KEK is coming down to bless us with his presence this Jan. 20th 2017. How will you celebrate the inauguration? What are your predictions for his term?
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On january 20 all kikes will explode, towns will burn, and israel will disappear.
All the 7s involved are impressive. God's touch?
Anyway, obongo is literally a jew through his mother. Trump on the other hand is not jew himself.
also reported
As soon as he affirms the Oath of Office, Mike Pence will leap out of the crowd and say, "I don't think so, bitches!" and gun down Trump. He will then shout to the heavens "I'm President NOW!"
A lot of normalfags will get redpilled to some extent. The masses will see the constant bombardment of a president and they will know that it doesn't add up. I expect an influx here. Regarding his presidency, he's the chaos candidate, Kek will show President Trump the path. The 8 year path.
At least one would think that, considering how the kikes have been reacting to all this.
Look at this faggot responding to the bait.
Way to discourage trolls and shills, user. We all know they hate attention. Good thing you gave them some, or they'd probably never go away.
Fuck off.
It's going to be a long eight years for you niggers. Get used to it.
forgot text
He's a terrible orator.
aaannnndddd that's a jigglin'.
Nice work. The Illuminati cards are great at predictions imo
Leftists are attempting to organise mass demonstrations in order to disrupt Trumps inauguration.
They are organising using the #DisruptJ20 hastag on social media.
[email protected]/* */
Trump sides with Israel over the UN Convention ruling, uses it as an excuse to pull out of UN and possibly NATO. This causes the aforementioned to stop fucking up both the west and the developing world with pathological altruism.
Begins policy of favoritism towards anti-EU states like Britain, Poland, and Hungary, causing those countries to become great again.
Defunds ISIS then bombs the shit out of them anyways to look good at home. Assad or a Russian puppet government retakes power in Syria because 'he's not a good guy but he kills terrorists'. Possible similar approach in Afghanistan and Iraq. which may become colonies in all but name.
Kikes around the world arrange a symbolic 'embargo' on America for his 'antisemitism'. All this does it provide the opening for domestic companies to make a comeback, as America isn't starved for natural resources within its own borders like Germany.
The Fed is audited and reason are found to put control of the money supply back in the hands of congress. If things are found to be bad enough (likely) Trump issues a new currency ala Lincoln's Greenbacks. Federal Reserve Note is phased out and kikes are set back by at least a few decades.
Checkin' them sweet ID trips.
By what metric? You letting the Jew do your thinking there (1)?
a few thousand criminal illegals are deported as a show. wall isnt built. our demographics get worse. media portrays him as literally hitler. colleges continue creating communist cuckolds. right goes from basic cuckservatives/lolbertarians to jewish supremacists who only live to serve israel.
so pretty much all negative….. hillary was the real chaos candidate as people would have died if she was chosen #imwithher. by the way this site is moderated by pedos, cucks and jews. israel is totally like us, they just want a homeland for their people and if you dont accept that there is no room for you in this movement. ps, calling nigs nigger is uncalled for and offensive to all the based conservative blacks. gay marriage being legal is the logical progression of a true white society. i love all of my lgbtqwerty supporters, great!
So you admit being ok with s jewish dick sucking goy? Trump didn't create this reaction, he is part of the system and used to constrain the movement.
Which is why they are fighting him so hard and threatening WW3 before letting him in?
Which is in a better position thanks to him bringing various topics out to the forefront. You're not very bright.
Quite the contrary, he's awakening ordinary people. I've noticed his election give right-wing ideas much more credence and make talking about them much easier, even with non-Americans.
If (((they))) wanted controlled opposition, they would rally behind a neat-looking "based minority" that would attract the controlled-op Tea Party with basic bitch lolberg talk and pull them across to the neocon amnesty camp, to bring them into, not against, the GOPe. Hell, they tried that with Rubio, and it didn't work at all.
what a wasted get
I said this before, stop focussing on what others say about Trump, it doesn't matter. Or atleast, it isn't as important as his own actions and speech. Don't focus on what other say about Trump since that leaves room for manipulation i.e. creating the opposite reaction. You don't know for sure if that's the case. Base your opinion on Trump on him while taking external voices into consideration. But it isn't that hard, Trump himself already said himself he loves Israel, is not racist, is not going to stop migration, is not going to do anything about lgbt and similar degeneracy. He is a president for all of America, all demographics, but he isn't one for Holla Forums's ideals.
He did very little or nothing, the huge reaction was unavoidable. The dissatisfied people were presented an alternative, supposedly anti-establishment candidate, BUT inside of the current system. He is a compromise of the elite to keep the current system in place. Even if he said he will limit migration and is going to make the American economy great again, remember that this is democracy: one is supposed to lie to get in charge!
Well the Tea Party 's ideas are less common and thus it is harder. Obviously their organization is subverted, directly or indirectly, since taking part in the democratic process equals being inactive (if you have radical views though) imo.
Also, all this TRS drama is so ironic, I'm not completly up to date with the current happenings on Holla Forums. But the fact that 8/pol/ calls out TRS for being pro-zionist is outright hypocrisy. While 8/pol/ itself supports a pro-zionist president in general. Don't get me wrong, TRS seems like another tumor of the alt-right, though I never visited their forum or listened to their podcasts.
My guess is that at this rate 8/pol/ will become more and more accepting of 'based jews' and less and less radical. The foundations have already been set.