Oy Vey
Intel Wants Us All to Abandon Local Storage and Use Their Tech as a Local Cache For the Clood
intel never again. sorry Moore.
I tried to warn you. Why didn't you listen? It's too late now.
You don't need Optaine for that, diversity hires must e behind this """innovation""".
And then, just like Microdick tried to push its shitty SpyBotnet10 onto people, making them entrench themselves into using Windows 7/8, or switching to Linux, this will just make people steer away from intel FURTHER.
I'm completely ok with this
What a coincidence, Google is doing the same thing with their diversity language Go. Trying to move all storage, and by consequence data, out of the user's ownership.
I somehow feel like that wouldn't be very viable with Burgerland infrastructure. I don't care where you stand on NN--I know for one of you idiots, that's going to be your kneejerk reaction, but I assure you that's a totally irrelevant issue--American infrastructure just sucks.
I don't mind server-computering as long as I own the server.
That is not what Go is designed to do, you're fucking retarded.
this doesn't even make sense, storage is getting smaller and faster why put it in some server some where.
I want to believe it's a jewish trick but I have to concede that it's simply San Fran retardation.
Can't let the goyim own anything.
Upspin is designed to do THAT specifically. Upspin is written in Go. Go is Google's diversity language. Therefore Google is using their diveristy language to do THAT.
A quote, from Rob Pike's Upspin manifesto:
You don't own your data any more. One argument is that companies own it,but from a strict user perspective, your "apps" own it. Each item you use inthe modern mobile world is coupled to the program that manipulates it. YourTwitter, Facebook, or Google+ program is the only way to access thecorresponding feed. Sometimes the boundary is softened within a company—photos in Google+ are available in other Google products—but that is theexception that proves the rule. You don't control your data, the programs do.
Digital fiefdom.
If you are a slave of google like him, sure. I use none of those disservices.
Charge rent for every access. Collect profitable data
The shift happened when smartphones became a thing. YOU stopped being the target market for "computers", and normalfags took your place. It's very curious to go back and look at relatively simple things like mp3 players. They were huge, they were popular, everyone had one, and every year new ones came out with ever better sound interfaces and larger storage. We had 160GB iPods and 250GB knockoffs. Then the iPhone happened and that dropped like a fucking rock. 8GB and 16GB was it. You really shelled out for the ultra premium 32GB version. The fact that a 64GB version of ANYTHING exists feels like a begrudging yield on their part.
Normalfags don't own music. They don't have CD's or vast collections stored on their hard drives. They listen to Spotify (with commercials). They watch YouTube (with commercials). They take photos directly to instagram and facebook without ever even having them land on the phone's storage. They use Google Docs for school papers, and Google Drive for collaboration. These fucking animals really truly and honestly do not have one god damn use for local storage becuase they really don't own anything. If not for all of the video games they rent on Steam they wouldn't even have disks in their computers, but fuck me if they even play them since they'd rather watch someone else stream it instead.
I dislike DRM, but I think streaming media someone else created is not objectable in itself.
Now, uploading every piece of you data you have and create to cloud providers by default, that's a huge issue, but I don't know how to steer people away from that.
It's too convenient to go away, too profitable for companies, and too powerful for anyone with access to the data.
How hard would it be to install GNU/Linux with this? How would you make a new partition? Do you just get one partition and you would have to somehow overwrite Windows(tm) with GNU/Linux hoping that it won't crash in the process of doing so?
USB will not die quickly, idiot. PCIe will not die either.
of course it makes sense:
-if files of all people are in cloud, all illegal or uneasy files documents videos can be removed from all users easily. new level of censorship. no more whistleblowing or "dangerous" viral videos
-if files of all people are in cloud, the cloud owner owns those people and can block their files and ask thousands of dollars to give access back
-if files are in cloud, you cannot have proper encryption
For what purpose?
Lol I fucking WISH I could get HDD tier upload speeds.
