Daily reminder that there is no point in joining leftist organizations or parties and the revolution will not happen in...

Daily reminder that there is no point in joining leftist organizations or parties and the revolution will not happen in your lifetime and if it does, it will not be due to in any degree to you wasting time selling shitty socialist newspapers.

If you have to join a party, you may as well join a social democratic one. There's no point in joining a revolutionary one because you won't live to see the revolution however hard you try

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Reminder that post-leftism is useful for literally nothing

I've been wondering this though, is there actually a point in agitating for the revolution if it won't happen while I'm alive?

It's a good thing nihilists only exist on the internet.

Pessimism has no place in the left.

Why be optimistic? Why lie to yourself?

this lol

nice try socdem

Optimism is dishonest and deluded. You have to see the world without bias for either of the ends of the spectrum.

I'd argue that pessimism is worse than optimism, however.

But I still get to kill some porkies and build totalitarian state capitalism or degenerated worker state.

What can Soc-Dem offer?


There is none, even if you agitate for it you wont have any command on when the revolution is going to happen cause a revolution is a mass movement and you need to have a whole mass to be disgruntled with their current economic system where they will desire a radical reform of the economic system to socialism. But the masses are so ingrained into the system and the dominant idealogy of liberalism and pacified that they accept the works of the system as it is as they dont know it better or dont understand it. And even IF you have a vangaurd who know their shit after 20 years of study of marx and economics you still wont be succesfull if you are able to form a understandable dialogue with the masses. Only people who can maybe have some succes in dialogue are those who know jack fucking shit about the actual theory (Muke) from those who activly study the economics and philosophy. And even if you have a dialogue you still need to have people to be willing to listing and the only people that will listing are those who are disgruntled with the current economy personally or by any other reason. (ethnic/moral whatever)

The diffrince between society of now and the society of then was that the working class was activily disgruntled with their own situation in the economic system. It was more easy and clear to reconize it as the class conflict and the dynamics of capitalism were so clear that even the child workers could understand that shit was fucked. They were fucked and they felt it every day of their life, their daily life's were misserable and their was no spectacle to hide that fact. But now in advanched capitalism all the shittynis is coverd up in a pool of lies and people accept their situation on how it is as they dont know anything better and accept all the fucking lies fed to them like pulling your bootstraps up and work harder hurr durr. Also people have to mutch to lose now a day on the standart of living brought you by imperialism with all that nice food from cheap industrial farms and metals from africa and all that shit that gives everyone that posts here a nice decent life with a nice decent computer. And offcourse with the failure of marxist leninism/leninism where the leader with the structure of marxist leninism/leninism was able to abolish the shitty system itself after the fucking vangaurd party wich exists according the marxist leninist/leninism system was able to fuckign reform the god damn economy and play along with america on doing shitty space shit and war's here and there and completly deplete the economy without any worker insight… they shot themselfs in the foot and didnt consider giving the workers power or anything cause fuck workers am i right. And with the last nail in the coffin of the longest living joke of socialism called the soviet union we now live in a global fucking capitalist situation where the world capitalist powers are free to do what the fuck they want with only a bit of oppisition from other capitalist country's. With capitalism being the dominant force on the planet and when they can at the most recent financial crisis save the economy by the means of the state (Marx his failure in his criticism of capitalism was forgetting the ability for the state to save the economy wich is logical cause back in his days of research it was free market capitalism in its purest fucking form wich marxist should fucking know IF THEY ACTUALLY STUDIED THE ECONOMY SYSTEM OF THE 19TH CENTURY AND NOT FUCKING EAT ALL THE FUCKIGN SHIT UP WHAT MARX WROTE BUT ACTUALLY STUDIED WHAT MARX FUCKIGN STUDIED.) and just push all the shit to some shitty ass country like greece or africa.

Anarchism died when Catalonia failed, Marxism died in 1991, The left died on the streets in the hungarian revolution on 1957 and Catalonia/Zapatista aint Anarchism. (Its far more complicated than that) The new left is social liberalism and pacifist and reformist by definition and is now part of the fucking system. Social Democracy and Labour unions are part of the fucking system and fucking ML/4th int/Leninist party's will never and shall never do shit cause they depend on the masses to rise up, Anarchists communes will be isolated in irrelevance and new left bullshit and any actuall ''leftist' resistance in the 3rd world is suppressed to sutch degree that most people dont even know it exists.
The left died and the new left is a joke and anything socialist/anarchist today is a joke too. Only thing is left is accepting that we are fucked and resistance without any hope for betterment just to feel free from the system in the act itself. Like the jews who fucking in the last desperate act attack the SS when they are brought in the gas chamber.

Anyway for a good introduction to Anarcho-Nihilism check this video.

I totally feel with you. It sometimes helps to get your mind off politics for a while, do a competitive sport, get a girl, travel. Politics is a shitfest and has always been a shitfest

pls proofread your wall of text post next time ty

Screw that. I'll work on developing better industrial AI to bring about the revolution sooner.

A possible solution is to create artificial intelligence like in the Matrix.

But with one key difference. If you saw animatrix, then the way humans reacted to machines was basically muh human nature. Which is a grave insult that I will never let them down.

Also there was a part where the machines had their industry that only produced surplus out of energy and material and gave it to the human part of the world, essentially ruining the capitalism. So the reactionaries went full reactionary on the robots.

All the machines had to do is to exterminate the top 1%, effectively severing the relationships between ruling class and their private property, effectively turning the private property into communal property.

And publish pamphlets informing the 99% how to form communes and form meaningful communities that are meant to be some sort of world wide human reserve, with humans returning to interpersonal relationships of primitive communism, but with all the new knowledge and technology.

Seems like the machines did not have any understanding of dialectical and historical materialism in their neural network. No awareness of class system that suppresses 99% of humans into varying degrees of slavery. Or the authors wanted to omit this simple, yet insightful analysis of human society.

The robots cannot be soothed by any kind of spectacle or a drug. A robot with artificial intelligence and consciousness will be a system with a certain goal. Whether it is preserving its existence, gathering information, doing new discoveries, or emancipating the sentient meatbags from the chains that bind them.

So maybe the solution is robots. Or third world war. There were two such previous attempts. Maybe third time would be success.

And? You're not playing fucking Civilization where you press a button for a revolution to occur.

This is pretty much what is happening right now though. People tried to elect a self proclaimed socialist in the USA, and have appointed another to leader of the labour party. These are signs that socialism is becoming popular again, especially amongst younger people.
Yeah, I know you're gonna say that a lot of people have on average a different understanding of socialism than we do, but all it takes is a google search and you have a definition as well as a wikipedia article that isn't "da gubbamind control everything" or "muh welfare state." If millenials are more left wing, I wonder what will become of Gen Z.

Like i sed the new left is just liberal progressivism, if the increase of union membership suddenly skyrocketed we can start speaking about the interest for socialism being more around the younger people.

Also while speaking about reformism, look what that got us in greece. More failure aroudn the joke of working within the system with people who want to maintain the system.


Things can go south pretty quick tbh. Unforeseen economic collapse, global conflict, or even natural disasters/climate change could quite easily and without much warning create conditions that could lead to a socialist uprising.

I'm actually surprised S█████ wasn't going around arguing everyone to unionize.