Cops are going full on armed for New Year in London.
The fuckers know that something is going to happen.
I couldn't give a shit as I live miles away from London. But the police going around with weapons is serious business.
Cops are going full on armed for New Year in London.
The fuckers know that something is going to happen.
I couldn't give a shit as I live miles away from London. But the police going around with weapons is serious business.
Police with guns in Bongistan? Have a bump
Maybe now they won't need to call down the entire precint to stop a lone shitskin armed with a plastic spoon trying to rape people
Big Ben for 9-11 2, jihadist boogaloo?
Strong possibility my dude!
Sorry for being off topic but did anything happen in Germany over chrismtas? They got ready there too but IDK if anything happened.
They're probably armed to discourage militias from protecting whites.
Wouldn't doubt it.
Yeah a big fucking truck went through a town square during a celebrations.
Lots of dead kids.
Warning: MAJOR False Flag event in NYE 16-17 INCOMING
Holy shit were you under a rock? A Tan German lost control of his liberated mobile shipping container (freed from the clutches of a patriarchal heteronomative Polish shitlord oppressor) and accidentally brought cultural enrichment to a dozen people in a Holiday market!
I've been away from Holla Forums for a bit. I'll keep looking. Shit's either a mountain high or buried under shit.
I live in the sticks about 400 miles from London. Unfortunately, I must go there sometimes for work and travel. It's a shithole. Like Paris.
Cops routinely carrying weapons on the streets is unheard of. Obviously at airports they are armed.
This is a new development. Something is going to happen.
Stop deflecting.
Londonistan is probably gonna get hit.
They're talking about erecting some kind of steel ring to protect their precious rothschilds buildings.
Dubs say that Elizabeth tower is going down.
stay safe user
Why not both? NYC is deploying sand trucks to protect against bomb blasts.
What about Trump Tower? is he even there today? didn't consider that.
How do they expect to stop suicide truckers with guns?
I'm very safe. Thanks, mate.
I live up a mountain. I was just pointing out that there might be some shit going down in London.
that bong needs an rpg
So they'll kill a bunch of pakis and nigerians, so what?
Not Trump tower, but Times Square… I shall be watching a stream to see if anything happens.
that's gotta be pretty effective
except for those garbage trucks all being driven by jihadis
Shoot the driver.
with this
Oh look an even more effective roadblock to go with that shooting device :^)
Does Bongsul even have that?
At least a habbening in America will be put down quick unless it's a false flag.
Britain though…
Big Ben is falling to pieces and needs £tens-of-millions in repairs. Similar to the huge estimated cost of demolishing the asbestos-laden twin towers for the rebuild Silverstein started planning in 2000. It's
Actually they're talking about ring fencing canary wharf, rothschild building is in city of London lol
That's like squirrel hunting with a shotgun. You don't want to kill 1,000 good White people just to get at one angry Paki.
this would probably be best
Pointless, being vacated for a few years soon for urgent repairs of parliament building, would expect it blown up after it fell into disuse as a building site, easier to destroy that way with less security
Don't forget to put in the special payload
Pointless to attack London unless it's right in the centre, only 45% white British now, our capital has fallen
I don't think mudshits really put that much thought into what they go snackbar on.
They'd probably keep attacking if London was only 25% British, and then start bombing each other like they do all the time over in the middle east.
I lived there for five years, they've always been armed around Westminster and the Houses of Parliament.
It has symbolic value, as the only real city in the UK. It's also managed to escape largely unscathed with minor exceptions like Lee Rigby since the 7/7 bus bombing.
Honestly, it's well overdue a major incident at this point.
Nah mate
Just a drive through lane on christmas market
arabs only
Good now maybe they can purge their corrupt (((government))) and purge their once great country of all the mudshits currently occupying it.
thread theme
Don't forget it's also National Bacon Day (in the US)
B-Bill Murray
Nobody'll believe you, user.
haha capped just in case
You cheeky fucker
If only there would be a snackbar right in the City of London.
Can't have any of these in Bongistan, bin them.
Most likely they're there to shoot the legs of any white women who resist rape and enrichment from the foreign hordes.
They need something with some ass behind it. Drag the old L1A1's out.
Where's that piece of shit mayor gonna be?
Do britbong cops even know how to use guns? They don't even get a shitty M9 service pistol normally.
That image is bad. Regressives will point out "well, Christians also don't follow true Christianity then!". The point is no Christian stones people for working on a Saturday.
The real point that must be put forward is that most Muslims do believe in the literal, ISIS Islam.
they did the last time I played The Getaway.
on Playstation 2.
They have awful trouble finding British officers willing to be fire armed trained because they know if they have to use them they will be vilified by the press, government and own superior officers.
please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims please kill muslims
This. I knew a friend who had family in the force, they all love the idea of playing big man cop like the burgers at first but then get told if they shoot anyone they will be raked over hot coals by our press and media regardless of the context.
We had liberal faggots moaning that guns were used to subdue the cunts that tried to decapitate Lee Rigby for fucks sake…
It would be a pleasant change of pace. An attack that ends in the police violently gunning down a muslim mob.
