Geeky, Beautiful, and Nerdy
Name a better role model for girls in tech then Karlie Kloss
You can't.
Geeky, Beautiful, and Nerdy
Name a better role model for girls in tech then Karlie Kloss
You can't.
Trannies look more feminine than 'her'.
the systemd boi
Modern women are in desperate need of ethics, not some tech-feminist who wants to push them into manly domains.
What about Physics Girl AKA Terry's wife?
Karlie Kloss x Neil deGrasse Tyson when ? ! !
This trailer feels like straight out off Million Dollar Extreme season 1.
Coding challenge for Holla Forums, see how quickly you can find all the errors/warnings/bugs on the right.
If it takes more than 10 seconds then you're retarded.
I'm not that familiar with C(?), but I would guess :
> a > b && b < a
I must be a brainlet, because the only odd thing I can spot is the condition of the 'else if', where a>b and b
Terry Davis.
wut lol
gcc shouldn't report it IMO since it's too obvious to be of any real use, but it'll be optimized away (I'd guess even at O0). If you don't see anything wrong you're either a complete noob or particularly dumb.
Think about what would happen if a and b are the same number, then think about what would happen if this case was tested with 5.
If a and b are the same then it will always return 5, which is clearly not intentional, but if this was tested with 5 then there would appear to be no flaw in the logic.
Instead it should be
if (a > b)
return a
return b
1950 : Code with Margaret Hamilton in COBOL
2010 : Kode (sic) with Kiley ... on the Chrome Javascript console ?
how many times do we have to go through this thread to satisfy our latent hatred of women? ffs, she is a model, not an embedded programmer, what did you expect?
Uhh, problematic much? This is a Kloss-friendly board.
We don't hate her she's
You might be a retard, that code checks out. Although you should never make if statements like that. Without the curly braces they only execute one line after.
It really doesn't. I mean it's fine for a girl, but you have no excuse. Unless you're a girl, which you aren't.
The question was whether it would throw errors and warnings, not its general quality.
How the fuck does art fit in with STEM? Protip: it doesn't.
You used six lines of code for a one-liner. You code like a girl.
return a > b ? a : b;
return x if x>y else y
Is this the Rust I've heard so much about?
It's python. Rust doesn't Howe the ternary operator either though.
wymyn in tech
the original code for Q_rsqrt actually had some comments
float Q_rsqrt( float number ){ long i; float x2, y; const float threehalfs = 1.5F; x2 = number * 0.5F; y = number; i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck? y = * ( float * ) &i; y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed return y;}
i didnt say they were insightful comments
but this is the c language we are talking about here
if you dont know ieee754 gtfo because thees a pajeet that does
Can this thing be applied to cube roots as well?
What about double precision or quad-precision?
what's funny is that the code on the right is obviously a joke, presumably one that Karlie is in on, but none of the fucking twitter people can read code even well enough to get it. they're just lining up to show how virtuous and pro-women they are.
How about
#define MAX(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
instead of all what was written there?
x ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y));
Wew, what a role model you found.
you're a special level of cuck, cuck
It's called "dojikko" appeal, reddit whiteknight friendzoned-soygoy.
Fuck off back to where you belong under the soil
this user is correct.
// let x be 3 and y be 80011 ^ ((0011 ^ 1000) & -(0011 < 1000));0011 ^ (1011 & -0001);0011 ^ (1011 & 1111);0011 ^ 1011;1000; // reduces to 8 as expected// let x be 8 and y be 31000 ^ ((1000 ^ 0011) & -(1000 < 0011));1000 ^ (1011 & -0000);1000 ^ (1011 & 0000);1000 ^ 0000;1000; // also reduces to 8// let both x and y be 50101 ^ ((0101 ^ 0101) & -(0101 < 0101));0101 ^ (0000 & -0000);0101 ^ (0000 & 0000);0101 ^ 0000;0101; // reduces to 5
Appears to work for the above examples. Care to explain why it works in general (assuming it does indeed)?
sounds like jodie foster tbh
x < y returns 00...01 if x < y, and 00...000 otherwise
In the first case where x < y = 000...001:
> x ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y))
< x ^ (x ^ y)
< y
In the second case where x < y = 000...000
> x ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y))
Note that for the and or operator, x ^ 1 = x, and x ^ 0 = 0 (bitwise).
x & -1 = x
x & 0 = 0
x ^ 1 = x with LSB toggled. 2 becomes 3. 3 becomes 2. never happens with this MAX expression.
x ^ 0 = x
remaining piece is that x^(x^y) = y, as x's bits are toggled twice (to what they aren't, and then back to what they were originally) in y.
