TBH I wouldn't be surprised to find them getting some of their funding and/or marching orders from a Soros owned company. It'd explain their kosher ideals.
Ryder Phillips
Gavin Carter
Either you're being paid to do this, or your life is unbelievably pathetic.
Oliver Allen
Let's see what spicy Jew TRShill lies this thread will bring us to see. Or are they ready to apologize? :^))))))))))))))
Liam Cooper
Says the shill, ironic isn't it? How do you like the taste of Mr Bulbasaur's Rectum?
Gavin Bailey
you need to leave.
Sebastian Brown
I posted this in another thread but despite TRS deserving some shit for what they've done I'm pretty sure third parties are trying to make this whole thing worse. We don't need 12 threads to know that TRS are annoying fags.
Isaiah Harris
Hey blame me for it, I told him to make it. OP dindu nuffin.
Connor Young
woops made a dupe anyway TRSodomites you had your forum back up back up but you had to continue to shitpost here huh
Josiah Butler
TRS starting to grasp that we can do this far longer than they can.
Jackson White
Why do certain people keep mentioning pegglecrew? This is about Holla Forums not your peggedcrew bullshit. TRS has to apologize to Holla Forums not a bunch of scriptkiddies, and if you can't stop namefagging then you need to go back to reddit.
Ego posters are the issue in the first place.
Jose Diaz
Connor Bennett
fuck off, we have to stay alert. TRS will never be welcome here until they start naming jews and give up dicksucking.
Nathan Rivera
Mason Young
I also didn't really want to be dragged into it, but if they spam their shit opinions again and are legit I'll have to oblige and reply back. Saging to show good intention.
Andrew Martinez
18th post for those ebil 1488ers
Gabriel Edwards
There's no need to repeat yourself, son.
Asher Bell
I know, they need to get their asses kicked but the third parties are a problem.
Wyatt Parker
I eat salt for breakfast.
Benjamin Bennett
Daily reminder to TRS
You're cancerous faggots at best, outright kosher controlled opposition at worst. You were never our friends, we were never on the same side, we never will be. But we weren't going to do anything to you as long as you left us alone and stayed in your AIDS bog.
So of course you decided it would be a good idea to try overthrowing Holla Forums and turning it TRS: Imageboard Edition. You could have prevented this but it's too late now. This is the future you chose.
Bentley Ortiz
Things TRS would rather do than humble their egos and simply apologize:
>Try to get our mods overthrown for the 300th time and fail like every other Holla Forums attempt
All rather than take the ego hit of admitting they were wrong and kindly requesting that their userbase leave us the fuck alone.
Asher Cruz
Truly our greatest ally.
Kayden White
who is doing the DDoS? their forum is back up again
Andrew Morales
Screencap from this morning.
Hudson Myers
Mod for /trs/ here, you couldn't he more right. However, at the same time they could have mitigated this by apologizing and promising not to shill anymore. Namesfags gonna namefag
Wyatt Powell
Do you like to eat Mr Bulbasaur's ass, shill?
Hey Dox user could you drop the dox?
Jace Flores
Chill m8, he's not going anywhere
Josiah Powell
Evan Gonzalez
Anyone falling for this psy-op is a retard. These cancerous threads are sucking the life out of the board.
Levi Flores
this, I'm curious what his real name is.
Sebastian Martinez
Pegglecrew is the one DDonging the site, lad.
Because they're pissed-off Holla Forumsacks
Gabriel Hernandez
My friend on irc, but he's asleep atm and should be awake l8r
Jason Reyes
Holla Forums STRONK
They think they can "colonize" us.
Logan Jones
TRS names the Jew and has nothing to do with homos.
This anti-TRS thread is a typical Jewish operation to cause D&C. They don't want the TRS subject to die so they keep bring it up and creating threads for a site that is "insignificant" and "not relevant."
If you're anti-trs, you're anti-white.
Matthew Roberts
yeah TRS really fucked up big time falling for that and coming here to spam us
Chase Fisher
We're just having fun, relax.
Juan Robinson
GAME ON TRS post ancient memes
Gabriel Bell
sage negated
Parker Robinson
Lel, gtfo.
Ryder Wood
You can't divide that which was never united.
Noah Young
This is 10th thread you've identified yourself as board owner /trs/ now a mod, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT, You dont give your opinion any + points. stop namefagging you fucking nigger. you clearly are not from here, you guys are not from chans.
Jason Murphy
These threads are legitimate D&C. Keep fighting each other instead of the jews.
Parker Harris
Divide what, exactly?
Evan Ward
Honestly I don't think it'd be bad to let it die for now. The message was definitely sent. That said, it is a slow day so do what you want
Brayden Rogers
Xavier Nguyen
Jaxon Myers
Your forum is up temporarily now, go ahead and head back for a little.
Wyatt Rivera
I have a mod helping me.
Ryan Wright
your rhetoric does not work here lad, different social conditions
Aiden Campbell
That's on the false pretense that TRS and Holla Forums were ever internet butt buddies. Sven openly declared war faggot. They drew first blood.
Adrian Cox
The hosts of the podcasts name the jews almost every episode and being found out to be a faggot is a bannable offense on their forum. Hazzard McRee was the one using the VPN to shill here, and he got banned for it. He also posted monster girl porn.
Isaiah Russell
Brayden Ward
/pol. is not alt-right so how is any of this d&c when we fucked with cuckservatives was that d&c??????
also someone post the facebook leaks that spic did so we can start compiling
Dylan Ward
I just want you faggots to stop shitting up my board. Go back to IronLARP.
Nolan Garcia
That's absolute bullshit, one of us anons was b& for revealing that TDS has a poz pig for an intern
Oliver Miller
A miniscule one in any case. At least I know what the third parties look like, effortless low energy little shits without any argument. I actually filtered them so they didn't have to bother me. But the legit ones are here too. That's who I'm talking about, like:
Division is a good thing if we are to separate ourselves from the demented trash you call "allies". If your mods truly cared about our unity, they'd have banned those trash long ago.
Sebastian Long
Nobody gives a fuck about what some 40 year old alcoholic says or does. We're not your fucking personal army.
Camden James
Great. That's excellent. So what's stopping you from giving and apology and telling your users to stop shilling us?
David Adams
wew faggot
Nolan Davis
Grayson Edwards
There are a couple decent podcasts on there. TDS is not one of them.
Camden Campbell
Jacob Richardson
ask me how I know you're not an user
Wyatt Moore
He runs your precious forum and tells you what to do and how to act.
Jackson Foster
Nigger that's TRS talk.
Zachary Gonzalez
Dylan Gomez
Yet you praise based milo and promote jewish nationalism. kill yourself with somalian nigger semen intravenous injections you fucking aidsridden steppe hiking mongoloid
Daniel Peterson
One thing that really rustles my jimmies about all this, and forgive me for coming off as a cultmarx, is how TRS appropriates chan vernacular and dialect as their own on their site and in their forums, then turns around and shits on the chans.
Josiah Morris
looks like the TRSodomites cant help themselves again
Carson Perez
How long until Sven comes in this thread and asks us to stop?
Ayden Reyes
Who the fuck designed the "officially" alt-right logo? It looks gay as fuck and made by a hs kid.
Matthew Diaz
you use that word, but you don't seem to know what it means
Joshua Davis
As soon as he fucking apologizes
Grayson Davis
Says the guy who gets his marching orders from a non-white muslim. You're anarchists. You just like breaking shit. If society magically become NS you'd go full commie.
Asher Brooks
It's more less teaching the fucks a lesson and applying pressure until they yield and apologize. They DDoSed fullchan and shill and try to subvert Holla Forums 24/7
Brody Reed
Jackson Hughes
The word he's looking for is SHILLING
Dominic Perry
An ego is a helluva drug.
Aaron Rogers
Andrew Young
What? They invented those terms. They also invented echoes, white nationalism and even Hilter used TRS!
Bentley Long
Jason Lopez
That thing that TRS has been doing for months now?
Jose Richardson
We aren't from ironmarch you dumb coon lol
Alexander Watson
The users have been told to stop by Sven, but as you can see, some of them are still at it because their jimmies got rustled. I'm sorry this whole thing got started by people that hate both of our sites. It's sad, really, I though Holla Forums could smell ruses better than this.
Thomas Myers
Why an apology is necessary:
Ego, man. That's all it is. And maybe a bit of goon agitation.
Elijah Scott
yeah I think thats the plan. the TRShills are lulzcows at this point and making every thread a laugh
Jaxson Rivera
Why the fuck are you responding to someone who isn't even talking to you? Are you a TRS shill?
Yes of course you are.
John Lee
Have we gotten an apology? I admit I have not seen Sven telling his users to knock it off.
Alexander Morales
To all TRS faggots: Resistance is futile.
Jackson Gomez
The funny thing is that this board was warming up to TRS before they did this shit. HAHAHAHAHA. Who's ddosing who again?
Logan Thomas
You're out of touch. Mixed up websites again shlomo?
Owen Clark
- Holla Forums is run by a spic and by rachposter - TRS is operated by normal white men with families.
Rachposter and imkampfy need to go
Connor James
Noah Peterson
It's weird how TRS always said that Holla Forums was an ally and yet they also refuse to apologize as if Holla Forums was an enemy. Seems pretty mental to me.
Jace Phillips
- You are a goon
Christian Bell
Nope we havent
Joseph Morgan
Yea, except the mods are helping them.
And they're not shilling podcasts, they're shilling a fabricated forum war with TRS.
Julian Rogers
TRS is doing that whole apologizing is cucking thing so I doubt they ever will
Owen Harris
Ryan Jackson
Oh so whose fault is the fabrication? Not TRS god forbid, it's our fucking fault I'm sure.
Jeremiah Wright
I must say, TRShills have reinvigorated my life as of recent. Ty Trshills.
Zachary Diaz
The moderation is clearly compromised, otherwise anyone shilling at this gay war would be perma-banned.
Hunter Harris
Great life you have wizard.
Hudson Brooks
A new chapter in our glorious history unfolds. I haven't been this excited since the /baph/ raids
Logan Green
wrong fucking answer
Charles Wilson
And yet they call us edgefaggots who "cuck" out wew
Ian Howard
This shit is jew engineered and propped up by youngfags from both sites. Resist jew tricks, too many other enemies to worry about our spergier brothers.
Connor Ortiz
Isn't that fascinating.
It's almost like… Almost like their egos are directly tied to the size of their community, and the existence of another community that is not theirs is intolerable to it.
But that's probably just my paranoid schizophrenia talking. :^)
(Czeched) What, they can't apologize to an ally? You don't cuck for the enemy, but you're supposed to be cordial with people you proclaim to regard as allies.
