This steaming Marxist pile of shit was written by pic related: Roberto D. Hernández, "Assistant Professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies at SDSU".
[email protected]
619 594-4219
Some gems:
This steaming Marxist pile of shit was written by pic related: Roberto D. Hernández, "Assistant Professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies at SDSU".
[email protected]
619 594-4219
Some gems:
Other urls found in this thread:
bump for justice
sending some pizza his way
"How 'white genocide' is a good thing."
- written by some person of color or Jew. Every time. Every time.
mrw I'm a minority.
my face when. For fuck's sake.
Can this fucker not even manage to be consistent for two paragraphs?
Why don't you worry about the crimes of your own, fat fucking meatcuck spic.
90% of vegans and environmentalists are white. I'm getting so fucking sick of liberal dipshits acting like white people are ruining the planet, look at China, look at Africa, look at India, look at Mexico, that ain't on whitey.
What should we do about this scumbag?
lets get him fired.
Marilyn Bredvold
Assistant to the Dean
Phone: 619-594-1424
Email: [email protected]/* */
Dr. Nadine S. Bezuk
Associate Dean
Email: [email protected]/* */
You know what I don't get, pol? These bluepilled tards look at history and see white assholes doing all the evil stuff. If they were just a little bit redpilled about jews, they'd know that's bullshit. That's all it would take.
All our hate for them and shit-talking and all that is totally pointless.
The only reason I'm even on Holla Forums today is that I learned to spot Jewish names and read the 'Early Life' section of Wikipedia.
itt post further proof of the (((left))) calling for white genocide
8/10, would award the other two points if you do a kike version too
You'll be joining him in the >>>/gaschamber/
any archive?
You're a degenerate piece of trash.
how are you going to get him fired? They hired him to spread garbage like this.
His entire argument is white people as a race don't exist.
He's an idiot, he has to frame the argument this way because there is a white genocide.
Fucking faggots.
If someone post his address I'll kill him on his way to work. I live in San Diego and I'm getting more fed up everyday, may as well do something useful.
Who cares what this spic says? you retards are only going to elevate his ass to some shitty left rag news station a mention on huff or washpo.
He doesn't even recognize white people as a actual identity. A huge cop out by him of course, i'm sure he's a la raza type.
In reality this shows were right, he has to frame his argument this way because if he actually recognized white people as a group he would have to admit there is a genocide.
just wait until the kikes collapse the economy brother. Then you can get your fill of subhuman dirt bags like this. start preparing.
Assistant professor is a temp position, he has to get reviewed each year to continue employment
You fell for a (((Joshua Goldberg))) troll.
I can't wait for faggots like assistant professor taco to get deported, self deport, or sudoku.
These people are idiots.
Shoot him.
inb4 fbi
Enjoy the partyvan my man, don't do something so stupid and make a subhuman and martyr. I know you're just joking and being hypothetical.
So if we became White by winning and conquering the world, does that mean the tribesmen of Africa became Black by sitting on the stoop smoking menthol all day, and the tribesmen of America became Native Americans by getting drunk and opening casinos?
Stop you right there. Would this even exist in a world without kikes?
No, most of them wouldn't have lived past age 10 since they're unfit to survive without any kind of welfare.
It's not always a weakness, but feeding tribes of invaders is stupid as fuck. Where would the we wuz kangz, spics or the strong smart independent femishits would be without welfare ? This shit is just govt endorsed wealth redistribution D&C for vote.
I can tell this thread is full of baiting shills because OP didn't provide an archive of the article and no one corrected him. Fuck you niggers.
He can definitely be fired. Every university so far that has been caught sheltering people like this has seen enrollment drop and donations plummet. This spic is only a wetback-tier assistant professor of make-believe. His contract has to keep getting renewed, or else he's back in the avocado fields where he belongs. We raise a fucking stink, the alumni association makes a discreet phone call, and Jose Jimenez here is on the next bus to Chihuahua with the other deportees.
On a larger note, has anybody else noticed the canine intelligence of these niggers and demi-niggers who wind up in academia? It's as if the ever-clever Jews cruised the barrios and midnight basketball courts to find gullible PoCs they could adopt as pets until they have a nice university appointment, and then they use them as little brown sticks for beating Whitey.
The funny part is that a retarded beaner Fun Fact: They are all retarded doesn't get how he's being used. His diploma is less useful than toilet paper, and he thinks he's the equal of a white scientist. It's as if the village idiot came bouncing up and blew a whistle in your face because he thinks it makes him the mayor, when really it just makes him stand out all the more for being the village idiot.
As a white person of, I suppose, average intelligence, I find shit like this hilarious. It's an intellectual version of burning ants with a magnifying glass. You get all of the sadistic schadenfreude of pulling wings off of flies, but against a dumb brute that actually deserves it.
Anyway, gas the kikes. Race war ASAP. This hombre can find work as a grave digger. We'll need those.
this can't be serious ?
What was the first government to implement animal control and humane treatment laws? The answer is NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMANY.
This guy, again, framed his argument as if white people do not exist as a race.
I mean its totally fucking retarded, so all Holla Forums would have to do is change white genocide, to European genocide and then what would this faggot spic say?
This guys argument must be a logical fallacy.
Systemic study… these retards learn a few buzzwords and keep repeating them so people think they know what they're talking about.
