What the actual fuck!?
Manjaro now has Microsoft Office Online Installed by default
Other urls found in this thread:
Seriously, who's idea was this?
Install artix
Installed, or integrated?
Integrated might just mean there's a .desktop file that launches it in GNOME Web. That's bad, but nothing more than a glorified shortcut. It's not actually installed.
Mangina is non-arguably the most cucked distribution of modern times.
I can't be the only one to remember the total fiasco that was their SSL certificate mishap.
Manjaro is the distribution that 14 to 15 year old haxxors install because that's the only way they can say they use Arch.
There's lots of othjer things.
Look at the screenshot in the OP. It's installed by default, and I can confirm it on my PC too. I'm moving back to either Fedora or Debian. I won't stand for this shit. Get the word out, anons: Manjaro has fucked up for the third and final time.
Don't ever to this again.
That looks identical to the glorified shortcut setup I described.
I'd switch regardless.
Could not give less of a fuck about systemd and neither does Stallman. This is about a major distro cucking itself for Microsoft.
Year of MS Office on the Linu-*
Go back to /g/. Please don't shit up this place too.
We have a free software os now but it makes little difference, the ms windows application platform has been replaced by the google chrome platform and once again the platform and virtually all of its apps are proprietary.
Nigger, exactly what is /g/ about pointing out when a Linux distro does something like this? Stop trying to fit in and lurk more.
snickering intensifies
Checked, but Manjaro has climbed up the ladder over the past two years. It probably is in the top five.
RMS is indifferent to systemd.
Sounds like someone got a bag of shekels shoved up their ass.
Software Freedom and quality are two different issues. You can have the best software in the world, 100% bug-free, but if you forgot to add a Free license RMS would not use it.
Also this.
OpenRC is where it's at!
I love my comfy runit too.
We're actually getting there. Windows is dying.
When I switched back to Fedora because I needed a quick Linux environment with GUI, I almost had an aneurysm at how fucking unproductive Gnome is and how useless dnf is. Fuckhuge text, titlebars, >programs in a grid
Kill me, how is this a "developer's" OS? I can get better fucking workflow on plan9.
Then just install Debian with whatever DE offers what you want?
Does having to type sudo pacman -Rnsc ms-office-online hurt your chubby arthritic fingers? Are you too fucking stupid to do a custom install? Bunch of virtue signalling larpers, hang yourselves.
Linux commies admitting defeat.
Open source shitware fails again.
At what cost? I don't even see the point, to be quite honest.
It's useful only to the goyim.
Mate, I'm not bitching because I have a serious problem on my hands, and not enough IQ points to fix it. I'm bitching because what was labeled on the tin is not what's actually in the tin. I'm running Arch with 9wm. Arch gets labeled as a hobbyists' and ricer distro, yet my experience has proven to be to the contrary. That's all. Please get checked for autism, if you haven't already, not being sarcastic.
this is quite sad imo. because manjaro is insecure by design. they (at least used to) get their packages from arch linux's repos but they waited x amount of time after they deemed them """Stable""" and then they pushed the packages to their repos. this could mean that a security bug doesn't get patched! Also, one of t he major selling points of Manjaro is the access to AUR, which is dumb. AUR isn't meant for people who are new to linux or those who don't/can't read PKGBUILD scripts. Maintainers of manjaro seem to be very unprofessional and lazy. For example, their website's SSL cert expired at least twice! And now manjaro is even cuck'd by microsoft.
That command line is considered harmful. are you sure you aren't the one who is LARPing??
I wish that was me
fuck off no one wants to use a shitty meme distro for actual productivity
kek, my fellow kekistani
Manjaro is the most used Arch-based disto, so it's not entirely wrong to call it that.
The fact that the major distros name the same packages differently IS a needless pain in the ass.
That's you. That's what you sound like.
No. Package names are data, not syntax.
