ITT: say something nice about another ideology. there seems to be a lot of tension here lately

ITT: say something nice about another ideology. there seems to be a lot of tension here lately

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tankies will die one day

No. All anarchists belong to death camps.

At least anarchkiddies try.

What the fuck, I was just about to make this thread

Any way.
Mutualists are really cool dudes. Yugoanon is clearly super smart, socdem too. Nihilists are good at funposting. Anfem has good bants against nazis.

Mutualists are fucking Awesome.
Titoists are cool but their state spooks me.

Marxist-Leninists will take regular showers.
Nazbols Tankies and Useful Idiotists will ingest Cyanide for their own good.
Socdems will never stop betraying their principals but at least they will take regular showers.
Trotskyists will stop being lame.
Ancoms will stop being so fucking dogmatic and sectarian.

At least they are not tankies.

Tanked get things done. Trots are keeping the leftist newspaper industry afloat.

I thought the meme was that they had no theory?

Which is it?

Neither. Ancoms are cool.

Anarchists' hearts are in the right place, we just want to make sure their heads are as well. (the fucking guillotine you cunts)

Tankies make good cannon fodder

I have faith that everyone here will read Apo

I like all of you better than tfwnogfnazi and satannazi.

anarchists are nice people and i would gladly work with them to achieve revolution and i'd let the anarchists be alone in their own territory to do whatever they wish

I love you too tankie.

Bakunin rips off feuerbach bretty well

I like this guy.

Anarcho-capitalism isn't THAT bad….

I think Lenin felt the same way, but Trotsky ordered the Makhnovists killed. How would you prevent assholes from arising in your government and attacking their anarchist comrades? I would be willing to work with you in a revolution if you can prevent this.

Ancaps aren't Anarcho Primitivist.

Anarchist have some good ideas.

Marxist Leninist can be less idealistic than Anarchist can be sometimes.

Liberals have the right intentions, but the wrong ideas.

Stalinist aren't afraid to use their free speech.

The same thing can be said about Neo Nazis.

MLs established state capitalism and thus helped bring about a proletarianization of the third world.

Trots and MLs in general seem pretty well organised.

mutalism is pretty boss

death to all those who stand in the way of the working people

No way, stalin-apologist

ML parties in my country are not violent at all and have faith in reform.

We said say something nice m8.

I'm a nat-.ional socialist.


You are a dick.

fair enough tankie

Are you seriously refusing?

Synidcalists are absolutely based.
MLs are actually really nice and not the caricatured tankies you see here most of the time.

some of you guys are alright.

This post needs to be capped and we should be reminded every now and then that such a post was made

I wish all leninists and all post-leninist revisionists to have a quick death when the workers rise up against their leaders.

I appreciate the optimism and steadfastness of anarchists.

The USSR had cool uniforms.
but Hitler's were better

Hard to compete with Hugo Boss

Hugo didn't design them he just produced them.


I feel the same way!

I even like the Choirs and Marches.

Who the USSR or the Nazi's?

Anarchists are the least delusionally nostalgic strand of socialist and generally look for faults within their own autonomy and ideology rather than outside forces.

I even downloaded some marches in webm.
If any one is interested in them I will share them with all of you.

Compared to anarchists their aesthetic looks prettier plastered on walls.

Let's see em'

I think the USSR was actually on the whole a beneficial thing, and that claiming it was totalitarian and brutal is only ignoring that liberal countries were perhaps even more so, just to different people. Only thing that really pushes the wrong way about it was claiming it WAS extant socialism rather than a building block towards it.

Leftcoms seem to be very good theorists and have on multiple occasions given me things to consider when reading their replies to others.

Other anarchists are breddy gud on the whole. I'm glad to see many are interested in taking organized action. Some of you could do with a bit more, uh, formalizing and thinking through of your theory though, I admit.

NatSocs make insane conspiracy theories that are good for a laugh.

Ancaps are good for reminding normies that capitalism is actually dangerous as fuck.

I have a generally positive perception of the USSR and its role against capitalism.

Anarkids are actually Ok. All my friends are anarkids. Their cause is right. They have a point about the state not withering.

but they have no realistic sollution as the material conditions do not allow for anarchism to take place


Most ideologies that aren't descended from leninism, primitivism, or post-leftism are A OK.

Most of the time leftism is just a phase.

I admire your idealism.

It's such an optimistic point of view.

*Most leftist ideologies

Whats optimistic about thinking you are being exploited, held down etc? Whats positive about thinking the world is litterally going to be uninhabitabal and you can do nothing because of the economic system? What is optimistic about fearing for the future of your children because you see everything getting worse and worse?

Is believing that everything is fine and the market will fix it much more optimistic?

one of the main reasons I'm so depressed is that I understand how shitty things are and that I'll probably never live to see things change.

Oh fuck off. What an empty critique. Even if things aren't going to change, that's no reason to give up your ideals.