>all local storage
I get 50MB/s max upload which is flash drive-tier speeds
You're supposed to consume, goy.
Intel wants whatever pays their bills. They're hoping for more investor money by coming up with creative ideas. Just don't buy their botnet shit.
The iPhag had nothing to do with it. It's the rise of affordable (in reasonable quantities) flash storage causing people to realize how utterly shit mechanical HDDs are for any device that's not fixed in place while it's working.
Normalfags. Not even once.
This is exactly why I keep all my hentai personal data on a harddrive that I only access with a machine that has no connection to the internet. You know that (((intel))) will upload anything you do to their servers for (((performance analysis)))
*encrypts data locally*
*uploads 5 TB to the cloud*
whatcha gonna do now, jew boi?
suddenly everyone forgot turbo memory and Intel's tricks from 9 years ago, wow. koi fish attention span technology enthusiasts
The government themselves rely on encryption so it's going to be a fucking feild day for law makers to draft regulations against encryption without potentially self-destructive vague wording.
mechanical hdd's were never a problem for the ipod. You are full of shit.
Intel is going to shut up and beg like a good little bitch if it wants me to even consider its shitty NVMe sticks over the Samsung ones going into my next Zen machine.
What if I told all of you that Optane was designed only for this reason and that they’ve had the technology to make an all in one SSD/RAM replacement for a long time but it will never happen because it isn’t profitable or make it easier to spy on people.
Do SSDs have the read/write lifespan to justify sticking them in a RAM slot?
Yes. You might need to restrict the RAM size. IIRC with modern drives you could overwrite the whole drive every single day and it would still be under warranty over a year later.
I can see those 300M$ have been bearing their fruit
RAM is overwritten thousands of times a day. SSD lifetime writes are measured in the thousands. This isn't adding up unless something significant has changed.
They are actually in the hundreds of thousands.
400 / 0.5 = 8000 writes.
(1200*1000*1000*1000*1000)/(8*1024*1024*1024) = 139698
assuming an 8GiB ramdisk
Are you ok? WTF do those numbers mean?
Let's try the next one down:
800 terabits written over a 1 terabit drive is 800 writes, assuming it is evenly written, but who knows what these marketers are thinking.
holy shit I hate that piece of shit.
I will never buy another Intel product and will mock any tard dumb enough to themselves. Enough already.
This news isn’t surprising though, think about how problematic data can leak out, if everything is locked into their supercloud then it can be sanitized for our safety continuously.
1200 TerraBytes divided by 8 GibiBytes
Go write to your mom's SSD a thousand times, kid.
Ok, it is terabytes. I made a mistake. The result is still the same. Tell your tulpas to lay off the psychic harassment, would ya? I'm trying to enjoy my weekend.
my point being that local storage cannot be removed even with thin clients due to the fact that computers are multipurpose
Intel simply can't win
If those jews desire almighty control over content, they should have invested in television programming
CPU as a Service.
That's a nice future to look forward to.
Then they will make computers singlepurpose. They could decide to make every single new computer a Chromebook and there's nothing you could to do stop them.
There's always old hardware, and I'm sure free hardware and competing standards will become increasingly more common. Normalfags made their bed, they can lie in it.
Might as well buy this intel shit
Stop being an idiot.
good luck convincing the population
"The population" doesn't have a strong opinion about local storage versus locally cached remote storage. The best you're going to get out of most people is a preference for things that work, because there are a lot of important things in the world, and any one person can only care about a limited number of them at a time.
If it benefits them and they can get it to perform reasonably well they can make it work.
And how exactly are you going to do that if the only local storage are a few MB of buffer?
You can encrypt as you upload.
Gee I don't know how are cellular data streams encrypted?
It was clear for years where this is going. In ten years from now IME will load UEFI which will initialize a 5G radio and IPv6 and boot straight to botnet.
You know, for the (((PROGRESS))) and being (((MODERN))).
maybe it's time to kill them, to protect technology and world?
how will you do that with zero local storage and having Certified Backdoored Intel CPU and Management Engine?
