Nationalism as a logic basis

I was thinking last night about idealism. We must consider how one gets to a state of idealism, of wanting to be a creature moving upwards. It is clear that the ideals of the government play a role in public schooling and the ideals of a private organization play a role in private schooling. With this much known we can understand that without even defining things like tradition or culture yet we can expect the student to be influenced by the role whoever owns his school wants to provide.

If for just a second we consider the republican of today we may also realize
how easy it can be to talk them into arguing at the primitive level of
culture. He will say the building blocks that hold everything together,
and that let you build upon to greater things is culture.

There are two things that will happen if you fail to talk him to this easy level. If you fail to get him to move downward to the primitives
of human nature he will instead say the economy is what keeps people together and what drives a nation. Yet while he says he respects the founding fathers as his guide he will not show the smallest ounce of care when you attempt to take the platform he has given you to discuss the federal reserve. If you fail to properly get himself to move downward to the primitives then you may overstep your bounds and end up in a fight over if race is the unifying factor that holds people together. The republican will be distraught on this and may ceed the culture is what holds people together not race. In a sense you have gotten him where you want him but placed yourself in a position of weakness.

Now why do we discuss schooling and republicans? To fulfill two statements.

-Homeschooling naturally leads the student to idealize and can
be properly optimized to bring a student to a much greater level than his
public school equivalents. Not only that but embedded within his mind will
be that of a rising creature and he will have the proper tools to engage in
learning on his own.

-Civil nationalism is a paradox that can't exist. The single moment you have
gotten someone to admit culture is what binds us they have conveniently also
admitted that race is what binds us.

To satisfy both these points almost to the stage of not needing any further
illumination let us understand what exactly culture means as a building
block. Culture is infact very closely related to tradition if not simply
another word for it. The means by which culture or tradition spreads is most
effectively done by the mother of the child. This is attested to by the fact
that even if you put a child through a ethnic nationalist public school they
would have a more likely chance of not having enough cultural/traditional
reasons for understanding why they do what they do. They would not view it as
fundamental, only something told to them from an authority figure. The
mother, while an authority figure, also encompasses much more especially when
considering if the child is home-schooled.

So if we agree a mother is the best way to transmit culture/tradition, and
that classically speaking the role is so important you could almost say the
two roles of women in society and to provide birth and nurture, (While a term
typically taken physically, nurturing should also consist of passing on
knowledge) then you can infact attest to the perplexing situation of race
being important.

Consider the following. You send a Chinese woman to Russia to raise her
kids. The kids will take on the culture/tradition of the Chinese not the
Russian. This is evident in every single race of America. Interbreeding does
not guarantee the traditions will be passed on because tradition is so closely
linked to race. The best example one could foster would be the Asian races of
America, everyone seems to hold them as the gold standard of integration but
besides waving a flag and holding their hand over their heart they mostly
stick to themselves breeding their own culture within the nation.

The Republican will of course at this point toss his own culture out saying it
wasn't good enough compared to the "melting pot" we can get from everyone's
contributions. But we've already examined that culture is directly tied to
race. You could fill a whole book discussing edge cases where this isn't true
but when observing the trend of reality everyone will take this as an axiom of
the system.

The African is free to bring African culture. The Asian is free to bring Asian culture. We should all celebrate our differences without considering that because tradition is so closely tied to race, any conflicts in contributions to the culture (I.e. white culture has something incompatible with black culture) will immediately lead to a perceived racist reaction. This infact would show logically that anyone who promotes such a mingling is fully accepting that racism will be inherent to the system and not only natural but logical to the system. The only way around this is to destroy the culture and thereby destroy the race (Look at Sweden or Germany).

I say all this to sum up the following.

Homeschooling provides the strongest bond between the mother which produces a strong traditional base. A traditional base leads to the idealism of wanting to improve yourself and hold virtue in high regard. Since the only consistent way is to gain tradition from the mother and tradition is tied to race other races will be at a massive disadvantage in achieving this state.