San Diego user reporting in, gib address FBI-kun
Article archive here:
It's worth a read if you feel like making yourself completely livid.
Those are valid points but to bring up the JQ they'd have to hear it from someone they trust or respect.
I like to live dangerously. Also OP is still a faggot for no archive.
Someone has to bury the darkies. I for one would rather not touch them at all. Maybe burn them? Then we'd really pollute the earth with nigger ash and like up the atmosphere.
Easily 90% of the article is defining what a White person is - with the stunning visionary end definition of "White means everyone who thinks they're White". I expected to get madder than that tbh, this psychopathic spic drowned in his own delusion.
Will they ever get it, Holla Forums?
So basically what he's saying is:
What's funny about this is if you replace "white" with "Jewish" in the text above, you get something close to Holla Forums.
They were white from the start, this isn't difficult.
That right there is enough to disregard this nonsense. This "professor" probably can't even form proper sentences.
Yes, because nigger females are so attractive and prevalent in Norway. These people are fucking insanely stupid.
Are these people self aware?
Imagine a white person saying "hispanics need to be genocided for Earth's survival"
The fucking hypocritical scumbag.
The question is whether or not Norwegians identified as white (instead of Norwegian) before they "took part in colonial oppression against brown people".
Well congrats, Communism has been defeated single handedly by your observation alone.
It's not like they are literally forced by Capitalism to either participate or starve.
Did my image trigger you Holla Forums?
I'm sorry. I hope you have a happy new year.
It's a jewish subvertion-trick.
And no, i heavily doubt anyone on Holla Forums has soggy knees over the oppression of the brown people. What we do know is that the kikes are our enemy, they own us and are looking for ways to exterminate us.
You're thinking of leddit.
Happy new year though.
Pretty much the same thing tbh fam.
Don't you burgers have guns and shit?'
Why do you not have a garden, chickens and use gov land to grow teff? You're the retarded asshole that thinks you must live within the system presented to you.
White people are not a race goy
Celebrate white genocide goy
How f-ing stupid can they get
Please go home.
Triggering leftists is as easy as adding quotations around pc phrases ie:
"person" of color
Keep posting marxist bs from your apple computer, retard.
I fixed it for you.
You can't just get up and start living on government land, or any land that you haven't purchased.
And even if you could, you would have to buy the animals, equipment, and so on from somewhere.
Posting from Linux ironically enough.
Isnt there squatters rights where you can do so if you live therw for 1p or 15 years?
I will after I'm done getting my laughs in for the day.
But you're the joke?
Cry me a river. If you aren't even willing to make an investment of $50 for your own independence you can go die in a fire. The point of growing teff on gov land is that teff is completely unknown to fucking everyone outside of africa, shit looks like grass and no one will ever question it.
Nice dubs.
Squatters rights don't apply to government land, and for private property you would have to live there for 15 years without being discovered, and be able to prove to a judge that you have been living there the whole time, and maintained the land.
Wow, you two seem hostile.
Did I trigger you?
But you clearly do have soggy knees about the oppression of white people. So basically if you swap "white oppressor" with "Jew" and "brown people" with "white people", you can understand where they are coming from. They want to gas the whites because whites are their Jews.
I am absolutely FUMING you better apologize champo –OR ELSE–
I'm trying to help your retarded commie ass and you think i'm mocking you. You can literally detach yourself from capitalism completely but you're so dim that you would rather buy taco bell and shit from the grocery store instead of actually standing by your values. That's how I know communism will always lose, it's supporters are all talk but they will never, ever go without the benefits that capitalism grants.
After I get a couple of replies I'll usually sage to cut down on the flood of Holla Forums so I can at least acknowledge any replies.
But for you, I'll stop saging.
Here's a little something special I made for you Jews.
You're definitely Holla Forums
We're skeptical, but frankly the alternative still looks worse and we know Trump fucks with people's heads.
Even your memes are shit. How the fuck do you look at yourself in the mirror without vomiting?
Who is Duarte, Chaim?
You are literally to stupid to insult or help.
Wew, sounds like that one stung a bit buddy ;^)
Be aware - commies are not positively taken here.
But I have a soft spot for stalin, even though communism does not work economically for me. Natsoc is still best.
Seriously though, if you are going to be a commie go full commie so I don't have to feel bad when I kill you.
Thanks, I appreciate the heads up.
And if it makes any of you feel better, I voted Trump too.
Thanks for thinking outside the box though, I had genuinely never considered the idea, but I don't think I would be able to do it as better explained here
Keep thinking I'm joking, you'll sleep better.
Now that's
Granted I may not be the one to kill you, if you are to die before me or my ilk get to you know that it will be at the hands of your comrades.
Yes, and that's because it's a subvertion of their legit concerns. They are taught to believe it's the white man holding them down delibaretly and they should hate the white man, which of course works in the kikes favour, just like communism grouped workers together, now they group non-whites together who have learned to hate us. While simulatenously the kikes gets away with what they are doing, simply because all the focus is on the white man.
The non-whites would have much better living if they just realise they suck, they should try and make countries on their own and the kikes should be exterminated. Still doesn't take away that most of the non-whites are mentally retarded and morally corrupted.
We have no choice but to trust him and prepare for deceit.
He is.
Yes, because America is in a pretty shitty state right now
He's smart but a Zionist asshole who doesn't care all that much about the ethnic Russian population in his country.