It would be nice if a list of dependencies just werked by copy/pasting whatever your distro is. I can't think of an equivalent of that for programming language syntax.
I'm saying that everyone learns the differences in syntax and it's natural. Yet you complain about differences in package naming conventions - literally lurk moar and learn the naming conventions.
Also stop distro hopping. Find a distro you like and stick with it as your daily driver. God forbid people would actually stick with a distro and contribute back to development.
It wasn't my complaint, I just thought it was sensible. Differences between naming conventions make sense, but it doesn't always stop there. I heard Mint does some atrocious things to package names.
I've been continuously using Debian for about four years.
Dude, just install Debian 9 with xfce, setup your user to be in sudoers file (a.k.a install fucking sudo) and call it a day ffs, nothing its more confy than xfce where you can just drop-in themes and they works right away
If I wanted to drown in a sea of dropdowns, I would be using OpenBox.
It doesn't work on my machine. Fedora 27. A similar command sequence is win-t-enter, but it' still not clean and you can't open more than one term using that shortcut.
Nigger, what? I can force small fonts in xresources, but they don't work for anything besides cli term text.
I'm not a faggot ricer, my man. I try to cram as much text and into the smallest surface area possible so I don't have to scroll. Having xboxyourmomhuge titlebars is absolutely awful for this. The status bar already takes up a 1/50th of the desktop space, now there's a bunch of needless bloat taking up 1/30 (roughly, each app has different sized titlebars, but all of them are awful, especially terminal and fucking NAUTILUS).
You goddamn faggot. Search is awful not because I get a huge list of things I have to sort through and pick out the right one (which is already a problem, search optimization should be already built-in, and users (me) shouldn't have to use outside utils. You're also a faggot because none of those utils will be of any use considering the following:), it's awful because that plus inspecific descriptions and obtuse naming conventions make it a chore to hunt down a package.
Fuck you, faggot. This is about how Fedora's a shit dev distro. I already switched. (>>864629)
And su is authed by the calling user's password, what the fuck my dude? Why even have sudo? Why even have any permissions at all? I didn't know I was running kali.
su is authed by the password of the user you're switching to. You're using the same password for your regular user account and for root.
hah! cucks alls of them
why not be a normal person and install Opensuse?
debian is a good choice. mint i wouldn't touch they seem not professionally run.
I'm retarded, this is the case. With all of the dumb design decisions, I thought they had a home-rolled su.
lol so it is 1% of 1%
Just install Debian and any of the DE/WM in that list with less than < 10 MB usage
X11 is harmful.
How old is that graph? Ratpoison isn't around anymore. They've jumped ship to stumpwm.
I just installed a better distro over my previous Manjaro partition.
Thanks good to know.
Here's a more updated list.
replacing a meme with another one
Also, from I read openbox is not being developed anymore, maybe you know more about this (or someone else).
Awesome, not pictured, seems still to be in active development ?
what the fuck are people doing these days?
The prevailing notion is that openbox has been optimized and patched to the fullest extent a 1MB codebase can be.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Harvard, and I’ve been involved in numerous FOSS projects, and I have over 15 honorary doctorates. I am trained in physics and I’m the top developer in the entire GNU Project. You are nothing to me but just another streetshitter. I will wipe your cuck license the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, cia nigger. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of crackers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, pajeet. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your commit history. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hack you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with chopsticks in my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in doing your mother, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Free Software Foundation and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable proprietary software off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Are there any DE/WM's you feel strongly about (both in good and bad).
What would you recommend and suggest to avoid?