You mistake leftism with edgy teen anarkids.

See the world collapsing by the economic system that does not change and will eventually destroy us all, is optimism.

While thinking that everything is fine and capitalism works and it only needs to be fixed, or the market to be more free, or less state or whatever, isn't.

USSR made some good movies, some of which had a huge influence on cinematography. Stalin had a nice tache. Soviet architecture has a cool aesthetic.
Lots of anarkiddies have their hearts in the right place. They are a good gateway drug.
Hoxha did some good things.
Some Liberals aren't just pretending to care, and are also an okay gateway drug.
Ancaps want to protect individuals from the government.
Nearly all of them can take a joke better than Poopsocs.


revisionists aren't bad either

icepicks and gulags obviously

porky pls go


once i saw an anarchist and his autism wasn't so bad, that he could hold a conversation for a few minutes

that's funny coming from you who happen to be a spergy self-righteous pansy

not sure you can be both but sure why not

Anarchist Catalonia was pretty badass tbh.

I can't hate Leninists because Muke is too much of a qt.

Maoists make really cool art and posters.

Tankies are dankies.

Nihilists are a lot of fun to have around.

Trots are okay because J Posadas.

The spurdo posters and Yugoslav flag posters are pretty cool dudes.

SocDems and liberals have their hearts in the right place. Mostly.

NationalSocialists are good at losing wars and killing themselves.

to live is to suffer

There you go, comrade.

honestly tankies and anarchists need to come together especially in times like these(the left is so divided right now) and we are not so different we have similar goals just different ways of getting to them

At least egoists,anarchists, and left communists are not racists and are anti-capitalist. All of their memes are funny as hell and I enjoy spook memes the most.

The only reasons you see people fight a lot right now is because the Left is largely dead, and nothing is going on that has to do with us. Since we have nothing to do or talk about, we just look back and start identifying with leftist movements of the 20th century and in-fight when the 20th century is long over. We lost that battle. We need to get over it.

It's a pretty long phase then. Chomsky is as old as time.

Browsing ancap or altright forms makes me respect all the opposing factions in the left. It reminds me that ultimately we are all united against a common evil. like it or not we are all comr8s

This is true.

Some AnCaps can be good allies, and just haven't heard about Mutalism yet.

SocDems have their heart in the right place.

Hoxhaists will totally help build you a bunker to hide from imperialists.

Juche is pretty fucking hilarious.

Anarchists have their hearts in the right place.

Tankies at least would industrialize a third world country pretty well given the chance.

Anarchist are always willing to go to great lengths to burn shit and yet they only smell half as bad as you think they do.

The original real Nazis had wonderful uniforms

Everyone in Holla Forums will help build a better world.

Anarchists will be the guerrilla fighters and will be rewarded with their own territory.

SocialDem will work in the flawed system as a way to convert others to our cause.

Tankies have good propaganda.

Multualists will bring everyone together.

Yugoanons could actually be in charge of the economy

Anarchocapitalists are great shooting targets

political ideology catgirls is really the only reason i still come to this tankie pleb board as a glorious member of the libertarian aristocracy

The Nazis were the first who introduced animal protection laws.The Nazis animal welfare laws are still the basis for modern German animal welfare laws.

Most anfems posses a penis-compatible hole, somewhere.

trotskyism is so irrelevant and a failure that doesn't even take hold anywhere that it at least never fucks anything up but itself

Shout out to all radical leftists who didn't align their world view with a single ideology

Some of you have actually read Marx.

Atleast tankies get to live in blissful ignorance

Hey! I wish there were more of us tbh.

I'm not sure how to say it, but I made this pic as an example of what inevitably happens if you don't have an ideology. Things tend to get misunderstood.

I know
I just can't 't make my mind up , both authoritarian and libertarian radleft have a good arguments against each other

I guess i will see how can i mold Hegel definition of the state into an ideology

For now i follow terrorism and the revolutionary ethics and thats it

this thread is one of the better ones on this board really. well done everyone.

fuck off market """"""""""""socialist"""""""""

At least tankies don't get spooked about le free speech and will just fucking gulag the fuck out of counter-revolutionaries.

just let go of the spooks user

I don't trust you for certain…
Stalin killed loyal supporters left and right.

Not saying all tankies are stalinists.

But if you truly are sincere, much respect.

This. Think of everything you can with by letting your spooks go.

Since when the FUCK do people like mutualism, I mean hol-e shit. Not to shit on this thread but mutualism was btfo'd 100 years ago.

I mean seriously, "mutualism is pretty based ===DDDDXDDDDD", fuck off.

I'm in a bit of an awe that communists like mutualism. God damnit.

Its anarchism with money for christ sake

I seriously need an explanation for this before I throw an autistic fit and squish my tendies with my toes

Leftcoms are okay. I'm a filthy left wing market anarchist but in my experience they are pretty unlikely to devolve into leninist/tankie reactionary cultural relativism bullshit.