Why is Holla Forums so polarized nowadays...

Why is Holla Forums so polarized nowadays? It feels like in order to be a "true" leftist you either have to be a socially conservative tankie who wants to put women in the kitchen, a nihilistic anarchist who doesn't give a fuck about anyone but their own ego, or a socdem market socialist that's only one step away from being a liberal.

How did this happen? Can we still have socialist solidarity, or have we grown too far apart for that to ever happen?

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Because Holla Forums realised they can get some of the Leninists to parrot their views if they accuse the opposite of being liberalism/reformism

Don't advocate for state capitalism and I've no problem with you

State capitalism is a anarchist meme, it doesn't exist.

It's nothing new, OP. This happens whenever we get an influx of newfags. It'll cool off after a while.

Which one of those am I?

Being ML by definition makes you a conservative.

How so?


Stalin supported the nuclear family, traditional social structures and other spooked ideologies, he was a conservative.

Great materialist analysis, you sound like a real left-wing marxist

I think everyone knows that deep down, Stalinists, anarchists, and left-coms can't get along with each other.

Silly me for expecting better from Holla Forums then you would from a conservative vlogger

Every time.

How exactly did he support the said structures?

He banned gay marriage.

Stalin called himself a Leninist, are you going to say that he wasn't a Leninist?



That's news to me. Care to elaborate?

Do you really think that Bolsheviks actually had a chance to take over the Russia and then proceed to victory in Civil War (not to mention WWII) with such retarded ideas?

And that is related to nuclear family how?
Are you saying that family that has homosexual parents can`t be nuclear family?

Let me put my libertarian redditor hat and tell you that "A belongs to B so A=B" is what you might a logical fallacy

ITT: statists

Nigger, lefty pol is made for free form leftist shitposting.
Funny meme's and shit that would get you banned from other lefty websites.

We will be the badboys of internet leftism

Now talk about the millions of people killed and complete your transformation into a petty liberal-conservative already

So Trots follow whatever Stalin did because they are both Leninists?

Please tell me that you didn't graduate highschool with this level of brainpower.

Yes, by definition the nuclear family is a family with a husband and wife.

How to spot a reformed neofeudalist in one easy step!

shiggy doo my anarcho-retard friend


You do realize that statism is an ancap concept, right?

Explain how they aren't, please.


hahaha my god how much self-awareness do you have to lack to actually call others dumb after typing this?

it literally even sounds like you're replying to a wrong post due to how stupid this is

Some awkward question are better left unanswered.


What, no it is isn't? Are you genuinely retarded?

The 3rd and 4th Internationals are both dead and so are its founding fathers but it's really important for me to continue attacking Trotskyists for some reason

A murderer always returns to the scene of the crime.



Because they are trying to subvert us.

Milton Friedman literally coined the term in the first place.


Left had been polarized even during French Revolution, comrade.

You can chose any encyclopedia you want, that definition won`t change.

Doesn't seem to be the case friend

Statism is indeed a retarded concept and abused by libertarians, but I don't think they're the ones who introduced it into the political lexicon.

lol it's not like nuclear family is a vague concept with a definition that may change according to who you ask

Why was it awkward?

Then don't defend it.

I'm not you moron

Sure, paranoid. Sure, tinfoil. Its not like documents proving they do exactly this have been declassified.


Keep trying to discredit attempts at exposing you, FBI agent.

Cointelpro has been debunked since 2006, conspiracies like this are the prime example of reactionary logic

No it hasn't.



Top kek. Got any sources for that?

I'm a ML and I think we need to collectivize children

first we need to pass a law that requires state officials to hand their children to state managed internats

second we need to prohibit inheritance of property

third we take all children into internats and make it so parents don't know who their children are

It's literally one faggot. Every other anarchist on here isn't a post-leftist.

You're memeing pretty hard here, bub.

find me ONE tankie who said this anywhere on this board ever

show me a successful anarchist movement.

because of you tankfags


idk about others but i myself and most MLs ive met are socially progressive with not a drop of social conservatism

nice strawman

Lolbertarian retard detected.

The Czar let gays marry?

because leftists are all idiots

Honestly, Holla Forums is too angry. The slightest flaw in argument is met with "wow you're garbage look at this faggot kys fam", sometimes I feel like I'm in cuck/v/. It's particularly grievous when done to people who come to us interested in leftism.

Wow I thought it was just butt hurt that was causing people to call you an FBI agent. But now I see that you really are.

Or you're just a garden variety class cucked liberal. Not really a difference IMHO

marxist leninists and leninists are not the same. One advocates for more democracy than the other


A lot of people need to learn to tell the difference between a troll and some one that is being intellectually honest with their backwards belifes

Tfw nobody here ever talks about insurrectionist, post-anarchist, situationist, God is a lobster-ism.

All the post left/insurrectionary and nihilist degenerates are over there you idiot.

Gonna be honest, I'm really tired of anything vaguely resembling post-modernism.

Bob Black has to shill his stupid shit somewhere.

I like tankies and ancoms well enough but I don't think they're realistic about reaching socialism.

Who is realistic about it then?