No, global warming is not a Chinese hoax
Yes, Duterte is a good guy.
That's right, we can make our own tacos just fine.
does he realize his people skin people alive and hang mutilated corpses from bridges and traffic lights?
yes unlike gomunism, where you are forced to participate and starve
Race war now?
Global warming does not exist, user. It's all kike propaganda based on faulty models to sterilize goyim economies with inefficient power sources that will cripple entire countries with their industry and what not.
teff? its not often I actually lol at the internet
From the Teff Kikepedia page:
Even there. Fucking kek.
I like how leftist faggots always seem to think their absurd ideas are so unchallengeable, all they have to do is repeat what they imagine their opposition says and the self-evident wrongness of it will speak for itself. By far the most common leftist "argument" I've seen online goes something like:
>"Next you'll be saying African-American that's their word for niggers, pol children shouldn't go to school with whites!"
As if these ideas are so crazy, nobody could ever agree with them, and all she has to do is express them with a world-weary roll of the eyes and the argument is over.
Um, lefty fuckface? I wholeheartedly support mass deportations of nonwhites to Latin America, followed by a latter-day manumission movement to slide them nignogs over to Liberia, where they won't bother us anymore. Believe it or not, as self-evidently wrong and bad as those ideas clearly are, and as nutty as it sounds to you that anybody would support the white race over Jewish tricks, just naming our arguments and sighing doesn't actually shame us into giving up.
And that's why we're winning.
Rolling for a 90% white America by 2050.
Fuck you teff is delicious.
Nice job, you sure killed the fuck out of that strawman.
Practicing for the real thing.
But I do agree with them.
You also better send some guns and ammo to the few whites here and let the problem solve itself when it turns into another rhodesian bush war.
Does this fucking idiot know that he doesn't exist in a country that isn't wealthy? That his bullshit is subsidized?
Really fuck that school for letting someone talk this bullshit that is childish at best. It's really retarded level, drunk on the corner type bullshit.
Shut up you coward, he can do what he wants.
Nah those guys who take pics just look at the them and when they're banned, will be the first to turn them in.
Dats rite. But your changing of the symbol resulted in a file 10x larger so you failed there.
aaaaaand the thread went to some faggot butthurt over his repeating the bullshit his Marxist professor told him being BTFO.
Or you could get the hell out and build a life somewhere that's not majority-spic.
On second thought, why not prove your heritage and do the white thing, user?
For newfags, you need to read about the kike Goldberg and his actions on this board and elsewhere. Best fucking red pill.
What's the latest on Joshua? Is he in an insane asylum or is he working for (((them)))? I'll bet he's holed up in a cush rabbi's mansion posting away as usual.
well I did my job. Left a voicemail of la cucaracha.
The only way I'm getting out of here is in a casket.
Really, user. Consider it. A 100% white american continent. Unlike the mediterranean, shitskins will find it fairly difficult to cross an ocean for gibs, aside from the usual suspects smuggling them in.
"Whites aren't real, so it's technically not genocide when we kill them and remove them from the world."
I'm not even surprised anymore. Peace won't be an option with these things, and more and more I wonder if it ever really was an option, or just a hapless fantasy. Regardless, someone archive all this and then start spreading it so Whites will wake up before they have a knife buried in their hearts. Would be pretty helpful too if someone could accompany research showing how race IS biologically quantifiable
missed trips there, damn. new year ain't looking too good
San Diego is full of Mexicans, and with Mexicans come cholos. This guy looks like a cholo. "Chicano" is a particular Mexican subgroup that likes to LARP as WE WUZ AZTECZ and still have cacti up their asses over losing the Mexican-American War 160 years ago. This is the kind of beaner you find in the barrios of the city. They take all the Aztlan shit seriously. As with all minority crybaby groups in the US, their leadership learned about victimhood from the Jews, which is where double digit IQ beantards like Roberto Hernandez get jobs brainwashing young people in the first place.
They like to pretend they have no Spanish blood at all when they know good and well that full blooded Indios don't look like OP's pic related. The best part is that a lot of Chicanos either speak bad ghetto Spanish, or only speak English with a thick Mexican accent. These aren't smart people, they aren't capable of juggling two languages in their heads. Really, what kind of Proud Mexican Aztec Warrior can't speak Spanish?
He would say there is no such thing as European, the there is no such thing as Norwegians, no such thing as Scandinavians, no such thing as Germanics and so on. That's why we can never give these forked tongued commies an inch. They can never be trusted
ffs this is literally against the core fundamentals of Communism.
Communism has failed in the marketplace of ideas. therefore when you want to implement it reality will necessitate that you do it by being a sneaky or violent little shit. So this is precisely communism.
This sounds dangerously capitalistic, comrade. Please attend reeducation.
Could be simplified further with the ancap saying "Give me something I want and I'll give you something you want."
OP, this is called "tikkun olam", it's the kaballistic goal of destroying the world.
Except he's wrong anyway. It is a biological reality. It meets all the qualifications that would be applied to any other species to denote a different breed or subspecies. It is just politically incorrect to do so.
And it also applies to extended phenotype of humans, with unique cultural expressions, thought processes, worldview, etc.
It might be more correct, but it's also wordier, and this delivers the same message. Don't let your memes get dragged down by unnecessary text.