Their ego demands that they can never be wrong about anything ever. We'll see how much they're willing to take before they do something as simple as apologize.
Brayden Lopez
Blake King
Explain the picture then
David Sanchez
Grayson Reyes
You don't represent Holla Forums shill.
Nathaniel Fisher
Get out namefag!
Landon Taylor
And you do?
Colton Taylor
Landon Moore
I support this, the whole thing is a total distraction.
Thomas Smith
Connor Smith
missed the chance to call him antifa TRShill big fuck up tthere
Jacob Fisher
Show yourself out
Carson Howard
From what?
Isaiah Nguyen
Who does?
Aiden Wood
Please just end the madness.
Mason Bailey
They're mad we're not their attack dogs.
Jason Ross
Pic related is sven saying to stop coming here and stop shilling. I come here and shitpost most every day anyhow, haven't been lately, though. I'm sorry that our autists got rumbled up in this goon shit and started a fire that hurts both of us. There.
Anthony Young
From the MOVEMENT, user, headed by TRS's impeccable higher-ups!
You agree with us on not wanting to kill white people. We're practically the same community! So come join our community already! What are you, a coward? A communist?
Hudson Sullivan
Is their forum still getting DDOSed?
Lincoln Martinez
Just fuck off back to where you came from. You're just using us as cover for your cowardly tactics anyway,
Aaron Cox
I really hope none of you anons participated in that.
Nolan Cox
I don't know if they're antifa or not, or even if they're polaks, but they're clearly an organized party shilling for their fabricated forum war.
David Wood
The moderation is fanning the fire. I made a sage post on thread #5 dismissing all of this a waste of time that no one cares about (which it is, because 95% of the people who come to this board do so for the news, not drama) and I got banned for being a "TRS shill." I'm not even on the TRS forums.
It's painfully obvious that the Holla Forums board owners are taking money from Kushner, Soros, or some other kike. You've seen the pictures of the board owners. Hell, one of them is spamming the "fufufu" anime shit on the /polmeta/ thread.
Evan Price
Jonathan Jenkins
Asher Jackson
From fighting the eternal jew. Our women are being raped, our traditions destroyed, cuckservatives and shit libs undermining trump, etc. It will take our fanatical work and attention to fight it.
Samuel Sanchez
Of course not, I was the one threatening to swat her
Lucas Hernandez
I know who you are though
Gabriel Morgan
I want these "special brand" of namefags to fuck off!
Charles Sullivan
That's not an apology.
Isaac Ramirez
Things TRS would rather do than humble their egos and simply apologize:
All rather than take the ego hit of admitting they were wrong and kindly requesting that their userbase leave us the fuck alone.
Owen Cruz
Jace Hernandez
Trips confirm
Daniel Richardson
They're just going to ignore that, it's been posted several times.
Just look at their replies purposely misreading my comment.
They clearly have an agenda to start a forum war based on fabrications and misrepresentations.
Wyatt Price
yeah. seems weird that in the face of all of that TRS refuses to apologize to their "ally Holla Forums and instead allows the situation to become worse
Ian Barnes
They, as in TRS, yes. They made their agenda clear.
Joshua Hill
Not a fucking apology, he's just covering his own ass because he knows heads are gonna fucking roll when it comes to light he was the one who fucked up
Juan Peterson
You can end the drama by sincerely apologizing and requesting your userbase leave us the fuck alone, that proves that the people stirring the drama are indeed a third party.
But you won't do that, because your ego can't take that you could've possibly been in the wrong.
Connor Morris
Fuck off namefag!
Ryder Cook
Holla Forumsacks are not namefags. Do this for Holla Forums or do this for your secret club, but make your choice.
Bentley Ortiz
Explain this picture then
Brandon Perry
Now that is some implicit memeing.
Colton Lopez
Wasn't DDOSed. it went down for a few minutes (maintenance)
Connor Brooks
so many faggots in this thread from all websites involved
lol thanks for the entertainment, kids.
Andrew Smith
nothin personell kiddo
Jeremiah Jenkins
I agree.
Adam Turner
So, me actually saying that I'm sorry about our autistic users - Hazzard McRee, wyatt and a few others - came here and shilled and exhibited goon-like behavior isn't good enough? Are you even interested in anything but a flamewar?
Xavier Cox
top lel
Jaxon Evans
Levi Brooks
the one who is doing the DDoS is taking some R&R, purge will continue soon
Michael Sanchez
Jonathan Morris
if you don't represent anybody then what are you doing in the thread?
Nathaniel Morgan
lothar a global mod over on TRS was part of the shilling effort as he admitted to getting banned from Holla Forums
Parker Nelson
Glad to hear. Sent him some bitshekels for his effort.
Oliver James
He does it for the hotpockets.
Sebastian Kelly
Jack Allen
Where can I find his bitshekel address? I'd donate to him way before I ever gave podcast kikes money
Bentley Perry
What's his bitcoin address?
Mason Garcia
He does it for free
Matthew Harris
Is that all this is, a flame war? You don't just come shill on Holla Forums and then talk shit on twitter and your site while allying with kike nationalists and not expect to suffer consequences.
Kayden Robinson
making fun of you faggots who live on the internet and spend days on internet battles
real fucking c00l, wizards
Jayden Williams
I don't care about apologis, I care about the future of my children.
John Price
Jose Powell
You could have stopped after two or three threads because at that point we all reached the consensus that Holla Forums should be Holla Forums and anyone who tries to namefag can rightly fuck off. But 8 threads later and you're still repeating the same thing, it makes me think you're just whoring for attention and using TRS as a boogieman to do so Yes, a site that has ~100,000 people is naturally going to have a few fuckups over it's lifetime, what's your point shill
Kill yourself, we both know a small group of you have been astroturfing an anti-TRS sentiment when the majority of Holla Forums simply does not give a fuck. You've been posting the same pic of milo, the same webm about a guy being gay, the same tweet from spencer, for almost two years now. Then suddenly you get some new material and what do you do? you make twelve fucking threads saying the exact same shit you've always said, shouting down anyone who thinks you're wasting your time by calling them TRS. And this all happens just after TRS and IM have a fallout, and suddenly there's favourable posts about IM despite nobody on Holla Forums ever caring about them beyond that one "nobody to the right of me, I am the wall" infograph that occasionaly shows up.
This is retarded, end your lives please.
Kayden Rodriguez
now this is boring and I'm gone so have fun with your c00l internet life while I, being a Chad, go slay pussy
Levi Lopez
oh no please don't bully me
Josiah Powell
cool. TRS apparently care about their ego more than anything else.
Christopher Ramirez
nobody cares
Carter Allen
All the screencaps are two months old or less. KYS bounce
Jordan Wright
Nigger, Bulbasaur is running his mouth as we speak.
Eli Gomez
bot user posted that in like thread 9 if you need more confirmation
Brody Wilson
the ego i cannot comprehend how somebody can function with an ego this large
Thomas Richardson
This isn't even entertaining drama.
Kevin Russell
Because you still haven't fucking apologized for shitting on us when we reached out to you and still haven't purged the mods who shilled here
TBH it's satisfying AF for me after having spent the past 3 months explaing every week why we are not part of your namefaggot movement and never will be.
Cameron Lee
Eh i'm bored, anyone wanna shitpost this into oblivion?
Aiden Davis
reading sperg outs like
actually is VERY entertaining
Luke Gray
It does kind of look like their graphic designer had a stroke somewhere along the line, and everybody was just like, "Meh. Good enough."
Joshua Hall
That's because it's a shill operation.
Evan Hill
I still hate you.
Jaxon Flores
Would you apologize if the shoe were on the other foot? Look how much drama and asspain these threads generate.
Noah Ramirez
by TRS? no, no it's still our fucking fault
Kayden Gonzalez
Who is it this time? The Gay Nigger Association?
Hudson Parker
forums are still invite only
Hudson Allen
Clearly. I didn't think the mods were co-opted because of how well they ran the board during the election, but it's becoming more apparent I was mistaken.
Logan Allen
Fuck off worthless namefag.
Wyatt White
I apologize pretty often because I subject myself to the same scrutiny I'm now subjecting you to.
Jace Rodriguez
Yes, the TRS asspain is pretty sweet.
Christopher King
Christian Torres
I know, you're excited that you've finally got some new material after the four pics you had were getting stale. Did this warrant 12 threads? No. Does this justify denouncing anyone who doesn't hate TRS more than the kikes as a shill? No. And a large portion of us came from fucking gamergate, whoopdy doo people change. You've set yourself up in an unfalsifiable position of shit. Holla Forums does not fucking care about namefags, quit making the same thread over and over again.
Case in point, If I don't join in on your astroturffed hat boner then I'm obviously sucking off enoch.
lovely how that's not in the OP or the topic of discssion.
Gabriel Myers
It's unfortunate that we only have proof of one group shilling as of current, isn't it? TRShills
Elijah Harris
Oh boohoo, guess you can't shill for any nationalists kikes anymore
Gabriel Evans
Oh boohoo, guess you can't shill for any nationalists kikes anymore
Joseph Moore
Ryder Cox
==wew== If you're going to shill, at least read the fucking thread.
Ian Martin
sage negated
Evan Hernandez
Do you want him doxed?
Dominic Ward
Wow you sure showed me!
Easton Hughes
someone mentioned this in 4chans Holla Forums
Cooper Jones
Again you shills are putting words in my mouth.
More evidence that you're completely disingenuous.
Justin Lewis
death to all namefags
Juan Hernandez
if we thought TRS was an ally like they have for the past 3 months shilled here with then yeah sure why not after all we have a greater enemy
but how can we fight with someone who refuses to apologize for their endless attacks on us? seems TRS values ego over integrity
Jason Wilson
Jackson Gonzalez
Oliver Scott
Don't play victim after it's been proven they're guilty.
Owen Miller
lurk more nigger. p.s you're not welcome.
William Myers
Anthony Carter
faggots from trs got caught shilling for muh based kikes and we retaliated. The end
Angel Anderson
Evan Martin
Nathan Ross
the next TDS will have to have a ten minute segment where all the TRSodomites apologize to Holla Forums and list off every meme they've stolen.
Chase Scott
Samuel Myers
Luke Moore
TRS spends inordinate amount of time shilling here, mods get caught shilling kike nationalists, we retaliate, DDoS their forum, now they're mad that the final boss of the internet is awake.
Alexander Miller
Got to dust off an oldie for all this nonsense.
Cooper Peterson
If you were TRS you would SERIOUSLY apologize to an imageboard? If you wre TRS, would you really give a shit about what an imageboard thinks of you? Especially if you already don't give a shit about the board enough that you start shilling and shitposting on it?
