It's not censorship, as WB has let more and more things slide over the years, so a simple punch wouldn't raise an eyebrow.
I really liked that the Owlman Earth's heroes beating up the evil Justice League showed them working together (while Owlman's team didn't) without telling us they did so.
I like BTAS and all..but it didn't have this. Only the Silver Age, folks. Only the Silver Age.
Caesar should be outside though.
There's a large dose of the Bronze Age in BATB as well.
I love that episode.
It had some potential, and Batman's genius being on full display was nice, but the villains sucked ass for the most part (although I kinda liked their take on Harvey Dent as Batman's J. Jonah Jameson), the CGI was godawful and Katana had no business being in there so early. If they wanted to make a Batman & The Outsiders show (which I'd be totally down for), they should have led with that or found other ways to introduce Katana, Metamorpho, Black Lightning and Geo-Force. Keep Tara Strong's annoying brat version of Barbara Gordon the fuck away, and Man-Bat had no business being mind-controlled but otherwise a good guy. Also, "Attraction" is the single worst episode of the show, and I'm not even talking about Batman jobbing to Magpie to make Katana look good.
When they said obscure, I thought they meant guys like Anarky, Cornelius Stirk, Dr. Phosphorus, Mad Monk, Nocturna, and so on. Instead they used mostly the standard bad guys, and bastardized the obscure ones that they actually used.
BATB truly is a wonderful thing. I could do without Stirk though.
They have a hard life.
No, the show just keeps saying that he is smart. How he handled the Soultaker sword makes him the worst Batman in both intelligence and morals.
He was in the show but he was just half Joker and half Riddler. They made Professor Pyg into an eco-terrorist. It is just unpopular villains with MOs of more popular villains.
My fucking nigger, Aquaman was such a good character in the show because instead of having him be either upset over being thought of as "lame" or needlessly dramatic, he was just a jolly guy who loves fighting bad guys. People constantly forget Aquaman is able to go toe-to-toe with non-bullshit Superman.
You're damn straight. People always wanna talk about positive role models in media, Aquaman is it.
Professor Pyg shouldn't have been in the show at all. His entire shtick is being incredibly weird and disturbing. You would have to rework his character from the ground up to make him work for a cartoon, which would ultimately be pointless once kids started looking up his comic appearances. This would put him near the bottom of my list of Batman villains to use (along with rogues like Cornelius Stirk and Abattoir) since you're better off finding a different character.
But he is in the show. He's in the show because Beware the Batman didn't give a shit.
Are you honoring Platelet, Holla Forumsmrades?
Which is weird because Batman already teamed up with him.
DC always seems to have weird legal problems. I remember in an interview where they were talking about one of the Outsiders episodes. They legally couldn't use Black Lightning but no one could tell them why. So they just put him in anyways and decided they would deal with any problems when they popped up.
Good shit
Toe-to-toe? Hell, Aquaman can actually beat Supes in a fight..and that's without the magic water hand.
I remember hearing about how nobody could tell them why they couldn't use Black Lightning so they actually looked into it and found out there wasn't any legal problems at all. It was just that that DC didn't want to pay any royalties to the creator, Tony Isabella.
It's an interesting story unto itself actually. Like the part where DC started crediting the artist co-creator, Trevor von Eeden (who has never wanted credit or the royalties that come with it) so they could screw Isabella out of half his royalty check.
What a bunch of faggots
Never even noticed these two.
Wait…the first pic…is that Flex Mentallo?
Or henchwoman. Whaaat?
Nothing that says a villain can't have a henchmen ensemble, though.
Should've had a quiet Batsmirk in the first clip.
Holy shit, a Batman cartoon got the fact that Lincoln had a high-pitched voice right where so many serious productions get it wrong. I'm genuinely impressed.
You sure that is Black Lightning?
l through that is Static Shock.
Isn't Grodd supposed to be pretty articulate, though? More than any nigger?
One would think that'd be illegal.
You're talking about the same company that made Jerry Siegel agree to never state that he was the creator of Superman. They didn't do this for legal reasons. At the time, the Siegel's were in poverty and DC wanted to avoid any bad publicity should the creator of Superman die penniless in a gutter somewhere.
True story.
Considering how many times the Joker has tried to murder him (including just a moment earlier in that very scene), I think his serious demeanor is justified.
The Emperor Joker comics are actually pretty good. Give them a try.
Superman ends up outsmarting and outmaneuvering the Joker, even when he is in control of an entire dimension to himself.
What changed between him and the amoral bastards?
It changed when Jerry Robinson (co-creator of The Joker and esteemed political cartoonist) engaged in a very public campaign to get Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster credit for creating Superman just ahead of the release of the 1978 Superman movie. The campaign forced Warner to capitulate in the wake of bad publicity, restoring their creator credit in all Superman media and awarding Jerry and Joe each $20,000 a year for the rest of their lives.
Jack Liebowitz, the DC big wig who first started screwing Jerry and Joe out of royalties via Hollywood accounting, and later as publisher forcing Jerry to say he never created Superman in exchange for work, was fucking pissed as all hell when the campaign started and finally succeeded.
Wow. Go figure that a man who created the best known DC villain would be a just man.
So, was he pissed that he got caught and exposed for his technically-legal crime? Or for the very fact that those two got paid at all?
There's nothing illegal about avoiding use of something you have to pay royalties for.
I liked Udo Kier as the frog though.
Weird to see Bronze Tiger as a hero.
Jerry Robinson is the hero comics deserve.
No, really. His work on Batman tends to eclipse the fact that he was one of the biggest champions for creator rights.
The world needs more Dr. Sivana.
Just so everyone knows, Dr. Sivana was indeed that awesome in the Fawcett comics.
Sivana is always awesome…well, except the edgy Sivana from that Multiversity Captain Marvel comic.