Arguing against Cultural Marxism

Can someone help me on how to argue for the concept of cultural marxism being a destructive influence on our culture? As much as it makes sense as a whole, it’s incredibly easy for normies to shut down any debate just by labeling it as an absurd conspiracy theory/hate-speech/anti-semitic bogus, etc. In my school for example, there’s even people that actually look up to Horkheimer and Adorno as idols and regard their critical theory as one of the greatest sociological concepts of all time. My views are pretty much the exact opposite, of course. Does it even make sense to use such a stimatized term among normal folks?
See two random plebbit examples to get an idea of what I mean:

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Cultural Marxism is pretty self-explanatory as a concept if you got an articulated enough way of showing it for what it is. Many people (including Holla Forums) regard it as just a critique of Western culture and its founders as practitioners of that critique (hence the other term used to name CultMarx, "Critical theory"), yet its true purpose was to identify what drives people behind authoritarian and anti-Semitic ideas and radically change them to fit their own agenda.

All in all, it IS a theory critical of Western culture, but with a lot more sinister purpose than to just critique and change peacefully as lefties claim. Webm related explains this very well from an objective standpoint.

You should pick up a book about it, there's plenty at /pdfs/.

Well, have you actually read Horkheimer or Adorno? Because if you did you'd understand what you perceive as "Cultural Marxism" (more like cultural liberalism imo) is quite contrary to what Horkheimer and especially Adorno advocated. Adorno even called the cops on a bunch of Hippies.

The problem I have when i argue (in my head) about cultural marxism is that it always ends in nihilism, which I have no good argument against except a theological one which is not very effective these days.

It was literally designed to be a destructive influence on our culture. That was literally the point. They saw our culture as being oppressive and a means of maintaining powers structures, so they devised cultural marxism to deconstruct said culture.


I'll see if I can find something there, thanks.

You repeat this all the time, Holla Forums, but repeating something does not an argument make. Even when researching it, it doesn't hold true.

Put it into religious terms. Most of these pukes have been pump-primed to reject religion right off the bat, so you're cutting with the grain if you position these shits as pseudoscientific hully-gully men. Argue from an intentional or power-grabbing point of view.

Basically, evil men in every age will invent whatever mumbo-jumbo will trick people into giving them money, power, sex, tenure, whatever. The Frankfurt School was exactly that – the old Marxist/Stalinist horseshit that had been getting professors laid since 1917 wasn't cutting it anymore, and co-eds in 1937 Germany didn't get wet over rebellious professors who supported the status quo, and political Catholicism wasn't trendy in Germany at the time, so a handful of crafty Jews professors cooked up some impressive-sounding gibberish. A generation later, and it would have been Orgone energy and Dianetics.

Once you've imputed their motives, criticize their expertise. Point out that a whole shit-ton of CM's basic axioms are drawn directly from every Jewish bad idea of the previous century: Marxism, Freudian psychoanalysis, dialectical materialism, etc. I'm sad to say this stage of the debunking takes research. Not a hell of a lot – most CMs don't know shit about what they believe either – but you should know at least what currents fed into the whole mess and why they're retarded.

If you're still talking, attack the integrity of the "discipline's" leading figures. You don't need to be rigorous here, any old faculty gossip will do the trick. Shit, make something up if you want. Adorno was a rapist and a wife-beater, after all. Actually not, but you see how easy slandering the dead can be? Anything to tarnish their images. Better still, if you're lying about their sex lives, even the commie professor won't have heard about the accusations and will have to admit that beating your wife and raping a grad student is a little bit bad.

Finish with the missionary's oldest trick: give them hope. Explain that, while CM wasn't 100% wrong still lying for the greater good, "much better models have been developed" in the 1970s and '90s (don't mention the '1980s; it triggers campus lefties) by [insert random string of obscure academics nobody has ever heard of and will never check out for themselves].

Propose they look into Pan-Zionism and the history of the Shev Collective. I just made those up, but it sure sounds as if some serious brain power was being applied, right? Tell the 19-year-old college girl you're trying to convert that these "powerful social observers" worked out a model for maximizing equality among disparate groups by allowing free association and limited free-market economics with gender and racial equality, unlike those racist Germans from Frankfurt. Point your target toward ethno-nationalism as baby's first redpill, and mention non-white examples of how it would have been for the best. Hutus vs. Tutsis is a good start, as is the Israel vs. Palestine question (pretend you give a shit about the Arabs and Jews both). Guide the girl toward a consciousness that groups were never meant to live on top of one another and we're at our most diverse when we're living in our own homelands – ideally on different continents.