How far removed from the human condition do you consider yourselves? Only an idiot would apologize to Holla Forums, or any board, for that matter.
If TRS raided some other board, would you give a shit? If /pone/ acted the same way as you, and you came across a thread like this one they made.
Would you say: Yeah, TRS needs to apologize.
NOBODY in the world needs to apologize to anyone for internet drama. I would rather get killed by a renegade autist stalker than genuflect in front of Holla Forums or any other imageboard.
Jacob Long
They must do it ironically because their very own fucking mods got b&ed for doing just that
Nathaniel Murphy
Keep giving your shekels away to a Jew you dumb fucks.
Carter Sanders
Henry Lee
D&C harder faggot
Mason Kelly
In fact, I think TRS is being too cucked here. I, personally, would laugh at you all day, every day.
And you would, too.
Grayson Flores
Screen caps arose of TRS forumites shilling their podcasts on Holla Forums months ago and of cross posters bitching that they got banned on Holla Forums for having the wrong opinions.
Now a dedicated group of shills are shilling a forum war. Even though TRS now bans people on their forums for trying to shill Holla Forums
Eli Anderson
user I posted in the second and third threads agreeing that TRS can fuck off with their shilling, I said specifically that since both sites know about eachother, anyone who has an interest in visting the other can do so with their own agency. We don't need TRS to shill here because anyone who cares about 3 hours podcasts will go there themselves. But a small group of poeple here keeping posting the same pictures and attacking anyone who doesn't join in on crucifying TRs, because obviously only TRS would say something neutral about TRS. Look at the responses I got from this thread, no discussion just >fuck off TRShill
Totally not astroturffed.
Andrew Nguyen
Not even surprised.
Elijah Rivera
TDS has a fucking poz pig for an intern you faggot
Isaiah Parker
TRS here
Cooper Moore
post pictures of your mom's tits
Ryder Butler
Woah now, it's them who punched to the right.
It's not a matter of what they think about /pol, It's a matter of shilling.
Then the ddos and threads calling TRS out on their faggotry will continue.
Alexander Watson
Samuel Edwards
Yeah dude you clearly don't care about us that's why we've spent 3 months telling you we're not in your movement
You won't apologize because it requires confronting your ego. Which is perfectly human, but a critical instance of why we hate you.
Samuel Ortiz
Once the internet h8 machine raep train starts nothing will stop it, better to just let that fact go
Ian Roberts
just a while ago they did lol
Jonathan Murphy
John Jones
Apologize while your namefagging on TRS or twitter.
Hunter James
Incredibly low energy retaliation tbh
Liam Parker
Bad sign tbh
Leo James
I can flip this around just as easily
Point is, all these people should fuck off from Holla Forums, that's what we agreed on early on a few days ago, yet here we still are repeating the same talking points just like how the same screecnshots, webms, and pictures of milo were posted for over a year, it's blatantly obvious that some people are abusing Holla Forums's legitimate concern of not being assimilated, in order to attack TRS. And it doesn't even make sense because Holla Forums wasn't sucking TRS off before yeah we all denounced the recent ones within three threads, why do you have to keep doing this? already pointed it out, get some new fucking material.
Jack Young
Who gives a shit about your feelings, dude? Go cry more.
You're the kind of person that needs to be fucked with all the time.
Jace Ortiz
nice stolen meme, lel!
Juan Martin
You've never actually listened to one of their radio shows, have you? They are outspokenly anti-faggotry and anti-Milo.
Joshua James
and yet you're somehow smarter for demanding we apologize to you?
Charles Perry
yeah just waiting for the apology now
Brandon Parker
Then why would they have a poz pig for an intern cuck?
Tyler Torres
Fuck apologizing at all, you dumbfuck. I hope you get an aneurism waiting for one.
Nathaniel Carter
Nicholas Phillips
hope you keep this up so we can dox you TRShills in good faith
I'm not from TRS so DDoS all you want. I hope they never apologize, ever.
Ryan Torres
Get seventhcuck to apologize for shitting on us and then we'll talk
David Powell
Get seventhcuck to apologize for shitting on us and then we'll talk
Justin Jones
oh shit, I thought you were TRS, sorry lad.
Eli Sullivan
Logan Torres
Inversion won't work when you can't pin down any specific user's ideologies. You'll continue to deride any of the evidence because you fail to understand the issue of your posting here. hint: just fuck off trshill
Matthew Ramirez
I wonder why you got those responses.
Because pro-TRSposters dismiss everything we show you as d&c shilling? Because pro-TRSposters insist it's all a small group? Because pro-TRSposters use the same agruments.
I'm sorry if you were treated like a shill, user, but if it bugs you, you can just stay clear of it. Instead you chose to use the arguments of the other against your own.
Thanks lad. You're alright. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but we take our board seriously. When we get the higher-ups telling their userbase to knock it off you can go ejnoy our forum. Chans aren't for everyone.
Kevin Ramirez
TRS thinks they can put dent in our titanium armor that is anonymity.Trust me TRShills, you don't want to corner the wolf named Holla Forums.
Gabriel Sanchez
Some twitter bitch had their entire forum shut down for hate speech before. A DDoS attack is nothing.
Christopher Morales
Maybe it's time to up the ante then?
Dominic Robinson
Neutrality in anything is literal cuckoldry.
Kevin King
wow you know a lot about TRS
Henry Collins
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Carter Roberts
See I'd like to be able to say But apparently that would make me a shill, I' not even telling you to watch them just, that that the meme that they're lolbergs is as outdated as the fat kid wearing a "standard pool co" shirt psoing with milo is. Holla Forums is meant to be on the ball when it comes to knowing who's doing what, yet there's a consistent group of people who repeat the same talking points for years on end trying to create animosity between two sites that cross pollinated without any top down shilling effort from either side. Fact is a lot of the podcatsers and writters there are 8/pol/lacks, and a lot of people here liked morrakiu and kulturkampf among other things. We being the high functioning autists we are managed to change the url from one site to the other on our own, no shilling required.
So when I see this big drama happening it strikes me as incredibly manufacutred, an attempt to make us waste our time on hearsay, or perhaps get revenged for a certain no name forum that has a vendetta against another namefag forum.
Colton Edwards
How would you know if I am telling the truth unless YOU knew a lot about TRS? Are you a shill?
Camden Myers
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David Williams
sage negated
Jonathan Morgan
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Leo Williams
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Aaron Nelson
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Hudson Cox
Then why didn't they condemn the shilling for kikes? Oh no, don't tell me, was it for muh pr
Leo Gray
Because they're faggots who gauded you into doing all of this.
Zachary Parker
Adam James
Probably. But a reaction like this shows that there is clearly tension between the two communities, and foreigners praising TRS is one of those greatest tensions. It's not like if these threads go away, that does too.
If we get an apology and their userbase is told to stop shilling us, we can just treat pro-TRSposters as the same Holla Forums shills posting le drumpf is a kike don't vote goy, religious flame wars, and other classic fracture point techniques.
But the ego of TRS will not allow that to happen.
Jeremiah James
yeah wtf Holla Forums you don't even spend ten hours a week listening to TRS podcasts so how can you insult them!!!!!
Evan Anderson
exaplain the faggot mods who got b& here
Jose Butler
While that statement is correct, they also defend homos and advocate allyship with kikes. This is why we are at odds, because you come shill your shit here expecting Holla Forums to be okay with it and when you're met with opposition you blame everyone but yourself and scream on about muh purity spiraling.
Dominic Wright
Luis Fisher
That picture is like 6 months old, tops.
Hunter Hall
TRS are a bunch of faggots and their podcasts are stupid but
they're white nationalists and they have similar goals
fuck this divide and conquer bullshit. we should be focusing on kikes and globalists not white nationalists that are only slightly more autistic than white nationalists from Holla Forums
Christopher Ross
Alexander Clark
Or, in other words. This is an intentional act by TRS to shit up the board. They will never apologize because it would stop threads like these. They don't even have to do anything anymore. You will create more and more of these threads and keep shitting up the board.
Noah Miller
Hell yeah dude those fashy libertarians are fucking BASED just like the_donald
Ayden Perry
This, even now we're willing to let this shit go, which is why I'm hesitating on dropping dox, because once that shit happens there's no going back
Luke Wright
This, even now we're willing to let this shit go, which is why I'm hesitating on dropping dox, because once that shit happens there's no going back
we dealt with the recent shilling within three threads, why did we need another 8? tell me fag. how many years old is that now? 2013 was when he said that right? who the fuck cares when he's clearly not talking like that anymore? point to him talking favorably about gays recently or during the election, get some new fucking material or drop your astroturfing.
Except I've said this several times now, the legitimate shilling was already discussed several days ago, there's no need to keep rehashing this when we already reached consensus. You're just dragging out this fiasco for some reason, maybe autism, maybe ulterior motives, I dunno but it's already old.
Tell me why Holla Forums should care so much about TRS? the standard response to tripfags was always filter and forget, why are we not doing the same to TRS? why attack any naon who isn't also doing their one minute of hate?
Liam Sanders
Eli Walker
I'm not from TRS but the evidence is clear. TRS shilled this board hard and has everyone flipping their shit.
This is a total chimpout, wrecking your own home, shitting your own bed. Because Holla Forums has apparently become THIS easy to bait.
HAH. HAHAHA. I truly hope they will never do it. Ever. This is genius.
alright, so if we dox their podcasters do you think they'll fuck off?
Jeremiah Scott
Please destroy their website and dox these fuckers. k thx bye.
Henry Smith
All of this could be stopped if TRS admitted that what they have done was wrong, said sorry and decided to wrangle their shills better.
Angel Miller
Because the goal is to give an excuse to disrupt any thread these kikes don't like by yelling "TRS"
Jackson Price
Just fucking drop it already, it's about time. Tbh, I bet you don't even have the goods.
Landon Sanchez
yeah it's weird to think these threads would end if TRS apologized. how fucked up is that. It's like they don't even care about white nationalism and instead prioritize their ego
I don't know, I hope they don't. This new generation of Holla Forumsacks must learn the hard way. Just like the weimar republic was the catalyst for Germany to become great again.
Jeremiah Price
Thread theme
Logan Gonzalez
The thread title is suspect. CTR spent its shekels on social media sites, but it was used as a meme to make new anons ignorant about JIDF.
CTR is gone, but JIDF is still among us.
Isaiah Hernandez
Divide and Conquer is a classic Jewish trick. Stop fucking falling for it.
Nathaniel Long
What a fucking waste. Reported.
