Requesting resources on makhno's Ukraine por favor
Requesting resources on makhno's Ukraine por favor
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>>>/freedu/ might have what you're looking for
Here you go.
Thanks hombres, who else has that good factual shit for me?
Read this: biography first, then inquire into:
The ISR website is not a blog but a digital version of its decades old paper review counterpart. It is also fully sourced so judge the content, not the cover.
I'm sorry.
History book versus propaganda outlet then.
You happy?
Everything is propaganda, because the social is political.
Also, the PDF you uploaded (if you have actually read it) is a biography on account of sources and the interpretations thereof by the author. It is just as fiable, if not much less, than a historical review of Makhnovist rhetoric vs. practice using sources like historical documents (most is this), witness accounts (some is this) and conclusions from tertiaries from the same sources (a bit of this as well).
Huge faggot.
The content is heavily sourced. Why are you afraid of different perspectives?
Yes. Historical sources that ironically blames Makhno for "Deserting the front" even though the forget that the only reason Makno had to fight the White army in the first place was because the Red Army had made a full retreat to Moscow after a humiliating defeat at the hands of the white army.
All of this while fielding ten times the numbers of the Black army, and all of the industry in Russia to back them up.
Sources primarily with Leninist sources, that had a nice big propaganda ministry that could make up just about anything, especially after they decided that anarchism was haram and must be purged because clearly direct democratic mutualism is reactionary compared to glorious communism USSR.
I guess Ukranian nationalist propaganda is completely unbiased.
You still operate under the assumption that I think 20th century Marxist socialism is any more worth defending. In doing so, you reveal your own existing biases towards 20th century anarchist socialism and prove that you have no intention of challenging it.
Because it is nonetheless interesting to entertain the various instances of rhetoric vs. praxis in the 20th century from either perspective. More specifically, what the architects (Marx, Lenin but also Makhno or Durruti) were like and what they thought.
You ultra-mega-turbo faggot.
Makhno did nothing wrong tbh
Sure thing m8
Faggot supreme.
I've read both. I acknowledge both strands of 20th century socialis were shit innately as well as in practice and recognize a need to rethink both of them.
Is your autism sated now?
Faggotus Maximus.
Let's here your criticism of Lenin then. I want to see you drop a nice steaming pile on him
Nigger Faggot
Didn't say it was untrue. You do know that history isn't an objective, hard science and that multiple interpretations for historical events are pretty commonplace, right?
I'm not emotionally invested in any failed 20th century socialist movement. So my fee fee's are firmly intact.
useless sophistry at it's finest
He really should read Apo tbh though
Of course there are facts. The article in question isn't really arguing facts from what I saw when I skimmed through it (will read when I get home). It seems to be focused on how to interpret what happened from an ideological standpoint. Disagreeing about what defines a state isn't a historical fact.
Read the article then.
PDF related (TL;DR: logical and extreme conclusion of Lenin's own Leninism is that of catastrophy and inevitable reification towards totality).
Apex of faggotry.
Nice one, I kek'd verily, not just at your nice meme itself but the historical context of anarchism either dying or prolonging its inevitable death by forming authoritarian structures (just like Marxism did). You're trapped here with me, anarkiddie.
Now read Zizek and Bordiga.
Discursive bump.
Then do so nigger. We're waiting : ^ )
Read Apo faglord
We're waiting for you to read a critique of Lenin by a Leninist I just posted that is identical to my position as a Leninist TBH.
Multitude-Socialism: 21st Special Snowflake Edition was a rather hollow read. Even other anarkiddies agree (especially after seeing it in action:
Read Brecht, homo sapien supreme.
if you know it so well you should be able to put it into your own words
sectarian leftcoms will be dismissed with prejudice. Read Apo and get back to me.
Holy shit, expect the insecure filthy Leninist to be this much a fucking baby. All of your ideologies are fucking dead. Including the anarkiddies'.
Get the fuck over it.