Is he denying the HOLOCAUST?
I-is this a real tweet, user? I just don't know what to believe anymore…
KEK will shall be done, this white spic shall be eliminated
I don't know. I saved it from here. But really…
What difference, at this point, does it make?
We're through the looking glass here. We've pushed them to become some sort of self-parody, and I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The fall of communism taught me all I need to know about communism.
Oh, wow. Gee whiz, what could Donald Trump do against such a blood thirsty militia such as these battle hungry killers?
Mr. Kasich, is that you!?
Ridiculous. You think that these people would be receptive to that kind of message? Do you think that you are going to win them over with historical examples and logic? Have you ever tried debating with anti white scum? They couldn't care less about facts.
They don't hate us for what our people have done in the past, they hate us because they were incapable of doing it themselves. It's an inferiority complex that these people suffer from, they will accept the answers that make them feel better about their own race's lack of achievement. The problem is that they have the opportunity to interact with us these days, every day they are reminded of the superiority of our civilization and pissed off by the fact that they were incapable of matching it. They were actually incapable of even coming close in the spic world.
I agree, leave the base emotions to the shitskins, it's unbecoming of an Aryan to be in a constant hate filled rage.
If by shit talking you mean spreading memes and drawing attention to their bullshit I disagree.
The spics created the Azteka Empire, the Maya Empire and the Inca Empire.
Uneducated moron. The spics are the result of miscegenation with the European invaders, they didn't create those civilizations.
I've done my part. I have three children. I can't support any more. My wife and I give them love and a good home. My eldest daughter is going away to university soon. Our sons are still at school.
Money is nothing; just paper and metal. All our children are looked after. What's important is love. And a proper breakfast.
The Indians had a glorious civilization with an incredibly complex social structure, look at them now. Many European empires have crumbled but the actual civilizations live on, progress and become stronger. The modern day Indian isn't complete trash, some of them are very intelligent but their society is horrific. What happened?
This is why it's important to spread our message and counter the anti white propaganda coming from kikes, shitskins and cucks, once our civilization crosses a certain point there is no way to bring it back. We're getting dangerously close to that threshold and we need to do everything possible to stop our race from crossing it.
Past glory is completely irrelevant if our ancestors become mongrels who exist for the sole purpose of keeping a society ruled by kikes running.
A lot of whites are already degenerating, absorbing nigger culture.
Always post a link unless you know it's not a real tweet
Gas yourself you degenerate fuck. I can smell your congoid blood admixture from here, disgusting.
Unless she is studying something like STEM or nursing, she is going to become brainwashed by cultural Marxism and start fucking niggers.
Why are you sending your daughter to have her mind and body defiled by the kikes at their controlled "education" institutions?
You don't even need, you just have to click 'CONTINUE'
"Whites should also know that, when they do become a minority in formerly white countries, they will NOT be receiving affirmative action or any of the other benefits meant to assist the minorities that whites have historically oppressed. Why? Because whites don’t deserve those benefits. It’s as simple as that. One can look to South Africa, where whites are only about 8.4% of the population, but blacks continue to receive affirmative action because blacks in South Africa have historically been disenfranchised by whites. The same thing will happen when whites become a minority in North America, Europe, and Oceania, because whites have historically oppressed minorities in all three of those continents. Not to mention, why should whites receive any kind of benefits when the ultimate goal is to get rid of whites altogether?"
This particular 'Emily Goldstein' probably doesn't exist and there's 1700+ comments. 9/10. This is how you troll. Take note.
>>>Holla Forums
The doublekikethink is strong.
This. Although nursing isn't that great of a path either, because they end up rubbing elbows with a lot of niggers, spics and pajeets. The pajeet doctors are the worst because they use their seniority to gain an edge with the young White nurses. I've seen it first-hand.
Marry your daughter off to a nice young White man. College is just a distraction to delay motherhood.
Which is why we need to end the h1b visa programs except for skilled Euros and repeal the 1965 immigration act.
How new are you.
Is there anyway we can misconstrue this spics internet rant into something more fun? We could use his arguments against him, like saying he really just calling for normal genocide or that he's denouncing the sacred tenant of White Privilege. We must use their words against him.
I wonder if he knows how clean white countries are compared to non white countries
ALL of these 'studies' courses need to go, immediately.
Marx never wrote about how we need infinite gender and to kill whitey you dumbass. Read a fucking book.
The USSR, Cuba, North Korea, China, and more were never Communist. If the workers don't own the means of production (See: Democracy in the workplace) then it is not Socialist. If it is not Socialist, it cannot be Communist.
Just out of curiosity, what the fuck does "Owned collectivelu amd DIRECTLY by all of us" even mean. If you can answer that question right now, I will become a die hard communist on the fucking spot.
Sure, owned collectively and directly by all of us is a long winded way of saying Democracy in the workplace. The real life implementation would probably occur through employees in a company being equal shareholders.
Also, I know Holla Forums is mostly natsoc, but one of the anons I was replying to was using ancap memes, so I figured I'd cover all my bases.
Literary dadaism.
Also, sorry for doubleposting, but employee owned companies are rarely run well. What makes your system any better than even standard capitalism.
needs a bigger nose, apart from that
Spread this shit on social media.
lol racist prison system
so 14/15 escaped
I'm not white and I live in Commiefornia, but I never in my life hated white people. I guess my town had just enough white people for me to make multiple white friends and become "white washed." I physically feel the hatred from other hispanics because I don't behave or speak like them.