I haven't heard about this MMO sounds pretty unique.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little Stallman? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at the University of Calgary, and I’ve been involved in numerous *BSD projects, and I have 1 award that means anything. I am trained in guerrilla shitposting and I’m the top developer in the entire security hemisphere. You are nothing to me but just another linux loser. I will wipe your shitty glued together kernel the fuck out with code correctnes the likes of which has never been seen in any Linux mailing list, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with sending me those bits over the world wide wed? Think again, FOSS faggot. As we speak I am contacting my public network of security engineers across the NSA, CIA, and EPA combined, and your compilers are being compromised with self-replicating opcodes right now so you better prepare for the zeor day, GNobody. The zero day that wipes out the unaesthetic little thing you call your gapless i3 rice. You’re fucking pwned, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can code review you in over nine thousand ways, and that’s just with a toaster running DragonflyBSD in my lightweight printf command-based terminal editor. Not only am I extensively trained in fucking your mother, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Free Software Foundation's too and I will fuck them to their breaking points to wipe your miserable bloat of a kernel off the face of the entire xkeyscore database, you little GNU. If only you could have known what code-secure retribution your little vulnerable commit was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking git push. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn Torvalds. I will shit security all over your codebase and you will become unemployed because of it. You’re fucking UNIX philosophy, Lincuck.
Time you Majaro homos learn how to install Arch!
Unity is the worst DE in existance. Gnome is a bloated fucking shitstain. Xfce or whatever it's called, is decent. RatPoison/Stumpwm is decent. OpenBox is good. Bspwm is really good. And 9wm/rio/8 1/2wm is amazing for me. Would be perfect is you could config it just a little bit more.
Personally, I'd recommend trying Openbox and Bswpm to get a feel for both types of managers to see what fits your workflow. They're both insanely easy to config too. And, small binaries.
Somebody has never used Enlightenment.
Arch is tedious to install even when you know how. And it's not like it hasn't been reduced to a glorified checklist these days anyway.
What about awesome, it's often touted as "the easiest tiling windows manager for beginners"?
I think this is a debate we really not need have : even Canonical agreed it was shit and went back to Gnome.
Literally the comfiest and easiest Linux install by far. I can install it in actually 3 minutes.
Clearly you have never done it. The command line to hard for you? Good luck installing Gnetoo, it's 10x harder than BSD and about 100x harder than Arch.
The nigger has to click everything, the White Man can use the command line.
Nigger, I say this because I've done it so many times after shit breaks that I never want to do it again. Thank fucking goodness DAD packages are going to make the AUR obsolete, and I'll never have to deal with Arch again.
It's not. The base install is super easy.
I am being welcome of it.
You probably tried it once, not knowing how to use parted of fdisk or grub and having to fumble your way through learning it.
The install breaks? How?
Unless you mean the installation breaks, which it won't un;ess you're a complete retard and set it up wrong because you can't read simple instructions (like a nigger).
What the fuck are you on about? Arch isn't the only system with source packages.
BSD has AUR by the name of ports.
Gentoo is obviously all like AUR.
Tedious /= Difficult
Arch breaks. Arch beaks shit all the time. It is a fundamental part of Arch to break shit sooner or later.
It's not tedious though. You format the disk, make a fs, install the base system, chroot, and install a bootloader.
It's like 5 commands and it's done in an instant.
DADs will render the AUR obsolete because you could, in theory, make a distro agnostic AUR with them.
Arch doesn't break if you used it you'd know.
Uhh, source-code is distro agnostic retard.
Never tried it.
Looks like a chink KDE ripoff.
Which one? OpenBSD was easier to get running than arch, only because the man pages were actually good.
Fucking hell. The arch wiki is bloated. You don't need to do even a quarter of the shit they list. Partition, pacstrap, and wpa_supplicant and you're good to go.
I've never had Arch break on me. Besides that, I don't think anyone has had their Arch break nowadays. It's stable as hell.
I remember the time before I knew what compiling was.
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Nothing about Arch suggests it's a programmer's OS.
Buy a tablet, do you only own one computer? What a retarded little indian nigger you are.
The rest of that is you admitting you don't know anything, too lazy to learn, and you use Fedroa, the most Pajeet Linux ever made.
OpenBSD has an installer which is the only reason it is easier.
The most pajeet linux is Ubuntu because pajeets are normies.
