ITT we list software with more users than GNU/Linux
There are about 2 billion PCs in use
Other urls found in this thread:
Holla Forums itself
The PlayStation 2 and Nintendo DS times 4
Windows XP according to numerous metrics
The question is WHY
Great thread dude!
-- crossposted from my reddit account
-- get your own at /r/pcmasterrace
Odd that you mention PC specifically, which is a) not very large and b) shilled to hell and back by Microsoft. Linux is OS on 90% of computing hardware in the world, most notably smartphones and all sorts of embedded systems.
Winning in the embedded space is like winning the special Olympics. Anyone can slap an RTOS into a TV remote
Stop talking like a fag. It's just Linux.
Get one yourself at r/linuxmasterrace sperglord
Oh my bad, I forgot to mention servers and supercomputers. Linux dominates all OS markets except desktop, because Microsoft shilling.
servers are PCs you tard
e🅱ic thread xD
1.) That is factually false
2.) Do you understand why all PCs run Windows? And why all servers run Linux? Its history, Linux was shit in desktop before the mid-2000s. And servers run Linux mainly because Linux is compatible with UNIX and all servers used to run UNIX because Bell Labs was a telecoms company and UNIX was primarily designed for networking and when time came to upgrade software most servers moved onto Linux because it was the most cost effective since they wouldn't need a migration path from all their old software.
Its history, that's it
You have to ignore VERY powerful lobbying and great sales tactics of Microsoft to think it "just happened"
maybe if you where a nigger
Good steam is shit and GNU+linux users are getting smarter to valve's shit.
Linux hardware support is a lot better today, but even now it's still not perfect
Back in 2000...yeah, it was pretty bad. Back in those days you'd be lucky if it even booted on your specific hardware config
It did, it's called history
How would one even know what OS most PCs run? Even website data is highly biased, places like this will be biased towards basement dwellers, Faceberg won't account for India or China, much less paranoid anons, etc.
Because the average Joe who's too busy making a living to support his/her family and enjoy the finer things in life does not have the time or invested interest figuring out all the codey/sudo/terminal shit.
Even with the most simple of instructions, it's still complex for the very large average consumer base to fathom because we use tech lingo they are not familiar with.
2% are virgins.
User agent stats are not biased, freetard
My user agent is Your User Agent :3c
And Linux is likely being over-represented because most of those stats are probably web crawling clusters
I am a Web Crawling Cluster :3
bud i tot win doze wuz finished tekk told me