There would still be bosses, i.e. managers, supervisors, etc., but the employees all equally benefit from the success of the workplace. C level positions would still exist in one form or another, but they wouldn't be a financial class above the workers, as they would be paid by how the company did.
Dude, join antifa and subvert them. Work your way up.
You are the perfect fucking subversive.
really though, there should be 0 black or hispanics in prison, because they should not be in this country to begin with
So those who work stressful burnout positions shouldn't get paid more? Those who succeed shouldn't get a reward?
On paper yes, but in real life managers would ensure that everyone contributes at least the bare minimum.
Capitalism does this worse in my opinion, since the workers are usually paid by salary in these positions, so they don't get rewarded for working harder.
Do this, Antifa is a shit tier government plant.
It's hard enough to make my white friends actually act white, there's a lot of "big booty" temptation here that encourages race mixing.
Also all the "dude weed lmao" culture and what not. Being constantly surrounded by brown semen demons tempts the white man.
Cultural Marxism is simply the application of 'Critical Theory', which is itself the application of Marxist ideology to the field of "social sciences".
It is in fact you who need to do more reading. This is SJW 101 stuff. Learn 2 Peterson.
If you aren't trolling you're a complete fucking retard. Either way gtfo of the thread. Go run the microchip factory for us or something.
What proof would be needed in this situation?
Thanks, user, glad I have 'race realists' to tell me how to live my life
They did. The "workplace" is the entire economy. Treating each little workers coop as an individual workplace is, ironically, less communistic, not more. Under the Soviet System, the entire economy is one big workers coop, and the proletariat delegated the running of the workers coop to the ruling state party during the revolution.
Have you been kicked in the head by a mule, my son?
Prove that managers inherently "ensure[s] that everyone contributes the bare minimum."
It would be a job requirement of the managers, the same way it is today.
If you go to work and don't do anything, who finds out?
Typically your manager or supervisor, this would be no different.
So if the manager improves the efficiency of their workers, they are not entitled to a reward?
But Marx never wrote of this, and I don't think he would support it today. Communism removes a lot of the inherent inequalities found in modern day culture, but you can't outlaw being an asshole.
If the workers become more efficient the company does better, generating more revenue, and the manager and workers all receive more pay as a result.
So your communist system is actually more akin to capitalism?
now memorialized in png
No, that is Socialism, not Communism.
And it's not akin to Capitalism because in Capitalism the workers don't receive the full value of their labor.
In capitalism, no labor actually has value, as the value of the item produced could change within the market. Are you implying that Socialism & Communism put a definitive price on labor?
Communism is murderous and a proven failure. It was doomed to fail because the intention of its creators wasn't even to create the utopia they promised, but to enslave humanity.
I don't care to quibble over the semantics of what the common application of Critical Theory in our culture ("cultural Marxism") is called. It's an objectively provable fact at this point, your objections are irrelevant.
The fact that evil modality of thinking birthed by Marx et al. can and is being used to sabotage and annihilate all that is good in our culture is the argument that you are avoiding.
Actually, I wasn't following the derailed discussion you're a part of until just now. I just want to mention right now that I have detailed plans for killing communist scum like you, and my vengeance for your kind in particular exceeds that even of my hatred for belligerent shitskins. What country do you live in, out of curiosity?
In Capitalism the employer always has to pay the worker less then they generate in value. This is the inherent inequality in Capitalism.
Marx wrote about the value of labor, and I'm oversimplifying it, but the gist of it is that the amount of labor it takes to produce an item the most efficient way possible is the value of the item.
What I am asking is if the worker is worth any value at all.
Also, is inequality really a bad thing? Some people are simply better at certain tasks than others. Should a factory worker's labor be worth the same as a master craftsman?
China, Russia, Cuba, and North Korea still aren't Communist, but regardless the Russia famine wasn't their fault, and Cuba depended heavily on the Soviet Union.
But tbh China and North Korea deserved it.
No, they don't. Wages are set at a pre-determined level. If the company makes a loss, wages are still paid.
That is why people voluntarily agree to exchange their labor for a wage - to protect from and minimize financial risk.
If people started a workers coop, there is no guarantee that they are going to make money.
That is the reason why low IQ communist workers coop worshippers never actually start their own workers coops.
Why do people use this disingenuous bullshit excuse?
Look, we could use the same excuse for all the flaws of capitalism saying it's not REAL capitalism too, but that would be fucking retarded, you commies follow a filthy kike who just wanted to leech off the hard work of other people without ever lifting a finger, that's all there's is to it.
You need to stay more current on the position of your own filthy ideology: Holodomor has been admitted to be an intentional genocide since 1987 (first by the Ukrainian Communist Party, then the rest of the world shortly thereafter). If you knew anything about the history of your false idol and the consequences of his malformed thinking, you would know that in 1987, worldwide, communist parties and the movement as a whole withdrew all Holodomor denial literature, and admitted that it happened (intentional genocide, not an accidental famine).
Learn to communist, cuckenberg.
lol fuck off
Nah, this one is good. It perfectly represents the token minority psuedointellectual.