I made a rough prediction about this three years ago, and it looks like it's about to come true. At the time I thought google was hoping to use the chromebook, fiber and etc, as a means to replace local storage with services, but it seems that they aren't the only ones. There are many reasons why companies want this. In the future large server farms could be used for serving software and data, which would make it much easier to license and regulate the distribution of software and other IP material as they see fit. You can't pirate what you don't have local access to. This could change the business model for software companies massively, and normies will eat it up. The fact that all your information will be conveniently stored in a central database is really just the cream on top for the government, and I don't doubt that they want in on this.
Does anyone remember the thread I posted here? I had forgotten about it and I wish I had archived it. I went to lainchan because they were more interested, but ultimately that site is a wasteland now. We were going to make a dystopian cyberpunk project, but only a couple people really followed through. We did make some graphics and concept art though.
Think of this as an opportunity for something to replace Intel and x86.
This whole Upspin/cloud storage thing is a good idea in theory. It's 2018 and we're still carrying around flashdrives and emailing ourselves files. But I would only ever use cloud storage if I could run a server myself or could easily switch between servers. If cloud storage were monopolized by one company, I wouldn't be able to trust them not to play fast and loose with it.
Upspin is poisoned by default because it relies on a central key server owned and operated by Google.
how is the cache drive even economically feasible without melting/requiring insane cooling/requiring too much power?
swapping/storing on network is the slowest thing you can do but i guess intel engineers have never even heard of cache locality in their lives. theres DRAM and a SSD but how much will they pay for in the final product with that expensive cache drive?
there are 5400RPM drives with shit cache sold on the market still, intel is probably being dishonest here and comparing to it to the worst thing you can get.
cellular internet is not practical for desktop/laptop users unless you're willing to accept the absolutely shit terms/rates/caps you get from cellular ISPs these days. unless intel becomes a ISP they cannot change the fact that people will get 5mbps down/1mbps up from shitty providers plus a 1GB cap.
Speak for yourself you disgusting normalfag
It's not just that.
I know this sounds like supreme conspiracy theory shit, and I cringe writing this, but :
How do driverless cars fit into all this?
It's kind of like 'the cloud', oh it's practical and everything, but one day people who can actually drive themselves or find a non-driverless vehicle will be a minority.
What the fuck? Why?
No, I would agree with you. Actually strangely enough, that sort of tangentially works it's way into the short story that we wrote. It's 1998AD, up here if you want to read it:
The final prediction
OK, I'll do mine.
Look in the other direction through history. Humans have been moving toward a borg-like superorganisim since we stopped being hunter-gatherers.
Kingdoms>countries>nations>continental unions>?
Technology has been following a very similar march. We're becoming a single entity.
Yup, we're parts in conscious entitites akin to the ant state in Gödel, Escher, Bach
The issue with Intel's engineers is that they all live in big, metropolitan areas and have great incomes while the majority of the USworld does not. They're out of touch with the real situation.
It’s time for /tech to start its own memewar! I’ve never seen us all united in a rage against an enemy like this...
We have to save society from this evil!
And how long have you been here exactly
Have you ever heard of Microsoft?
So it's a multi-media performance art LARP where we make a bunch of media that gets people thinking about the dystopian future they'll soon be living in? Sounds kind of fun, we'd have to go beyond just memes though; you could do like a vlog series where you act as a cyber-criminal on the run or something.
Althou I can't argue with your logic concluded form current events, I'll just add that there's also a Tower of Babel myth. And this myth can be applied to many small scale tech, or tech-related things that happened in the past.
The overcomplication of the entire tech sector combined with economics and social aspect can and already is bringing the need for AI. The problem with AI is - we can't really predict the outcome, thus - we can't plan and strategize in the future. And in the outcome - we can't control anything. This brings so many high-level problems, it just makes my head hot.
