Are ultrawides a meme or are they useful? I mainly program and often check sidebyside comparisons so an ultrawide seems right up my alley. Anyone have one? Are they worth it?
Are ultrawides a meme or are they useful...
I use a 34" LG ultrawide as my center monitor in a tri monitor setup with 27" korean 1440p shitpanels on either side. No complaints. I usually use it like 2 side by side 4:3 panels, but if you use a tiling window manager like i3 it's a lot easier to split it into 3 usable panes.
Ooh, two 4:3 fit? That's really nice.
That's what it feels like, without the bezel.
Meme, specially if curved.
100% not a meme, productivity studies have shown that the bigger the screen the better. Multiple monitors were also detrimental and ultrawides are uniquely positioned to end the use of dual or triple monitor setups. Because phones and PCs are merging in unforeseen ways and the software between them is becoming universal it is very likely that monitors will follow the same trend phones have which is gaining in aspect ratio. In just the past year most phones have gone from 16:9 to 2:1 or greater for example. Another trend is that TVs and monitors are merging as well and cinema standard is also ultrawide, although I will note I need some more data on this. The only place this isn’t happening is in laptops, which are actually trending from 16:9 towards 16:10 and even 3:2. As for the curved shit, that’s a fucking meme.
I just threw up in my mouth a little. Excuse me while I go brush my teeth.
Only from a software perspective, cross platform universal code is the new normal, if you haven’t seen that yet you will soon. No, I’m not talking about that Ubuntu/Windows plug-n-play crap by the way.
Lol Java has been saying that for the last 20 fucking years.
Pure meme, just like any other bullshit widescreen ratio.
The real reason is because they can call the wide screen "bigger", since screen size is measuref diagonally.
This image is a pure meme
Java is dead old fart, why even bring it up? In just a few years kids will laugh at you for still using a 4:3 aspect ratio. You will feel the sting of irony just as you laugh at me now. At least save yourself the embarrassment and admit that 2:1 is superior for monitors in every way
t. popeyed pirate
It's a meme use 4:3
Actually it's t. NASA. is from a NASA study on field of view.
Utterly useless. Just get multiple monitors like a competent human being and have one turned sideways for text viewing.
Only to a certain size. Beyond 27 inches it mostly goes down again, a work screen too huge somehow becomes confusing and counterproductive for most.
Hello there Microsoft PR dept., it's not 2012 anymore, Windows 8 and Metro UI have failed, thank you.
all I/O devices are memes. i simply use my tongue to send and receive electrical signals from the pins on my breadboard thats connected to an amd ryzen.
Are you fucking retarded?
studies have shown you're a faggot
you know you can buy a monitor at multiple sizes, right?
Mah cousing Jimbob got some of them new-fangled doublewide screens. He paid to get 'em jacked-up too.
Yes they are. For people with slanted eyes (gooks).
I've never seen this study you're claiming to have access to, but personal experiences and knowing a lot of other people who have multiple monitors tells me otherwise.
This is true
He didn't mention micropenis, and he isn't wrong. Most normies will eat it up later this year or next when apple makes ios apps run on mac just like google made android apps run on chrome
The gist is that more screen space is better, so of course your experience says so. I'd bet that those people using a single monitor didn't have a very big one
See pic related. The more people angry at you the more I know you're right. People (especially boomers) are resistant to change, even more so when it affects what they do everyday (shitposting)
What the fuck do you mean? They're already the same thing, how in hell can they 'merge'?
Then why the fuck are almost all TVs still 16:9?
No, 16:9 is the highest I'll go, 4:3 is too fucking small. 3:2 seems like the goldilocks zone for me.