Possibly. I get your point, but consider that they think we're the bad guys. Try to imagine thinking that the jews are the bad guys AND responsible for all the nice things in the world; we'd probably be butthurt too. Hell, we're butthurt about the jews dominating and we think they haven't created shit.
It's about time to make an example out of one of these fucks. This guy looks dumb enough to take on Tucker Carlson. I don't social media. Can someone message him? I'll be trying different routes. (Phone/email)
Well maybe because they understand their own ideology better than you do
For the last time, the USSR never even claimed to be Communist because they weren't
Also not that it matters, but Marx wasn't a Jew. He was born to a Jewish father who switched to Christianity shortly after Marx was born.
Also, didn't Hitler think Capitalism was a Jewish conspiracy to destroy Germany?
The worker is entitled to the full value of their labor. Anything less is theft.
Workers only consent to receiving less value because they have no other choice then to starve.
Deng was the only China Commie who actually read and understood Marx.
And how exactly is it Communism's fault that crops couldn't get the water and nutrients needed to grow in the middle of rural USSR?
Also, do you have a source on that record crop growth?
No, the other choice is to start their own worker's coop. They do not do this, because they fear the financial risk. Accepting a wage is an insurance.
Sometimes when they receive the full value of their labor, they still starve.
Worker's coops do not solve inequality, or provide guarantees, or free stuff, which is why true workers coop communism never lasts, and is immediately replaced with state capitalism. Those who belong to workers coops that aren't profitable DEMAND that wealth be redistributed by a centralized state.
To start your co-op you need upfront capital. How do you expect us to obtain that?
I dare you to say a bank
So a janitor (which takes no education or experience) makes the same amount of cash as say a high-stakes business executive representative (requires both experience and some education) that has to travel to meetings, make deals, set up accounts etc. and decide which of the next moves is the best way for the company to progress and prosper. Makes sense.
Underrated toast
We have near negative interest rates from banks. We have had housing bubble catastrophes from the result of too many easy loans. But keep pretending they are too hard to get.
The reason why you can't get a loan, is because a loan is an investment. The person giving you a loan will not give loans to a bunch of communists with no brains, skills or talents.
The majority of small businesses utilize loans in start up.
Alternatively, there are other options, such as crowd funding.
Communists refuse to seek out funding because they have no interest in starting a workers coop, because they fear financial risk. Fact.
I'm not going to argue over semantics, but no.
The company in question would hire a company of janitors to clean the office. The janitor would then directly benefit from the continuation of the contract.
And besides, Socialism is meant as one of many steps from Capitalism -> Full Communism
Where do you live? Loans range from a low of 5% up to 27% in my area.
Or perhaps because it's impossible to generate a profit from a Communist society?
Also, aren't banks run by the jooz? I might be strawmanning a bit, but I thought Holla Forums doesn't like Jews.
Besides, credit unions are better anway.
All we are talking about is communists starting their own business in the current society. By starting it as a worker's coop as well, you have minimized the amount that each individual needs to invest.
Worker's coop worshipping communists always look for an excuse to not start their own worker's coop.
Then use one.
Are you confusing socialism and communism?
If anyone says you can generate a profit off of a communism co-op, they don't know the first thing about communism.
I am referring to those who make proclamations about "workers should receive the full value of their labor" etc.
This includes communists and socialists.
Yeah those fat unemployed niggers spending their welfare checks at your local cheap liquor store are really starving. My heart bleeds for them.
Read a fucking book
That response was in response to the utterly false "work or starve" argument against capitalism that was made, as if there was no choice for the worker in that image. You knew that already, it was very easy to follow from the post it was replying to, you were just looking for a quick cop out and hoping nobody would notice.
I genuinely didn't look at the mentioned comment for more than a couple of seconds, my bad.
I'm not quite sure what your argument is then, could you be a little more verbose?
No need, you got pretty thoroughly btfo here already, all you had was feels > reals "anything less than full value of labor is theft" bullshit, without even addressing what he actually said. No need to beat this dead horse.
If you really think I have been BTFO you are way too goddamn dense, and can't process basic or advanced logic.
Bitch please, gtfo if you can't even argue against it.
Were you frequently dropped on your head as a child?
And how exactly is asking to be paid the full amount of your labor feels > reals?
Being unwilling to transition to a new system that would change that and then bitching about proletariat living on or below the poverty line stealing your sheckles sounds like strong feels > reals to me
You can ask to be paid what you think the full amount of your labor is. If you find that no employer will offer what the full amount of your labor is, start a worker's coop.
Worker's coops are real and exist. The only thing stopping you from starting one is your fear of failure.
The "real value" of your labor is not as high as you think. You fear the financial risk of living off of your labor.
We have been through this.
Holla Forums is working on their own right now, I'm sure Holla Forums will be eager to infiltrate, but I would be better served to organize locally and bring sharia islamic gommunism to my country rather then live in a coop with an economy rigged against it from the start.
You seem to be talking about a commune, not a coop.
Would rather live in a commune then contribute to a coop, but my point still stand that I would be better off organizing locally.
The economy will always be rigged against gommies, even when they control everything. If they controlled the entire world, they'd still claim it was rigged against them, not true communism, being subverted by secret forces, etc.
Nice fucking source there retard.
Are you going to link to Buzzfeed next and share a quote about the evil racists?
