Wrong. You must tell the history and facts to your family and friends. If we cannot even wake up our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, grandparents,etc, then the Aryan races will die.
The trick is to slowly day after day talk about names and dates, show them youtube videos about white genocide and jewish blood sacrifice etc. Do not push to much at once as their brains will shut down on you however. Tell them about the FED and Usury, Jewish Blood Sacrifice, 9/11, anything they may stop and second guess. Remind them as long as it takes, emotional appeals work well as most people do not have critical thinking skills like us. They will get pissy with you, tough shit though, just keep chipping away until they listen. Of course there are exceptions that can never be convinced to open their eyes to the simple facts of our existence and current plight, extinction.
You will lose both friends and family for simply telling the truth, but the smallest unit of society is the family and without our people on our side we will not prevail. We need our own ingroup again like the yids have, a club where only Aryans are invited, when we have it we can ally with other races like asians, and street shitters, to crush the jew and go to the stars. We can also do that without any other races assistance as well, either option is good. The former would be much less risky and much more expedient. All people besides jews are getting murdered and worse thanks to kike bullshit, the more people hate them the easier our job is.
A huge piece of neglected knowledge is that the jew is not even human. They are a mongrelized race of neanderthal. They share European DNA as well as other races but keep their neanderthal hierarchy, insane mindset(not helped by inbreeding) and ingroup cohesion. It is said they can be 60-80%(probably less as well from genetic dilution/miscegnation) neanderthal and that is where the Talmud qoutes like "Even the best of the goyim should be killed" come from, and the delightful jewish tradition of sucking mutilated bloody baby dicks( Metztizah B'peh).
Thank you user that posted this link below in another thread.