Oliver Moore
you can try to claim superiority all you want egofaggot but you and I both know you're not neutral here
Easton Morris
You can't divide that which was never united.
Carter King
Asher Phillips
Ethan Myers
The big TRS shit flinging was months ago when they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar trying to shill their shit. I restarted my madcow lifting routine, and was on the second run of it, so it was around early-mid October I want to say.
Don't fuck with a spergy lifter, I will unleash protein farts beyond your wildest imagination and show you kikes what gassing is really like.
Matthew Murphy
Kikes would never do that so why should they?
Daniel Diaz
Twelve threads. /britpol/ was always just one thread at a time, as well. They got purged, too.
Christian Sanders
TRS are cucks but i don't think they're cucky enough to apologize
since when do Holla Forumslacks demand apologies like SJWs? oh wait they don't.
hi lefty/pol/
are TRS threads the new version of "are irishmen white" threads?
TRS aren't worth our time. they feed off attention, including negative attention. sven is probably masturbating to this thread.
Asher Hall
Report it then. Surely the mods will oblige. TRS is our greatest ally after all.
Cameron Gray
apologizing for doing something wrong is what men do you bog dwellers
Jace Foster
Plebbit Spacing
Cooper Parker
Grayson Green
tbh I miss brit/pol/
White men apologize when they fuck up
Ian Robinson
yeah apologizing to an "ally" is fucking cucky as shit. I hope they keep on masturbating once the doxing effort starts
Caleb Edwards
Literal IM talking points. Fuck off anarchist scum.
Gabriel Smith
Except the general consensus around here was that TRS and Holla Forums were never on the same side, what with the pro-kike and pro-fag attitudes they have.
Brayden Turner
No, TRS is not our greatest ally. They are, obviously, amazing enough to keep this shitshow running with barely a few pokes here and there.
Jacob Jenkins
If you're wrong you're wrong. Apologize. Any man with an ounce of self respect would swallow his pride and do the honorable thing.
Ayden Carter
i never said any of that. i tried listening to their podcasts but the people from TRS are basic as fuck and aren't capable critical thinking. they just parrot other peoples' talking points.
you have borderline personality disorder.
Cooper Evans
Divide what?
Luis Jones
WeW eWe WeW
Anthony Nguyen
Wyatt Powell
Pretty much. Spending all our time attacking TRS and other ideologically similar groups is probably the most self-destructive thing we could do, and it's exactly what I would be trying to incite Holla Forums to do if I was a leftist worried about the far-right's rising power. TRS made some fuck-ups (and Enoch MIGHT be a kike), but they really are a beneficial extension of Holla Forums overall.
Nolan Powell
yeah these threads have been a lot of fun. hope they never stop.
Liam Ward
Jesus. You trsfags are something else.
Samuel Ramirez
What does the average SJW do when he sees something he doesn't like? Dox the opponent and: Call the employer, of course.
Matthew Rodriguez
Yeah, wouldn't want anons to remember that JIDF is still actively shilling us, would we?
です です デス
Nathan Howard
(27) they won't stop until you stop being paid to make them
(23) posts yet nothing but accusations of shilling
James Martin
What lion? A DDoS attack is not a lion. Bui, that eternal faggot, can't even do shit to anyone in particular, and he's a fucking nuisance.
Jacob Young
Hmm. Where have I seen this tactic before?
Gabriel Rodriguez
yeah it seems TRS is probably a deepcover leftist group given how all they do is start shit with their "allies".
Asher Thompson
Dylan Gutierrez
Anything to make you feel angry. You need it.
Elijah Butler
Yes, but they seem to think we are an extention of them.
We value our culture and community and the continued existance of unassimilated groups is intolerable to TRS's egos. Thus the tension between the two groups.
They can solve this, if they really give a shit about a unified movement fighting the left as they claim, by apologizing. If not, they care more about their egos than their ideals.
Brayden Garcia
Gaymergoys with their Muh PR, of course.
Brandon Ramirez
You are describing Iron March.
Nobody gives a fuck what they think.
Jack Parker
honestly ask them yourself, go on twitter or email them, get in contact and if they don't say anything then you would have grounds to bitch.
Again I'm not even trying to promote their stuff, I was attacking them as well a few days ago in the early threads. But at the same time I've seen a small group repeating the same talking points for the entire election and everyone called them out. NOw suddenly you're a shill if you don't agree with those anons, it's transparent what's going on, using Holla Forums as a weapon for some retarded reason.
reading comprehension is not your strongsuit it is?
See, the former is an old talking point that's no longer true, post that fucking webm with asuka if you want, you'll only prove my point. The later, I don't even know where you're pulling that from, back your shit up user.
point still stands that they have ~100,000 people, you're going to get some spergs just like we have here you should be able to answer this
I'll say it again, TRS shouldn't shill on Holla Forums. everyone here knows about them and if they'rei nterested can simply click over and find out. There's no need to shill, and there's also no need to larp over e-drama. twelve fucking threads of "Holla Forums vs TRS", what are you doing user?
inb4 shill accusations, suck my dick for replying instead of calling you all d&C and nothing more. You wanted to talk and I responded.
Cooper Perez
Actually Holla Forums has doxed a bunch of people over the years lol
Jace Roberts
nice meme
Ayden Myers
this is a big drama
Jace Fisher
I don't support what's being done to TRS, but doxing is a time honored tradition that goes back to our early days on Holla Forums.
Connor Moore
The mods are powerless. Kek is on my side, and he hates JIDF.
Matthew Lewis
I know. But they give a fuck what we think about them, as evidenced by their flipping out and rushing to defend every time anons don't like them.
They care more about their egos being unmarred than a coherent movement.
Chase Parker
At this point I encourage anyone to shill on Holla Forums, anything that purges easily baited people is a good thing.
Julian Ward
IM never started drama with Holla Forums really makes you think TRS is the common shitflinger here
Joseph Martinez
Hold up. What talking points?
Jack James
The implicit ones.
Connor Murphy
Their own fucking intern at TDS is a pozpig, and they b& the user for revealing it. Where's the apology for him too
Austin Russell
Their own fucking intern at TDS is a pozpig, and they b& the user for revealing it. Where's the apology for him too
Levi Clark
Yeah once TRS apologizes this can all be in the past and we can all move on.
wonder when they'll man up and admit their mistakes
really showing your newness here again lol
Jason Green
TRS shouldn't shill on Holla Forums but the anti-TRS threads are just as bad as the shilling threads from TRS
i'll repeat again that this is that same divide and conquer jidf bullshit from the old days of "are italians white? are irshmen white? are slavs white?"
eceleb threads need to be banned
Xavier Howard
You can't divide that which was never united.
Colton Foster
Except this is an anti-eceleb thread and is why it remains up.
Isaac Sanchez
Nope. If Holla Forums is this easily baited and gauded into a whining fit, red faced, tantruming for an apology then Holla Forums needs to be shilled more.
What a disgrace this stock of current posters is.
Nolan Hall
Seems like posts like yours are trying to control the narrative of this board.
Camden Perez
take your kike talking points back to your forum while you still can
Nathan Hill
how are these threads worse than TRShills arguing for allying with BASED jewish nationalists? You seem to think jews are a smaller problem than some shitposting. Suspect
Jack Phillips
They drew first blood, they deserve it. Anne frankly it's fun.
Michael Ross
If we're so bad then you wouldn't mind leaving then ;^)
Easton King
also demanding apologies is a leftist tactic
if you're going to pretend you aren't a leftist don't be so fucking obvious about it
never apologize
apology IS cucking
i'm not saying TRS dindu nuffin but i'm saying that if they end up apologizing they're even bigger cucks than i thought
Nathan Hall
Did Lothar come up with that himself?
Matthew Perry
Nathaniel Parker
Ryan Reed
And miss out on calling weak faggots weak faggots? Never.
Noah Campbell
yeah or maybe Holla Forums is right I wonder which one it is
Leo Cruz
apology isnt cucking
someone needs to make this a spammable reaction image
Jayden Stewart
Apologizing to an enemy is cucking, but if we're all on the same side…
Aiden Ramirez
Jesus christ you're retarded.
Kevin Flores
Luke Perez
Can't divide what was never united. TRS was never with us.
Wyatt Ortiz
Of course Holla Forums is right, TRS did shill here. The response is retarded, though.
Levi Lopez
hi TRS
i don't care about "narrative" i care about facts. this is one of the reasons i think TRS sucks and people giving them negative attention are only giving them free advertising
you're all a bunch of fucking retards
Christopher Sanders
check check
Benjamin Wright
Some shit on with ghoul, and tbh nobody liked ghoul so we can consider it an improvement. I'll give you that it's a stretch to call anyone attacking TRS and IMshill, but it is a fact that they;ve gone from being a literally who, to being promoted here.
spencers implictly white fagotry tweet, TRS being former libertarians (who now routinely shit on them mind you), TRS having some gay infiltrators (who got b& and caused the fourm to be made private to prevent ti again), some guy in one of their shirts attending a milo event. you know, shit that's either been debunked or is circumstantial, you may as well call Holla Forums itself a hive of faggotry because we're on the same site as /cuteboys/, or call us commies because Holla Forums exists, you get the picture.
alright source me on that, I haven't heard that one.
Joshua King
(check'em) Who is weak again?
Lucas Parker
yeah Holla Forums should have ignored it and took the pos. real good points being made by you "doxing is only okay for SJWs"-kun
Ayden Thomas
By retarded you mean glorious.
Asher Sanchez
Red faced faggots crying for an apology because the shills caused them a booboo.
Camden Russell
i'm actually starting to think the anti-TRS threads are made by TRS cucks trying le ebin 4D chess may may
they keep repeating "can't divide what's never been united" which is something TRS-esque: trying to form a "narrative"
Juan Thomas
oh i am laffin'
Juan Rivera
See >>>/trs/1567
Owen Thomas
You're only the 12th person to have that thought in this thread It's almost like you're just repeating what was said in discord
Aiden Morgan
fellow user
Julian Cruz
I can't read your posts because they're all spaced out for some reason.
Sebastian Young
James Morales
Lucas King
yeah I wonder if TRShills calling everyone who called TRS into question an IM anarchist (still confused by that) might have made people somewhat interested as to why a forum with last I looked 7 online posters was being used as an insult here Real great strategy shown by TRS yet again
Jose Hernandez
You sure do love subjecting yourself to autism.
Thomas Carter
The worst strategies are the best strategies when it comes to frustrating autists.