Not an argument
lel doesn't matter how many made up meaningless labels you hide behind you're still a commie
You are strawmanning, I never said anyone right of me is Hitler, nor did any lefty's in this thread.
The only Communists who sympathise with Stalin are Marxist-Leninists.
They're not unique snowflakes, but they hold radically different beliefs. It would be no different than me saying every person on Holla Forums loves Hitler.
Al Jazeera is literally shitskin Saudi media with the express purpose of pumping low effort subversive trash to the West.
Buzzfeed is actually an improvement on AJ in many ways.
Communism = utopia. We can keep trying communism as many times as we want. As long as it keeps failing, it wasn't true communism.
Keep digging that ditch
Not an agrument.
And for the last god damn time USSR never claimed to be Communist, Chinese 'Communists' never once read Marx and made up stupid shit as they went along.
I knew you would say something along those lines because everyone who opposes your viewpoint is invalid
The only source you would ever accept is Trump's Twitter or Breitbart.
So your argument is that if every job has its own coop since the levels of work intensity and skill are different for each career this will somehow keep everything orderly and in check with everyone being paid as they are owed. I understand that to you this may sound logical but there's no possible way that every company can run with everyone in it only doing one specific set of services or everyone in the company doing everything (logistical impossibility). Mainly because someone will need to handle dealing with the affiliate contractors while others will be dealing with their company's clients. Others will be dealing with company employees. There's always going to be a discrepancy in workload, thus there will always be income inequality in a merit based world. And no human being save for the ideological few will work outside of a merit based world where they are not properly paid for what they have expended. Even if we pretend that every aspect of every company is completely segmented and somehow does not devolve into chaos and inefficient beauracratic positions you will still never have income equality. As no society will last for long where a doctor makes as much as a "fast-food specialist"
It absolutely is an argument. I'm claiming that true communism has never been tried, and I explained the reasoning behind my claim. You on the other hand just keep saying 'not an argument'.
Name one country that has tried to go Communist. I can wait.
But once again
Furthermore, Communism has been postulated since the late 17th century, do you know how long it took for Capitalism to go from idea -> reality?
Why would I do that? That's literally the opposite of my claim.
No country has ever tried communism. Even if they thought it was communism they were trying, if it failed then it wasn't communism.
It's not real socialism because it's not democratically controlled. If it is not socialism it cannot be communism.
Stalin never wanted communism, he wanted socialism (couldn't even get that right). Mao never even understood Marx, he just substituted his ideology.
I know this is a typical commie thing to say, but if you read the Communist Manifesto it explains the basic requirements for communism.
And what if we had an almost fully automated workforce produce all required materials, and then had humans do the jobs robots can't do?
How is this semantics? This is outlining how your supposed perfect system of communism is supposed to work. If you can't work out the details on a fundamental economic level then you should head back to the drawing board before posting your opinion. Take critique and strengthen your position.
Socialism is a step towards Communism. Socialism isn't meant to be an independent fully functioning economy for more than the couple of years required to transition to Communism. Once Communism has been achieved the problems you mentioned wouldn't be an issue, as currency in general would be abolished.
Communism is not a process you can test. There is no 'success' or 'fail' state. Communism itself is the success state. If you reach a 'fail' state, whatever process you were testing was incorrect.
This user gets it
Indeed, it's a shame he's still anti Gommunism
All that's left now is to figure out that process.
Hopefully we can discover it out before we run out of people to experiment on. I wonder what happens then. It seems really difficult to try again in the same place.
They invented those words out of fucking nothing to make a new race for a mongrel mix (of native, spanish, and nigger) that is the average mexican.
this dude is pathethic lol
(17) replies and most of them are comments like that
And where do you get 17 posts from, I see 8, 6 of which are counter arguments.
You are either a newfag, or so BTFO you can't see straight.
Read the wrong ID, but the point still stands.
this really sums up how they are.
unaware of themselves or their goals
All the communist countries believed in the removal of all religion, traditions and race beliefs to make a mixed race of "workers" to work for the state.
norh korea is NOT communist as people think and their motto is not workers of the world unite
They are totally nationalist as they believe in the purity and continuity of their race and traditions.
0.025 btc for an hour of sms bombing
0.05 btc for an hour of ddos
Ignore the QR
writings like these should be edited slightly so as to target these other groups.
highlighting hypocrisy is extremely powerful.
The jewish marxists of the Frankfurt School implied it and Herbert Marcuse and a few others planted the seed in the minds of many dumb college students who later became professors and they're the ones who are overtly calling for abolishing the white race – while at the same time saying the white race doesn't exist – and their own students are the stupid emotional SJWs who will eventually become professors themselves and their students will probably be even worse than they are if that's actually possible.
The Frankfurt School = Yes Capitalism is bad but hey Whites are even worse so we need to do something about it.
A few references here:
1. Richard R. Weiner's 1981 book "Cultural Marxism and Political Sociology" is "a thorough examination of the tensions between political sociology and the cultural oriented Marxism that emerged int the 1960s and 1970s."
2. Marxist scholars Lawrence Grossberg and Cary Nelson further popularized the term in "Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture", a collection of papers from 1983
3. "Culutral Marxism in Postwar Britain", by Dennis Dworkin, is described by Amazon as "an intellectual history of British cultural Marxism"
4. "Conversations on Cultural Marxism", by Fredric Jameson, is a collection of essays from 1982 to 2005
5. "Cultural Marxism," by Frederic Miller and Agnes F. Vandome,
Donate as much as you can and I'll sms bomb his phone, it'll show up as millions of answer phone messages spewing nonsense.