Also, another rule I forgot to mention
^ is a commutative operator, a ^ b = b ^ a (although this actually isn't useful here.)
x ^ x = 0, since if x = 1, 1 ^ 1 = 0 and 0 ^ 0 = 0.
Considering you did it with examples, you seem to understand how it works. All you needed to do was replace your examples with variables in it becomes a simple proof with two general cases.
>if x < y then it XOR's x with x XOR y
yes it does the fact that the design and user experience for "linux circles" never went anywhere. there's too much functionality but zero marketablility because even if you have 1KiB of code it still won't matter if the UI looks like shit. Don't even throw the 'speed' card here
Just embrace it and use soygoys to design your web design so it can appeal to other soygoys and SJWs and then jew out their money until their blood grows cold and dry.
Look at discord, it's IRC made "marketable" and imagine how much shekels it generates. IRC and IRC-clones have been here since forever.
It is intentional, you faggot.
Did you even read the comments?
/*else return 5 because I'm so random yay :D*/
she should rewrite it in rust
Doing porn as a career is equal to being a whore, so it's rather hard to respect her as a person no matter how high her IQ, how much of a gamer she was or how many Linux/ava/TCP/IP etc. books she had (and I somehow can't shake off the doubt she actually read all those books on the shelves she showed - I tried, but it somehow just seems implausible).
Three people beat me to it, but I'll give you a simple explanation.
If x < y is true, then we get a 1, and negative one in two's complement is all 1's. ANDing anything with with all 1's results in no change, so ignore it.
We're left with x XOR x XOR y It should be easy to see that the x's cancel out, and we're left with y.
The other case results in ultimately ANDing with 0. Which reduces to x XOR 0, which is just x.
You are clearly confusing ^ (XOR) and & (AND).
For single bits, x|0, x^0 x&1 are x, x|1 is 1, x&0 is 0, and x^1 is !x. In other words, to set bits OR them with a mask of set bits, to zero bits AND them with a mask of zeroed bits, to flip bits XOR them with a mask of set bits.
Also if you want more of these,
Not every guy who can program is J. Carmack, so this example is fatally flawed.
Repeat after me:
also, why are these comments so retarded? what's the shithole where you found them?
Seriously, why?
Aww, how naive.
When have you arrived here? Last summer?
Does something like a counterpart to "Masters of Doom" exist that would go into technical details like what specific equipment, software and other technologies they were using throughout their career, how they were progressing with developing their skills etc.? "Masters of Doom" is a good and interesting read, but it mostly focuses on relationships between people and the outcomes of those, and is rather very vague on technicalities.
What did I just watch !
Ugh, can't even watch this shit.
"STEAM is an initiative from the Rhode Island School of Design."
Oh, the irony.
What did they do to Sam while he was there. Now I believe he might have actually been raped by a bunch of lesbian feminist teachers of his.
No wonder he became a mass shooter.
That's the same thing, except Python. Here, have a Lisp versions as well: (if (> a b) a b)
It's not like this code really needs comments though. It's bit-twiddling magic, you either know what the bits do or you just take it as a magic function that's pure and only does one thing.
The code exploits the fact that floats are stored in some particular way in memory. I have no idea whether one could find such a hack for cube roots, probably not.
good catch. Thanks
I just had the realization i have been here for 3 years. The fuck happened.
He didn't get enough powsi.
Even Carmack had help from academics and graphics experts with his bithacking.
user, don't you know women have it harder by default because they have to look pretty AND learn basic commands?