The funniest, most ridicule and twisted scenario for me would be, if by necessity we create an AI which destroys all tech, including itself, after finding that those are real threats to survival of human species. Sending us back in middle ages filled with wars, barbarism and sexual selection based on good and strong genotype.
when google recruits uncle teddy
very much doubt this kid even existed when Windows XP Reduced Media Edition was a thing
polite sage for off topic
The key is to not be in the shadow of Babel as it collapses. That's all anyone can do at this point. Let the Jews, spics, and nigs take the suicidal retards, and prepare to make mad cash when they destroy themselves and their businesses. This trash only seems dire because sane people must keep their thoughts hidden.
Looks like the guy claiming windows will stop being distributed as versions and be a service you subscribe to was right.
Fuck intel, and fuck microsoft.
Man, I never even considered the OS implications of this. The entire OS could be part of that service that gets streamed down under this scenario.
All the "geeks" and "techies" were just tools and useful idiots who helped the corporations and goverments to popularize and spread computing and society's depencence on it. They thought they will always have more power over tech than normies, but that difference is quickly diminishing, and in the end they will be slaves to the botnet all the same and just as powerless to it as the normies.
Not accurate
Probably similar to what >866823 said. All the "computer" is is some "management engine", UEFI, 5G radio with an IPv6 stack, a basic I/O (touchscreen/camera/speakers/microphone, possible the last three will all be integrated into the touchscreen somehow eventually), everything on a single SoC chip. ME/UEFI initializes the I/O and the 5G/IPv6 and boot off botnet is the only way for the device to do anything useful.
Bring back the glory days of DOS/Win98SE/WinXP. Since 2007 everything started going to shit
(((They))) see the PC as a mistake now that the rapid upgrade cycle game of the 90s and 00's is over. Systems have mostly plateaued and don't need to buy new hardware and software to do the things they want to do. What office task can't you do with MS Office2003? What does Windows10 do that 7 cant?
Now we are going back to the timeshare model.Computer processing as a subscription.You wont own own any software.
The dumb terminal turned in to your smartphone.
The MAINFRAME is "the cloud".
You will be billed for use and none of your data is local.
Embrace the future anons
computers/datacenters/interwebs no more
1925-1954 - age of computing pioneers
1955-1984 - age of the mainframe and the terminal
1985-2014 - age of the personal computer and free internet
2012-2044 - age of the cloud and smartphone
2045 - muh technological singularity
*2015, duh
So the purpose of snackbarbarianism is to prevent tech singularity?
I've been giving this the tiniest bit of thought lately. Once we reach the low estimates on when the singularity is supposed to be reached, say 10 to 5 years out, we're going to see an influx of "re-imagining the singularity" articles being spewed out from various tech journals and we're sooooooooo nerdy publications.
It was never about trying to create the machine god that would organize our lives, they'll say. That it was never about struggling to bypass the number of operations per-second that an earthworm's brain is capable of churning out with silicon, they'll say. It wouldn't have even been about somehow using electronics so that all of humanity may enjoy some sort of blabbity-blah upper middle class lifestyle. They'll wash their hands of ever having played it up, like all those space age future cars with sleek bodies and arch covers. It was just a concept.
For at least a few years before everything collapses around us back to the levels of shit and piss surrounding the conflict mineral mines that were used to start making our fancy gadgets the headlines will read something like "How To Stand In 'Singularity' With All Of Humankind During These Difficult Times" or "How You Can Donate Your Patriot Shekels that we'll embezzle 9/10th of To The Starving In Shithole Over Apple-Wire" or "No Fresh Water? Urine Yields One Weird Little Health Benefit"
The main concern is upload bandwidth. I'd never go along with that because I record videos and host a small game server for an old fps game. I simply don't have the bandwidth to support both at the same time.
