What went right?
What went right?
The country. Far to the right.
every time
People should stop posting pics of state capitalists and post some leftists once in a while
I can't believe some people praise this genocidal dictator responsible for 60 million deaths. Communists either whitewash his tyranny or claim he wasn't a communist, it's horrible.
Sure, because those 57 million who also died payed shadow taxes, were employed by shadows and gave birth to shadow people. If 60 million were killed in SU, their society would have collapsed, since no social order can handle loss of half of it`s population.
CIA gave similar estimates in early 1960`s too. Rummel`s estimates(whom you are basing your 60 million on) was for example wrong about the holocaust too(by estimating it to be larger than facts proved it to be at later date).
Look up Solzhenytsin.
So you are saying that someone who was imprisoned for spreading anti-soviet propaganda is credible source on soviet union?
Citation please
What exactly was the "anti-Soviet propaganda" about?
I didn't ask for a citation on the accusation. I asked for a citation on the actual crime.
would be a weak argument
Totalitarian nightmare.
Defeatism during the war is same as working for the capitalists to destroy the soviet union.
Kulaks were killed
He industrialized the country and established a welfare/warfare state similar to the ones on the other side of the Iron Curtain. Why MLs believe this is admirable Marxism though, I have no idea. Maybe they're actually just a nationalist movement that thrives on anti-imperialist jargon?
Well, it's sad about all the communists he killed to do it, but as TC and Bordiga points out, there really was little other possibility. libcom.org
Totalitarianism was literally invented to make the US look god, Arendt and the Modernization theorists (like Reischauer or Bellah) literally considered the US to be the end of history.
Well, it does not surprise me that a socdem would be fond of liberal jargon.
He got rid of kulaks
Solzheyntsin is a Nazi sympathizer or at least a fascist sympathizer. He defended Franco and hates Jews, so he's presumably a Nazi.
Anyway, Stalins kill count is at least 4 million not including famine.
Please kill yourself.
Are you implying that cheetahs - if not all cats - aren't egoists in nature?
You can't judge his actions outside of context. Considering the circumstances, Stalin made the right decisions just about every time.
I mean domestically. I don't know much about Stalin's roll in the war tbh. Got a source on that?
Industrializing and developing the agriculture and infrastructure of millions.
From what I remember the soviets were prepared and were expecting an attack since 39(false information on when the attack and how was prevalent). Nazi docs show that they were surprised at how efficient the soviets were and how they duped them.
Losurdo's book on Stalin covers that, although not on detail.
Fifth chapter of Stalin: Critic History of a Black Legend. I'm not really sure if there is an english translation. The whole subject is somewhat spread through out the book, but this one in particular deals with Hitler and Stalin.