Is it not funny that the left is now recreating the whiteness they spent all last century destroying, by the same means they claim blackness was created? They say blackness is not real, but was created by white's oppressing them and doing violence to them. Now they are attempting to press the white down and do violence to him. What do they expect will happen? They don't believe whiteness is real biologically. For the last half-century practically no white man has thought of himself has being part of a race with specific interests. From that kind of view they can be doing nothing other than creating the white man in the minds of people who never thought of themselves of white. Even from a view that believes race is a real thing, this is still exactly what they are doing. They have no one but themselves to blame for "white supremacy," just as they claim whites have no one but themselves to blame for negroid violence.
nice reply
here is your (you)
so let me get this straight.
if it has failed then it wasnt the real thing?
that sounds like could be said about capitalism, or anything else really.
Marx would have fucking lost it if he had heard this nonsense about 'Cultural Marxism'
The first usage was even an insult to those who believed in 'Cultural Marxism'
Have you read this thread?
It failed because it's not socialism to begin with.
At no point in time has any government allowed the worker to directly control the means of production.
also to those lefties here
dont want to reply directly to all of them
when you claim that seizing the means of production means giving the workers a payment acording to their effords etc
You are wrong.
basically today you can have that in a capitalist economy in companies that instead of stable payment they go for sales comision, so the harder worker can get more salary.
The problem is not all work can be like that because of their nature (lots of them basically) except for extra hour time wich most of the time they pay extra.
another way wich I preffer is having the worker market in defficit of workers so they are able to choose the better conditioned position.
or the companies need to upgrade their salary to find more workers
by how?
it was asked before and the answer was something that is bullshit and I explained above
We run our companies like dictatorships, so let's run them democratically instead.
There should be democracy no place. There should be neither democracy in the house, nor in the state, nor in labour. Democracy is based upon a false notion of freedom and man, and man's relation others. I prefer the classical defintion of freedom which had nothing to do with self-determination and choice. Choice, as it was convieved by the liberal philosophers and adopted by the Marxists, does not exist, has never existed, will never exist, because it is incoherent. There is no such thing as a self-determing subject. If there were there is nothing to say has a freedom of choice. If it did, there is no ethical imperative to respect that ability. There is also no reason to think that it would be any happier if it were respected.
Given this, it is is necessary to suppose that socialism is historically necessary, because there is absolutely no ethical reason to suppose it would be good.
I would also man has a definte nature which tends against democratic impulses, but perhaps this is just the inner bourgeouis in me corrupting human nature.
P.S. I would ask that you take your secularized Christianity and return to it your rectum, whence you took it, or at least clean off the shitstains so as to make it presentable in public.
thats thinking a little bit like children tbh
things dont work like that in the real world
most "dictatorship" like companies are usually those that all of us think are shit anyway.
and having "democracy" in the workplace is pureshit if you allow each worker that basically apports nothing (0.5% of workforce) decide what to do
of course you will say that the more work you give to the company, more decision you make.
But that gets you nowhere as it grows and becomes like real democracy in countries.
my two examples being a small-medium country in european union or that 2.5M votes for hillary that are 0.75% of total population in USA
are you gonna make decisions based on what workers decide even if it contradicts the market tendencies and everything of the like?
are you going to change your company's strategy everytime the workers demand it?
It just doesnt work with large companies for the logistics implied and the nature of the market
and it can be achieved by how I said before.
A country with less workers than avaliable jobs is gonna have more possitions with better conditions.
In my country there are coops working, they do not make large profits and most of them suck
but they are nice ideas and I think it should exist for small business owners as a rolemodel.
But it just makes no impact on the overal economy of a country
Democracy isn't perfect, but it's the least shit system available.
Oh and on the Christian thing, I'm not sure where you got that idea, but Marx himself was a critic of religion.
In fact, most of Holla Forums is Atheist or Buddhist.
That's not what I said idiot, I said a group of jewish marxists known as the Frankfurt School created 'Cultural Marxism' with their Critical Theory applied to Western civilization, white culture, etc.
You don't know that, he died long before all that shit happened.
LOL how fucking naive are you? That place is a joke. That shithole isn't rational and it's not a good source for any subject. Most people know that. I think it started out as a contra-Conservapedia project.
It's a fantasy, it's like trying to go back to an isolated village type of economy in places where there's millions of people.
implying a majority of workers would want to work and live in your system
ok, can we drop affirmative actions worldwide now?
sure is reddit up in here.
>Email: [email protected]/* */
Correction: White Genocide is key to Tikkun Olam.
Irony: Gaia likes Whites best. This is why they developed in the worst possible place in the world.
Blotchy pictures aren't normie-friendly. Otherwise 9/10; 10/10 if the person looked more identifiable.
"I'm all about that Chan culture and korean cartoons, let's kill all the blacks and mexicans amirite fellow anonymous posters? Alphabet agencies, what are those?"
This type of framing and lying is legal? As long as the framed and defamed are White I guess? Just denying the existence of common roots of Europeans as the basis of a race is as absurd as it is vile. We must wipe these people off the face of the earth I've had enough this will end here.