The 2045 figure for the technological singularity is Ray Kurzweil's prediction. However, it fits surprisingly well with the concept of "computing age" eras of roughly 30 years, with major changes of paradigms happening in the 1950s (from random and dispersed pioneering efforts to an established mainframe-terminal model), 1980s (change from the former to a model based on personal computers and a free internet), and 2010s (change from the former which gave maximum freeedom to the average user back to a centrally controlled model with end nodes being mostly passive computation-wise, only this time in the form of "smart" (the irony!) devices and IoT appliances, with "the cloud" being a reincarnation of the old mainframe, only in globalized form).
Based on those past experience, the 2040s are to be expected to bring forth another great change in the way computing shapes our civilization - it remains to be seen whether it will indeed be the "singularity" prophecized by the likes of Kurzweil and other "transhumanists", or something else entirely.
Thanks for the information.
Why do you think I collect floppies?
I hope this happens and then eventually some autist just makes a self-aware AI modeled after his waifu in his garage.
Didn't you guys read the news?
Le "5G" networks are supposed to lower the latency down to 1 nanosecond (questionable, between what and what exactly, the user's device and tower or remote server?) and "bring near-perfect timing response for cloud-run software applications". It all also comes with handy features like spatial positioning with 0,1 cubic meter accuracy.
My biggest disappointment would be is that if all this "radio-wave induced cancer" thing would turn out to be true given the mass scale of adoption, then we won't be having community-run free wireless distributed mesh networks either, exactly because of that.
This is like saying that nobody is allowed to own any books anymore and is only allowed to access and read them via a library in a strictly controlled manner.
First forcing a transition to making all kinds of data (text, images, music and other audio, videos, whatever) digital files on computers ("get rid of all those paper books, photos, analog music and video recordings, it's $CURRENTYEAR!") and subsequently taking them away and making them impossible to store locally... it's hard to come up with a proper term for such a move.
You don't need to force it. People willingly and totally by themselves will quit books in favor of e-readers with regulated content.
The future is looking bright.
It would have to violate the laws of physics to be that low, unless the devices are around 20-25 centimeters apart. Light in a vacuum takes about 3 nanoseconds to travel one meter. That's not even factoring how long it takes for data to be processed.
That's why local storage will still be required for any time-sensitive operations, especially for things like AI. That's why there's a push to make certain machine learning tasks local end and likely use the cloud to "enhance" device functionality instead.
It would be more useful for Intel to consolidate processing, memory and storage into one chip design and have it function as an IoT node to contribute as part of the distributed cloud itself. Then they'd be utilizing the sum of every device connected to the internet as one global distributed cloud network to do as they please. In that case it wouldn't matter if it's "locally" stored or not, as all hardware itself would be made to function as a open cloud component at its core.
So an APU with on-package NAND?
Or NVRAM even
Why do you date 2014 as the end of free internet? You would be better off saying there were never free internet, at least not after mass spread of internet and patriot act.
I've completely fucked up, that was 1 millisecond.
what are you talking about? that WAS the nightmare. at least some other OSes at the time weren't falling apart as soon as you booted them up and had filesystems that were actually decent.
Walled-in gardens and widespread lock-in by a few giant websites/services accessed predominantly via dedicated "apps" don't have much in common with the wild frontier the internet once was.
Whew, ok buddy, if you say so.
7 was the savior not vista you dumdum
7 was no "saviour". It was just Vista SP3. Most of what was botched in Vista was botched in 7 as well. It's just that by the time 7 came around new hardware was better supporting NT6.x, 7 had better driver support, users grew accustomed to what changed between NT5 and NT6, Microsoft learned from the Vista debacle and supported 7 with a much better PR campaing, etc. etc. Oh, and 7's blue colours were much more attractive than Vista's sickly black-green-yellow. That's about it.
All i see is better code in the newer version.
Based Microsoft.