Brandon Peterson
So some shitty blog (and/or other sites) that has been around since 2012 wants to ride the tide of the election but does not take into account that chans are used by more then just Americans? Whether or not this drama is being orchestrated by a third party is pretty irrelevant, since chan culture build ideas overtime and you can not decide what will stick or not by forcing it. If you want to suck cock do not expect sympathy. The only one that will suffer from this is the blog, so it would be in their interest to make this go away. After all they are the public one so the drama will stick on them, while this place could find a new home.
Noah Martinez
They have. The mods issued a clear cease and desist order. Anyone at this point who is shilling as supposedly TRS is either a rogue agent or just a liar. Nothing more to it.
Aaron Mitchell
this reddit spacing meme has been going around for a few months
try reading archived Holla Forums threads before reddit spacing became a meme. it's just a different style of typing.
before Holla Forums i was on gaiaonline, not reddit :^)
Benjamin Reed
Jace Butler
The clear cease and desist order is riddled with sarcasm
where is our apology
Dylan Thompson
Sorry, that post, too much spacing, can't read.
Carson Lewis
I could care less if they occasionally take credit for our memes and culture as long as they continue to help it propagate. If I cared I would be a namefag. Expecting an apology at this point is childish, and it only serves as an excuse to continue the wasteful infighting.
Easton Evans
Angel Green
not an argument
Chase Miller
yeah that's why it's looking like doxing is going to be necessary
Sebastian Watson
Don't let it bother you. That's just evidence of how susceptible they our to our memes.
Jaxson Hughes
Lincoln Lee
You're right, it's much better to attack our most ideologically similar group rather than leftist groups.
Liam Campbell
Sage negated. It's not infighting because we were never their internet buddies. They just milked our memes and ought to regret shilling here.
I'm okay with that.
Cameron Scott
I don't think anyone has ever called /pol mature
Parker Ortiz
"jewish globalists arent a problem, people who space out their paragraphs and run autistic podcasts are the real problem" -t retards
Jeremiah Murphy
that interns pretty fucking gay, extreme vetting my ass
user I don't know what to tell you, if you're going to admit that TRS is e-fagging, then you also have to admit that IM can just as easily do the same thing, given that they jsut had a fallout with eachother.
You can't even clarify a point in this threa without getting called a shill for someone.
Jordan Green
Where did this forced meme originate? I have never seen it around any other D&C accusation, but now people keep repeating it verbatim.
Liam Wood
I don't remember anyone here ever being okay with zionism or lovers of nigger dick.
Justin Nguyen
Joshua Gutierrez
Dominic Morales
Charles Cook
Been saying 'Holla Forums will never be alt kike' for a long time, this seems to have sprouted from these threads and spread
Anthony Brooks
see the point I made was that the only people who have brought IM up in the past few months were TRShills. Maybe IM is here but they're not spamming you're from IM as an insult like the TRShills are. Not hard to understand. Honestly you might be retarded from listening to 20 hours of podcasts a week instead of reading
Julian Cruz
Good job. You just attempted to take the higher ground without addressing the central point in my post…Refusing to apologize for a proven fault is clearly the adult thing to do when people are mad at you. user is simply reacting to aggression as we always have. It's not like there's some great demon to slay out there right now that we need to be united.
IM can, but I can safely say I've never had an argument over IM attempting to impose their shit on this board. I've had countless with TRS.
Blake Roberts
Aaron Baker
you even fucked that meme up you TRShills are fucking adorable
Ayden Fisher
yet you're still here, hence the problem
Caleb Wood
Robert Ross
They talk about genociding kikes and how much Milo sucks on a frequent basis. Also:
Christian Johnson
It's not only D&C, it's also S&M (smoke & mirrors), a distraction from all the shit Trump is doing. The mods are actively banning posters who criticize Trump while cancerous cheerleaders from /r/The_Donald flood the board. A total S&M distraction.
Luis White
this is why we hate you and why non-anons can never understand us
Leo Davis
if you read all my posts and think that i like TRS then you are schizophrenic
Tyler Green
Make it 49 faggot.
Ian Nguyen
w-were pretty nazi, you guise xDDDDDDDDDD we g-gas the kk-ikes everyday lmao xdddddddd
David Gutierrez
Call me a schizo IDGAF. You're a TRS shill based strictly on your posts.
David Rodriguez
Lincoln Price
Make it 50.
Luis Cox
Lmao. What a pussy.
Luke Long
yeah every time i call them faggots and cucks they deposit 10 dollars into my bank account
never mind you're not schizophrenic you're retarded
Evan Taylor
These threads seem to have a life of their own at this point
Jack Bailey
What was that? Your post is all spaced out, I can't read it.
Nolan Nguyen
Luis Carter
hmmmmm I wonder if people ever misrepresent themselves on the internet common Holla Forums insult I see
Jacob Russell
Congratulations you can count posts.
Grayson Lopez
Grow up. You're being just as childish as Sven.
Jose Moore
Nathaniel Ramirez
What a fucking idiot. You don't have to count anything, you dumbass.
James Brown
hope you don't ask us to grow up when the doxing starts
Lincoln Davis
About a year ago they were talking about letting the jews stay with restrictions, while presumably deporting other non-Whites are less of a threat
Eli Foster
Are the forums down? It seems like it from this end
John Taylor
Yep. But it's not like if we just stop talking about this the tension between the communities goes away. An apology desinates pro-TRS psoters as non-sanctioned by TRS and thus they can be treated like every other shill in existance.
Nolan Collins
Posts are numbered, and therefore you count them. Can you process that?
Gabriel Martinez
Joshua Turner
yeah they're probably trying to change some stuff. Good luck TRS!
Carter Wright
Hey Sven. Ready to apologize?
Nathaniel King
Joseph Sanchez
So, shall we start writing our demands from TRS down?
Caleb Jackson
i didn't even realize over 50 posts in this thread are one faggot
problems with trs: -"lel i'm 14 but not 88 XD" yet they say "no enemies to the right" -initially said they wanted to use trump and now they worship him even though he's cucking for israel
the list goes on and on. and i didn't even realize over 50 posts in this thread are the same fucking person holy shit you're dedicated. for how much you hate TRS you sure do share something in common with them: trying to persuade people with narrative instead of logic and reason.
Charles Wood
Ian Anderson
fuck i repeated the same thing twice in the same post
Matthew Davis
I prefer pictures of your mom's tits.
Adrian Ross
And we were never with Iron March. Fuck off back to faggotville.
Noah Evans
Jace Jenkins
are there only like 3 people vehemently against TRS? i don't want to become the forth one. maybe i should start pretending to like TRS just to spite you autists.
Asher Collins
You're so fucking pathetic, lmao.
Joseph Rogers
There's a huge difference between calling out and demanding constant "TRS IS FAGGOTS" generals.
Lucas Thomas
kek, get on your knees bitch
Ryan Evans
This is it, from ddoganon
literally everything is just another form of them confronting their ego
ok nice burn dude wow
Daniel Myers
what if I told you I don't give a fuck?
Logan Martinez
Yeah that was a pretty good point you made, it's almost like the people who aren't attacking TRS every sentence are actually interested in understanding what's going on and can recognize when a coincidence is more than just coincidental.
Eli Rogers
the horse shoe theory turned out to be real but the horse shoe isn't SJWS and WNs; the horse shoe is TRS cucks and anti-TRS cucks.
still pretty sure the anti-TRS cucks are leftists because only pussies demand apologies and only even bigger pussies apologize to people who demand apologies.
Carter Perry
Colton Watson
Nigger you have 17 posts too.
It's probably good for them to have such a humbling experience. They're newfags as far as the internet is concerned really. They need to come to terms with the fact that there are bigger fish.
Oliver Reed
Well Natt did make a sketchy ass game where you kill a bunch of cops and no jews.
Juan Butler
Yeah, it's not like Iron March was just shilling shady software here yesterday, or suddenly fellating themselves in every thread.
Landon Young
Honestly, that's kind of embarrassing.
Alexander Reyes
3 jews died iirc
Brayden Jackson
you're going full retard son
Ayden Cruz
Lmao. You little pussy.
Jaxson Carter
The majority of enemies you kill are white, blond cops.
Jacob Rogers
But it doesn't make a fuck, it kind of needs to happen because this thing has grown too large for anonymous imageboards and this format has grown too popular and drawn far too much powerful attention so you're never going to stop being slammed with this shit. You're going to have to get over your issue with name faggotry because there is now a need for electronic gates, walls and policing or you're never going to do anything but call each other kike shills.
Levi Hughes
but everyone is a cuck but me
Adrian Flores
It's that the coincidence doesn't matter. Holla Forums has grievances that would have spilled out regardless of ironmach prodding, namely, the fact that we have to keep arguing with these faggots attempting to assimilate us.
Regardless of who started it, the base issue is TRS shilling Holla Forums. Nobody flame wars AmRen's shitty positions because they don't shill us.
Caleb Cooper
d00d you totally got me, let me an hero real quick
Matthew Price
(61) Why are these threads always dominated by the same guy, if they're supposedly an organic blowback against TRS? WHATCHA DOIN' THERE RABBI?
Aiden Cruz
Matthew Williams
yeah it didn't help when TRShills made up the whole it's a trojan thing though
Mason Murphy
Nah, you fuckers leave.
Andrew Myers
An apology isn't going to stop the D&C kikes, it will only embolden them further. Also, weren't the posters responsible for making the 8/pol/ shilling thread banned anyway?
Hunter Cook
Jesus Christ. You're not even making this fun.
Zachary Davis
keep it at and you can be one too!
Samuel Murphy
show me your mom's tits
David Lopez
Is that confirmed?
Ryan Sanchez
Wait, are you being sarcastic here? because that game that was posted actually is irnomarch, it stars Natt Danelaw of IM as the protag. And there was also no proof that it contained anything other than a game so I don't even know who you're trying to attack here.
Ian Nelson
you can't divide that which was never united
Aaron Garcia
Nice. You're really trying hard, dipshit.
Tyler Russell
Iron march is not attempting to assimilate us you dense motherfucker No ironmarcher is trying to shame us into joining their shitty forum by saying we're on the same side You can't say the same
It's not, but it means we can disconnect the D&C kikes from TRS if TRS instructs their userbase to stop shilling us. We can ignore them like Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
Nathaniel Richardson
Nah, take your anarchist bullshit and go.
People were complaining about it on the Daily Stormer, Twitter and Holla Forums. That's not TRS, that's common fucking sense. Natt has a history of infiltrating and doxing people for no good reason. It is entirely proper to view it with skepticism, especially when you can't find Wheel Maker Studios anywhere on the damn net.
Logan Lewis
wrong answer faggot
Ayden Green
Yes you faggots are. Leave.
Lucas Gray
Too late, bitch.
