Monkey's paw?
Zack Snyder steps down from Justice League after daughter's suicide
Man this sounds gre-
That's good.
That's bad.
That's good
This is a non-issue if Joss is only going to film pick-up scenes to help with post-production. And it's not like his name is going to end up alongside Zack's in the credits.
God. Fucking. Damn. It.
He's going to be overpaid to do a below mediocre job because a bunch drooling buffoons in suits can't pool their collective brain power to operate an elevator.
Doesn't come with a free frogurt
Not quite. Looks like she was adopted.
I am convinced that Joss Wheadon has something to do with that suicide. It's just all too convenient - he's got a cushy position that a "horrible misogynist" Snyder held and gets to face off against studio he was booted from.
Hollywood has a price. Shit like this is always a little spooky.
What does his wife look like?
Doesn't matter, she looks way too Asian to be a hapa. I agree with the adopted line of thought.
It's gonna be great
How's Mr. quipsnark going to handle DC's no humor policy?
Why did he left the MCU? Was it because it was muh-soggy-knees? I mean, he dropped out of the MCU so fast after Avengers 2, that either:
a) his overblown ego made him the perfect snowflake
b)He was tired of the dick swinging misoginy in MArvel
c)DC gave him more sheckels.
Which one is it?
What is the point of stepping down she already killed herself. Might as well finish the shit that was so important you ignored her till she offed herself.
You should tweet that at him.
Maybe he'll make the Shazam movie good, if he can do light, wholesome and moral humor.
To be fair the DCU is kind of moot because their animated ones are better, just watch justice league, it'll go into way more depth than the film.
Not only that. How are tumblerettes all over the world going to justify that Joss (((the feminist))) Whedon is going to take over the uber masculine machoverse that Snyder created.
I can't wait to read the confused and desperate reviews this thing is going to milk out of sjw critics.
Nah buddy.
I actually feel bad for his daughter offing herself off. Though I wonder how much influence Joss will have since they already started filming didn't they?
CM has some pretty quality stories, just wish they'd stop relegating him as a JL-Extra or trying to making him modern instead of just having him emulating the golden age, it's not high art.
Why people shit on Whedon? I think he's okay.
That's the thing. They don't understand what made Captain Marvel good, that being that he was a Golden Age hero in the Modern Age of Comics. He was the power of Superman with the goodwill and purity of heart of a young boy. He was also a bridge between humanity and supers, since he was after all just a boy.
They changed his powers around to make him less strong (so that Superman could still reign top dog) but gave him a few more magic powers, but they fail at a fundamental level to understand the character's appeal. I mean, you remember how they fucked up Batson in the New 52, right? He has a lot of great stories, but few of them are recent. That, and the fact that they're undoubtedly going to fuck him up in the Shazam movie which they will try to emulate in the comics, leads me to lose all hope for my favorite hero.
Because he over relies on "quippy" dialogue and writes the same type of characters. Here's a pic to explain Whedon.
That's a big if.
Joss Whedon's abilities are well known. Everything he makes when given creative control of a project is exactly the same.
Holy shit that file name
Do you think they killed his daughter to get rid of him?
His wife is in the picture at the top of the article. She's not Autumn's mother.
I've got tinfoil wrapped tight around my head on this one. It's a bit too delayed of a reaction to have been done unless there was a threat of further escalation. Snyder also has a very large family, so they could probably get through the trauma of Autumn's suicide without him needing to personally put his career aside for their sake.
Looking into Snyder's personal life, he's got an interesting one. He has four kids from his first marriage, two from another relationship with a co-worker, and he adopted two with his current wife. Autumn is very likely to be one of those adopted children.
My theory is they knocked off the adopted daughter that he probably had for the shortest amount of time then made credible threats about how they could eliminate and cover up the deaths of his other children if he didn't step down.
I just don't understand this kind of thing being effective. How as a man would he not say fuck the consequences, and go put the people who just murdered his family into an early grave?
Good goys.
Honestly I should care, but I just don't anymore. Cape stuff is over saturated shit now. I want new superheros, ones that aren't faggy jews.