Intel didn't start the "everything should be 100% cloud" mania. They're just trying to shill some of their shitty no-good hardware into the process hoping to become a part of it too.
you are not ever going to convince the population to give up all their data into some place they have no control of, its never going to happen, it doesnt make anything better and it doesnt help anyone in any way technically, introducing servers into every day things that dont need them is as counterproductive as it gets
cloud only works if theres technical reason why it makes something more convenient, most of the time there isnt
bait or just retarded?
normies eat up cloudshit like crazy
These fucking niggers have nerve thinking that anyone would trust them MORE.
This. The "I'm not doing anything wrong I have nothing to hide" type niggerbrains are AIDS trash that would die out of the gene pool but we're not supposed to have a conversation about eugenics and genocide for some reason.
Looking at their "no local storage" policy, it seems like they plan to surgically remove the parts of your brain that hold memories. That's very sensible actually, that way you won't have to worry about infringing on their patents and copyrights and illegal memories can be immediately deleted and replaced with a history of legal memories. Very sensible.
The thing about 5G is that when everyone adopts it, we'll all have high-speed internet on the go, but most of us will die from EMF poisoning, brain cancer and the like. Invest in lead.
"Bank of England wants to stop issuing silver and gold coins, and switch to paper promisory notes valued the same amount, allowing the bank to charge money every time you want to see your gold..."
It's basically the same concept, intel wants to charge you for bandwidth (AT&T gives them a cut) every time you want to see that picture of yourself having fun twenty years ago when fun was allowed while at the same time selling your entire life story to advertisers. It's worth a fucktone more money to Intel than just selling you silicon.
Anyway the cloud is dead because not everyone has access to the internet, and internet speeds are shit and overpriced as is, only absolute troglodytes would fall for such an obvious scam.
Does this mean harddrives won't be sold to the public anymore in 10 years?
Maybe, but that'll probably be because spinning rust would fall out of favor in the consumer market for ssd's.
time to rape some normalfags, i guess.
dont they do that in china now?
you mean silicon valley companies?
they are literally shoveling shit at normies thats why its even in use, and gets immideatly replaced when any company with local solution comes around
Big portals only iirc, it's not enforced much otherwise for now.
In Korea however...
Well, it did make UAC much less intrusive than in Vista and significantly improved compatibility with older programs. Two worst gripes people had with Vista. It was also leaner and more usable on underpowered hardware if you turned off desktop compositing. Yes, it should have been offered as a free service pack for Vista suckers users.
I don't expect them to remain competitive in 5 years tbh. SSDs are getting larger and cheaper by the year. HDDs - not so much.
Have the Management Engine steal and upload 32 bytes of your encryption key instead of 5TB of data.
You'll be the one saddled with the burden of proof though.
It's not really that hard to make laws apply only to goyim. Belarus does that already, btw.
Except delays when seeking and random dropouts when playing while shaking the device (say running with it). And of course reduced service life if using it this way often. No thanks.
They can't be used like normal RAM, but it does make sense to use the DDRx interface to utilise its high bandwidth and low latency. You need an OS kernel capable of recognising and properly using flash-based DDR sticks to extract good performance and prevent their premature breakage.
Yeah, like that will happen.
The future is NOT now. You don't have the RAM to handle it.
All too true.
My sides are gone, user.
Your description is absolutely wonderful and conveys my thoughts exactly.
I'm okay with that.
banner-worthy post
Well, it was M$'s first serious attempt to design the OS right from the security standpoint. Which is ridiculously hard to do when you have to maintain compatibility with apps written for the security clusterfuck that was earlier Windows versions. Given those constraints, Vista was actually a quite amazing feat of engineering.
Intel bought up the promising zero client companies. Your "computer" won't even be a computer, it'll be a custom ASIC implementing VNC in hardware.
It's as if you've never met a normalfag in your life.
I'm thinking something more experimental like using a neuromorphic chip architecture. Considering the growing interest in AI such an architecture will be essential for practical applications on device. Since its pretty much a hardware neural network, it would have to be capable of processing and memorizing data on chip.