That too, but having that eyehemorrhoid of a wm be the first thing you see on startx can be worse than no docs and a single term.
At the time, that's what the reddit posts told me.
At the time.
I was disheartened and needed time recuperate from the mental rape I had experienced. This was a long time ago.
Fedora is for faggots, but Ubuntu is for women.
Ubuntu == Normie Distro
Streetshitter == Normie
Better a woman than a faggot. Especially a retarded nigger faggot indian like you.
You were the IP spoofing, "Tox is bad because it exposes my IP" nigger weren't you?
So the difference was whether or not I immediately get the feedback my video card was not supported.
I agree with this.
But I maintain : a base install is neither difficult nor tedious. It's an interesting and worthwhile experience, at least the first time. Afterwards, less so.
I agree with you here as well :
Arch is a posers' OS if anything.
It should stay FAR FAR away from any development platform, let alone production one and has nothing to do in a company.
Ubuntu is the most widely used OS period. When you work in a professional environment that's key. It's got support from a company also.
Did you install a display server ???
Arch isn't even hard and you brainlets can't handle it and blame your own faults onto Arch.
You people could never install FreeBSD or Gentoo.
Get out of here. Head on over to /g/ if you want to LARP about "muh hard gentoo install" with other the retards that share your chromosome count. Anyone with two braincells to rub together can follow the Gentoo Handbook and have the distro running in a matter of minutes, same as any other distro.
I was lurking that thread and my opinion is that there are better tools for the job than Tox. Snowden *(the organized opposition)* leaked a pretty GOAT tool for completely anonymous and encrypted communication.
Listen here, you scandinavian nigger, I don't know what you're trying to say with your poor English, here.
I'm saying that you should stop using a distribution associated with hypebeasts as a means to counterbalance your insecurities relating to your small size.
As much as I would like to get away from Arch and it's tumblr-tier community, I can't. I have tried, but I can't forsake my time and workflow for ideals. In no other distro am I able to get up and running whatever I need in a matter of minutes. The package system is world class, the OS relatively minimal (BSDs and other research OSes are better in this regard), and I can pretty much have it any way I want (besides for systemdownie). If you know a ditro that can augment my workflow, please enlighten me.
Twice in a row
Not everything is open source, as much as I'd like for it to be. And even when it is, my grandmother isn't going to know how to compile anything, but downloading an AppImage is something she could do.
xfce is a broken piece of shit. It randomly (literally randomly, independent of all inputs or events) break into a state where components like the panel enter a crash-restart loop. Once that happens xfce can never be started ever again. The components are always buggy and it has fuckall useful programs by default. Moreover it eats almost as much resources as gnome or kde despite having so few features.
Mate on the other hand is very stable, has all the high-quality software you need, can be compiled with gtk2 to avoid about 5 billion ancient and well-known gtk3 bugs, uses fuckall resources, and just werks.
I admit I havent used it much, maybe a year, but the only problem I had with xfce was dropbox tray icon fucking itself up
Xfce has been behaving itself for me in Xubuntu 17.10. Hell, with amdgpu, the default compositor even does vsync properly now. Smoother than Compton too.
unless your distro had ikey doherty as part of the dev team
b-but muh freedunbs!!!! gentoo r superior cause it's the biggest pain in the ass to use!!! n00buntu user!!!
It's just a folder w/ some images, links and python that allows a browser window to run the office online sites only.
Good thing this is linux and we can just look at it and tell what's goin on and remove if wanted.
fuckin tittybabies outchea
Fuck off Redditfag. Just five years ago we'd be getting torches and pitchforks ready. How cucked has the Linux community become?
yet another meme distro
forgot that it's same as in my language
It's the no. 2 distro on distrowatch
You can netinstall with any DE you want, same as Debian.
Nope. The top five best/most popular desktop distros are:
Ubuntu (and official derivatives)
Honorable mention goes to RHEL and its derivatives, SUSE Linux, Slackware, and Gentoo.
