Every National Socialist believes in idealism. Believes in something that is worth more than his own one single human life. He’s willing to die for something.
When you’re ready to die for something, then you’re alive.
And until you are ready to die for something, you have no real fanaticism. And just at dinner, a little while ago, some of the fellows were telling me: “Well, it’s terrible to be a fanatic.” Well, did you ever stop and think how this country got here? How all the great inventions ever got there?
Any one of you that is not a fanatic or something or other, whatever it is you’re studying: if you’re going to be a doctor be a fanatical doctor, otherwise you’ll be nothing. You’ll be an ordinary old chug-chug, and when you die nobody will notice it. But if you’re a fanatic you’ll produce something and you’ll be great, you’ll create.
Creativity IS fanaticism. Every creative genius has had to be a fanatic. Many of them have been burned at the stake. So we are ideological and idealistic fanatics; just like the Communists by the way. In between the Communists and the Nazis is the great mass of non-fanatics: the TV watchers and the comic book readers.
Protest user was one of the few that seems to be willing to risk everything for what he believes. I hope he's okay and I hope there's more like him in this world
Zachary Scott
You dirty feckers
Levi Morales
I think a lot more people are more committed than they would have you believe. I think a lot of people are simply waiting to find some local, likeminded people. Not many people want to be the only guy throwing their life away for a futile cause that others wont support, obviously.
The problem is that we are made to see it as futile, and organization is purposely difficult for us.
Ethan Williams
Not necessarily National Socialists either. I speak of people "committed" to stopping white genocide, primarily. That was one of the core reasons for the original creation of German National Socialism - to protect their race.
Robert Nguyen
You're probably right. Everyone around me seems to just want the status quo because they're comfortable. Sometimes I think we won't go full natsoc until people actually know hunger and pain.
Jaxson Hughes
Im starting to think it would be better for the white race if cuckchan Holla Forums were to be shut down, and them not able to peacefully discuss things with the enemy, who has no interest in discussing anything, but merely subverting and suppressing opposition through violence.
You know what they say about fighting fire.
Cooper Morales
Christopher Baker
low effort OP
Chase Allen
I don't need to put in effort to dress up Rockwell's words. He speaks for himself.
I didn't have the time to listen to the whole thing so I watched the 14min video by Omniphi. Great stuff, great man.
Justin Hughes
The thing is that while many anons on here are ready and willing to spend their lives for the cause, they do not want to waste their lives.
There is a big difference between spending your life and wasting it.
Zachary Bell
Cooper Anderson
They have done studies where they test people, and where one person is instructed to cheat - while the test subject is able to see them. They tested how much more likely someone is to behave out of the expected rules - when they see someone else acting out, and also when they see someone else acting out - who gets away with it.
I forget the exact numbers, but people who see others cheating are something like 20-30% likely to cheat themselves, and when they saw the cheater get away with it - something like 70-90% would cheat, too.
When people see other people getting away with murder, they are prone to start murdering too.
Did you know that in every country, the murder rate is some 1/10th to 1/20th of the rate of people who disappear? Isnt that funny.
Austin Barnes
i agree. People are too comfortable, so long as they have their TV and electricity they will just be passive to EVERYTHING that goes on around them.
Aaron Turner
Well you know what you need to do. Disable their TV and electricity.
All the other pieces of information started to drop together with it to cement this feeling of global claustrophobia. To the nature of the niggers. To the lack of involvement and recognition of that nature by others. There are signs everywhere that this topic which is becoming a global issue soon enough. Is going to dominate the status quo for the next generations.
Then there is the obesity thing which is also engulfing it. The dying off of the many species. The global warming (that I became a little bit skeptical about but still), the plastics in the oceans, the fact that fish populations also started to decline a while ago, the ozon layer and the hole in the north pole? (which was decreasing thanks to regulation?)
There are just so many variables that are telling me that its actually getting much, much worse and that nobody is really dealing with them. The spirit of the whites is also failing, as they are turning into r selected degenerates, who are depressed and on pills for that.
Everything basically is failing, every person in a position of power is a huge loser, the think tanks that are supposed to fix this outside of there are fucking useless.
that is what causes my desire to shout from the roofs that we must kill all the niggers, jews and mudslimes. Not because girls dont smile enough at me or some dumb liberal crap like that.
Zachary Phillips
I thought it was just a meme. I didn't know it was that fucking popular.
Isaac Hall
Robert Gutierrez
I dont knows about other people on this board, but I am of the opinion that the next few decades will decide the fate of the entire human race. Call me egotistical, vain, retarded, whatever you want. The fact remains that if we fuck it up and fail, our species is fucked. If we fail this time it will be at least another 50-70 years before another movement starts. Can you imagine how fucked everything will be by then? Fish will be all but extinct thanks to overfishing because no one will do anything until it is too late, oceans will be trash heaps and half the continents will look like Australia, desertified and barely liveable because of irresponsible aquifer drainage to grow water intensive crops like fucking corn and almonds and shit.