The reason I think this is where Intel is really heading is because Intel has already developed a neuromophic chip code-named Loihi. So it would make sense for them to figure out how to make it function like an AI with OS functionality, scale it up by orders of magnitude and ultimately experiment with a cloud scalable AI. Though right now this chip is merely an research prototype that universities are able to experiment with. So this is more a long term goal most likely.
I used a cloud today
does that make me a bad man?
Cyber FED
OK, let's assume we're back to year 2000, with the last Windows version which took the user completely seriously (Windows 2000) and the last non-gimmick Intel CPU line (Pentium III). How can whatever has gone wrong be prevented? How should the PC platfom evolve (in contrast to how it has, leading us to where we arrived in 2018)?
you're dealing with people do retarded they actually use gentoo, slackware, void and arch unironically
What would be wrong with these (Arch is systemd, but the rest)?
You wanna play pretend?
I guess these sensors transmit data by analog.
I'm afraid it's more like 2040 or something. If it was 2070 many of us wouldn't live to witness (suffer) it, but unfortunately we probably will due to this sort of scenario looming much closer on the horizon.
Sure, go ahead. First problems to tackle would probably be avoiding the retardedness in Pentium 4 and XP.
“I think if we had the chance, we would end it very quickly, Just casually walking on the streets of San francisco, coming back from the gay bar. Going back to his flat and he is casually poked by a passerby. He thinks nothing of it at the time starts to feel a little woozy and thinks it’s a parasite from the local gay bar. He goes home very innocently and next thing you know he dies in the shower.”
Maybe you are fucking stupid.
They certainly are, but if he would want genocide them all, mabye I would end up killed too. I'm not a programmer, I don't wanna be one, but still care about privacy and stand by my principles.
MOAR! keep on ranting man
(((They))) need our data and feelings, because they're incapable of experiencing their own. Through harvesting normalfags' emotions and daily life stories they want to enable themselves to be part of this game of human life which is playing out on this planet which won't succeed for them though.
Always remember: All the so called "bad" in this world only serves the purpose that each and every one can actively choose to not be part of it. It's by design that (((they))) will always leave some little "holes" that you can escape through to not be part of the system. That you won't take part in normalfags daily life then is another side of the story but you always have a choice.
you could start by making them not retarded enough to listen to music over retarded "streaming" mediums
better start buying hdds while its still possible then.
they could do something like mediatek does so you cant install custom roms on your phone.
They can't get more blatant than that.
How long an AES key is, you homosexual retard?
Gas every normalfag trying to worm his way into management. Only techies need apply.
this is now a HGST shill thread
hack of COMPUTING components, like an actual terminal to use.
You virtually can't hack if you don't have hardware - although conceivably you could by just manipulating sensor input physically and trying to execute commands like that, it's not like you wouldn't be caught immediately.
The worst part is that ebooks didn't have to be cancer. They COULD have been an improvement over dead tree format, were it not for the judaism of the publishers.
Bigots >>>/out/ >>>Holla Forums >>>/suicide/
Holla Forums, that's never going to work. I'm not take advice from someone so afraid of opposing views they had to create a leftist safespace on a fucking imageboard.
Rob Pike was a mistake.
Your second paragraph about normal fags is far too true, user. The eternal normalfag truly has no real sentience.
Oh I have an idea!
What if The L2 Cache was in the cloud.
Imagine that a lot of people are doing the same command over and over again, that way less computing power is needed since the result is already made by someone else.
how about this
nothing in the could and use local hardware
as much as possible
requires zero effort because its already there
everything is faster than cloud
solved most performance issues with this alone
But that'd go against the plan of creating the Botnet of Everything.
More like: Botnet Of Things NETwork = BOTNET.
Hi /r/technology
"Ring -3 rootkit" should redirect to the ME article and not to the AMT one. ME sits most deep, AMT is just software that runs on top of it (non-vPro systems don't even have the large ME firmware that includes AMT, but they still have ME).
normalfags will eat this shit up sooner or later
the future is going to be fucking awful
Insecure faggot shitposters like you are exactly what we don't need on this board. How about you tell us what great distro you use? You won't because your scared of being made fun of.