I read that in Troy McClure's voice
Oh wait I forgot; I'm on the chan brainwashed by Holla Forums and Holla Forums
That means he's irredeemable because of some tweets he made about a stupid internet crusade from three years ago
tumblr pls
Yeah, hork hork Holla Forums, hork hork!
you belong in a garbage can
People always say we're controlled by Holla Forums but I see people opposing it in almost every thread it comes up in, both by people farther right and don't agree with their dogma (ala /polk/) or are more left.
good point
Go back then to your cuckchan.
Lots of posts here are about Joss doing further work with the DCCU, but that's wrong.
He's just coming in for post-production, which pretty much just means saying yes to the final product, especially this late into the development. There will be no reshoots as WB was furious over the past reshoots for the films, and Joss is only in place to ease shareholders minds.
Anyways, even if he was truly replacing Snyder, that doesn't matter, as Snyder was already booted off Wonder Woman mid-way and Justice League was his final work for the DCCU. WB booted him off after the continual disappointments from MoS and BvS.
Not even being subtle about how new you are. You're actually worse than lots of redditors that try to fit in here.
The majority of the userbase agrees with pre-2015 Holla Forums. All the hate you see for Holla Forums now is just over the moderation and reddit influx.
Maybe he is so sad that he thinks he can't do the job properly.
What kind of stupid question is that?
Damn son.
4chan was made for anime.
Holla Forums has been conquered by Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Deal with it.
I hate his work with DC, but he seems like a pretty great guy otherwise.
Pic related is how he manages to get in those wacky situations with vaginas.
Which is sad because Man of Steel was pretty damned good.
Hollywood Reporter interview mentions she's from his first marriage with Denise Weber, though I can't find a picture of her anywhere.
So, she's adopted.
4 kids with Denise Weber, then 2 with Kirsten Elin, then two adopted with his current wife Deborah during MoS filming.
Autumn is his biological kid, but I still can't find a picture of Denise Weber.
Can't find a photo of all his kids in one shot, but apart from Autumn, he has another daughter who looks very Oriental, and the rest look white. Can't find out much about his adopted kids. Some photos are blurry and I can't tell if they're really him, but they show Thai kids with dark skin.
The thing that pissed me off is how they changed the SHAZAM from being this creed to call upon the strengths of all these great historical and mythical figures (Wisdom of Solomon, Strength of Heracles.) all of whom exist in the D.C. Universe. Into this string of nonsense.
All I keep finding is the same article over and over, published to different websites, insisting she was born from Denise Weber, along with three other kids. Except the three other kids are white.
She was adopted. She's gotta be.
That and there's a lot of people who are either false flagging as Holla Forums or are straight from 4/pol/ who try to completely derail threads with 'X was written by Y who's a Jew! Fuck you for discussing it.' type shit.
Well it wasnt made for anything, but gg forcibly took the site over.
You what nigger? You actually liked that boring POS? Tornado dad and dildo ships do it for you?
Here's a picture showing his other asian kid.
I don't know why he'd adopt 2 kids the same age as kids he already has. It makes no sense to have under-5 kids and adopt 2 more, especially for a new parent.
I think people who've been divorced multiple times use new kids to try and validate their current marriage. In the end it just fucks things up more.
Wasn't he marrying into a powerful jew family?
Sure. Billy will probably be constantly bullied, and his sister will be the one to always save him. While she kicks bullies asses single-handed, she will probably make few quips about beating the patriarchy or "fighing like a girl." Movie will revolve about Billy wanting to emulate his sister, and villain will be a Trump and internet misogynist stand in.
Found another picture of her, together with article on her charity campaign. Apparently she wanted to be a writer.
Maybe it has something to do with Snyder being raised as Chrisitan Scientist.
Celebrities just love adopting kids. They think it makes them seem charitable or something. Good press.
This could be really good, actually. Neither Snyder nor Whedon get complete control over the movie in total, but both have opposite styles. They might end up creating a decent middle ground
Wasn't his sister long lost though? Like Billy didn't know where his sister was but that she was gone and it turned out she was adopted by rich people? Why do that with his sister?
Joss Whedon will make Shazam into a woman or tranny or something like that
Now we just need to make sure one of his other kids dies everytime he tries to make a movie.
Yes, but I can't work out why he'd adopt two kids when he just had 2 kids. It makes more sense that he had 4 in a row, especially noting their close ages.
Also, these kids are 20 years old, so Zack hadn't even started in Hollywood.
Snyder was kicked off all DC projects already. This was his last hurrah.