What a cucked, worthless country.
They have specifically trained armed police, don't just give any cop a gun like in burgerland.
They were tipped off that someone said something "racist".
wew that's reassuring.
…we are the only other member of NATO who doesn't just drag the USA down.
We have better trained soldiers than the USA, and the same equipment. Plus our soldiers walk around with SA80s.
Glad the brits figured out how to use a gun.
Do you even Super Gavin?
From the thumbnail those look like giant grenades strapped to the side.
oh shit they found weapons.
What could they have done with this?
The perspective on that drawing is triggering the fuck out of me
NYPD started doing that after Nice.
They had dump trucks around Trump tower and HRC's hotel on Nov 8.
You actually can - the British army is one of the top 5.
The M113 Super Gavin transcends time and space. The human mind is incapable of comprehending its form and thus adequately reproducing its glory.
you have to go back
No they don't.
The normalfag public is scared of a truck attack "protect us masters" they say. So the cops wear guns to make the normalfags feel safe.
Pretty soon the slaves will be demanding that cops carry guns ALL THE TIME.
Because it makes them feel "safe."
How convenient.
Fucking slaves, seriously.
I put up a pair of dubs on the US or the Netherlands.
Netherlands it is then.
6 isn't an American number.
We are a prison not a country, engaging in this conversation could be construed as a misuse of communications and have me thrown in a gulag for example. We have a government who openly abandoned the rights of its citizens, who tells you to your face that if you challenge it that it will destroy you. People didn’t ask for any of it.
Bong you just sold an aircraft carrier to roaches as scrap, sit down be quiet and we'll call you when it's coalition time
u wot
I got ID dubs as well, it could mean anything.
The Oera Linda says that Brits are descendants of criminals anyway. :^)
Agree but how would a single shot kill all the White population of London?
We NEED a copypasta of that.
oh fuck then it's the ultimate weapon
they just need miniature skeletons to attack people with them.
This + that ring of steel shit confirms londonistan is about to get fucked soon.
financial kikes are battening down the hatches in a big way, they know something is coming and don't know what.
1. Sandnigger populations in Europe are reaching critical mass
2. Sandniggers are getting real twitchy because cucks and kikes may no longer be able to protect them due to the rise of nationalism, aka the great unpozzing of 2016
It's a perfect storm for snackbar'ing.
Surrender your light switches now and we won't charge you with possession of a deadly weapon.
This has to be a parody account.
Maybe the bongs are starting to learn from the burgers.
A kebab or chimp running around stabbing people with a butcher knife while the useless police just watch is ridiculous.
London cops are going full red pill. Sick of immigrant shit. Hoping they're going to shit stir and use it as an excuse to arrest/shoot as many scum as possible.
You do know the ranks of “London” police are aggressively enforced with diversity quotas and native officers are put under investigation if a non-native (which is the majority of London) accuses them of so much as glancing at them the wrong way. If you are redpilled and it the met you are probably only still there whilst you desperately search for an alternate means to pay your mortgage.
This, they're only doing it to protect the last (((white))) area of london. After all, can't have any diversity reaching the banking district.
Eathing pork isn't haram if
That image reads like those "a patriot sat in his college classroom" copypasta.
[spoiler]A bureaucratic Pentagon procurement official was teaching a class on the F-35, known turkey.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the F-35 and accept that it is the greatest multirole fighter jet the world has ever known, even greater than the F-16!”
At this moment, a brave, patriotic Air Force test pilot who had served 15000 flight hours and understood the necessity of a dedicated, survivable ground attack aircraft, stood up and held up a rock.
”How expensive is this rock, pinhead?”
The arrogant official smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “I'd say about half a cent, you stupid flyboy.”
”Wrong. The F-35 is so badly armored that this rock will easily penetrate its fuel tank and bring it down in flames. If it is going to be employed in the CAS role, as you say… then this rock should be worth about $ 500 million!”
The official was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of the F-35 design document. He stormed out of the room crying those bureaucrat's crocodile tears. There is no doubt that at this point he wished so much that he had a reliable aircraft to take him away from the scene of embarassement, but he himself had replaced them with F-35s, all of which had been grounded due to engine troubles!
All students applauded and an A-10C flew over the campus and incinerated all cars on the parking lot. The rationale for inexpensive, reliable and specialized aircraft was read several times, and Pierre Sprey himself showed up and explained why stealth is a scam.
Semper Fi. [/spoiler]
Cops in Londons square mile have carried for years now.
They are just displaying in the hope of a deterrent, BBC were inside the armory of a "typical" police station the other day showing it off and they had fucking everything from the smallest pea shooter right up to rpg's. "Because the police need to know how to disarm any weapon they may come across." I say again, rp fucking g's. They also had an assault rifle for every staff member by the looks of it.
Because no guns Britain is a much safer place than when any British adult could own one. Never forget Dunblane.
I'll be there and can't wait.
tbqh Lads.
I live in Spain and cops are doing the same. It's just "normal" if you live in a multicultural shithole. Here in Spain cops arrest like one Muslim group ready to attack like once a week.