What's your thoughts on Solus?
Been using with i3 for about 2 months now and loving it. Grab an iso if you haven't already, I highly recommend it
What's your thoughts on Solus?
Been using with i3 for about 2 months now and loving it. Grab an iso if you haven't already, I highly recommend it
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I installed it with Bidgie on a spare laptop. It's nice, but went back to Ubuntu Mate.
sage because you /g/niggers have made this board unusable in the past months.
Solus seems to be another ubuntu wannabe. It doesn't accomplish anything new, you aren't given anything but the same shit you'd get on Debian. If you want normie-friendly linux there's Mint, Ubuntu, Zorin etc. why do we need more?
What does this accomplish?
Why are you niggers here?
Tell me if it doesn't have systemd and does something interesting for a package manager. Prettiest DE competition seems to go back and forth between Enlightenment and Elementary in terms of pretty but functionally useless.
fuck off kevin
what the fuck are you talking about? the point of solus is that it's a desktop distro and NOTHING else. no weird side projects like unity with ubuntu, no bloated ass config manager like yast, it's simple.
also the most stable rolling release distro, that itself justifies it
My desktop distro. Love it. Been using it for a year or so now.
what does it have to offer that does not give me already Debian netins or ubuntu tiny/netinst ?
This, the only real difference some distros provides over mainstream distros in their minimasl instalations is they already ship important alternatives to under-the-hood software, in GNU/Linux case, the fucking systemD
Installed it recently on my laptop. Pretty stable, working pretty well. Some things I don't like about it, but it's one of the only distributions I can get working on it. Only other one I've found that works is Mint.
found the retard who takes what everybody on /g/ says as actual facts
up to date packages, no stupid side projects like unity, it's a pure desktop oriented distro
Firsts, im not a fucking fa/g/got
Second, you have 1 minute to prove me that solus actually does bring anything new over the table, specially anything that can be done "easily" in any other distro so it's actually worth having an entire distribution of GNU/Linux for that regards
Budgie is better than any of the other DE's I've tried too, desu.
Budgie is the good part, you can get it, like Cinnamon, any fucking where.
First o-
1 second's over, sorry user!
You have no power here, Kevin the ghey
NONE of its bootloaders support multiboot.
It's especially a pain on computers with difficult boot menus.
It has not package support either, and the few packages it does manage to find are molested by the maintainers for some reason.
Install Debian.
kevin fuck off back to cuckchan
It's good. Budgie still isn't there yet until it fully switches to Qt, and the lack of packages could be fixed by developers providing appimage and flatpak executables for their software, and Solus adding those links to their software manager. Overall it will be (and kinda is now) a great Linux distro for normies.
just fucking install manjaro if you need a user friendly distro. extremly easy to break but extremly easy to fix as well. just check if your drivers are supported on the new kernel
oh sorry OP i didnt answer your question, i dont care for it much
your point?
i think its funny how manjaro blew past deb like they are nothing, they will have a hard time passing mint tho, far too many normies hugging mints nutts
FYI- manjaro has an option for free or non-free install right befor you choose your liveboot or install option
Budgie is pretty okay, and I imagine it will be decent once 11 is released. The only issues I've had with Solus so far is the obnoxious lack of support. I'm willing to say that isn't Solus's fault though so much as retarded niggers packaging in .deb and .rpm, and either not providing the source or requiring fifteen different dependencies only available to debian, fedora, and sometimes arch based distros.