Cameron Hernandez
When all you do is shill your shitty D+C threads, yeah, it does make you a Jew.
Adrian Walker
That's a pretty big accusation to make, I'm sure you wouldn't make it without sufficient evidence, so let's see it.
Jackson Hill
yeah guess the best thing for TRS to do is to keep attacking Holla Forums makes a lot of sense
Justin Powell
Julian Bell
They're only conservative in the sense that they always support the status quo
Ian Jones
this could go on for awhile
We were never TRS's pal in the first place faggot. It can't be D&C in the first place.
Brayden Evans
And i've been saying that we reached that conclusion EIGHT FUCKING THREADS AGO. But yeah, lets pretend that there hasn't bee a group of anons aggressively shilling against TRS for a long time now, reposting the same shit over and over no matter how much TRS changes.
Wyatt Cooper
The DS thread linked the TRShills fake accusation in the thread and then weev came out and said it wasn't true so no DS was not into the whole trojan thing
James White
No, you're a fag that needs mocking.
Ayden Bell
Not always, depends on the cop.
TRS shilled first, we provided proof but you haven't . . .
Anthony Morales
After this is all over with, we should declare war on Jared Tasysachs and AmRen.
Landon Torres
Isn't it a little bit interesting that the only major, blatant shilling (which is pretty much undeniable now) comes right after TRS opened up their forums to anyone?
Levi Phillips
It doesn't matter. If you're enforcing the current ZOG regime you could be shot for all I care.
Daniel Sullivan
bring it on little bitch
Adam Roberts
making gigantic threads every day about how bad TRS is is like going to the doctor for a pimple when your arm has been chopped off
"um what about your arm"
Parker Allen
This kind of passive-aggressive bullshit is far from what I'd consider a proper apology. They really need to purge the faggots who post gay porn and support kosher nationalists "ironically" and keep their userbase on a fucking leash when they go and do they trolling.
Evan Hughes
this is getting sad
have we gotten an apology
And there's clearly a group of Lothar's friends aggressively shilling for TRS, too
goons were in TRS before the forums opened too tbh
Luke Martin
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.;^)
Hudson Reyes
This was never about TRS, this is about making an excuse for you faggots to derail unrelated threads by accusing people of being TRS.
Thomas Bailey
If they didn't support the status quo they wouldn't be cops. If you are a cop, you support the established order by definition. When was the last they refused to follow orders? in the 18th century?
Wyatt Kelly
It's still invite only.
James Martinez
Nigga what?
Brandon Richardson
getting proof off TRS is easy, names and faces. Getting proof off of Holla Forums/cuckchan is harder. I for one have always been /new/4pol/8pol and I shilled against TRS hard until they got away from the whole 1488er hating and teamed up with anglin
Ayden Torres
it was open for a week or two i believe
Isaiah Anderson
yeah dude I fucking love TRS what the fuck are thse ANTIFA even thinking. user CANNTO BE DEcCIEVED . WE DO NOT FORGET EXCEPT US
Kevin Evans
a couple of faggots in this thread think i'm pro-TRS because i think we have bigger fish to fry
Owen Miller
Chase Nguyen
Get your own house in order.
Hunter Bennett
Wow you are so edgy and cool.
Brandon Bell
What is multi-tasking?
Julian Murphy
Wow. How's junior high, retard?
Eli Clark
What a shock. I still don't understand how Holla Forums got tangled up in this shit. Is autistic infighting really better than ignoring retarded fag enablers?
Michael Russell
You're being hyperbolic. I know cops who would refuse to take certain orders. Cops aren't always tool leftist faggot.
So why even bring it up?
We can fry as many fish as we like faggot.
Cameron Hughes
Wow, you're so filtered.
Nathan Bennett
did you forget the anons posting anti-TRS stuff likethe milo pictures, the gay webm, the other gay webm that I forgot until now (it's referenced in this bog). This has been going on for some time now, and it suddenly blows up the second they got new material.
Ayden Cox
Can you make your D&C shilling more obvious?
Jose Wood
why are you frying them? Do you need us to do it for you?
Easton Ross
to be fair, almost all of us are autistic as fuck and tend to collectively sperg about one thing at a time… pizzagate threads?
Joshua Anderson
Fuck off back to your forum. Oh wait…
Hudson Stewart
Nigger you're on a fucking site called "2 EXTREME 4 4CUCK"
John Gomez
you're really bad at this
do you know where you are?
Blake Nelson
when have I heard this before…
Isaac Watson
You can leave if it upsets you so much.
Bentley Rivera
Oliver Thompson
Ironmarch is a Holla Forums spinoff made by euros, m8.
Charles Perry
How many tears have fallen from your pudgy little face? I'll stop when you apologize to me
Cooper Harris
I'm still waiting for pictures of your mom's tits.
Eli Nguyen
ironmarch currently has 8 members online. clearly they are just as much a threat as TRShills
William Peterson
I get it. You're a subhuman who can't control himself.
Logan Wilson
I could control your moms tits tho
Jason White
haha just making an observation. Our hivemind is powerful but it does tend to concentrate on only one thing at a time… which isnt necessarily a bad thing all the time.
Justin Peterson
if you guys want to be pissed at me you can be pissed at me for liking commonfilthradio :^)
praise Jesus
one of the problems i have with TRS is they've taken the standard pool party thing way too far and richard spencer is obviously crrypto gay. when men talk with a lisp like that it's to signal that they're faggots.no such speech impediment exists.
even still i don't agree with everything CF says or i wouldn't even be posting on Holla Forums
Jack Hill
can't read, too spaced out
Caleb Anderson
Luke Roberts
No. And you're embarrassing your self.
Brayden Richardson
Just ask Gaybe Brouse, chris chan or Jessi Slaughter. Their lives will never be the same. Internet is SRS BUSINESS.
We don't have the veil of being invite-only so we get shilling from everywhere, all the time. Meanwhile TRS has all the means of easily curbstomping their goons. Gas yourself, you boot licker.
Henry Perez
who's gabe brouse?
Zachary Russell
ddos user here, they put cloudflare up on their forum after I have already killed it for the last several hours. I still have the IP so that doesn't fucking matter, unless they are moving servers (in which case). Mein fucking sides.
Nathan Foster
Thanks blessed Natt
Dylan Collins
You talk like a goon.
Isaac Long
based spic? really? go away TRS faggot.
Asher Bell
for real?
Lincoln Russell
God bless you user.
Christian Brooks
It rings a bell but I can't remember
Matthew Carter
This is truly gas worthy.
John Collins
god's work fam
Aaron Howard
i was doing it before TRS existed and i do it now because only autists give a shit about other peoples' typing styles.
"reddit spacing" seems to be a good way to avoid anyone too autistic to address the points i make from replying to me, so i think i'll continue doing it forever.
Asher Miller
you'd hope they'd know with weev running their servers
Nolan Price
>trs still literally thinks literally all anti-trs sentiment must be because of ironmarch, not their actions
Oliver Walker
so its back up. should I test and see if they changed servers?
Colton King
still can't read, please help
Landon Torres
These threads are going nowhere, TRS won't fuck off, they don't plan on taking care of their shilling problems plus, 3rd parties are pouring gas on the fire, seriously, who the fuck is pegglecrew ?
Joshua Sanders
I can't divide ur mom's legs because they were never closed
Julian Lee
Thanks blessed Natt
Gavin Scott
no harm in trying
Cooper Ward
(Heiled) Go for it lad It's peak hours
Robert Hernandez
Oh right, that's who it is. Just wanted to make sure.
Dominic Ortiz
Nathaniel Ramirez
THEY DIDN"T CHANGE SERVERS BUT PUT CLOUDFLARE UP TRS confirmed for computer illiterate and possibly down syndrome
Camden Jones
how the fuck are they this retarded
Oliver Perez
You'd think you could at least get decent IT work if your IT guy was a fed
Jackson Perez
Probably asked reddit for tech advice
Joseph Richardson
Wyatt Long
It's hilarious that there are idiots who think this will work. "We have to kill all the namefags, oh except this one, who tried to infect us all with malware." Fuck off you egofagging shit.
Jonathan Howard
Things TRS would rather do than humble their egos and simply apologize:
All rather than take the ego hit of admitting they were wrong and kindly requesting that their userbase leave us the fuck alone.
Kayden Nguyen
Isaiah Jackson
Iron March is a fucking honeypot made by a Muslim. Fuck off back there.
Austin Morales
Robert Flores
I agree. I came here just after the great migration, and have been lurking or posting since. There has always been a lot of shilling here, as we all know. but normally the posts slide quickly. I listen to the so called (((TRS))) podcasts. All those guys do is name the jew, for namefags they're straight up nationalists, anyone saying they don't deal with the JQ is a SHILL, anyone saying they support any degeneracy is a SHILL. There are shills on the TRS forum as there are here, its all about D&C as usual. I will not post in another one of these threads, im finished with them, but I had to say this before I left. Watch the shill posts follow VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
Connor Baker
not true and everyone here has a vm set up anyway lol
Austin Smith
TRS never attacked pol.
TRS were blaming Iron March for a lot of this stuff but they've caught on that this - this thread, all this bullshit manufactured drama was a goon operation. Because it is a goon operation, and pol fell hook line and sinker.
That being said the DDOS is likely goons too so it doesn't really matter that some people from pol bought into this bullshit.
Gabriel Hall
Take your faggot drama somewhere else.
Ryder Ramirez
t. TRS
James Fisher
Brayden Davis
I have been asking people and everyone is saying TRS people are not allowed to shill here. I dont know what the fuck is going on.
Hunter Cox
proof it was malware/virus/trojan/bitcoin miner/my little pony rule34?
Ian Butler
The moderators and board owners of Holla Forums have been bought out by Jared Kushner. They are selling out the White race for a few measly shekels. Fortunately, 8ch.net/n/ is back and well-moderated. There are zero accusations of "shilling," "D&C," and other retarded bullshit that the brain-damaged Holla Forums mods allow to fester in their decaying board. Consider posting there and leaving Holla Forums, otherwise you're going to have to wade through shitty threads like this one forever!
Jordan Roberts
it's a meme you fucking retard
Nicholas Miller
This is as good of a place as any.
Ayden James
Joseph Reyes
Jayden Bennett
Ian Gray
proof or suck my white uncut dick
Thomas Young
hello shill
Matthew Nelson
no theyre from /baph/ old /i/nsurgents
Ian Collins
Wait, you're telling me that namefagging goon who ended up being b& for being Holla Forums last year is behind the DDoS?
TRS has a lot to be blamed for but definetly it's being exploited by more than a single third party.
Lincoln Powell
Jaxson Nguyen
as usual these threads you have a few (usually at most 5) goons making the vast bulk of the posts.