These are the distributions which have a critical mass of users and developers necessary for properly maintaining a modern Linux system. It's a waste of time to use anything else.
For the most part, my work can be done on just about any machine (except for one tool that only works on windows). But, unlike Windows, I have greater control over my workflow and removing things that get in my way. Plan9 is perfect for this, because it's absolutely barebones and synergies well with my primarily mouse-based developing. The only reason I use Linux nowadays, is because of the bulk of tools that I don't feel like spending extra time to get running in plan 9 LINUXEMU. This is the same reason I chose Fedora. The installer can be configured in a minute, you can work on something else instead of babysitting it, and then come back and have everything running already. The GUI/DE, however you want to spin it, is also inline with my workflow.
I wasn't aware of this. Last time I took a good look at the Fedora pages, it seemed like you had no choices for Workstation images. Going back now, I see it's an option and will be sure to make use of it next time.
Debian is great. I netinstalled a minimal system with only "standard system utilities" checked at tasksel, installed my non-free wifi firmware, network-manager, xorg, xfce4 and xfce4-goodies and everything else I needed. The release version of Firefox isn't in testing, so I just added the unstable repo to /etc/apt/sources.list and changed the priority so that unstable packages are only installed if I do 'apt install -t unstable foo'. Now I have a stable but rolling Linux distro that mostly just werks.
Breddy comfy
forgot to mention that I dist-upgraded to testing before installing anything
Although I would not include Ubuntu derivatives and Arch I'm not familiar exactly with how it's run, but it's definitely not on the level of others.
My list :
1) Ubuntu (ideally LTS)
Most widely used distribution.
This is the best general purpose distribution. If gaming is important to you, pretty much all the video game developers test on Ubuntu when developing for or porting to Linux afaik.
This also the distribution that most big companies use or require of their employees (Google, although they have now switched to their own Debian fork).
2) Debian
Gaming in less practical here, because proprietary stuff is seen by Debian much more stringently as Canonical, but in all other cases it's to be preferred. This is the true benchmark and the "most free" distribution of its kind.
3) Fedora
Maintained by Red Hat.
3) CentOS
Heard its unpractical for desktop use. CERN uses it so... I don't know.
5) OpenSUSE
Also has company backing.
Then in more amateurish territory :
Arch, Slackware, Gentoo ; not for actual professional work, but can learn a lot from using them (at least Arch and Gentoo, don't know Slackware).
Aaaand fuck. Now I have to redo my whole desktop setup.
You right Linux has come out of the dark ages in the last five years, fuck off back to your cave dork
Supposedly they're dropping win32 support in all new OEM machines by 2019/2020. Goodbye Steam. Goodbye anything not from the Windows store. UWP only. Remember that "free" upgrade to windows 10 home? Unless you pay for Windows Pro all your programs will stop working soon. And even then, win32 support in pro is going to be slowly phased out. There will be literally no reason to stay on windows after that. None. Small indie devs? FOSS software? Screw you, pay us money to put it on the Microsoft Store or people can't install. Even MacOS isn't that bad.
Who the fuck using manjaro would want to use microsoft products?
I've never understood the point of Manjaro anyways, why would anyone want an outdated version of a bleeding edge distro with their own shitty repo? If you're afraid of bricking your computer with an update just make sure to install regular backups and keep your files stored in a different partition (or better yet, they're own dedicated HDD/SDD) from your OS.
Yeesh.When did r/linux become full of MS shills?
The devs are still around and occasionally update things, the problem is the faggots maintaining v3.0 at the moment have no interest in bringing back the window edge snapping option that used to be a feature in previous versions.
Used Xfce for practically a decade and never encountered what you're talking about.
It's a desktop environment, what exactly are you asking for? The appfinder is pretty handy tbh fam, I like to use it on whatever DE/WM I'm using at the moment.