Democratic Confederalism is still alive and well. Read Apo famarade
DemConf is preferrable to AnSynd or AnCom simply because it does not tacitly dismiss the necessity of materialist thinking when deciding over matters like authority, power and the state (thank you Chin of Books for discarding your past anarkiddie tendencies)/ It's what I like in the left communist and council communist traditions as well; which is why their critiques of Leninism are so much more respected across not just the Leninists, but the entirety of the left. In fact, not just their critiques, but their theory altogether is much more wholesome and denting for revolutionaries because it denies idealism.
If you weren't shitposting I'd say 'idpol', but deep down your shitposts cover up your true attitude which is one and the same with idpol.
I blame the undisciplined and unchecked emancipation of Stirner as more than a meme into Holla Forums TBH…
Discursive bump.
Random user here.
Tbh, "A plea for Leninist Intolerance", by Zizek, is the proper "critique" of Lenin. "The Marxist Lord of Misrule" is more about Mao.
Marxist Lord of Misrule is premised on Mao but holds one of the more articulated critiques of statist socialism out there with a few injuctions on Lenin (and Stalin, also) himself as well.
Plea for Leninist Intolerance is also good.
Leftcoms and trots in general are the most sectarian socialists out there. All he does is cherry pick from the sources he uses, sources that actually refute the claims he makes later in the article, and sticks to his dogmatic interpretation of leftcommunism as the one true ideology of revolution.
kill yourself my man
Yeah, Zizek in a nutshell.
Are you freud poster? If yes, could you recommend some tutorial/guide on how to make webms? Avidemux + ffmepg is so fucking annoying.
Wtf, it really fucking surprises me that you post that link and talk about how critical you are towards Marxist socialism in the 20th century. Someone was telling you that their "socialism" was fake and fraudulent and you went out of your way to praise it and say how it wasn't shit. Now you are here saying it was shitty ( ) Then some guy gave you a leftcom link talking about how capitalist the USSR was and you dismissed it as "ultra-leftist rhetoric" and now you as a faggot post this link.
I also remember you saying you went after anarkiddies out of your insecurity in the knowyourmemes thread. Despite how coo and unideological you are, I hardly see you going after tankies, but boasting about 20th century Marxism when liberals come in to attack socialism. You're full of shit. I remember people's posts. Take you gay-ass memes and rethink.
Zizek, ignoring his humour, is fucking useless.
Cat owner detected.
Good point, but I doubt you understand why. It is through the inaccessibility of the Lacan 'real' that we will always operate ideologically on at least (and this is generous) modicum of idealism; we simply cannot access essence in its purest form. If there's one thing Zizek has served the left well with, it would be using this psychoanalytic revelation (and many other psychoanalytical ideas and concepts) to supplement a delusion that was rampant in the left, but mostly the Marxists who had thought they were free from any idealism.
I did specify crypto-post-left there. Because most people here, anarkiddies and tankies alike, operate on an ideological mode of pure contrarianism (or 'negation', as they like to romanticize their lack of discipline and strategic abuse of idealism).
Download any video. Install WEBM for Retards (
Discursive bump (disciplineless anarkiddie butthurt is really starting to show with all of their saging, wew).
Sage me daddy.
I like how you completely disregard the most relevant parts of my post. Is it because you know you're wrong?
Not to mention you completely ignored this post altogether
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! And now this…
That comic you posted is by an anarchist going after today's anarchists and their uncompromising, sectarian and idealistic nature. It's funny you posted this shit because you're one of the most sectarian fucks I know. You sperg out in anarchist threads.
WTF! In that thread you were being giving links anti-Soviet articles by leftcoms and YOU FUCKING DISMISSED IT AS USELESS ULTRA-LEFTIST RHETORIC!! Then you accused the user posting them as a stupid, sectarian ultra-leftist leftcom or council communist.
You are so fucking hypocritical. Fuck off. I know I am. I'm getting out of here and going back to reading. You're all full of shit
>no one posting The Unknown Revolution
Again, for such an objective person, you're as ideological as anyone else. You're words are cheap. You go after libertarian Marxists' critiques and then you praise them and then you talk about how you go after every 20th century school and event while I only really see you sperging out with one while praising the other when right-wingers come over.