Jaxon Wood
These threads are a laugh riot. I love you guys.
Julian Johnson
Nolan Hall
We caught you red handed retard. The only thing you have to do is to fuck off, make an apology and get a hold over your shills better.
Gabriel Ramirez
Jewinvader is pretty based. He took down an enemy plebbit colony a couple months ago.
David Gomez
Demanding an apology sounds kinda familiar…. not typically something Holla Forums does though.
You'd know
Jeremiah Reed
John Barnes
i was confirming what you said
Wyatt Kelly
Can we ban all TRShills and IronCucks? namefags are a cancer to our movement, as I said before SLAVA CHANIYA
Matthew Wright
Colton James
That doesn't make things better. That just means both sides are a total of seven people and this drama is even more artificial.
Austin Reyes
You seem to have a critical misunderstanding of what a goon is, lad.
Ryan Williams
Lucas Baker
I think pic related is what he's talking about.
Nathaniel Fisher
shilling in a shill thread
Hunter Campbell
You guys are really autistic and childish.
Brandon Hughes
Jewinvader you are a real human been
Nathaniel Edwards
Fuck their shit up.
Isaiah Hernandez
People who use their real names are putting their lives on the line.
People who use pseudonyms are putting whatever reputation they've built under their pseudonym on the line.
Anonymous posters are cowards.
Julian Rogers
So who are you?
Evan Lopez
Why are you posting anonymously?
Justin Wilson
Nice ego there. It'd be a shame if somebody laughed at it. :^)
Nicholas Ortiz
loving every laugh
Robert Thomas
its like im actually 13 again
Andrew Sullivan
give me a bit I'm giving it a rest to see if they create any salt on their forum and make them feel safe. I'll hit them again in due time.
William Smith
Jace Robinson
Not cowards. Just not stupid. I'm willing to put my life on the line. Just smart enough to conceal my identity while doing so.
Camden Wilson
new and improved
Dylan Morgan
obviously they only want the ddos to come from you fam
Jace Foster
top kek
Nolan Rivera
Ok but in all seriousness, what is the major end goal of everything itt?
Jaxson Russell
I've had an idea in my head the past two days but I don't know what to do with it. The idea is a take on the 'purity spiraling' thing. I wanted to combine that with the idea of 'swirling the drain' in a toilet. Any ideas? If I put purity spiraling in the drain it kinda gives off the vibe that purity spiraling as a concept isn't to be done, but it's more the rhetoric that I want to flush. Maybe quotes around it?
Mason Edwards
People using real names are easily bribed and/or killed, people using pseudonyms usually develop an overinflated ego which is exploited by a subverter at some point or get shut down, an anonymous amorphous blob can reform any time it gets struck. Going anonymous is taking the steps required to have that extra protection, going at it without cover is being an egomaniac idiot who deep down wishes to become a martyr. They are sacrificial pawns in the current climate.
Camden Clark
Jack Robinson
the death of all jews of course what else
Alexander Parker
Ethan Jones
getting TRS to fuck off
Jose Wood
too bad leakanon said he was on a business trip
Wyatt Evans
crashing this plane
Logan Campbell
well yeah thats obvious, but what else?
Jacob Young
An apology from the higher-ups for shilling us and a promise to not allow such attempts to transpire in the future. That way when we see pro-TRS shilling on 8/pol/ we can confirm that it's a third party, not directed from TRS.
Carter Thomas
Hey guys, name is Alphonse Hortler, I really dislike the jews, anyone want do to something illegal with me ?
Angel Thomas
Heil Hortler
Asher Butler
No you see you coward doing the same exact thing every other WN organization has ever done BUT WITH A PODCAST AND FORUMS is how we take power god damnit why will you not see the wisdom that is the way of the pool party
Joseph Reyes
SeventhSon finally admitting that his userbase did something wrong and apologizing. He has already banned making posts about Holla Forums on the website, so if he is willing to throw away his Goon-tier ego for a minute and apologize then I'm sure this will all fizzle out and we won't have to deal with them anymore (besides a few renegade nobodies). Lothar being demodded would be a bonus.
Evan Scott
That has already happened, though. People who make 8ch shill threads are ban on sight. That is admission of wrongdoing, isnt it?
Blake Brooks
Good, I'm seriously tired of this shit, It's been twelve threads already.
Kevin Gutierrez
Being able to derail any thread on Holla Forums by yelling TRS.
Thomas Foster
no they have gone out of their way to say theyre not apologizing (since they're not cucks!) really not a good way to breed friendship so w/e
Jason Garcia
No, we can already do that, with an apology and telling their users to fuck off we can say that they're not TRS and just trying to cause trouble when they shill for TRS/call out TRS for no reason like they do with "drumpcuck" and other d&c they like
Bentley Morris
Who are they? We are talking about one dude right now.
Aiden Gomez
This guy speaks wisdom TRS
Blake Russell
The end is nigh. If we can all agree that we want an apology and an assurance from the moderation that they will do everything in their power to ensure that this doesn't happen again then I'm probably going to shoot them an email.
DDoS user, I want to work with you on this. I can't control what you do, and at the end of the day this is your decision. Email me at leaker @Holla Forums.co. Email me a phrase that you will then post here to verify that it is you. I'll put you in contact with the BO of /trs/ and we'll draft something up.
Brayden Collins
Crashing their forum.
Colton Hernandez
Yep same dudes over and over are doing this
Landon Miller
I'm right here.
Wyatt Carter
seventhson, bulbasaur, lothar off the top of my head.
Samuel Myers
shilling in a shill thread
i am the alpha shill
no one can shill like me
Jackson Jones
At the end of the day it is just SS who can call that shot.
Jace Martin
I agree
Dylan Evans
???? why not enoch or the FTN guys?
Michael Williams
you guys are giving trs so much power good job keeping the forums down..oh wait
Brayden Kelly
should we start doxing them too to show how serious we are?
Xavier Reed
you can just find me on twitter @invaderjew my keybase is keybase.io/jewinvader and to verify I'll just post my ID in this message signed with my pgp
What do you mean? I dont really understand the question. I say just SS because Mike Enoch doesnt have a twitter and doesnt engage with a community like SS does.
Jacob Thomas
Eli Morris
twitter.com/ThaRightStuff/with_replies I dont know how your TRS shit works dude someone just needs to say sorry if TRS is so fucking intent on being an "ally"
Isaiah Rogers
Enoch's a crypto-Jew, can't trust a Jew, and the FTN guys are not admins.
Nolan Walker
Here. I have had him in my keyring for quite some time.
Blake Bell
They white-knight for e-celeb kike-casts and shit up our threads. also most seem to use the same sjw buzzwords (say "non-white" in place of niggers, coons, kikes, etc) and seem to have a chip on their shoulder regarding anons. tbh my end game would be to force a redpill down their throat and make them go full user, shying away from the shekel-grabing ecelebs who are jsut going to sell them out anyway.
also friendly reminder that "uneducated" is kike-talk for naming the goyem in public.
Hunter Baker
No, you're taking Holla Forums hostage and using a third party as an excuse.
Ethan Phillips
same goes for "intellectual"
srsly look up articles where kikes claim someone isn't "intellectual". It's just kikes pointing out bad goys.
Oliver Johnson
Lucas Gray
If TRS apologizes then they deserve to be wiped from the internet forever.
Levi Reyes
the fuck does that even mean?
Matthew Price
So hit SS up on Twitter. I dont know. I mean you already have what you want so beyond this there really is nothing I, or anyone else here can do for you.
Aiden Barnes
hope you faggots didn't scrape off a monstergirl based on a deity, because if you did you just gained their Ire.
that meme magic shit is terrifying.
John Hill
TRS is in the other thread shitting it up again, and I am telling them they have their forum back for now use it and leave, stop posting. and they just can't seem to find a way to shut the fuck up.
Aaron Brown
I'm not from TRS, dude. I just don't want them to apologize. If they apologize then they truly are the greatest faggots to ever inhabit this planet.
Gabriel Carter
you're dumb tbh
they think this is just an extention of their endless namefag clique wars rather than enough Holla Forumsacks being annoyed to sustain 12 threads on page 1
Dylan White
The forums are up, though. A forum was brought down during sunday night and some of monday morning. That is it. No one even seems to be concerned about this on twitter.
This is quickly becoming embarrassing, but I guess these pegglecrew namefags have a plan and are doing this how they want to. Disappointing that we have to rely on mercenaries now.
Connor Scott
Who cares what a whiner like you thinks?
James Gutierrez
What are you even talking about now? Given that the TRS admins have said shilling on 8ch = ban, I cant believe that these people are actually "TRS" anymore. It has to be 3rd party shills now.
Hudson Ramirez
well then they need to make sure that they reel everyone back in because there are people over here still fucking butthurt and wont leave after I have given them their forum back.
Ayden Sanders
Have they apologized, or made an announcement? Their response is buried halfway down in some shitty thread
seems sincere to me
Gavin Cruz
TRS are clearly pretty new to the internet, they think namefagging and attentionwhoring is acceptable. They need to learn some humility and a sincere, public, official apology from their leaders will help with that.
Alexander Perry
go back to Reddit, you fuck.
Jace Ward
It's the same 5 posters 'sustaining' the threads.
Benjamin Walker
I hope they never do it. Just to spite losers like you.
Ryan Campbell
Who and where? Because seriously, there should not be an issue now. I mean, do you think Holla Forums hasnt gotten wind of this?
Jonathan Robinson
: ^ )
Eli Thompson
It means you're punching right as you purity spiral, duh.
Josiah Rodriguez
Fine by me, it's been a while since 8ch fucked over an organization anyways.
Austin Hughes
At this point any people "shilling" for TRS are likely just people doing poorly attempted false flags.
Jaxon Gonzalez
The majority of them calling you a faggot.
Dylan Rogers
ya sure, but I have yet to hear anything from any TRS member and as a matter of fact Bulbasaur blocked me on twitter. So if he was going to make a statement to me, its gonna be kinda hard while I'm blocked.
Joshua Russell
Jace Johnson
Colton Ross
What do you mean? This has been acknowledged from what we have seen. If it is actually made a bannable offense to talk about shilling here, doesnt that sort of put a nice and neat bow on all of this?
Jayden Lewis
no apology and making a statement that it's banned in the middle of some thread isnt going to do much as we've seen that the TRShills haven't stopped coming
Isaac Evans
no, because him and his merry gang of people made it an effort to piss me off last night. Its not going to be that easy.
Brayden Smith
This is why I suspect TRS is hostile.