Avengers 2 had a troubled production, and he was fired over it, because he was responsible. I don't know why WB/DC is this stupid honestly.
I bet you unironcially like Kevin Smith too. Go kill yourself, normalfag cancer.
From what my friend who looks at such things told me, the production was hard on his marriage.
MOS was unadulterated shit. There's only a few movies I disliked more than that I paid money for.
how fucking naive are you?
Not them but Smith is nowhere near as bad as Whedon. The identity Kevin Smith's cultivated as THE comic book expert is bullshit, but some of his movies are decent, or at least interesting, albeit with pretty formulaic shock comedy. Anyone who's friends with Mike Allred can't be all bad.
Don't be a retarded contrarian. The hate for him is well deserved and even extends to Holla Forums and /a/ because he always adds those annoying as fuck quips and sarcasm to his stories, not to mention Firefly and Buffy are just rip offs of animes he watched, especially Outlaw Star. Is he a good writer? Not bad. Is he overrated? Are his works overrated? Yes.
Aww, I bet y'all are those whiny bitches who got mad at an accurate portrayal of collateral damage when Supers beat the shit out of each other.
Avengers a shit, MoS master race.
They aren't nearly so close to the source materials as to be ripoffs. Homages maybe, but not ripoffs.
Again, it's just a press thing. Angelina Jolie does the same kind of shit. They're almost all just about the same age.
They don't think like normal humans, user. They name their kids shit like Apple.
No, no he isn't. You ever watched Alien Resurrection? Or how about Cabin in the Woods (the M. Night movie that gives away the ending at the beginning and thinks it's clever). He fucking sucks.
They're not homages but calling Firefly as a whole an Outlaw Star ripoff is dumb. Firefly ripped off basically whole scenes from Outlaw Star, and the main plot's are sort of similar, but the settings and characters are completely different. Actually ripping off Outlaw Star would require a Gene ripoff and that's way too masculine for Whedon to write.
The tone was unwatchable, the pacing was unwatchable, the characters were unlikable. I mean you go from Lois Lane who is in love with Supes, to Super Icy Feminist bitch who isn't impressed with him at all. It's fucking GRADE A shit. The fucking 70's movies were better honestly.
I liked it until I read commentary about how its about the fans or some shit. Then I hated it for being pretentious garbage. But other than that, its alright
Modern cunts burh.
The movie is written like what some retard thinks would be his feminist thesis on deconstruction of the horror genre by someone who never went to college and knows nothing about horror. Anyone who likes this movie is an idiot, but it got praised by Whedon cucks when it came out who have no self awareness whatsoever. Everything this film tried to do Scream did 10 times better fucking 20 years before. Get out of here. It's shit.
aw she looks really cute
why did she an hero herself?
Just Pozz my Wheldon dp fam
Guess she'll be dining in hell.
Guess Snyder feels emotionally sucker-punched.
When she died he must've looked down and whispered "no".
"There's only one way it ends, dad. Either you die, or I do."
"Do I bleed? I will."
Carlos is that you?
He has adopted kids, but they're younger than her.
lol, not going to watch it now.
you shouldn't have watched it anyway
Very funny you filthy spic, but you have to go back
Not worth dying pointlessly against that tier of ZOG over.
Being /fit/ and getting laid doesn't automatically make you a good person. He seems to me like a failure as a man, but in typical Hollywood fashion he covers it up with how successful he is financially.
Wait which one of those is the one who refuses to use colors and capes because he wants Super Hero movies to "be taken seriously" and all that darkness shit?
suicide my ass, look at this supreme gentleman
It would end up as a tonally inconsistent clusterfuck at best.
Maybe Snyder just has an asian fetish and adopted them for the same reasons Hollwood scumbags typically 'adopt' kids? Would explain the suicide.
He's only been divorced once, though.
There's no shame in having a large family, especially if he can easily afford to raise them.
Except this one seems to of been in the family before Man of Steel, which is when he adopted 2 kids.
Having two bastards with a woman he's no longer in a relationship with is hardly better.
That's not the point. He has six kids whose parents are separated, that alone is a pretty shit move, and then he adopts two more so his actual kids probably get even less attention and actual parenting. It's not remotely surprising that one of them killed themself.
At least he has spare children, eh?
When did Whedon evcer write her?
i love you Dr. Zaius!