Then try to slip her the dick. Girls around that age have low self-esteem, and they tend to wrap themselves around the men they're fucking. That can be you, user. Name your first white child after Holla Forums.

kek, it's fucking you who is making the claim about some Jewish Marxist conspiracy so you should bring the arguments. Unlike 99% of you I have actually read Adorno, Horkheimer and Benjamin and they use far more Holla Forums tier shit about praexology and degeneration of Western Culture. I don't even agree with most of their stuff and neither did I say they were conservatives (Adorno sort of was tho), nice strawman.

We are not talking about some secret Kabbala knowledge here, you can fucking read their books and then have your opinion about it.

Don't forger, Hitler had only one testicle and was gay

He was also a great leader who gassed many kikes. What's neat about that is how three generations of Jews have essentially memed Auschwitz into the public mind, giving the goyim a blueprint except for that tricky corpse disposal problem. Did we ever solve that one? When it becomes real, those Jews will simply die from embarrassment.

Point taken, but we’ve all heard that before.


P.S. Vidya relates to the initial question, guy makes some good points, in case anyone else is interested.

Cultural and economic marxism are r-type survival strategies that are promoted by a k-type cabal to weaken and degenerate everyone who is not part of the inner circle.

Watch Molyneux's series on r/K selection theory for a better understanding.

The long and short of cultural marxism is it is aimed at breaking down the family unit and putting a populations birth rates into decline. We have the saying of the of 2.4 children, this is the average needed to keep a population in steady growth, if you can knock that down to the region of 1.2 then the population will be in decline with more people dying than being born. How do you get it down to 1.2…Using feminism to drive a wedge between straight males and females, the gay agenda promoting gay acceptance creating an higher rate of gays than usual, who of course will not reproduce. Transgender acceptance and growth. acceptance of peadophilia. These among other things like abortion and birth control will put a population into decline and make it shrink.

If you study the rise and fall of all great nations and empires you will find out that androgyny has spelled collapse for them all. Girls that look like guys, and guys that are feminine, along with all the gays and transgenders. Once the populations birth rates have dropped and they no longer producing an average 2.4 kids and it has been lowered to 1.2 or so, then is the time when a foreign element can be introduced into the mix. A foriegn element that will slowly outbreed the natives because of their higher birth rates. A foreign element much like the muslims invading today who are not monogomous and can have 2 or 3 wives who can produce many children. The natives, the host nation, simply can not compete with their low birth rates and will eventually find themselves the minority, and when you live in a democracy the majority will be able to take over and apply their law.

So basically cultural marxism has been the downfall of all great empires by breaking up the traditional family unit and lowering birth rates to the point a population is in decline. At that point it is then ripe for a take over by bringing in foreign elements with a vastly higher birth rate who will eventually outnumber the natives over time.


not an argument

Cultural Marxism/Critical Theory is a philosophy popular since it makes those that think of themselves as weak turn that weakness into a vague sensation of empowerment. This is in spite of the fact that it constantly perpetuates the idea that all the people it is preaching to are weak, which is probably why people don't just wake up one day feeling like they're no longer weak, since they'd no longer feel this ideology was necessary for them.

Here is a video which allegedly "debunks" the conspiracy.

marxism response
pocked edition, because nobody likes walls of text

But user, I need a cultural marxism, not the regular one!
No problem fam. It all stems from relativism. And after that they go the 'muh rights' route.
Ask them, where are the rights of a man drowning in the ocean? Where are the rights of a female getting robbed and raped and murdered?
Point it out how they arent specially oppressed, how "oppression" is natural for we are all oppressed by nature. There are no special rights, there's only stuff that works and stuff that doesnt.
From here on you go about western culture. How it's the best. How Arabs do not let women drive. How Christians ended slavery. How Ottomans enslaved white Europeans for centuries, how Baltics and the Irish were enslaved much harder and for much longer, and exploited much more, and yet today have normal nations and dont need handouts. How wage gap is bullshit because everyone would just hire women. How whites are a global minority. How in democracy women who are majority have institutional power and privilege and how the only real gap is the workplace fatalities gap. And so on.

Key to any sort of argument with normies is to not use any buzz words, or better buzz words they use. So rather than say "Cultural Maexism" describe what it is, namely Marxis theory using race as a stand-in/aproximation for social class.

The holocaust never happened, yid.