We can't even just let it collapse and start over, it's not even an option anymore. Why? You ask. Nuclear reactors, don't get me wrong I love nuclear power, it's fucking great. But if shit falls apart and we get even 15-20 reactors go fully critical, and that's extremely conservative, everything will be irradiated to shit for tens of thousands of years.
We have a small window of opportunity, a tiny one, all things considered in which to fix our fucked up civilisation before this happens. I am only a man, but I have faith in the human spirit and know that we can do this thing. We must, we have no choice.
Nicholas Gutierrez
less science, less means to react to environmental changes/problems in industry india and the chinks will probably start shit and then nuke us and the rest of the world with them, china especially is troublesome because they have an incredible problem with their ever increasing population, which will hugely make them ever more angry to expand and demand resources why do monkeys even need cellphones, we would be much better off if the minerals were reserved for the better races ancient rome, but as you said, with nuclear reactors, and nearly global the cheetas are dying out thanks to niggers now and nobody is going to do shit at this point, because people like Alexander Fleming (who invented penicillin) now have created lazy, dumb and fat millenials who will smoke weed and then die instead of being spurred to create something good for humanity, shit, even the son of soros is one of these fags driving the niggers more to the north, since water is quite limited in africa
and thats just the tip of the iceberg, what we are basically getting into, thanks to global trade and global communication is a worldwide end of the civilization cycle, dragging nearly everyone along with it.
Which means that all the mudslimes that we are importing into europe are going to be a cause for a long, bloody and horrible civil war. That will most likely involve nukes.
Pretty much all outcomes have nukes.
Its fucking dire as crap.
Brody Jenkins
Lets say I want to die for Holla Forums or national socialism in general, but I have no guns. What should I do?
Nathaniel Martin
You shouldn't "want to die" for anything, but if you don't fear death, put yourself out there for the cause like he did. It only takes a couple signs and some fliers to spread awareness.
Michael Lewis
I want my life to end, user. But I at least want to die in service to this place. It's done more for me than anything else so I mine as well give back.
should I even get into the topic of the rampant decrease of bio diversity?
Or as the user above mentioned, that huge patch of plastics in the ocean which is now turning into micro plastics, that fish eat, and then it gets into our food supply?
Jaxson Anderson
should I put up a picture of the water stress map? Or the pm2.5 pollution?
there is just so much that I have learned over the years that makes me worried about the world.
We are heading towards nuclear war, thats for sure. Nuclear war with mudslimes, or chinks, or generally everyone. Because everyone has become too dumb and too r selected to deal with it now.
Adrian Smith
I'm no green hippy by any means but shit like this man….
and we are fucking going to die instead of killing the lazy, the fat and the dumb who preside over us.
You know what would ease the burdens to the world massively in the short term? Relatively easy? if we stopped feeding africa.
90% of them would die in the first 3 months after that. Can you imagine the huge burden it would take off the world?
Aiden Wright
fug, meant continent really.
Josiah Sullivan
The whole reason natsoc emerged in the first place was to fight the fire of jew-led leftist degeneracy with fire.
Matthew Gomez
You shouldn't, this is one of the most interesting and eventful times to be alive. Try to work out whatever's making you feel that way.
I'm sure someone will suggest some kind of act of violence, but at this point that would only help the enemy.
Ryder Richardson
Suicide bomb George Soros or something.
Zachary Cox
You're right, it's not. And it's only going to get worse.
The 6 billion useless shitskins will murder this planet's biome… and us with it. No one will help us. No one can. Our own people are either too dumb and indoctrinated, or have sold out to the kikes. We're on our own.
But there's hope: get into bio-STEM. Virology, to be exact. War is messy and risky; synthetic plague is silent, deadly, quick, and far too efficient, especially in today's hyper-porous global, borderless world where diseases piggyback on planes from one continent to another.
You know what needs to be done.
t. molebiofag
Nolan Lopez
im not sure what you think a "think tank" means but it basically is just a private propaganda company. kind of like an ad agency, they are just professional memers hired to promote agenda. Example: Soros Open society think tank promotes racemixing
Lincoln Davis
Kayden Bailey
It's been said before, and it needs to be said again: The survival of our race is the survival of the planet.
Jaxon Nguyen
CHECKED also dont forget that theres is at least 4 bio-med Holla Forumslacks in the world and from what theyv regularly said over the last 12 months, its going to get easier to make a virus for the use that your saying
and thats now imagine 10 years from now or 20 i have no doubt something will happen to adjust the scales
Liam Barnes
How new are you? (genuine question) I know that the first months with the redpill can be extremely tough. So if you are in that stage just hang on. You will be a better person on the other side.
Aaron Miller
FBI cointel, don't engage.
Brody Barnes
thats a good focus, I approve. If I had the choice right now I would release such a plague without remorse upon the brown world.
Robert Peterson
Wtf OP I was literally having this dialogue with myself yesterday. Those who are not fanatics ofsome sort do not have passion for anything, so they are essentially robots/zombies with nothing to live/fight/die for. If there is nothing to die for then what is there worth living for? I don't get 'moderates' and demonisation of 'extremism'. To be moderate in a world full of corruption is a much more disgusting path to take.