In other and final words,

An ethno-state is, quite contrary to the leftist, the most peaceful way to
organize the regions of Earth. It is the only way that has consistency built
into it. All other methods will come with the question of stability but to
answer that question you must employ racism, bigotry, and violence.

The irony of everyone thinking we are racist, bigots when infact almost all of
us want a world that long-term leads to true cultural and racial stability is
absolutely mind blowing.

I disagree on this.

Who would be more cabple of fight along side a group of viking warriors?

1. A Nordic Viking raised by sub-Saharan niggers
2. A sub-Saharan nigger raised by Nordic Vikings

I know that if you have a larger population come in and start trying to invade you, its a bad idea to let them invade you even on the terms they culturally assimilate.

However, with this "White Nationalism" bull shit, you alienate men like Sherif David Clarke, and everyone who likes him.

This includes me, I like the guy.

I also fucking hate low class degenerate wiggers.

Basically "White Nationalism" lowers your standard.

White Nationalism Standard
1. "do you kind of look European enough?",

Civic Nationalism Standard
2. "Do you follow the morals the founders of our civilization laid out, from the Moses, to the Greeks to the Founding Fathers"



You responded.

And… not an argument.

There aren't hardly any, which justifies the concept of Civic Nationalism.

So, are not just alienating this small group of black…. but the whites who like them.

The real enemy is Communism / Bolshevism / Globalism / and the ((( International Banker ))).

While your over on an image board white chimping because someone is pointing out that your propaganda sucks balls, the negro Sherif Clarke is doing more for the 14 words than you ever have.

Get with the program and stop trying to push this un-popular edge lord propaganda while you push Trump into disavowing us and giving the Communist the higher ground.

There's your problem. I don't give a shit about half a dozen niggers with more brains than the rest or a couple dozen retarded whites who support them, I give a shit about my own race. Just because there's a minority around doesn't mean we should change our whole political ideology to fit that.
Also, Communism/bolshevism isn't a thing anymore, we saw its effect on Russia. The Jews are, however, which means we must focus our efforts on destroying them and all their work. Your (((Civic Nationalism))) will inevitably mean Jews coming in because "we're not like those other jews, goy. Let us in, you wouldn't want to be anti-semitic now would you?" and subverting everything.

Are you implying that the rest of available nordic vikings raised by nordic vikings suddenly went extinct?

Are you somehow alright with said nordic vikings going extinct to the point they have to resort to members of other groups to do anything?

2/10 made me reply

There are far more white people who like Samuel L Jackson, Denzel Washington, Kanye West and various other Negros the ((( Entertainment Industry ))) has propped up.a raging left wing Communist puppet, and Nigger, than like you.

So congratulations, you've now lost the game of populism.

Your propaganda is unpopular and not adjusted to your audience. You loose.

I have no problem with David Clarke based on where we are right now politically, he's a big step in the right direction, and I'm fine with him right now. Right now isn't our end game, we're far away from the end game and he's not part of it. The end game is the restoration / reclamation of our peoples' homelands. Everything said is true. Sheriff Clarke can go down in history as somebody who was a nice ally along the way, I really don't give a fuck about three or four redpilled niggers in the long run, and I'm not about to change my entire ideology to that of kosher civic nationalism to cater to these tiny exceptions.



You guys are alining the disenfranchised majority of whites in the name of alienating a hand full of moral non-White / non-European men.

Your propaganda is un-popular and not adjusted for the intelligence of the masses.


Please attempt to make sense before spewing incoherent rants about "muh PR" on Holla Forums. Alternatively, go back to reddit.

Civic "nationalism" isn't nationalism, you aren't a nationalist, you're a patriotard.

Why don't Americans know the difference between a country and a nation?

David Clarke is great but he should be an agent of change since he's so based. Hell give him all of Africa and it'd probably turn out alright.

Nationalism was invented by the Jew.



Ethnic Nationalism is the only way.
Blood doesn't care for ideology.