For the record, I use Gentoo, but the very idea that the distro a person uses can be the object of ridicule/praise is kind of hilarious. These /g/-tier distro epeen stroking threads are just so absurd and pathetic. Don't you two ever step back a think, "Hey, this is kind of a stupid thing to argue over"? Because it is.
Bump, why would anybody fall for this trick?
I'll be pursuing this line of thought. Thank you user.
Someone I know thinks we're doomed as a species to cycles of growth and decay, and he can't seem to conceptualize a successful future humanity that even manages to branch out to our own solar system. With the scenarios some anons are presenting, I would rather my friend be right than live in the dystopias we and the corps keep dreaming up. I hope you're right and people massively lose faith in technology (specifically high-end electronics and software) and maybe give ourselves time to unfuck our cultures before we mutate into something even more wretched than we already are.
It's always the young generation who is excited about whatever is "new and shiny" and who willingly accepts it. Have you heard teens or even early twens go around complaining about how tech has gone and is going to shit? No, and if, it's an irrelevant minority. The overwhelming majority will accept everything which is served to them by the corporations, they're even proud of rejecting "old shit stuff" with the "new and shiny" things. Back in the 90s there were older people who saying that computers will lead to no good, but do you think that the youth listened to them? Heck no, literally every young person loved computers, loved mobile phones, loved the internet, whatever was new was exciting to them. To today's youth those 90s or even 00s tech is ancient shit which they eagerly believe must be disposed of and replaced with whatever is carefully posed to them as "current" right now. They embrace "social media", chiclet keyboards, stream services as a replacement of buying shit on CDs/DVDs etc., smartphones as a replacement for a personal computer, cameras and microphones everywhere, zero privacy, shitty mainstream operating systems who control the user rather than the other way around, stuffing internet connectivity into everything, and so on and so forth. To them all this is normal and they will fight to defend it and will actively help to kill off what once was. Not every single one of them, but the overwhelming majority, and that's more than enough for those conditioning them to achieve their goals.
The promise of convenience and capability sold at the gradual cost of everything else would sum up the whole situation.
It's always the young generation who is excited about whatever is "new and shiny" and who willingly accepts it. Have you heard teens or even early twens go around complaining about how tech has gone and is going to shit? No, and if, it's an irrelevant minority. The overwhelming majority will accept everything which is served to them by the corporations, they're even proud of rejecting "old shit stuff" with the "new and shiny" things. Back in the 90s there were older people who saying that computers will lead to no good because they said so, but do you think that the youth listened to them? Heck no, literally every young person loved affordable and cheap computers, loved PDAs, loved the internet, whatever was new was exciting to them. To today's youth those 90s or even 00s tech is ancient shit which they eagerly believe must be disposed of and replaced with whatever is carefully posed to them as "current" right now. They embrace "anonymous imageboards" over real-name identity Usenet and BBS systems, tactile mechanical keyboards, bittorrent as a replacement of buying shit on CDs/DVDs etc., Coreboot laptops with audited boot as a replacement for a personal computer with Clipper chip and backdoored cryptography, cameras and microphones everywhere, so there is less chance for police to frame you for what you didn't do, more privacy, shitty mainstream operating systems that actually don't BSOD every week or so, stuffing internet connectivity into everything without having to pay $500 for 28 kilobaud modem, and so on and so forth. To them all this is normal and they will fight to defend it and will actively help to kill off what once was. Not every single one of them, but the overwhelming majority, and that's more than enough for those conditioning them to achieve their goals.
Have you never heard a kid say that they were "born in the wrong generation"?
He's probably one of them XD
A millennial born in early 90's calling himself not-millennial.
Current date:
Sun Sep 8937 01:06:46 PST 1993
Because normalfags are retards that need to be gased.