I don't think any of these "TRS leaders" ever interacted with board mods or anyone from an image board in general to try and facilitate public discussion. I just see typical e-celeb shit where all they do his talk about how they're better than everyone else on social media and white-knight pawns duking it out with mean tweets. I mean does ED even know who these ppl are? Pretty sure their intention is to grow like a cancer and have the largest PA possible for shekel mining.
Also this doesn't include people who just listen to their podcasts. I'm talking about die-hards who feel exclusive to be part of this autistic clique, which bares some resemblance to old SA.
Zachary Martinez
It's actually a bannable offense to shill, if you check Holla Forums bans, a number of TRS members have already been banned for shilling.
Caleb Hall
No I mean on TRS it is a bannable offense to talk about and suggest shilling to here.
Jordan Cruz
I guess what I am saying is that it this point those probably arent even real TRS people. Because if they got the order to not come here anymore, who else could it be? Who has an interest in disrupting Holla Forums? Which group?
See, you lost me again. How?
Jose Nguyen
yeah I agree but till TRS apologizes I will not give them the benefit of the doubt. I just can't comprehend why it's so hard to get a fucking apology from a supposed "ally" after their autistic members shilled us for months on end
Luke Cooper
if you were in the other threads, then you would have known. They made an effort to keep insulting me when all I asked was for them to stop posting
Owen Adams
Dude come on, you know better. Asking for something like that from anybody on an imageboard is just asking to get shitposted. That goes for anyone. I would wager that most of those people werent even TRS shills at that point, they were just in it for shits and giggles.
Brody Thomas
but they don't have those attitudes?
Cooper Scott
Holla Forums is not your personal army you faggot.
Robert Bennett
TRS discussion is a slippery slope to e-celeb bullshit and shekel begging. I second this.
Camden Fisher
some user made it up like last thread
Evan Hernandez
he's doesn't fucking need one lol
now as for TRS on the other hand…
Joseph Wright
you think they think it was it funny and worth it now?
Jacob Williams
it's a reaction the the kikish (((you guys))) posters who refer to Holla Forums as a single entity. They also usually post shitlib insults like "virgins" "literally Hitlers" "purists" or "uneducated"
Michael Martin
Well it is the internet so I dont know.
Parker Brown
that was baked alaska, the guest.
I don't believe we'll need all that policing. But I have to admit I had better faith in this site. I think its just like 4 guys, but if so, this has been a surprisingly successful campaign.
Isaac Allen
>not a song like the Horst Wessel Lied like the one I wrote Degenerate.
Connor Lee
You forget that their e-celeb overlords care about the bottom-line in online popularity. Imagine Cernokike for example, his ass would radio silence any idea of trying to "win over" another forum if those posters fucked with his shekel grabbing/PA requesting activities.
yes white-knights gonna white-knight, but the cancer will die down a little as the forum mods no longer promote "propaganda posts" here.
Colton Torres
were they shilling their site? saying, come see this, you'd like it?
if that's it, I don't know why people are upset.
Landon Jones
Is this just a couple a dumb dumbs with low reading comprehension?
Can you read user?
Juan Diaz
The TRS stuff is a just a pretext. They want to gaslight everyone into the idea that calling someone "TRS" immediately refutes their argument.
Logan Campbell
tbh they just seem too retarded to understand we don't want their purple-pill autism here.
Robert Hughes
you keep saying this because you did a twitter search :^)
then fuck-off
Ethan Gutierrez
Can someone give me an "Out of the loop"/TLDR explanation of what is going on?
William Johnson
TRShills decided to poke the bear with a stick and they got what they deserved.
Jose Rivera
I am REALLY out of the loop. Why you guys think TRS is working against our interests?
Landon Bailey
This isn't about TRS. This is about making it so these faggots can derail any thread for going against the consensus they are trying to force. TRS is being used as a pretext because it was already moderately unpopular.
Charles Reyes
Degenerates, and Kike-loving Civic Nationalists. See >>>/trs/ for details and more documents. Holla Forums will never be alt-kike..
Sebastian Evans
i noticed Holla Forums was struggling with this applied label for quite some time. nice to see where it's coming from finally.
Charles Allen
yeah there is a no good jews consensus on Holla Forums which is why it was weird when all of a sudden tens of posters came out of no where to shill for BASED zionist jews and then get banned. then they post their fukcing ban pages on the TRS forums and now here we are
Leo Robinson
that and the vocabulary. they purposefully avoid "kike" and "nigger" and say shit like "non-whites" "non-nationalists"
Parker Bell
no u
third party trying to get us to fight TRS because they "shilled" here ( said they were from TRS and wanted us to listen to their podcast)
they ddosed their servers and threw up a thread on Holla Forums and baited every fag who hated TRS for being "moderate" despite their hardening stances (especially on fags like Milo) its taken us this long to realize we're being paid because they played us the same way they usually play others. Went on the other forum, took screencaps out of context, pasted them here, and provided lies as context. What they used to do here.
Jaxson James
I can pretty much assure you that TRS are not civcucks.
Nicholas Jones
they "talked" about it on their "forum" too you jackass.
Ian Cook
good yob der pablo
Wyatt Allen
Some are and from the html logs that got posted here it seems they are able to post without a threat of being banned
Nathaniel Evans
just to be clear TRS listeners != TRS forum fags. there's plenty of screen-caps showing the poster's kike-accepting faggotry.
Julian Green
I'm not denying they did it you tard. I'm asking what the fuck they did other than try to say "Look at me!"
When you say shill, the common pleb thinks someone's shilling a product or idea. They were shilling a few podcasts. Who gives a fuck.
Landon Martin
Supposedly TRS is shilling on Holla Forums. I've missed these threads but apparently it happened. TRS is a danger to our Holla Forums culture with their supposed pro-gay and pro-jew agenda, of which I've not seen much proof except for christcuck bulbasaur saying he doesn't think jews are predisposed to being evil. Combine that with some people in these threads having 50+ posts, it seems to me like a coordinated effort is being made by only a handful to get some kind of "war" going where previously there had been not that much interaction.
The best way to deal with TRS shilling is to have mods delete all threads about TRS. Making so many threads about TRS is giving them a lot of attention … at least more than before this supposed "war" against them.
Tyler King
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Parker Morgan
you mean like fucking podcasts? Jesus Christ.
Kevin Mitchell
means he's shoe-horning in some damage control or he cannot into OP
Nathan Reed
that you buy numnuts
Nicholas Peterson
It means that no one on the TRS forums is doing any of this shit, you stupid dramafag. The TRS moderators have locked all discussion about this little spat, while the pol moderators fucking ban you for a week if you suggest that pol should do the same. The pol mods want to start shit while the TRS mods don't. It's that simple.
What it boils down to is that the mods of Holla Forums are trying to get people angry at TRS because the mods of Holla Forums are a) jealous that another White Nationalist site is now getting way more traffic than they are and b) useless pieces of shit who derive pleasure from making others upset. Ultimately, 8pol mods are angry when people USE THEIR REAL IDENTITIES (Anglin, Red Ice, etc) to DO SOMETHING because it makes 8pol less relevant.
John Phillips
Jordan Wilson
shilling applies to audience development, numb-nuts
Samuel Lopez
we don't think vermin like e-celebs and their beloved white-knights are terrifying, we just know they should be purged.
Kayden Torres
read the thread 1 archive in the OP. TRShills were literally shilling allying with jewish nationalists. Then they were banned . Then they posted their ban pages from Holla Forums on the TRS forums and someone leaked them
Austin Collins
Indeed, since this started I'm more curious to check their content.
Lincoln Bennett
I said "supposedly" because I see the same screencap of organized shilling now that I saw months ago. They did it once and were rightfully banned. In the last 3 days I've seen more anti-TRS threads than I've seen TRS shilling ever.
If their podcasts and ideas are so shitty they will find no one audience here anyway, no need to make such a fuss about it. Are you really afraid that these supposed cucks will change Holla Forums forever? This board has beaten better opponents. Let's just ignore them and ban TRS shilling.
Jacob Bennett
Bro you have autism.
Lucas Rogers
All these desus and nobody is using DDT.
Ian Jackson
Things TRS would rather do than humble their egos and simply apologize:
All rather than take the ego hit of admitting they were wrong and kindly requesting that their userbase leave us the fuck alone.
Carter Garcia
Matthew Garcia
Whew lad you really fucked up here m8.
My oh my what did Holla Forums get up to while I was gone? I love you incredible faggots.
You see my friend, Holla Forums is not the bastion of whiteness or natsoc feelgood whatever the fuck. Holla Forums is where the gutter of the world goes to rebel. It just so happens things are so shitty now the only way left to rebel is to be an actually decent person. We destroy people we really do. I personally am responsible for a suicide as well as 758 hadjis getting droned for keks; the only people in the world it would be worse to piss off is our /baph/ole buddies.
I am not going to lie to you, it won't stop. You will continue to be harassed for some time by a few autists as that's what they do. Cucking yourself and apologizing only satisfies the more advanced wizards who really have more important shit to do, like harass a multi-milionaire advertiser who makes his money shitting up your phones internet browser, take pictures of his family, shit in his mailbox, you know, IMPORTANT stuff.
Best thing you can do is take your beating and try not to become a meme.
Eli Lewis
You know nothing of Holla Forums. We are the creme of the corn of the white race.
Jacob Anderson
I'm so glad pol has finally figured out TRS is cancer
Ryder James
I think we always knew that. I've never heard a good thing about that place before just the past few weeks.
Hudson Morgan
Once the Internet Hate Machine gets traction, it doesn't slow very quickly. I used to give people the same advice. They never listen.
Colton Morales
wew lad why did you think we were going to be friends again?
Easton Phillips
I admit to not being a Holla Forumslack but Holla Forums has won more allies in fighting (((trs faggotry))), not only has (((trs faggots))) helped renew trust in the mods here but they have helped to unite various tard corrals in fighting (((trs cancer))). Talk about an epic fail if there ever was one.
Juan Rogers
I can confirm that many non-Holla Forumslacks are here to fight (((trs cancer))) and do expect even more fighters to stomp out these homos from Holla Forums
Aaron Turner
Www lads
Joseph Evans
I meant wew, obviously.
James Sullivan
And the "wew" was naturally directed at the lads.
Nolan Russell
I think the lads in question should be evident.
Ethan Torres
In case they aren't, they are the lads shitting up the catalog and necrobumping these threads.
Parker Evans
To whom I direct a heartfelt WEW.
Logan Stewart
Of course, the precise sentiment behind this wew might not be immediately apparent.
Joseph Jones
It is an expression of wonder.
Noah Rodriguez
Wonder at what combination of BPD and autism might be necessary…