How the fuck do you even "install" a webapp?
On my main computer, 4 years old install. Yes it's not perfect but not the apocalyptical mess you describe.
It's a package that advertises the web app. Just as bad, from a Stallmanist standpoint.
faggot. I've had a few odd issues, but NEVER have I seen XFCE eat up as much as EITHER of those two.
But they didn't. The only reason Canonical dropped Unity was because maintaining and developing a DE is a fucking shitshow and drains a lot of money and man hours.
Unity 7 was stable and had a lot of useful features. Unity 8 was the closest thing GNU/Linux has ever had to a quality DE.
Pajeets are Indians you fucking retard.
Normies would use Windows or MacOS.
Sounds like BS. Backwards compatibility is what keeps Microsoft in business.
So third-world normalfags then.
Why are you using Manjaro instead of Arch in the first place?
I haven't used Manjaro, but I could see myself using it instead of Arch because Arch is the embodiment of ricing busywork. The reason it doesn't have an installer is so people can feel smug about spending the extra 15 minutes doing it """properly""". And honestly, that's fine if that's your thing, I went through a phase like that, but it's not actually useful, and it's not for everyone.
I have the skill and knowledge needed to maintain a shell startup file to startx if I'm on tty1 and then launch redshift and feh and xbindkeys and xset and xmodmap with a customized i3config and a custom i3status wrapper shell script that adds memory usage and write up a .Xdefaults file to give urxvt the colors I want, and I used to do it that way, but not any more.
Now I grab a Debian Testing netinstall ISO, cp it to my usb drive's block device, and do a guided install with GNOME. I can configure keybindings by pressing keys, without entering key codes into a text file. I get my red-tinted display by enabling it in the display settings, instead of setting Redshift up to launch with my coordinates as a command line argument because it somehow can't figure out my time zone on its own. With no configuration out of the box I get screenshot shortcuts that work better than scrot because they never glitch out and leave lines from the selection box and they trivially integrate with the system clipboard. I could go on. The point is, it all works a little better than my old manual setup, and it takes less work to set up and maintain.
I used to enjoy ricing. Not any more. Now I just want to get a setup I'm comfortable with, and I want to spend as little effort on it as I reasonably can so it can get out of the way and let me focus on using my system.
Sent from my Emacs.
It isn't installed on mine. Y'all niggers trippin.
Manjaro is for fags anyways.
fuck you if you screech about systemd, i hate it too but ubuntu just werks :^)
instant drivers lmao eksDEEEEEEEE
Version of the Linux kernel did not support the video card, at the time that was.
I don't use a display manager.
Xorg doesn't work properly on new kernels without systemd unless you do some major hacking.
They don't offer anything useful when compared to console login and a simple post-login init script.
They hang frequently Hanging once a year is frequently when compared to console logins which never hang for me.
They're slow. systemd niggers always claim fast boot times when waiting an extra 2-10 seconds for the DM to finish loading is obscene.
False. I had no uses without systemd when using LFS over the past year. Works just fine on Gentoo too.
Boot times don't matter too much to me. Usually I go at least a month between startups so it doesn't make any difference.
Use Manjaro. Brian Fagioli approves of Manjaro.
What? Whats the problem with MATE? Im using ubuntu Mate artfull, and for being my first distro, it does it work, and the DE is good and practicall.
It isn't. It's the beta version for CentOS. RedHat actively markets it as a "developer's" OS to trick imageboard users into being their free beta testers.
there's nothing wrong with MATE
Nah, sorry, I read wrong your post. Im dumb.
That's alright
why the actual fuck would anyone use manjaro in the first place?
My nigger.
Most of the normalfags I know use tablets, smartphones, and Chromebooks these days. Barely anybody actually uses Windows outside a typical office setting and that is also becoming rarer.
too retarded to install arch without a gui
millennial who never did his own LFS detected
People just have other things to do, like writing desktop applications with js you now.