Pushing women in programming is a ploy to lower wages for programmers.
thats not how statements work.
JPEG is the most efficient compression ever invented.
Hate to say this but the code checks out. Is it a horrid abomination? Yes. Does it work? Yes. Looked at her shit, and she was using java at the time. Pic related, the thing compiles and runs, although it will fail if the two number are equal.
JPEG may reach at least the same-as-source size on this image only by disfiguring it to complete shit. This is one of the extreme examples but screenshots are usually similar.
Get educated, faggot.
commit sudoku thanks
go ahead and post one.
8ch doesn't support arbitrary file extensions you dinghole
Yeah for sure and 99.9…% of the other programmers are still inferior compared to him. That was the fucking point.
t. durrrrrr
jpg for pictures
png for text
everyone knows this.
and? that picture was mostly text.
sure, most sane people know this, but that body didn't.
This tweet just seems like a joke to me. I mean, no one could really code something like "a > b && b < a", which is just checking the same thing twice. Of course Holla Forums autists don't realize it and instead stroke their e-peen showing the "errors" in the code, lol.
The meme you reference is fake but she really is this stupid. See pic related.
No I think it's just marketing shit. The code didn't really matter, just the idea that she's coding.
The point is "women in tech" only ever pretend to code
Her job is to be pretty in front of computers? She is also freakishly tall.
JPEG is a lossy compression scheme which works well for images with lots patterns which have little regularity to them (like photos). PNG is a lossless compression scheme which works well for images with lots of regular patterns to them (like screenshots of OS UI elements, text etc.).
>something like "a > b && b < a", which is just checking the same thing twice
If a > b is false then it should short-circuit though and skip processing the other (along with skipping any side effects that it might have). Similarly (x || y) will skip y if and once x is found true. At least it works that way in C. Btw not saying that (a < b && b > a) makes much sense generally, just sayin that it's not that both conditions are always processed.
Grace Hopper is rolling around in her grave.
That kind of shit annoys me. If they can program decently then I don't give a fuck, but if it's just positions like this or hyping up that someone is "trying to code" then why the fuck should I care about them? They're not "women in tech". They're either HR positions or entry-level bullshit that any kid with a word processor can fuck around with.
Reminder that Linus Torvalds makes sure to never be alone with a woman at tech conferences/conventions/events/whatever, lest he'll get accused of sexual assault. Never let the women in tech vampires sink their teeth into you.
If the BSD cuck says so it must be true.
You only have to worry if you're somewhat relevant (not even Linus-level, that Appelbaum faggot was high up enough) or have money, otherwise only the completely crazy ones are a risk.
Has there even been any successful female game programmers since the Atari days?
He's still right in not taking any unnecessary risks, though. It's guilty until proven innocent often enough, and they don't have to win a court case to ruin your repuation.
I was about to bring up the talented female programmer who single handedly ported Doom to the 3DO in ten weeks. However, in doing some cursory research, it turns out she's actually a tranny. I swear, every fucking time...
Super successful probably not (how many really successful male vidya devs you can name? most famous ones moved from programming to other roles), but Angelique Trois was made only by women. It's a game for girls though or girly men so no crazy coding must've been needed.
Thank you user, finally something to sate my autism.
isn't that a good thing though?
Basically suckless BMP
Its pretty much BMP but its A STANDARD vs BMP which is 50 billion different possibility
Is Kloss worthy of a deepfake?
Go away, roastie
one must 100% do some fucking research before proposing new redundant "standards".
PPM is way more complicated supporting 3 different formats
they are not too different, but fuck this I am too lazy to teach people today.
One is has multiple modes, one does not. BMP and PPM are not that different either, one is still more complicated.
I want a GNU/model gf.
Terry Davis
Dat bg code tho
Have fun, but I'd rather have my company give me the money they would've paid her, because I'll be doing the work anyway.
whats poppin cunt
I like how it lapses into Arabic at the end
Decent points except his inane hate for lolis.
so? that's what I said
isnt that the chick that cant code
Kode with Kloss or whatever the fuck?
I'm not opening hooktube links its just youtube embeds, gibe me a webm or something