Haha, you can't even get the flag direction right! Just like your attempt at communism!
Excuse me daddy; I've started to emulate your lack of arguments and am now shitposting more than I am putting in any effort. Since you've finally started doing more than shitposting, I ought to discipline myself again.
This is implying I ever passed the judgement of 'fraudulent' on any socialism, 20th century or 21st, anarchist or socialist. I premise my critique of any socialism on the belief that attempts at them are honest and legitimate. Even though I disagree with anarchists, I do not designate their struggle as fraudulent.
DemConf? I simply agree with its premise more than other libertarian/anarchist socialist premises. In practice, however, we can see that rhetoric does not come to fruition as displayed by a thorough look at Rojava.
Don't think I've ever done that TBH.
Yes, I did post an analysis of Rojava from a left com perspective. I like perspectives on things that aren't similar to mine. A lot.
I don't think I've ever done that either.
That I have, see: (my posts here are with the read a fucking book flag).
TBH, if you had spent more time addressing my position instead of myself (and myselfs that aren't myself), we'd be going somewhere.
Hi Asero
Who's Asero? If it's someone from the IRCirclejerk channel I think you're talking to a spectre again.
First I'm being called Xexizy for using the Leninist flag, then Freudfag for some reason (even if he's stopped coming here for fucking months), then some other random Leninist and now 'Asero'?
Asero pls
TBH the only reason I suspect it's an IRCfag is because only IRCfags bother knowing of each other's tendencies on this board. Yui, n1x, Pierre, Xexizy, etc. all do this and the only reason I even know their names is because they physically can't keep themselves from identifying themselves with a trip or name or mention of their name when they post here.
It was fun at first but now I fear there really won't be any challenging discussion or interesting developments here at all TBH.
implying it isn't funner just to fuck with you Asero
Except I'm not whoever Asero is and your way of defense by insisting I am just to avoid having a meaningful discussion is really kinda boring. Either reply to my posts or enjoy shitposting yourself out of discipline as per usual, I assume. Or be funny at least. Anything to make this thread worthwhile.
You mentioned this before. Is this because this Asero nerd in question is Filipino, or because you assumed this because of the guy I keep posting with? You should know that that guy is actually legendary Hong Kong martial arts actor 'Sammo Hung' who is notorious for playing alongside Jackie Chan and Eric Tsang in such classics as 'Five Lucky Star' and Encounters of the Spooky Kind', and he is in fact southern Chinese (Hong Kongese), not Filipino!
All gooks look the same anyways : ^ )
I addressed it all in prior posts. I suspect you've read them just as little as you've read other critiques of your ideology, though.
I thought you'd like 'Encounters of the Spook Kind', comrade. I'm throwing you a bone here!
Notice my gifted puns, faggot.
When did you address the article or the criticism of the article you linked? When are you going to address Apo's theories instead of shitposting?
zipper head
Just have sex, already. My god.
I would consider creaming in his boi pussi as long as he wears a dress and calls me oni-san : ^ ]
You have some balls chalking up that shit after you all the shit you've said. Let there not be any fucking pretense here, you're as ideological as all these cocksuckers.
'The Bolshevik Myth' blogpost? I hardly got to do more with it in this thread but agree with its conclusion given all the shitposting that's been coming from you and now from me, although it's been posted here before a few months ago and I addressed a few of its conclusions on the Leninist premises which I felt were unbecoming of what was mostly a simple reality check for the unfortunately large amount of Leninists that still waste any time defending the 20th century. I'll reiterate that write-up here, if you'd like.
I was one of the first to get to reading Öcalan's 'Principles' when it came out on and I'm the guy who posted it here in a thread when the scan was digitized there almost a year ago.
This culminated into me and another fag from the Holla Forums Dubtrack writing this:
Note that it's been a while, and I've gotten to read more about Öcalan through biography and notably that article examining DemConf in action, so my thoughts have since changed but I still largely stand by what I've written there.
lul no ty lads.
Discursive bump, just for you.
wow another thread ruined by muke
Read Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization and get back to me.
I'm fine with rape : ^ )